Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline

After seeing Infinity War again...I saw Rhodey's watch in the compound scene, it looked like 6:00.

So, given Scotland is 5 hours ahead of New York, and Wakanda is 7, it's possible they just fly back from Scotland and it's still pre dusk at the compound right? And then they just pack up the Hulkbuster and stuff and fly out to Wakanda that night? Because as I was watching it, it seemed like that was the desired timing of it all. I don't remember the last four SHIELD's beat by beat though, so if I missed something in the movie or on the show that contradicts that thought process, just let me know.

Since I'm positive that the finale happens more than likely
mere moments before the snap
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No one turns to dust in the AoS finale. I'm guessing the season ends right before the snap happens.

That would mean IW takes place over days, possibly longer. I'm thinking time was reversed or, more simple yet, they just haven't tied them together to maintain the shows own road map and characters
That would mean IW takes place over days, possibly longer. I'm thinking time was reversed or, more simple yet, they just haven't tied them together to maintain the shows own road map and characters

Nope. IW is definitely only a 24 hour period (well, not exactly 24 hours but definitely around one day).

The AoS finale ends soon before Thanos arrives in a Wakanda from Titan, before the snap. Hence no people disappearing on AoS. That's per the showrunners themselves.
It definitely seems like several hours have passed between Graviton in Chicago and the "funeral" scene, if not days. Excluding the two we don't see (Fitz and Deke), the team is a total of 7 people, plus the two retirees. It's certainly not statistically impossible that they were all just spared.

Either way there's a narrative disconnect. The tone was too hopeful to have been in a post-Snap world, but at the same time... are we just assuming everyone just expects the Avengers to win? Graviton's entire plan was based around becoming powerful enough to stop Thanos, and now that he's actually coming, SHIELD has no interest in joining the fight?

Not complaining, I think the finale was awesome on it's own and I know the logistics of crossing over are tough, but it makes the timeline a little bumpy.

Personally, I just wish they didn't make these 4 episodes concurrent with IW. The Confederacy could have still used Thanos as an effective scare-tactic without having these episodes take place so close to another potentially cataclysmic event.
Regarding the Wakanda Civil War credits scene, we didn't really see it as a mistake, because there's numerous potential explanations. For example, the comic seems to imply that in the "weeks" since Civil War, they have been trying to come up with a solution for Bucky but haven't found something yet, and have come to the conclusion that for now, the best option is to freeze him. So, in Black Panther, either Bucky has already arrived in Wakanda and Shuri has been trying to come up with a solution, or she's been told about Bucky and that she'll be having to work on him. With the beginning of the film seemingly - and as synopses have said - being T'Challa's first return to Wakanda after his father's death, and the comic saying "weeks later", we decided that it should place after the film, and not before or during the first half.

Also, on my second viewing, I too caught the 10:24 in Fury's car. I didn't catch the clock in Scotland - I can see where it is, from going to that scene on an online version - it's immediately after the Q-ship in Edinburgh flies away. But the angle is very hard to see, and the online versions have the clock-face looking too bright.

Something else that I noticed this time, which weirdly, I hadn't thought of before, was specifics about Thor's hair. It's almost exactly the same as in Ragnarok, including the streaks on the side of his head from Stan Lee's bad haircutting skills. This would also suggest it's been very little time since the events of the film. It's possible that Asgardian hair grows slower than humans, but yeah, just another point there.

I've been doing time zone working and working out the rough timings for all the Infinity War and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. scenes to see how it fits together and where the divides are between days.
The Episode 20 notes are not particularly firmly timed, because there is no next milestone to match it with, like a sunrise to stretch the night's events across - it's just working forwards from the previous timings.
Also, the timings come from an assumption of January 10th-11th, considering it doesn't seem like Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. can be later than early January. With Tony's phone saying it's Wednesday, and the S.H.I.E.L.D. events picking up a few days prior in early January, then the earliest it can be is January 10th. So that's the date I used for the timings, with it being the only date I can see working - plus, it's closer to Ragnarok. The sunrise and sunset times would be slightly different depending on the time of year, though, if it were a bit later than January 10th-11th.

But here's the results:

•13:05-12 - The Statesman.
---As late as possible so that Thor is floating through space for the minimum time possible. Hulk is sent off about 2 minutes before the end of the scene, and that is at least 2 minutes before "Thanos is coming."
•13:12 - "Thanos is coming."
---As late as possible so that Thor is floating through space for the minimum time possible. At least 2 minutes after Hulk was sent from The Statesman. At least 5 minutes before they talk to Tony and Pepper, because Bruce has to get changed.
•13:16-17 - Pepper and Tony.
---As late as possible so that Thor is floating through space for the minimum time possible. At least 4-5 minutes after "Thanos is coming." At least 2-3 minutes before the discussion in the Sanctum.
•13:19-21 - The discussion in the Sanctum.
---13:21 - Tony checks the phone. The Q-ship arrives.
•"WED" "01:21PM" shown on phone. So as late as possible, the film begins at 13:05.
•13:22-41 - Attack on Greenwich Village. Tony and Peter end up on the ship.
•13:42 - Bruce calls Steve.
---"01:42PM" shown on phone.
•13:42 - The Guardians pick up Thor.
---Immediately after so as to minimise the time since The Statesman exploded.
•13:50 - Thor wakes and tells them everything that happened.
•14:10/19:10 Scotland (or 15:45/20:45 Scotland) - Scotland bedroom.
---Now things get problematic, and it's all because the Avengers Facility scene is shown to be daytime, when it should be night.
---The birds are cheeping when they return to the New Avengers Facility, suggesting it's the morning, which would mean it's after the 07:19 sunrise - earliest possible 07:25. However, the problem there is that the flight after that from New York to Wakanda (which, from the map in Civil War, is by Lake Turkana, Kenya) is about 7094.589 miles. Quinjet top speeds have been calculated to be about 1600mph - which happens to match the comics' Quinjet top speed of Mach 2.1, which is 1611.27mph. 7094.589 miles/1611.27mph = a 4:24 flight. Even at the dangerous absolute top speed of about 2000mph from The Team, 7094.589 miles/2000mph = 3:33 flight. Including time to get up to top speed, there is absolutely no way the jet is getting to Wakanda before 11:05 New York time, which would be 18:05 Wakanda time - with Wakanda's sunset being 18:46. If they went at absolute top speed and the Wakanda events happened as fast as absolutely possible, you could just about, juuusssttt squeeze the Wakanda events in before sunset, finishing no later than 18:40, 11:40 New York. However, Fury's car in the credits scene says "10:24", and the scene was shot in Atlanta. This would suggest that the scene takes place 10:24 east coast, so 17:24 Wakanda time - but that's before the earliest time that they could possibly have even arrived in Wakanda. Even if it's another time zone and not Atlanta, which would be odd because it looks like Atlanta, it is still a :24, meaning the latest it can be is 11:24 east coast, 18:24 Wakanda, and there's just no way that all the Wakanda events take place in 19 minutes between arrival and the snap - especially with that already assuming that the Avengers went dangerously fast to get to Wakanda already. More likely than it being not Atlanta is the car clock being wrong, but then we're back to still pushing it with 11:40. Also, with it being night in Scotland, if it is morning in New York when they arrive, they must have delayed for several hours before getting back, despite the scene showing Steve directing them "home" (the facility), straight there.
---So, OK, what if the New Avengers Facility scene is actually still on the Wednesday, just before sunset? Sunset is 16:47, so realistically, the latest this can be is 16:40. Well, that wouldn't really make sense with the birds tweeting, but that's not particularly bad - can it fit in otherwise? From Edinburgh Waverley station to New York is about 3262.368 miles. 3262.368 miles/1611.27mph maximum is a 2:01 flight + a few minutes of speeding up and slowing down, which would mean that the latest they could have left Scotland really is 14:35 New York/19:35 Scotland, to get there by 16:40. So, Steve and co. got there by 14:30, arriving in Wakanda about 48 minutes after Bruce called at 13:42. If they got on the jet immediately, it's a 45-minute journey. 0.75 hours*1611.27mph = 1208.4525 miles maximum that they could have been from Edinburgh. The majority of Europe is within that radius, so if they were in Europe at the time of being called, that works - especially with them mentioning that the plan was always for Vision and Scarlet Witch to stay nearby. And then that allows for the finale to fit comfortably before 10:42 and before the Wakanda sunset. However, Bwdelano says that the clock-face shown at an angle behind Steve after the fight in Edinburgh Waverley station (specifically the shot after you see the Q-ship leave) looks like it might read as 9:10. I didn't catch it myself, it was too fast, and online versions are too unfocused to see any hands. This would make it 21:10, so 16:10 New York, and therefore they cannot get back to the facility before sunset, so it would have to be the next morning. However, apart from the implication from the bird noises and the possible clock-face, this way around works. It also works better for Corvus Glaive and Proxima Midnight only just turning up, being pretty soon after New York is attacked rather than several hours, as well as the fact that the news is showing the New York events as "breaking news". This also means that the jet can simply go straight back to the facility from Scotland, which makes more sense. And, if the facility scene is that afternoon instead of the next morning, that would also make more sense for the Q-ship Doctor Strange scenes which pick up afterwards - it would allow those scenes to be more like 11 hours after Tony and Peter got on-board, instead of about 19. It seems like Tony and Peter haven't been on-board very long when Tony realises Peter's still there, so the less time the better.
---The third option is that the film actually lasts not 21.5 hours, but 45.5 hours. So the facility scene would be the following morning of the Thursday, but then the Wakanda events are the morning after that, the Friday. This seems unlikely since it would mean that Strange, Tony, and Peter don't eat or drink for 2 days as they travel, and generally doesn't fit with the feel of the film. This possibility though comes down to Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. in the end. If the events of the last 2 episodes carry through to the next morning and coincide with the end of the film, then it's just 21.5 hours. If they spend a whole day still fine, with the end of the film having not occurred yet by next afternoon, then the film lasts 45.5 hours.
---For now though, I'm assuming that the facility scene is 16:40 on the Wednesday, as this is currently the most-supported option, but will put the other options up as well in case.
---So, this scene, about 25 minutes before the fighting ends at 14:35 New York/19:35 Scotland, would be about 14:10 New York/19:10 Scotland.
•14:30-35/19:30-35 Scotland (or 16:05-10/21:05-10 Scotland) - Edinburgh fight.
•15:17 (or 21:15) - Gamora asks Peter to kill her if Thanos gets her. Drax thinks he's mastered being invisible.
---Two scenes between 14:35 and 16:40, so 16:40 - 14:35 = 2:05. 2:05/3 = 0:41.66667. 14:35 + 0:41.66667 = 15:16.66667, 15:17.
---Otherwise, two scenes between 16:10 and 07:25, so Thursday 07:25 - Wednesday 16:10 = 15:15. 15:15/3 = 5:05. 16:10 + 5:05 = 21:15.
•15:58 (or Thursday 02:20) - Knowhere.
---15:16.66667 + 0:41.66667 = 15:58.33333, 15:58.
---Otherwise, 21:15 + 5:05 = 02:20.
•16:40 (or Thursday 07:25) - The facility.
---As explained, either 16:40 or Thursday 07:25.
•23:45/06:45 Wakanda (or Thursday 07:47/14:47 Wakanda, or Thursday 10:02/17:02 Wakanda) - Wakanda. Bucky gets his new arm.
---If you were to distribute the scenes between the facility and the arrival in Wakanda, this would be soon after the facility scene. However, by 16:40 New York, we're at 23:40 Wakanda, which is way after sunset. Sunrise in Wakanda is 06:34, so 23:34 New York, so the earliest this scene can be - placing it as early as possible - is 23:45/06:45 New York.
---If the facility is 07:25, then we're already just distributing the scenes between this and the next time-allocated scene, when they arrive in Wakanda at 11:05ish absolute earliest. So 9 scenes between 07:25 and 11:05. 11:05 - 07:25 = 3:40. 3:40/10 = 0:22. 07:25 + 0:22 = 07:47.
---Or, if the film spans 45.5 hours, then we're looking at 07:25 on the Thursday to 09:30 on the Friday. So 10 scenes between Thursday 07:25 and Friday 09:30. Friday 09:30 - Thursday 07:25 = 26:05. 26:05/10 = 2:36.5. 07:25 + 2:36.5 = 10:01.5, 10:02.

•00:50 (or 08:09, or 12:38 ) - Ebony Maw tortures Strange. Peter reveals he's still there. Using the vaccuum. They decide to let the ship go to Titan.
---8 scenes between 23:45 and 09:30 (which is the natural time for their arrival in Wakanda if you work back from 10:24). 09:30 - 23:45 = 9:45. 9:45/9 = 1:05. 23:45 + 1:05 = 00:50.
---Or, if the facility is 07:25, then 07:47 + 0:22 = 08:09.
---Or, if the facility is 07:25 and the film spans 45.5 hours, then 10:01.5 + 2:36.5 = 12:38.
•01:55 (or 08:31, or 15:15) - Gamora says she hated her life. Thanos reveals he is torturing Nebula, until Gamora tells him the Soul Stone is on Vormir.----MIDDLE OF THE FILM----
---00:50 + 1:05 = 01:55.
---Or, if the facility is 07:25, then 08:09 + 0:22 = 08:31.
---Or, if the facility is 07:25 and the film spans 45.5 hours, then 12:38 + 2:36.5 = 15:14.5, 15:15.
•03:00 (or 08:53, or 17:51) - Thor laments everything he's lost. Rocket gives him a new cybernetic eye. They arrive in Nidavellir and meet Eitri.
---01:55 + 1:05 = 03:00.
---Or, if the facility is 07:25, then 08:31 + 0:22 = 08:53.
---Or, if the facility is 07:25 and the film spans 45.5 hours, then 15:14.5 + 2:36.5 = 17:51.
•04:05 (or 09:15, or 20:28 ) - Nebula escapes and contacts Mantis.
---03:00 + 1:05 = 04:05.
---Or, if the facility is 07:25, then 08:53 + 0:22 = 09:15.
---Or, if the facility is 07:25 and the film spans 45.5 hours, then 17:51 + 2:36.5 = 20:27.5, 20:28.
•05:10 (or 09:37, or 23:04) - The Q-ship crashes on Titan. The Guardians meet Tony, Peter, and Strange.
---04:05 + 1:05 = 05:10.
---Or, if the facility is 07:25, then 09:15 + 0:22 = 09:37.
---Or, if the facility is 07:25 and the film spans 45.5 hours, then 20:27.5 + 2:36.5 = 23:04.
•06:15 (or 09:59, or Friday 01:41) - Eitri shows them the mould for Stormbreaker.
---05:10 + 1:05 = 06:15.
---Or, if the facility is 07:25, then 09:37 + 0:22 = 09:59.
---Or, if the facility is 07:25 and the film spans 45.5 hours, then 23:04 + 2:36.5 = 01:40.5, 01:41.
•07:20 (or 10:21, or Friday 04:17) - The two teams on Titan discuss plans. "Kick names, take ass." Strange returns from seeing 14 million futures.
---06:15 + 1:05 = 07:20.
---Or, if the facility is 07:25, then 09:59 + 0:22 = 10:21.
---Or, if the facility is 07:25 and the film spans 45.5 hours, then 01:40.5 + 2:36.5 = 04:17.
•08:25 (or 10:43, or Friday 06:54) - Vormir.
---07:20 + 1:05 = 08:25.
---Or, if the facility is 07:25, then 10:21 + 0:22 = 10:43.
---Or, if the facility is 07:25 and the film spans 45.5 hours, then 04:17 + 2:36.5 = 06:53.5, 06:54.
•09:30 (or 11:05, or same time on the Friday) - Arriving in Wakanda.
•09:40-09:45 (or 11:08, or same time on the Friday) - Shuri and Banner. The Outrider ships begin to crash down.
•09:57-10:02 (or 11:12-17, or same time on the Friday) - Thor uses Rocket's ship to start moving the rings of Nidavellir. The forge starts up but then breaks.
•09:57-10:05 (or 11:12-20, or same time on the Friday) - The group prepare in Wakanda. Cull Obsidian and Proxima Midnight approach. The Outriders are unleashed. Charge.
•10:05-10:08 (or 11:18-21, or same time on the Friday) - Thor holds the forge. Stormbreaker is forged. Groot makes the handle.
•10:10-10:12 (or 11:21-23, or same time on the Friday) - The battle continues. Thor arrives.
•10:12-10:19 (or 11:22-29, or same time on the Friday) - Thanos gets to Titan. Strange greets him. The group all attack. They try to get the gauntlet off, but Star-Lord loses control. Thanos throws the moon at them.
•10:14-10:19 (or 11:24-29, or same time on the Friday) - Rocket and Bucky team up. Steve talks to Thor and Groot. The underground mining vehicles erupt from the ground. Wanda goes to the battlefield but Corvus Glaive then attacks Shuri. Hulkbuster fights Cull Obsidian. Vision and Steve fight Corvus Glaive. The women fight Proxima Midnight and Scarlet Witch kills her. Vision kills Corvus Glaive.
•10:19-10:23 (or 11:29-33, or same time on the Friday) - Spider-Man grabs the Guardians as the moon crashes down on them. Strange takes on Thanos. Thanos attacks Iron Man, who does everything he can to fight back. Thanos stabs Tony, and Strange gives Thanos the stone in return for sparing Tony.
•10:23 (or 11:31, or same time on the Friday) - Thor continues to fight. Vision senses Thanos coming. The team all fail against Thanos. Vision tells Wanda to destroy the stone, and she does. Nonetheless, Thanos reverses Vision and takes the stone. Thor hurls the axe, but Thanos survives.
•10:24/17:24 (or 11:32, or same time on the Friday) - The snap.
•10:24-25/17:24-25 (or 11:32-33, or same time on the Friday) - People disappear. Credits scene.
---"10:24" shown in Fury's car.

And the time zones for Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.:

•Events of Episode 14.
[Episode 15]
•Coulson is shown his room.

•Coulson is given the cereal/Ruby ploy.
•Coulson is told about Ruby being Hale's daughter.
•Coulson is shown the Confederacy machine.
•Coulson meets Qovas.
•Coulson reveals he killed Whitehall.
•Hale reveals that Ruby was designed for the project. However, she suggests Daisy.
•Coulson reveals that he saw the outcome when he and his team were in the future.
•Ruby asks Coulson how she failed, but he reveals that it wasn't her who was the Destroyer of Worlds.
•Ruby shows Coulson what has happened to Talbot.

•The team work out Hale is Hydra.----MIDDLE OF EPISODE 15----
•May visits Fitz.
•Mack and Jemma operate to give Yo-Yo her new arms.
•May and Daisy talk to Fitz. Daisy is angry.
•Daisy goes to contact the Hintons.
•Simmons reveals that Deke is their grandson, and tells him she feels they are invincible.

[Episode 16]
•07:40 - Coulson is in isolation.
---Daytime Appalachian Mountains. Sunrise 07:33. Has to be right after and time has to be absolutely minismised to make this fit, as will be explained.
•07:41 - Hale offers Creel the new material. Ruby asks her mother what she is doing. Coulson has been in isolation for 2 days.
•07:43 - Creel touches the gravitonium.
•07:43 - Yo-Yo tests her new arms.
•07:43 - Fitz is unimpressed with Deke.
•07:45 - Simmons asks Deke about whether she and Fitz survive, and he confirms it.
•07:47 - Zephyr One is leaving to pick up Robin.
•07:53 - Simmons questions Yo-Yo about her feeling that she can't die. Simmons says that Deke is their proof that she and Fitz will also survive, and she promises to get Fitz out.
•07:59 - Hale talks to Creel. Creel is going mad with the noises in his head.
•08:05 - The Retreat. Picking up Robin.
---Daytime, so after 07:19ish. Minimum time since the Zephyr left at 07:47.
•08:18 - Ruby visits Strucker, who says he's close.
•08:18 - 5 minutes out from the Zephyr One. Robin's not helping Daisy.
---Daytime, so after 07:19ish. Minimum time since the Quinjet picked up Robin at 08:00.
•08:18 - Mack is frustrated with Yo-Yo, who wants him to let Fitz out.
•08:18 - Creel can't sleep. He goes to Coulson.
---Earliest possible, still 08:18.
•08:21 - Creel says the gravitonium wants Coulson dead. Coulson tells him what's happened to
Talbot, and Creel takes out the guard and takes Coulson to where he thinks Talbot might be and see if he's telling the truth.
---Earliest possible, 08:16.
•08:23 - Polly wonders what Robin's last drawing meant.----MIDDLE OF EPISODE 16----
---Docking, so 5 minutes after 08:13.
•08:24 - Robin sees May and calls her "Mom".
---Daytime, so before 16:45ish.
•08:24 - They find Talbot.
•08:24 - Simmons and Yo-Yo pull the stunt on Mack.
•08:26 - Yo-Yo accidentally sets off the gun.
•08:26 - May and Robin talk. Robin had stopped drawing. She says Coulson will die. She draws Coulson in a mountain range.
•08:27 - Deke wants sympathy from Daisy.
•08:27 - Creel is going mad as they try to escape. A mech hears them.
•08:28 - An alarm is set off. Hale sends Ruby after them.
•08:28 - The Invincible Three go to the closest location.
---As early as possible, 08:28.
•08:29 - As the alarm goes off, the trio are attack. Coulson's heart stops, but Creel revives him.
•08:30 - Ruby arrives with mechs and they pursue the trio.
•09:12 - May and Polly talk. Robin still wants Polly.
There are two scenes between 08:30 and the Invincible Three arriving in Herefordshire. That needs to be as early as possible because very little time has passed for Coulson and Talbot and it has to be as early as possible to still be daytime in Herefordshire by just before the end of the episode. 3378.303 miles, and the top speed of a Quinjet is Mach 2.1 (it can go slightly faster, up to 2000mph in extreme urgency when they need the risky speeds, like in The Team, but otherwise, the top speed is 1611.27mph). 3378.303 miles/1611.27mph = 2:06 flight at top speed, + a few minutes to get up to top speed, so absolute minimum 2:09. They get to Herefordshire at 08:28 + 2:09 = 10:37. 10:37-08:30 = 2:07. 2:07/3 = 0:42.33333, so 08:30 + 0:42.33333 = 09:12.33333. 09:12.
•09:54 - Pinned down.
---Second block of scenes, 09:12.33333 + 0:42.33333 = 09:54.66667. 09:54-09:55.
•09:55 - Escape with the teleport machine.
•09:55 - Creel and Ruby fight. Ruby throws a chakram at Creel, who wedges it in his chest, made of wood. Hale sends Ruby after Coulson and Talbot.
•09:55 - Coulson and Tlabot arrive in the snow.
[Episode 17]
•10:37/15:37 Herefordshire - Herefordshire, skydiving.
---No more than 2½ hours ago it was still daytime in the U.S., which means it is morning U.S./afternoon U.K., not night U.S./morning U.K.. I tried both ways around, and this can just about barely work, the other way cannot work at all. This is why the timings have been like this so far. As explained, 08:28 + 2:09 flight = 10:37 is the very earliest it can be. This is 15:37 Herefordshire, so they've got 42 minutes until sunset at 16:19.
•10:37 - Talbot feels like he let people down.
•10:37 - Ruby goes through the machine.
•10:37 - The team follow the drawing and go to land.
•10:44 - Quake arrives.
---Absolute minimum the team land at 10:41 and this is 10:44.
•10:45 - Daisy meets Ruby and they fight.
•10:46 - Deke gets injured. Hale arrives.
•10:50 - The team try to help Deke.
•10:50 - Piper lets Mack out of Fitz's cell.
•10:50/15:50 Herefordshire - Yo-Yo worries about radiation poisoning, but they scan and there is none. Fitz is awkward with Yo-Yo about losing arms.
---Earliest possible. Still daytime, still before 11:19/16:19 Herefordshire.
•10:53 - Daisy scolds Deke. He starts coughing blood.
---At least 8 minutes since they tried to help him, so absolute earliest 10:53.
•11:00 - The team wheel Deke to be operated. Piper and Mack agree to operate.
•11:00 - Hale tells off Ruby and locks her in her room
•11:00/16:00 Herefordshire - The Invincible Three move in on the base. Fitz gets an encrypted signal. They notice Ivanov.
---Earliest possible. Still daytime, still before 11:19/16:19 Herefordshire.
•11:03 - Coulson tells Talbot about Deke and the Kree in the future while Deke is operated on.
•11:04 - May tells Coulson she loves him.
•11:04 - Strucker enters Ruby's room and convinces her to lure Hale in and escape.----MIDDLE OF EPISODE 17---
•11:04/16:04 Herefordshire - The Three close in further. Ivanov calls Hale to say the chamber is ready. Fitz sets off explosions and Ivanov tells Hale he'll handle it. The Three find the chamber.
•11:05 - Hale's assistant asks her about Ivanov, and Hale says their interests align.
•11:06 - Hale enters Ruby's room. Ruby says her mother is her weakness and hugs her, then knocks her down and escapes.
•11:08 - Strucker shoots and tells Hale's men to prepare the gravitonium for transport. Ruby catches up with him and tells him they are free and clear.
•11:08 - Talbot and Daisy talk. She asks him to tell him everything he remembers.
•11:08/16:08 Herefordshire - FitzSimmons look at the technology. Yo-Yo reveals that trying to save Coulson is what led to the end. She super-speeds, but her arms malfunction.
•11:08 - Mack and Piper talk about Mack's concerns for Yo-Yo while they operate.
•11:09/16:09 Herefordshire - Yo-Yo is in pain. The soldiers are closing in. She heads out. Simmons is happy this is their honeymoon. Her gun jams and they're running low on ammunition.
•11:10/16:10 Herefordshire - Yo-Yo finds Ivanov.
•11:10/16:10 Herefordshire - Simmons asks for a reminder that time can't be changed, but then realises it's not helping.
•11:11/16:11 Herefordshire - Ivanov insists he no longer feels pain. Yo-Yo fights him and throws him through a window.
---Earliest possible. Still daytime, still before 11:19/16:19 Herefordshire.
•11:12/16:12 Herefordshire - The robots stop working.
•11:12/16:12 Herefordshire - Who's Superior now. The robots convulse.
---Earliest possible. Still daytime, still before 11:19/16:19 Herefordshire.
•12:26 - Deke is on drugs and spilling all his secrets.
---This is between the 11:08 scene and Ruby arriving in Herefordshire. She left around 11:11, and it's a 3810.458-mile journey. Assuming they also have Mach 2.1/1611.27mph, 3810.458 miles/1611.27mph = 2:22, + a few minutes to top speed + a few minutes to get inside, 2:30. So that's 13:41 at the earliest. Should be as early as possible because it looks like it's very soon after Yo-Yo took out Ivanov. So, halfway between 11:12 and 13:41, 12:26.5. This is 12:26-12:27.
•12:27 - Daisy arrives and lets them know that they've got a ping from Hale's robots.
•13:41/18:41 Herefordshire - After inspecting the robots following them fritzing out, Fitz decides it must have been something Yo-Yo did. Ruby and Strucker arrive and force them to fix the machine.
---13:41 as explained.
•17:00 - Talbot calls Carla. She tells him to comply.
---There are 3 scenes between 13:41 and 03:25. 10th 03:25 - 9th 13:41 = 13:44. 13:44/4 = 3:26. 13:41 + 3:26 = 17:07.
[Episode 18]
•20:33 - Talbot mutters to himself that he has to complete his mission.
---17:07 + 3:26 = 20:33.
•20:33 - Mack catches Talbot, but he gets away with it.
•23:59/04:59 Herefordshire - Let her go, I need her help. I ship it. Everyone you care about will die.
---20:33 + 3:26 = 23:59.
•23:59/04:59 Herefordshire - Complicated, it'll take a while. I'll remove body parts.

•03:25/08:25 Herefordshire - Yo-Yo stumbles into the Quinjet in pain.
---08:16 is sunrise time, so this is likely at least 08:25. It seems like pretty soon after Yo-Yo defeated Ivanov, but has to be at least 16 hours. She must have stumbled through the night. Early as possible though. The birds are tweeting in the English countryside, so it is indeed morning, which works.
•07:00 - Phil tries to talk to May about what she said, but she doesn't let him.
•07:00 - Daisy tells them the plan. Wheels up in 5. Coulson praises Daisy's leadership. Daisy reveals that they have found Hale's base in the Appalachian Mountains.
---When Daisy and May arrive, it is seemingly just after Hale has left Creel's room and is going to go after Ruby, so that would be around 07:50. This would be around 07:00.
•07:35 - Hale's assistant tells her that Ivanov is dead, and Creel had gotten much worse.
•07:45 - Hale goes to see Creel, and he's losing control, banging his head against the wall.
---Daylight in Creel's room, so at least 07:33, and ideally at least 07:45. Not later though, since it seems like minimal time has passed.
•07:45 - Coulson and Mack tell Deke that they know he fancies Daisy. He decides he'll use the 2091 lemons etiquette.
•07:50 - Talbot looks at Robin's drawings.
•07:50 - Daisy and May get into a containment module. They jet down to the base as the Zephyr fires a missile ahead.
---Daylight, at least 07:33 Appalachian Mountains.
•07:55 - Hale surrenders to Daisy and May, wanting to get to Ruby.
•07:55/12:55 Herefordshire - Ruby and Strucker threaten FitzSimmons to hurry up.
•08:00/13:00 Herefordshire - Yo-Yo shoots a mech who gets to her jet, still in pain.
•08:05 - Talbot talks to Robin and Polly.----MIDDLE OF EPISODE 18----
•08:10 - Daisy and May tell Coulson that gravitonium also absorbs consciousnesses.
•08:10 - Talbot chokes Polly and takes Robin.
•10:25/15:25 Herefordshire - The team land in England. Hale's fault.
---As established above, the journey is roughly 2:22, + a few minutes to top speed, so 2:25. They would have left around 08:00, meaning this is about 10:25.
---Daylight, so before 16:21 Herefordshire.
•10:26/15:26 Herefordshire - Strucker tells Ruby that a plane just landed. The machine is ready. Strucker starts up a tube to transfer the gravitonium.
•10:26 - Deke turns up to talk to Mack and Coulson. They find that the security feeds are paused.
•10:30 - Coulson finds Polly still breathing.
•10:30/15:30 Herefordshire - Ruby goes into the machine. It starts to go wrong. Hale hears and runs in. They shut it down with only 8% done. Ruby comes out of machine floating.
•10:31/15:31 Herefordshire - Ruby can't deal with the voices. She accidentally kills Strucker. She begins to lose control.
•10:35 - Coulson and Mack confront Talbot as he goes into the hangar. Talbot holds a gun to his own head.
•10:35/15:35 Herefordshire - Ruby can't deal with so many voices. Daisy is kind.
•10:35/15:35 Herefordshire - May arrives as Yo-Yo returns. May says Daisy is handling it.
---Daylight, so before 16:21 Herefordshire.
•10:36 - Talbot believes he can't trust his thoughts. Mack takes Robin. Coulson commands that Talbot turn the gun on him. Mack I.C.E.s him.
•10:36/15:36 Herefordshire - Ruby begins to crush Daisy. She tells Hale she feels she was never good enough, but Hale says that all she ever wanted was Ruby to meet her full potential.
•10:38/15:38 Herefordshire - Yo-Yo arrives and realises Ruby is the one who took her arms. Ruby loses control again.
•10:39/15:39 Herefordshire - Yo-Yo uses the chakram to slice Ruby's throat. Daisy is shocked, and Hale is devastated.
•10:40/15:40 Herefordshire - Ruby's body releases a burst of gravitonium.
---Daylight, so before 16:21 Herefordshire.
•10:41/15:41 Herefordshire - Yo-Yo believes she just saved the world.
•15:00 - Hale visits Qovas and tells him that he can go after S.H.I.E.L.D..
---Ideally at least a few hours after Ruby's death. It would take 4 hours for people on her team to come from the mountains and pick her up and take her back, so that she can use the machine in the mountain base. Plus, her grief isn't quite so intense. The ship arrives at 16:35, so probably a little while before that as well. Coulson telling the team the plan at the beginning of Episode 19 is at 15:20, so that's the earliest this can be. We can assume roughly 15:00, allowing over 4 hours for Hale and 95 minutes between her telling Qovas he can attack and him actually arriving to attack.
[Episode 19]
•15:08 - Talbot tries to sleep in the Lighthouse and mutters coordinates.
---Halfway between 15:00 and 15:15 scenes.
•15:15 - Coulson tells the team the plan to throw the gravitonium into the Sun. The team argue about Yo-Yo killing Ruby.
---Just before May and Daisy scene, which is 15:20.
•15:20 - May and Daisy talk about what May has found from Caine.
---If Coulson expects Daisy to have returned by 16:50, she must have left at least an hour or more beforehand. However, it is better to have it later than earlier, to allow time at the end of Episode 18 for Hale to have been picked up and got back to the Appalachian base, and the agents to have been back for a little while. So, 15:20ish, an hour-and-a-half.
•15:50 - Deke suggests multiverse again. They discuss the possibility of him blinking out of existence.
---Halfway between 15:20 and 16:20 scenes.
•16:20 - Talbot continues to mutter coordinates. He calls for Coulson.
---Presumably about 10 minutes for them to get Coulson to go and see Talbot, which is at 16:30.
•16:30 - Coulson visits Talbot. He tells Coulson he must have given their location.
---Seemingly just before the team realise the ship has arrived at 16:35.
•16:35 - Qovas' ship arrives over the Lighthouse.
---Not long before the 16:45 scene after this, because the marauders would not have waited particularly long to attack.
•16:35 - The team realise they are cut off from the world. Project: Reclamation is triggered, and Rick Stoner's video talks to them. Coulson selects the nuclear attack option before the alien invasion option shows. He accidentally locks them in for 15 years. Coulson tells the agents about the situation.
•16:38 - Qovas video calls them. Coulson says that in the current political climate, they'll probably get shot down.
•16:45 - Yo-Yo tries to explain her actions to Mack, who is not happy.
---Working back from 16:50, as explained later.
•16:48 - May tells Yo-Yo you can only learn to live with your actions.
•16:50 - Coulson wonders why Daisy isn't back by now. May reveals that she's gone dark to get information to save him. Yo-Yo thinks she killed Ruby for nothing.
---This scene continues after the 16:50 moment after this, so this is also 16:50.
•16:50 - Qovas prepares marauders.
---Shown to be dark, but during sunset, around the later part of sunset. So, with sunset being 16:47, this would be roughly 16:50.
•16:50 - Yo-Yo reveals her future self said they have to let Coulson die. Coulson realises the marauders can simply teleport in.
•16:50 - The marauders are sent.
•16:55 - The marauders arrive. Deke runs frmo them and hides in the vent as agents are killed.
•17:00 - Energy fluctuations occur. Deke tells them the marauders are already inside.
•17:05 - Deke tells them about the marauders. Coulson says they need to get Talbot out. Fitz tells Coulson there's an analogue override he needs to get to to get them out. Deke wonders why Daisy isn't back yet.----MIDDLE OF EPISODE 19----
•17:10 - Daisy talks to Tony Caine. He gives her Centipede serum. Mention of the Infinity War events in New York.
---Dark outside.
•17:10 - Yo-yo gets Talbot out of his cell.
•17:10 - Fitz is attacked. Deke helps him, and they get to the override, where they find it ripped up.
•17:15 - Qovas sends more marauders.
•17:15 - Agent Kim goes to the armoury. Coulson decides to defend control. Yo-Yo has Talbot. Deke is fixing the elevator for the gravitonium. Fit tells them the aliens have EMPs, and they need combustible things to create light sources. "Let's light 'em up."
•17:20 - Yo-Yo and Talbot encounter marauders.
•17:20 - Deke panics and doesn't want to die.
•17:25 - Piper, Davis, and Simmons barricade themselves. Yo-Yo and Talbot arrive. Fitz tells Simmons on comms that Deke is still there, so Simmons feels they're safe. Yo-Yo heads out with Davis and Piper, leaving Simmons and Talbot as the last line of defence.
•17:25 - Mack joins Fitz and Deke. Marauders attack.
•17:30 - Yo-Yo, Piper, and Davis shoot into the dark. Yo-Yo leads the way, feeling she can't be killed.
•17:35 - Simmons realises they are surrounded. Talbot takes an I.C.E.R.. He sees the machine and I.C.E.s Simmons. Talbot then enters the machine.
•17:40 - Fitz has made a combustible cocktail. Deke calls Fitz "Gramps", which he doesn't appreciate. The doors rattle, but the noises stop and then come from above. The marauders enter and the team shoot.
•17:40 - Yo-Yo, Piper, and Davis shoot at the marauders attacking the lab. Yo-Yo is concerned that she can't get through to Simmons. The doors suddenly burst open and a marauder's blood is splattered. Graviton emerges.
•17:45 - The team are running out of ammunition and hand-to-hand fighting begins. Talbot enters and crushes the aliens.
•17:50 - Yo-Yo finds Simmons. They see the 100%-used machine.
•17:50 - Talbot lifts Coulson into the air, through the ceiling, and leaves with him. Rick Stoner's video tells them the planet is safe again.
•17:50 - Daisy digs up Jiaying's body.
[Episode 20]
•17:55 - Talbot and Coulson approach Qovas' ship. Talbot believes he can fix the situation.
•17:55 - The team at the Lighthouse are concerned that they can't help out, since the building has only just come back on line.
•18:00 - A remaining marauder takes the odium and attacks Mack. Mack takes him down, and they take him prisoner.
•18:05 - Talbot claims the ship and crushes an alien, forcing the other aliens to kneel.
•18:14 - Mack and Yo-Yo talk about his fight with the rabid alien.
---Five scenes between 18:05 and 19:00. 19:00 - 18:05 = 0:55. 0:55/6 = 0:9.16667. 18:05 + 0:9.16667 = 18:14.16667.
•18:23 - The marauder on odium becomes especially rabid, and then dies. Simmons decides she has to dissect him.
---18:14.16667 + 0:9.16667 = 18:23.33333.
•18:33 - Talbot has everyone kneeling.
---18:23.33333 + 0:9.16667 = 18:32.5.
•18:42 - Coulson visits Hale on the ship and asks to team up.
---18:32.5 + 0:9.16667 = 18:41.66667.
•18:50 - Coulson and Hale return to the Remoraths and talk about the Confederacy. Hale tells Talbot he is the only one who can save them all. She reveals that the aliens wanted gravitonium.
---18:41.66667 + 0:9.16667 = 18:50.83333.
•19:00 - Fitz believes it could take hours to get the power working again, but Deke fixes the power quickly. Daisy calls. She's arriving.
---Daisy has been trying to get through for 30 minutes, suggesting this is about half an hour after she got Jiaying's body, Assuming she probably was en route for her return by around 18:30.
•19:10 - Yo-Yo confronts Daisy on her return.
•19:10 - Yo-Yo and Daisy fight. May tells Yo-Yo to pitch in helping Coulson or leave.
•20:00 - Talbot has had a trim. Coulson tells him he looks pretty cool. Talbot is transported over to see the Confederacy.
---Got to have been at least an hour since we last saw Talbot, which was 18:50.
•20:05 - The Confederacy. Talbot calls himself Earth's mightiest hero.
•20:05 - Deke goes to see Daisy. She tells him the bag contains her mother's body, and that someone seems to have pranked her by putting lemons on her bed. She talks about how people close to her die, including Lincoln. He reveals FitzSimmons are his parents.----MIDDLE OF EPISODE 20----
•20:05 - Talbot asks to be added to the Confederacy. He kills one of the aliens, saying that now there is a space for him.
•20:10 - Mack fixes the Zephyr. Fitz walks in and they put the gravitonium in. Fitz tries to apologise, but Mack tells him to take a look at his actions.
•20:15 - Simmons looks at the marauder's heart. Daisy drops off Jiaying's body, and convinces her to help by pointing out that they simply have to save Coulson.
•20:20 - Ready for take-off into space.
•20:20 - At the Confederacy, Kasius' father tells them Thanos is attacking. During Infinity War.
---Minimum time since Talbot arrived at the Confederacy, at least 15 minutes.
•20:25 - Hale and Coulson look out at space.
•20:30 - Talbot wants more gravitonium. He mentions he spoke to a Kasius. He forces Coulson to kneel, threatening his life.
•20:30 - The Zephyr reaches vertical burn. They get into space and start cloaking.
•20:35 - Simmons is happy in conversation with Fitz, but he's concerned. They look at the Centipede formula.
•20:40 - The Zephyr approaches the ship, then docks.
•20:40 - Talbot hears Quinn tell him how he found gravitonium in a mine. The aliens report that their hull has been breached.
•20:45 - Knowing it's S.H.I.E.L.D. who've arrived, Talbot turns on Coulson, feeling lied to. Hale lies for her own survival.
•20:45 - Talbot threatens Daisy when she enters, and lifts Coulson into the air. Hale says she trusts Daisy after she helped Ruby.
•20:45 - Hale attempts to use the Hydra conditioning to stop Talbot. He lowers Coulson, but then turns on Hale and crushes her, killing her.
•20:45 - Daisy tries to quake Talbot but fails. He takes her out and May has to surrender. Talbot calls them prisoners of war, believing he has finally realised S.H.I.E.L.D. were always the enemy.
•The Kasius father takes Daisy with him.

Putting together Wednesday and Thursday, this is:

•03:25/08:25 Herefordshire - Yo-Yo stumbles into the Quinjet in pain.
•07:00 - Phil tries to talk to May about what she said, but she doesn't let him.
•07:00 - Daisy tells them the plan. Wheels up in 5. Coulson praises Daisy's leadership. Daisy reveals that they have found Hale's base in the Appalachian Mountains.
around 07:50. This would be around 07:00.[/I]
•07:35 - Hale's assistant tells her that Ivanov is dead, and Creel had gotten much worse.
•07:45 - Hale goes to see Creel, and he's losing control, banging his head against the wall.
•07:45 - Coulson and Mack tell Deke that they know he fancies Daisy. He decides he'll use the 2091 lemons etiquette.
•07:50 - Talbot looks at Robin's drawings.
•07:50 - Daisy and May get into a containment module. They jet down to the base as the Zephyr fires a missile ahead.
•07:55 - Hale surrenders to Daisy and May, wanting to get to Ruby.
•07:55/12:55 Herefordshire - Ruby and Strucker threaten FitzSimmons to hurry up.
•08:00/13:00 Herefordshire - Yo-Yo shoots a mech who gets to her jet, still in pain.
•08:05 - Talbot talks to Robin and Polly.----MIDDLE OF EPISODE 18----
•08:10 - Daisy and May tell Coulson that gravitonium also absorbs consciousnesses.
•08:10 - Talbot chokes Polly and takes Robin.
•10:25/15:25 Herefordshire - The team land in England. Hale's fault.
•10:26/15:26 Herefordshire - Strucker tells Ruby that a plane just landed. The machine is ready. Strucker starts up a tube to transfer the gravitonium.
•10:26 - Deke turns up to talk to Mack and Coulson. They find that the security feeds are paused.
•10:30 - Coulson finds Polly still breathing.
•10:30/15:30 Herefordshire - Ruby goes into the machine. It starts to go wrong. Hale hears and runs in. They shut it down with only 8% done. Ruby comes out of machine floating.
•10:31/15:31 Herefordshire - Ruby can't deal with the voices. She accidentally kills Strucker. She begins to lose control.
•10:35 - Coulson and Mack confront Talbot as he goes into the hangar. Talbot holds a gun to his own head.
•10:35/15:35 Herefordshire - Ruby can't deal with so many voices. Daisy is kind.
•10:35/15:35 Herefordshire - May arrives as Yo-Yo returns. May says Daisy is handling it.
•10:36 - Talbot believes he can't trust his thoughts. Mack takes Robin. Coulson commands that Talbot turn the gun on him. Mack I.C.E.s him.
•10:36/15:36 Herefordshire - Ruby begins to crush Daisy. She tells Hale she feels she was never good enough, but Hale says that all she ever wanted was Ruby to meet her full potential.
•10:38/15:38 Herefordshire - Yo-Yo arrives and realises Ruby is the one who took her arms. Ruby loses control again.
•10:39/15:39 Herefordshire - Yo-Yo uses the chakram to slice Ruby's throat. Daisy is shocked, and Hale is devastated.
•10:40/15:40 Herefordshire - Ruby's body releases a burst of gravitonium.
•10:41/15:41 Herefordshire - Yo-Yo believes she just saved the world.
•13:05-12 - The Statesman.
•13:12 - "Thanos is coming."
•13:16-17 - Pepper and Tony.
•13:19-21 - The discussion in the Sanctum.
•"WED" "01:21PM" shown on phone. So as late as possible, the film begins at 13:05.
•13:22-41 - Attack on Greenwich Village. Tony and Peter end up on the ship.
•13:42 - Bruce calls Steve.
•13:42 - The Guardians pick up Thor.
•13:50 - Thor wakes and tells them everything that happened.
•14:10/19:10 Scotland (or 15:45/20:45 Scotland) - Scotland bedroom.
•14:30-35/19:30-35 Scotland (or 16:05-10/21:05-10 Scotland) - Edinburgh fight.
•15:00 - Hale visits Qovas and tells him that he can go after S.H.I.E.L.D..
[Episode 19]
•15:08 - Talbot tries to sleep in the Lighthouse and mutters coordinates.
•15:15 - Coulson tells the team the plan to throw the gravitonium into the Sun. The team argue about Yo-Yo killing Ruby.
•15:17 (or 21:15) - Gamora asks Peter to kill her if Thanos gets her. Drax thinks he's mastered being invisible.
•15:20 - May and Daisy talk about what May has found from Caine.
•15:50 - Deke suggests multiverse again. They discuss the possibility of him blinking out of existence.
•15:58 (or Thursday 02:20) - Knowhere.
•16:20 - Talbot continues to mutter coordinates. He calls for Coulson.
•16:30 - Coulson visits Talbot. He tells Coulson he must have given their location.
•16:35 - Qovas' ship arrives over the Lighthouse.
•16:35 - The team realise they are cut off from the world. Project: Reclamation is triggered, and Rick Stoner's video talks to them. Coulson selects the nuclear attack option before the alien invasion option shows. He accidentally locks them in for 15 years. Coulson tells the agents about the situation.
•16:38 - Qovas video calls them. Coulson says that in the current political climate, they'll probably get shot down.
•16:40 (or Thursday 07:25) - The facility.
•16:45 - Yo-Yo tries to explain her actions to Mack, who is not happy.
•16:48 - May tells Yo-Yo you can only learn to live with your actions.
•16:50 - Coulson wonders why Daisy isn't back by now. May reveals that she's gone dark to get information to save him. Yo-Yo thinks she killed Ruby for nothing.
•16:50 - Qovas prepares marauders.
•16:50 - Yo-Yo reveals her future self said they have to let Coulson die. Coulson realises the marauders can simply teleport in.
•16:50 - The marauders are sent.
•16:55 - The marauders arrive. Deke runs frmo them and hides in the vent as agents are killed.
•17:00 - Energy fluctuations occur. Deke tells them the marauders are already inside.
•17:05 - Deke tells them about the marauders. Coulson says they need to get Talbot out. Fitz tells Coulson there's an analogue override he needs to get to to get them out. Deke wonders why Daisy isn't back yet.----MIDDLE OF EPISODE 19----
•17:10 - Daisy talks to Tony Caine. He gives her Centipede serum. Mention of the Infinity War events in New York.
•17:10 - Yo-yo gets Talbot out of his cell.
•17:10 - Fitz is attacked. Deke helps him, and they get to the override, where they find it ripped up.
•17:15 - Qovas sends more marauders.
•17:15 - Agent Kim goes to the armoury. Coulson decides to defend control. Yo-Yo has Talbot. Deke is fixing the elevator for the gravitonium. Fit tells them the aliens have EMPs, and they need combustible things to create light sources. "Let's light 'em up."
•17:20 - Yo-Yo and Talbot encounter marauders.
•17:20 - Deke panics and doesn't want to die.
•17:25 - Piper, Davis, and Simmons barricade themselves. Yo-Yo and Talbot arrive. Fitz tells Simmons on comms that Deke is still there, so Simmons feels they're safe. Yo-Yo heads out with Davis and Piper, leaving Simmons and Talbot as the last line of defence.
•17:25 - Mack joins Fitz and Deke. Marauders attack.
•17:30 - Yo-Yo, Piper, and Davis shoot into the dark. Yo-Yo leads the way, feeling she can't be killed.
•17:35 - Simmons realises they are surrounded. Talbot takes an I.C.E.R.. He sees the machine and I.C.E.s Simmons. Talbot then enters the machine.
•17:40 - Fitz has made a combustible cocktail. Deke calls Fitz "Gramps", which he doesn't appreciate. The doors rattle, but the noises stop and then come from above. The marauders enter and the team shoot.
•17:40 - Yo-Yo, Piper, and Davis shoot at the marauders attacking the lab. Yo-Yo is concerned that she can't get through to Simmons. The doors suddenly burst open and a marauder's blood is splattered. Graviton emerges.
•17:45 - The team are running out of ammunition and hand-to-hand fighting begins. Talbot enters and crushes the aliens.
•17:50 - Yo-Yo finds Simmons. They see the 100%-used machine.
•17:50 - Talbot lifts Coulson into the air, through the ceiling, and leaves with him. Rick Stoner's video tells them the planet is safe again.
•17:50 - Daisy digs up Jiaying's body.
[Episode 20]
•17:55 - Talbot and Coulson approach Qovas' ship. Talbot believes he can fix the situation.
•17:55 - The team at the Lighthouse are concerned that they can't help out, since the building has only just come back on line.
•18:00 - A remaining marauder takes the odium and attacks Mack. Mack takes him down, and they take him prisoner.
•18:05 - Talbot claims the ship and crushes an alien, forcing the other aliens to kneel.
•18:14 - Mack and Yo-Yo talk about his fight with the rabid alien.
•18:23 - The marauder on odium becomes especially rabid, and then dies. Simmons decides she has to dissect him.
•18:33 - Talbot has everyone kneeling.
•18:42 - Coulson visits Hale on the ship and asks to team up.
•18:50 - Coulson and Hale return to the Remoraths and talk about the Confederacy. Hale tells Talbot he is the only one who can save them all. She reveals that the aliens wanted gravitonium.
•19:00 - Fitz believes it could take hours to get the power working again, but Deke fixes the power quickly. Daisy calls. She's arriving.
•19:10 - Yo-Yo confronts Daisy on her return.
•19:10 - Yo-Yo and Daisy fight. May tells Yo-Yo to pitch in helping Coulson or leave.
•20:00 - Talbot has had a trim. Coulson tells him he looks pretty cool. Talbot is transported over to see the Confederacy.
•20:05 - The Confederacy. Talbot calls himself Earth's mightiest hero.
•20:05 - Deke goes to see Daisy. She tells him the bag contains her mother's body, and that someone seems to have pranked her by putting lemons on her bed. She talks about how people close to her die, including Lincoln. He reveals FitzSimmons are his parents.----MIDDLE OF EPISODE 20----
•20:05 - Talbot asks to be added to the Confederacy. He kills one of the aliens, saying that now there is a space for him.
•20:10 - Mack fixes the Zephyr. Fitz walks in and they put the gravitonium in. Fitz tries to apologise, but Mack tells him to take a look at his actions.
•20:15 - Simmons looks at the marauder's heart. Daisy drops off Jiaying's body, and convinces her to help by pointing out that they simply have to save Coulson.
•20:20 - Ready for take-off into space.
•20:20 - At the Confederacy, Kasius' father tells them Thanos is attacking. During Infinity War.
•20:25 - Hale and Coulson look out at space.
•20:30 - Talbot wants more gravitonium. He mentions he spoke to a Kasius. He forces Coulson to kneel, threatening his life.
•20:30 - The Zephyr reaches vertical burn. They get into space and start cloaking.
•20:35 - Simmons is happy in conversation with Fitz, but he's concerned. They look at the Centipede formula.
•20:40 - The Zephyr approaches the ship, then docks.
•20:40 - Talbot hears Quinn tell him how he found gravitonium in a mine. The aliens report that their hull has been breached.
•20:45 - Knowing it's S.H.I.E.L.D. who've arrived, Talbot turns on Coulson, feeling lied to. Hale lies for her own survival.
•20:45 - Talbot threatens Daisy when she enters, and lifts Coulson into the air. Hale says she trusts Daisy after she helped Ruby.
•20:45 - Hale attempts to use the Hydra conditioning to stop Talbot. He lowers Coulson, but then turns on Hale and crushes her, killing her.
•20:45 - Daisy tries to quake Talbot but fails. He takes her out and May has to surrender. Talbot calls them prisoners of war, believing he has finally realised S.H.I.E.L.D. were always the enemy.
•The Kasius father takes Daisy with him.
•23:45/06:45 Wakanda (or Thursday 07:47/14:47 Wakanda, or Thursday 10:02/17:02 Wakanda) - Wakanda. Bucky gets his new arm.

•00:50 (or 08:09, or 12:38 ) - Ebony Maw tortures Strange. Peter reveals he's still there. Using the vaccuum. They decide to let the ship go to Titan.
•01:55 (or 08:31, or 15:15) - Gamora says she hated her life. Thanos reveals he is torturing Nebula, until Gamora tells him the Soul Stone is on Vormir.
•03:00 (or 08:53, or 17:51) - Thor laments everything he's lost. Rocket gives him a new cybernetic eye. They arrive in Nidavellir and meet Eitri.
•04:05 (or 09:15, or 20:28 ) - Nebula escapes and contacts Mantis.
•05:10 (or 09:37, or 23:04) - The Q-ship crashes on Titan. The Guardians meet Tony, Peter, and Strange.
•06:15 (or 09:59, or Friday 01:41) - Eitri shows them the mould for Stormbreaker.
•07:20 (or 10:21, or Friday 04:17) - The two teams on Titan discuss plans. "Kick names, take ass." Strange returns from seeing 14 million futures.
•08:25 (or 10:43, or Friday 06:54) - Vormir.
•09:30 (or 11:05, or same time on the Friday) - Arriving in Wakanda.
•09:40-09:45 (or 11:08, or same time on the Friday) - Shuri and Banner. The Outrider ships begin to crash down.
•09:57-10:02 (or 11:12-17, or same time on the Friday) - Thor uses Rocket's ship to start moving the rings of Nidavellir. The forge starts up but then breaks.
•09:57-10:05 (or 11:12-20, or same time on the Friday) - The group prepare in Wakanda. Cull Obsidian and Proxima Midnight approach. The Outriders are unleashed. Charge.
•10:05-10:08 (or 11:18-21, or same time on the Friday) - Thor holds the forge. Stormbreaker is forged. Groot makes the handle.
•10:10-10:12 (or 11:21-23, or same time on the Friday) - The battle continues. Thor arrives.
•10:12-10:19 (or 11:22-29, or same time on the Friday) - Thanos gets to Titan. Strange greets him. The group all attack. They try to get the gauntlet off, but Star-Lord loses control. Thanos throws the moon at them.
•10:14-10:19 (or 11:24-29, or same time on the Friday) - Rocket and Bucky team up. Steve talks to Thor and Groot. The underground mining vehicles erupt from the ground. Wanda goes to the battlefield but Corvus Glaive then attacks Shuri. Hulkbuster fights Cull Obsidian. Vision and Steve fight Corvus Glaive. The women fight Proxima Midnight and Scarlet Witch kills her. Vision kills Corvus Glaive.
•10:19-10:23 (or 11:29-33, or same time on the Friday) - Spider-Man grabs the Guardians as the moon crashes down on them. Strange takes on Thanos. Thanos attacks Iron Man, who does everything he can to fight back. Thanos stabs Tony, and Strange gives Thanos the stone in return for sparing Tony.
•10:23 (or 11:31, or same time on the Friday) - Thor continues to fight. Vision senses Thanos coming. The team all fail against Thanos. Vision tells Wanda to destroy the stone, and she does. Nonetheless, Thanos reverses Vision and takes the stone. Thor hurls the axe, but Thanos survives.
•10:24/17:24 (or 11:32, or same time on the Friday) - The snap.
•10:24-25/17:24-25 (or 11:32-33, or same time on the Friday) - People disappear. Credits scene.

Sorry for the length, but I'm resharing Agamotto's post for DIrishB.

I feel like up until the finale, it's perfect for the timeline.
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Regarding the Wakanda Civil War credits scene, we didn't really see it as a mistake, because there's numerous potential explanations. For example, the comic seems to imply that in the "weeks" since Civil War, they have been trying to come up with a solution for Bucky but haven't found something yet, and have come to the conclusion that for now, the best option is to freeze him. So, in Black Panther, either Bucky has already arrived in Wakanda and Shuri has been trying to come up with a solution, or she's been told about Bucky and that she'll be having to work on him. With the beginning of the film seemingly - and as synopses have said - being T'Challa's first return to Wakanda after his father's death, and the comic saying "weeks later", we decided that it should place after the film, and not before or during the first half.

Also, on my second viewing, I too caught the 10:24 in Fury's car. I didn't catch the clock in Scotland - I can see where it is, from going to that scene on an online version - it's immediately after the Q-ship in Edinburgh flies away. But the angle is very hard to see, and the online versions have the clock-face looking too bright.

Something else that I noticed this time, which weirdly, I hadn't thought of before, was specifics about Thor's hair. It's almost exactly the same as in Ragnarok, including the streaks on the side of his head from Stan Lee's bad haircutting skills. This would also suggest it's been very little time since the events of the film. It's possible that Asgardian hair grows slower than humans, but yeah, just another point there.

I've been doing time zone working and working out the rough timings for all the Infinity War and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. scenes to see how it fits together and where the divides are between days.
The Episode 20 notes are not particularly firmly timed, because there is no next milestone to match it with, like a sunrise to stretch the night's events across - it's just working forwards from the previous timings.
Also, the timings come from an assumption of January 10th-11th, considering it doesn't seem like Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. can be later than early January. With Tony's phone saying it's Wednesday, and the S.H.I.E.L.D. events picking up a few days prior in early January, then the earliest it can be is January 10th. So that's the date I used for the timings, with it being the only date I can see working - plus, it's closer to Ragnarok. The sunrise and sunset times would be slightly different depending on the time of year, though, if it were a bit later than January 10th-11th.

But here's the results:

•13:05-12 - The Statesman.
---As late as possible so that Thor is floating through space for the minimum time possible. Hulk is sent off about 2 minutes before the end of the scene, and that is at least 2 minutes before "Thanos is coming."
•13:12 - "Thanos is coming."
---As late as possible so that Thor is floating through space for the minimum time possible. At least 2 minutes after Hulk was sent from The Statesman. At least 5 minutes before they talk to Tony and Pepper, because Bruce has to get changed.
•13:16-17 - Pepper and Tony.
---As late as possible so that Thor is floating through space for the minimum time possible. At least 4-5 minutes after "Thanos is coming." At least 2-3 minutes before the discussion in the Sanctum.
•13:19-21 - The discussion in the Sanctum.
---13:21 - Tony checks the phone. The Q-ship arrives.
•"WED" "01:21PM" shown on phone. So as late as possible, the film begins at 13:05.
•13:22-41 - Attack on Greenwich Village. Tony and Peter end up on the ship.
•13:42 - Bruce calls Steve.
---"01:42PM" shown on phone.
•13:42 - The Guardians pick up Thor.
---Immediately after so as to minimise the time since The Statesman exploded.
•13:50 - Thor wakes and tells them everything that happened.
•14:10/19:10 Scotland (or 15:45/20:45 Scotland) - Scotland bedroom.
---Now things get problematic, and it's all because the Avengers Facility scene is shown to be daytime, when it should be night.
---The birds are cheeping when they return to the New Avengers Facility, suggesting it's the morning, which would mean it's after the 07:19 sunrise - earliest possible 07:25. However, the problem there is that the flight after that from New York to Wakanda (which, from the map in Civil War, is by Lake Turkana, Kenya) is about 7094.589 miles. Quinjet top speeds have been calculated to be about 1600mph - which happens to match the comics' Quinjet top speed of Mach 2.1, which is 1611.27mph. 7094.589 miles/1611.27mph = a 4:24 flight. Even at the dangerous absolute top speed of about 2000mph from The Team, 7094.589 miles/2000mph = 3:33 flight. Including time to get up to top speed, there is absolutely no way the jet is getting to Wakanda before 11:05 New York time, which would be 18:05 Wakanda time - with Wakanda's sunset being 18:46. If they went at absolute top speed and the Wakanda events happened as fast as absolutely possible, you could just about, juuusssttt squeeze the Wakanda events in before sunset, finishing no later than 18:40, 11:40 New York. However, Fury's car in the credits scene says "10:24", and the scene was shot in Atlanta. This would suggest that the scene takes place 10:24 east coast, so 17:24 Wakanda time - but that's before the earliest time that they could possibly have even arrived in Wakanda. Even if it's another time zone and not Atlanta, which would be odd because it looks like Atlanta, it is still a :24, meaning the latest it can be is 11:24 east coast, 18:24 Wakanda, and there's just no way that all the Wakanda events take place in 19 minutes between arrival and the snap - especially with that already assuming that the Avengers went dangerously fast to get to Wakanda already. More likely than it being not Atlanta is the car clock being wrong, but then we're back to still pushing it with 11:40. Also, with it being night in Scotland, if it is morning in New York when they arrive, they must have delayed for several hours before getting back, despite the scene showing Steve directing them "home" (the facility), straight there.
---So, OK, what if the New Avengers Facility scene is actually still on the Wednesday, just before sunset? Sunset is 16:47, so realistically, the latest this can be is 16:40. Well, that wouldn't really make sense with the birds tweeting, but that's not particularly bad - can it fit in otherwise? From Edinburgh Waverley station to New York is about 3262.368 miles. 3262.368 miles/1611.27mph maximum is a 2:01 flight + a few minutes of speeding up and slowing down, which would mean that the latest they could have left Scotland really is 14:35 New York/19:35 Scotland, to get there by 16:40. So, Steve and co. got there by 14:30, arriving in Wakanda about 48 minutes after Bruce called at 13:42. If they got on the jet immediately, it's a 45-minute journey. 0.75 hours*1611.27mph = 1208.4525 miles maximum that they could have been from Edinburgh. The majority of Europe is within that radius, so if they were in Europe at the time of being called, that works - especially with them mentioning that the plan was always for Vision and Scarlet Witch to stay nearby. And then that allows for the finale to fit comfortably before 10:42 and before the Wakanda sunset. However, Bwdelano says that the clock-face shown at an angle behind Steve after the fight in Edinburgh Waverley station (specifically the shot after you see the Q-ship leave) looks like it might read as 9:10. I didn't catch it myself, it was too fast, and online versions are too unfocused to see any hands. This would make it 21:10, so 16:10 New York, and therefore they cannot get back to the facility before sunset, so it would have to be the next morning. However, apart from the implication from the bird noises and the possible clock-face, this way around works. It also works better for Corvus Glaive and Proxima Midnight only just turning up, being pretty soon after New York is attacked rather than several hours, as well as the fact that the news is showing the New York events as "breaking news". This also means that the jet can simply go straight back to the facility from Scotland, which makes more sense. And, if the facility scene is that afternoon instead of the next morning, that would also make more sense for the Q-ship Doctor Strange scenes which pick up afterwards - it would allow those scenes to be more like 11 hours after Tony and Peter got on-board, instead of about 19. It seems like Tony and Peter haven't been on-board very long when Tony realises Peter's still there, so the less time the better.
---The third option is that the film actually lasts not 21.5 hours, but 45.5 hours. So the facility scene would be the following morning of the Thursday, but then the Wakanda events are the morning after that, the Friday. This seems unlikely since it would mean that Strange, Tony, and Peter don't eat or drink for 2 days as they travel, and generally doesn't fit with the feel of the film. This possibility though comes down to Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. in the end. If the events of the last 2 episodes carry through to the next morning and coincide with the end of the film, then it's just 21.5 hours. If they spend a whole day still fine, with the end of the film having not occurred yet by next afternoon, then the film lasts 45.5 hours.
---For now though, I'm assuming that the facility scene is 16:40 on the Wednesday, as this is currently the most-supported option, but will put the other options up as well in case.
---So, this scene, about 25 minutes before the fighting ends at 14:35 New York/19:35 Scotland, would be about 14:10 New York/19:10 Scotland.
•14:30-35/19:30-35 Scotland (or 16:05-10/21:05-10 Scotland) - Edinburgh fight.
•15:17 (or 21:15) - Gamora asks Peter to kill her if Thanos gets her. Drax thinks he's mastered being invisible.
---Two scenes between 14:35 and 16:40, so 16:40 - 14:35 = 2:05. 2:05/3 = 0:41.66667. 14:35 + 0:41.66667 = 15:16.66667, 15:17.
---Otherwise, two scenes between 16:10 and 07:25, so Thursday 07:25 - Wednesday 16:10 = 15:15. 15:15/3 = 5:05. 16:10 + 5:05 = 21:15.
•15:58 (or Thursday 02:20) - Knowhere.
---15:16.66667 + 0:41.66667 = 15:58.33333, 15:58.
---Otherwise, 21:15 + 5:05 = 02:20.
•16:40 (or Thursday 07:25) - The facility.
---As explained, either 16:40 or Thursday 07:25.
•23:45/06:45 Wakanda (or Thursday 07:47/14:47 Wakanda, or Thursday 10:02/17:02 Wakanda) - Wakanda. Bucky gets his new arm.
---If you were to distribute the scenes between the facility and the arrival in Wakanda, this would be soon after the facility scene. However, by 16:40 New York, we're at 23:40 Wakanda, which is way after sunset. Sunrise in Wakanda is 06:34, so 23:34 New York, so the earliest this scene can be - placing it as early as possible - is 23:45/06:45 New York.
---If the facility is 07:25, then we're already just distributing the scenes between this and the next time-allocated scene, when they arrive in Wakanda at 11:05ish absolute earliest. So 9 scenes between 07:25 and 11:05. 11:05 - 07:25 = 3:40. 3:40/10 = 0:22. 07:25 + 0:22 = 07:47.
---Or, if the film spans 45.5 hours, then we're looking at 07:25 on the Thursday to 09:30 on the Friday. So 10 scenes between Thursday 07:25 and Friday 09:30. Friday 09:30 - Thursday 07:25 = 26:05. 26:05/10 = 2:36.5. 07:25 + 2:36.5 = 10:01.5, 10:02.

•00:50 (or 08:09, or 12:38 ) - Ebony Maw tortures Strange. Peter reveals he's still there. Using the vaccuum. They decide to let the ship go to Titan.
---8 scenes between 23:45 and 09:30 (which is the natural time for their arrival in Wakanda if you work back from 10:24). 09:30 - 23:45 = 9:45. 9:45/9 = 1:05. 23:45 + 1:05 = 00:50.
---Or, if the facility is 07:25, then 07:47 + 0:22 = 08:09.
---Or, if the facility is 07:25 and the film spans 45.5 hours, then 10:01.5 + 2:36.5 = 12:38.
•01:55 (or 08:31, or 15:15) - Gamora says she hated her life. Thanos reveals he is torturing Nebula, until Gamora tells him the Soul Stone is on Vormir.----MIDDLE OF THE FILM----
---00:50 + 1:05 = 01:55.
---Or, if the facility is 07:25, then 08:09 + 0:22 = 08:31.
---Or, if the facility is 07:25 and the film spans 45.5 hours, then 12:38 + 2:36.5 = 15:14.5, 15:15.
•03:00 (or 08:53, or 17:51) - Thor laments everything he's lost. Rocket gives him a new cybernetic eye. They arrive in Nidavellir and meet Eitri.
---01:55 + 1:05 = 03:00.
---Or, if the facility is 07:25, then 08:31 + 0:22 = 08:53.
---Or, if the facility is 07:25 and the film spans 45.5 hours, then 15:14.5 + 2:36.5 = 17:51.
•04:05 (or 09:15, or 20:28 ) - Nebula escapes and contacts Mantis.
---03:00 + 1:05 = 04:05.
---Or, if the facility is 07:25, then 08:53 + 0:22 = 09:15.
---Or, if the facility is 07:25 and the film spans 45.5 hours, then 17:51 + 2:36.5 = 20:27.5, 20:28.
•05:10 (or 09:37, or 23:04) - The Q-ship crashes on Titan. The Guardians meet Tony, Peter, and Strange.
---04:05 + 1:05 = 05:10.
---Or, if the facility is 07:25, then 09:15 + 0:22 = 09:37.
---Or, if the facility is 07:25 and the film spans 45.5 hours, then 20:27.5 + 2:36.5 = 23:04.
•06:15 (or 09:59, or Friday 01:41) - Eitri shows them the mould for Stormbreaker.
---05:10 + 1:05 = 06:15.
---Or, if the facility is 07:25, then 09:37 + 0:22 = 09:59.
---Or, if the facility is 07:25 and the film spans 45.5 hours, then 23:04 + 2:36.5 = 01:40.5, 01:41.
•07:20 (or 10:21, or Friday 04:17) - The two teams on Titan discuss plans. "Kick names, take ass." Strange returns from seeing 14 million futures.
---06:15 + 1:05 = 07:20.
---Or, if the facility is 07:25, then 09:59 + 0:22 = 10:21.
---Or, if the facility is 07:25 and the film spans 45.5 hours, then 01:40.5 + 2:36.5 = 04:17.
•08:25 (or 10:43, or Friday 06:54) - Vormir.
---07:20 + 1:05 = 08:25.
---Or, if the facility is 07:25, then 10:21 + 0:22 = 10:43.
---Or, if the facility is 07:25 and the film spans 45.5 hours, then 04:17 + 2:36.5 = 06:53.5, 06:54.
•09:30 (or 11:05, or same time on the Friday) - Arriving in Wakanda.
•09:40-09:45 (or 11:08, or same time on the Friday) - Shuri and Banner. The Outrider ships begin to crash down.
•09:57-10:02 (or 11:12-17, or same time on the Friday) - Thor uses Rocket's ship to start moving the rings of Nidavellir. The forge starts up but then breaks.
•09:57-10:05 (or 11:12-20, or same time on the Friday) - The group prepare in Wakanda. Cull Obsidian and Proxima Midnight approach. The Outriders are unleashed. Charge.
•10:05-10:08 (or 11:18-21, or same time on the Friday) - Thor holds the forge. Stormbreaker is forged. Groot makes the handle.
•10:10-10:12 (or 11:21-23, or same time on the Friday) - The battle continues. Thor arrives.
•10:12-10:19 (or 11:22-29, or same time on the Friday) - Thanos gets to Titan. Strange greets him. The group all attack. They try to get the gauntlet off, but Star-Lord loses control. Thanos throws the moon at them.
•10:14-10:19 (or 11:24-29, or same time on the Friday) - Rocket and Bucky team up. Steve talks to Thor and Groot. The underground mining vehicles erupt from the ground. Wanda goes to the battlefield but Corvus Glaive then attacks Shuri. Hulkbuster fights Cull Obsidian. Vision and Steve fight Corvus Glaive. The women fight Proxima Midnight and Scarlet Witch kills her. Vision kills Corvus Glaive.
•10:19-10:23 (or 11:29-33, or same time on the Friday) - Spider-Man grabs the Guardians as the moon crashes down on them. Strange takes on Thanos. Thanos attacks Iron Man, who does everything he can to fight back. Thanos stabs Tony, and Strange gives Thanos the stone in return for sparing Tony.
•10:23 (or 11:31, or same time on the Friday) - Thor continues to fight. Vision senses Thanos coming. The team all fail against Thanos. Vision tells Wanda to destroy the stone, and she does. Nonetheless, Thanos reverses Vision and takes the stone. Thor hurls the axe, but Thanos survives.
•10:24/17:24 (or 11:32, or same time on the Friday) - The snap.
•10:24-25/17:24-25 (or 11:32-33, or same time on the Friday) - People disappear. Credits scene.
---"10:24" shown in Fury's car.

And the time zones for Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.:

•Events of Episode 14.
[Episode 15]
•Coulson is shown his room.

•Coulson is given the cereal/Ruby ploy.
•Coulson is told about Ruby being Hale's daughter.
•Coulson is shown the Confederacy machine.
•Coulson meets Qovas.
•Coulson reveals he killed Whitehall.
•Hale reveals that Ruby was designed for the project. However, she suggests Daisy.
•Coulson reveals that he saw the outcome when he and his team were in the future.
•Ruby asks Coulson how she failed, but he reveals that it wasn't her who was the Destroyer of Worlds.
•Ruby shows Coulson what has happened to Talbot.

•The team work out Hale is Hydra.----MIDDLE OF EPISODE 15----
•May visits Fitz.
•Mack and Jemma operate to give Yo-Yo her new arms.
•May and Daisy talk to Fitz. Daisy is angry.
•Daisy goes to contact the Hintons.
•Simmons reveals that Deke is their grandson, and tells him she feels they are invincible.

[Episode 16]
•07:40 - Coulson is in isolation.
---Daytime Appalachian Mountains. Sunrise 07:33. Has to be right after and time has to be absolutely minismised to make this fit, as will be explained.
•07:41 - Hale offers Creel the new material. Ruby asks her mother what she is doing. Coulson has been in isolation for 2 days.
•07:43 - Creel touches the gravitonium.
•07:43 - Yo-Yo tests her new arms.
•07:43 - Fitz is unimpressed with Deke.
•07:45 - Simmons asks Deke about whether she and Fitz survive, and he confirms it.
•07:47 - Zephyr One is leaving to pick up Robin.
•07:53 - Simmons questions Yo-Yo about her feeling that she can't die. Simmons says that Deke is their proof that she and Fitz will also survive, and she promises to get Fitz out.
•07:59 - Hale talks to Creel. Creel is going mad with the noises in his head.
•08:05 - The Retreat. Picking up Robin.
---Daytime, so after 07:19ish. Minimum time since the Zephyr left at 07:47.
•08:18 - Ruby visits Strucker, who says he's close.
•08:18 - 5 minutes out from the Zephyr One. Robin's not helping Daisy.
---Daytime, so after 07:19ish. Minimum time since the Quinjet picked up Robin at 08:00.
•08:18 - Mack is frustrated with Yo-Yo, who wants him to let Fitz out.
•08:18 - Creel can't sleep. He goes to Coulson.
---Earliest possible, still 08:18.
•08:21 - Creel says the gravitonium wants Coulson dead. Coulson tells him what's happened to
Talbot, and Creel takes out the guard and takes Coulson to where he thinks Talbot might be and see if he's telling the truth.
---Earliest possible, 08:16.
•08:23 - Polly wonders what Robin's last drawing meant.----MIDDLE OF EPISODE 16----
---Docking, so 5 minutes after 08:13.
•08:24 - Robin sees May and calls her "Mom".
---Daytime, so before 16:45ish.
•08:24 - They find Talbot.
•08:24 - Simmons and Yo-Yo pull the stunt on Mack.
•08:26 - Yo-Yo accidentally sets off the gun.
•08:26 - May and Robin talk. Robin had stopped drawing. She says Coulson will die. She draws Coulson in a mountain range.
•08:27 - Deke wants sympathy from Daisy.
•08:27 - Creel is going mad as they try to escape. A mech hears them.
•08:28 - An alarm is set off. Hale sends Ruby after them.
•08:28 - The Invincible Three go to the closest location.
---As early as possible, 08:28.
•08:29 - As the alarm goes off, the trio are attack. Coulson's heart stops, but Creel revives him.
•08:30 - Ruby arrives with mechs and they pursue the trio.
•09:12 - May and Polly talk. Robin still wants Polly.
There are two scenes between 08:30 and the Invincible Three arriving in Herefordshire. That needs to be as early as possible because very little time has passed for Coulson and Talbot and it has to be as early as possible to still be daytime in Herefordshire by just before the end of the episode. 3378.303 miles, and the top speed of a Quinjet is Mach 2.1 (it can go slightly faster, up to 2000mph in extreme urgency when they need the risky speeds, like in The Team, but otherwise, the top speed is 1611.27mph). 3378.303 miles/1611.27mph = 2:06 flight at top speed, + a few minutes to get up to top speed, so absolute minimum 2:09. They get to Herefordshire at 08:28 + 2:09 = 10:37. 10:37-08:30 = 2:07. 2:07/3 = 0:42.33333, so 08:30 + 0:42.33333 = 09:12.33333. 09:12.
•09:54 - Pinned down.
---Second block of scenes, 09:12.33333 + 0:42.33333 = 09:54.66667. 09:54-09:55.
•09:55 - Escape with the teleport machine.
•09:55 - Creel and Ruby fight. Ruby throws a chakram at Creel, who wedges it in his chest, made of wood. Hale sends Ruby after Coulson and Talbot.
•09:55 - Coulson and Tlabot arrive in the snow.
[Episode 17]
•10:37/15:37 Herefordshire - Herefordshire, skydiving.
---No more than 2½ hours ago it was still daytime in the U.S., which means it is morning U.S./afternoon U.K., not night U.S./morning U.K.. I tried both ways around, and this can just about barely work, the other way cannot work at all. This is why the timings have been like this so far. As explained, 08:28 + 2:09 flight = 10:37 is the very earliest it can be. This is 15:37 Herefordshire, so they've got 42 minutes until sunset at 16:19.
•10:37 - Talbot feels like he let people down.
•10:37 - Ruby goes through the machine.
•10:37 - The team follow the drawing and go to land.
•10:44 - Quake arrives.
---Absolute minimum the team land at 10:41 and this is 10:44.
•10:45 - Daisy meets Ruby and they fight.
•10:46 - Deke gets injured. Hale arrives.
•10:50 - The team try to help Deke.
•10:50 - Piper lets Mack out of Fitz's cell.
•10:50/15:50 Herefordshire - Yo-Yo worries about radiation poisoning, but they scan and there is none. Fitz is awkward with Yo-Yo about losing arms.
---Earliest possible. Still daytime, still before 11:19/16:19 Herefordshire.
•10:53 - Daisy scolds Deke. He starts coughing blood.
---At least 8 minutes since they tried to help him, so absolute earliest 10:53.
•11:00 - The team wheel Deke to be operated. Piper and Mack agree to operate.
•11:00 - Hale tells off Ruby and locks her in her room
•11:00/16:00 Herefordshire - The Invincible Three move in on the base. Fitz gets an encrypted signal. They notice Ivanov.
---Earliest possible. Still daytime, still before 11:19/16:19 Herefordshire.
•11:03 - Coulson tells Talbot about Deke and the Kree in the future while Deke is operated on.
•11:04 - May tells Coulson she loves him.
•11:04 - Strucker enters Ruby's room and convinces her to lure Hale in and escape.----MIDDLE OF EPISODE 17---
•11:04/16:04 Herefordshire - The Three close in further. Ivanov calls Hale to say the chamber is ready. Fitz sets off explosions and Ivanov tells Hale he'll handle it. The Three find the chamber.
•11:05 - Hale's assistant asks her about Ivanov, and Hale says their interests align.
•11:06 - Hale enters Ruby's room. Ruby says her mother is her weakness and hugs her, then knocks her down and escapes.
•11:08 - Strucker shoots and tells Hale's men to prepare the gravitonium for transport. Ruby catches up with him and tells him they are free and clear.
•11:08 - Talbot and Daisy talk. She asks him to tell him everything he remembers.
•11:08/16:08 Herefordshire - FitzSimmons look at the technology. Yo-Yo reveals that trying to save Coulson is what led to the end. She super-speeds, but her arms malfunction.
•11:08 - Mack and Piper talk about Mack's concerns for Yo-Yo while they operate.
•11:09/16:09 Herefordshire - Yo-Yo is in pain. The soldiers are closing in. She heads out. Simmons is happy this is their honeymoon. Her gun jams and they're running low on ammunition.
•11:10/16:10 Herefordshire - Yo-Yo finds Ivanov.
•11:10/16:10 Herefordshire - Simmons asks for a reminder that time can't be changed, but then realises it's not helping.
•11:11/16:11 Herefordshire - Ivanov insists he no longer feels pain. Yo-Yo fights him and throws him through a window.
---Earliest possible. Still daytime, still before 11:19/16:19 Herefordshire.
•11:12/16:12 Herefordshire - The robots stop working.
•11:12/16:12 Herefordshire - Who's Superior now. The robots convulse.
---Earliest possible. Still daytime, still before 11:19/16:19 Herefordshire.
•12:26 - Deke is on drugs and spilling all his secrets.
---This is between the 11:08 scene and Ruby arriving in Herefordshire. She left around 11:11, and it's a 3810.458-mile journey. Assuming they also have Mach 2.1/1611.27mph, 3810.458 miles/1611.27mph = 2:22, + a few minutes to top speed + a few minutes to get inside, 2:30. So that's 13:41 at the earliest. Should be as early as possible because it looks like it's very soon after Yo-Yo took out Ivanov. So, halfway between 11:12 and 13:41, 12:26.5. This is 12:26-12:27.
•12:27 - Daisy arrives and lets them know that they've got a ping from Hale's robots.
•13:41/18:41 Herefordshire - After inspecting the robots following them fritzing out, Fitz decides it must have been something Yo-Yo did. Ruby and Strucker arrive and force them to fix the machine.
---13:41 as explained.
•17:00 - Talbot calls Carla. She tells him to comply.
---There are 3 scenes between 13:41 and 03:25. 10th 03:25 - 9th 13:41 = 13:44. 13:44/4 = 3:26. 13:41 + 3:26 = 17:07.
[Episode 18]
•20:33 - Talbot mutters to himself that he has to complete his mission.
---17:07 + 3:26 = 20:33.
•20:33 - Mack catches Talbot, but he gets away with it.
•23:59/04:59 Herefordshire - Let her go, I need her help. I ship it. Everyone you care about will die.
---20:33 + 3:26 = 23:59.
•23:59/04:59 Herefordshire - Complicated, it'll take a while. I'll remove body parts.

•03:25/08:25 Herefordshire - Yo-Yo stumbles into the Quinjet in pain.
---08:16 is sunrise time, so this is likely at least 08:25. It seems like pretty soon after Yo-Yo defeated Ivanov, but has to be at least 16 hours. She must have stumbled through the night. Early as possible though. The birds are tweeting in the English countryside, so it is indeed morning, which works.
•07:00 - Phil tries to talk to May about what she said, but she doesn't let him.
•07:00 - Daisy tells them the plan. Wheels up in 5. Coulson praises Daisy's leadership. Daisy reveals that they have found Hale's base in the Appalachian Mountains.
---When Daisy and May arrive, it is seemingly just after Hale has left Creel's room and is going to go after Ruby, so that would be around 07:50. This would be around 07:00.
•07:35 - Hale's assistant tells her that Ivanov is dead, and Creel had gotten much worse.
•07:45 - Hale goes to see Creel, and he's losing control, banging his head against the wall.
---Daylight in Creel's room, so at least 07:33, and ideally at least 07:45. Not later though, since it seems like minimal time has passed.
•07:45 - Coulson and Mack tell Deke that they know he fancies Daisy. He decides he'll use the 2091 lemons etiquette.
•07:50 - Talbot looks at Robin's drawings.
•07:50 - Daisy and May get into a containment module. They jet down to the base as the Zephyr fires a missile ahead.
---Daylight, at least 07:33 Appalachian Mountains.
•07:55 - Hale surrenders to Daisy and May, wanting to get to Ruby.
•07:55/12:55 Herefordshire - Ruby and Strucker threaten FitzSimmons to hurry up.
•08:00/13:00 Herefordshire - Yo-Yo shoots a mech who gets to her jet, still in pain.
•08:05 - Talbot talks to Robin and Polly.----MIDDLE OF EPISODE 18----
•08:10 - Daisy and May tell Coulson that gravitonium also absorbs consciousnesses.
•08:10 - Talbot chokes Polly and takes Robin.
•10:25/15:25 Herefordshire - The team land in England. Hale's fault.
---As established above, the journey is roughly 2:22, + a few minutes to top speed, so 2:25. They would have left around 08:00, meaning this is about 10:25.
---Daylight, so before 16:21 Herefordshire.
•10:26/15:26 Herefordshire - Strucker tells Ruby that a plane just landed. The machine is ready. Strucker starts up a tube to transfer the gravitonium.
•10:26 - Deke turns up to talk to Mack and Coulson. They find that the security feeds are paused.
•10:30 - Coulson finds Polly still breathing.
•10:30/15:30 Herefordshire - Ruby goes into the machine. It starts to go wrong. Hale hears and runs in. They shut it down with only 8% done. Ruby comes out of machine floating.
•10:31/15:31 Herefordshire - Ruby can't deal with the voices. She accidentally kills Strucker. She begins to lose control.
•10:35 - Coulson and Mack confront Talbot as he goes into the hangar. Talbot holds a gun to his own head.
•10:35/15:35 Herefordshire - Ruby can't deal with so many voices. Daisy is kind.
•10:35/15:35 Herefordshire - May arrives as Yo-Yo returns. May says Daisy is handling it.
---Daylight, so before 16:21 Herefordshire.
•10:36 - Talbot believes he can't trust his thoughts. Mack takes Robin. Coulson commands that Talbot turn the gun on him. Mack I.C.E.s him.
•10:36/15:36 Herefordshire - Ruby begins to crush Daisy. She tells Hale she feels she was never good enough, but Hale says that all she ever wanted was Ruby to meet her full potential.
•10:38/15:38 Herefordshire - Yo-Yo arrives and realises Ruby is the one who took her arms. Ruby loses control again.
•10:39/15:39 Herefordshire - Yo-Yo uses the chakram to slice Ruby's throat. Daisy is shocked, and Hale is devastated.
•10:40/15:40 Herefordshire - Ruby's body releases a burst of gravitonium.
---Daylight, so before 16:21 Herefordshire.
•10:41/15:41 Herefordshire - Yo-Yo believes she just saved the world.
•15:00 - Hale visits Qovas and tells him that he can go after S.H.I.E.L.D..
---Ideally at least a few hours after Ruby's death. It would take 4 hours for people on her team to come from the mountains and pick her up and take her back, so that she can use the machine in the mountain base. Plus, her grief isn't quite so intense. The ship arrives at 16:35, so probably a little while before that as well. Coulson telling the team the plan at the beginning of Episode 19 is at 15:20, so that's the earliest this can be. We can assume roughly 15:00, allowing over 4 hours for Hale and 95 minutes between her telling Qovas he can attack and him actually arriving to attack.
[Episode 19]
•15:08 - Talbot tries to sleep in the Lighthouse and mutters coordinates.
---Halfway between 15:00 and 15:15 scenes.
•15:15 - Coulson tells the team the plan to throw the gravitonium into the Sun. The team argue about Yo-Yo killing Ruby.
---Just before May and Daisy scene, which is 15:20.
•15:20 - May and Daisy talk about what May has found from Caine.
---If Coulson expects Daisy to have returned by 16:50, she must have left at least an hour or more beforehand. However, it is better to have it later than earlier, to allow time at the end of Episode 18 for Hale to have been picked up and got back to the Appalachian base, and the agents to have been back for a little while. So, 15:20ish, an hour-and-a-half.
•15:50 - Deke suggests multiverse again. They discuss the possibility of him blinking out of existence.
---Halfway between 15:20 and 16:20 scenes.
•16:20 - Talbot continues to mutter coordinates. He calls for Coulson.
---Presumably about 10 minutes for them to get Coulson to go and see Talbot, which is at 16:30.
•16:30 - Coulson visits Talbot. He tells Coulson he must have given their location.
---Seemingly just before the team realise the ship has arrived at 16:35.
•16:35 - Qovas' ship arrives over the Lighthouse.
---Not long before the 16:45 scene after this, because the marauders would not have waited particularly long to attack.
•16:35 - The team realise they are cut off from the world. Project: Reclamation is triggered, and Rick Stoner's video talks to them. Coulson selects the nuclear attack option before the alien invasion option shows. He accidentally locks them in for 15 years. Coulson tells the agents about the situation.
•16:38 - Qovas video calls them. Coulson says that in the current political climate, they'll probably get shot down.
•16:45 - Yo-Yo tries to explain her actions to Mack, who is not happy.
---Working back from 16:50, as explained later.
•16:48 - May tells Yo-Yo you can only learn to live with your actions.
•16:50 - Coulson wonders why Daisy isn't back by now. May reveals that she's gone dark to get information to save him. Yo-Yo thinks she killed Ruby for nothing.
---This scene continues after the 16:50 moment after this, so this is also 16:50.
•16:50 - Qovas prepares marauders.
---Shown to be dark, but during sunset, around the later part of sunset. So, with sunset being 16:47, this would be roughly 16:50.
•16:50 - Yo-Yo reveals her future self said they have to let Coulson die. Coulson realises the marauders can simply teleport in.
•16:50 - The marauders are sent.
•16:55 - The marauders arrive. Deke runs frmo them and hides in the vent as agents are killed.
•17:00 - Energy fluctuations occur. Deke tells them the marauders are already inside.
•17:05 - Deke tells them about the marauders. Coulson says they need to get Talbot out. Fitz tells Coulson there's an analogue override he needs to get to to get them out. Deke wonders why Daisy isn't back yet.----MIDDLE OF EPISODE 19----
•17:10 - Daisy talks to Tony Caine. He gives her Centipede serum. Mention of the Infinity War events in New York.
---Dark outside.
•17:10 - Yo-yo gets Talbot out of his cell.
•17:10 - Fitz is attacked. Deke helps him, and they get to the override, where they find it ripped up.
•17:15 - Qovas sends more marauders.
•17:15 - Agent Kim goes to the armoury. Coulson decides to defend control. Yo-Yo has Talbot. Deke is fixing the elevator for the gravitonium. Fit tells them the aliens have EMPs, and they need combustible things to create light sources. "Let's light 'em up."
•17:20 - Yo-Yo and Talbot encounter marauders.
•17:20 - Deke panics and doesn't want to die.
•17:25 - Piper, Davis, and Simmons barricade themselves. Yo-Yo and Talbot arrive. Fitz tells Simmons on comms that Deke is still there, so Simmons feels they're safe. Yo-Yo heads out with Davis and Piper, leaving Simmons and Talbot as the last line of defence.
•17:25 - Mack joins Fitz and Deke. Marauders attack.
•17:30 - Yo-Yo, Piper, and Davis shoot into the dark. Yo-Yo leads the way, feeling she can't be killed.
•17:35 - Simmons realises they are surrounded. Talbot takes an I.C.E.R.. He sees the machine and I.C.E.s Simmons. Talbot then enters the machine.
•17:40 - Fitz has made a combustible cocktail. Deke calls Fitz "Gramps", which he doesn't appreciate. The doors rattle, but the noises stop and then come from above. The marauders enter and the team shoot.
•17:40 - Yo-Yo, Piper, and Davis shoot at the marauders attacking the lab. Yo-Yo is concerned that she can't get through to Simmons. The doors suddenly burst open and a marauder's blood is splattered. Graviton emerges.
•17:45 - The team are running out of ammunition and hand-to-hand fighting begins. Talbot enters and crushes the aliens.
•17:50 - Yo-Yo finds Simmons. They see the 100%-used machine.
•17:50 - Talbot lifts Coulson into the air, through the ceiling, and leaves with him. Rick Stoner's video tells them the planet is safe again.
•17:50 - Daisy digs up Jiaying's body.
[Episode 20]
•17:55 - Talbot and Coulson approach Qovas' ship. Talbot believes he can fix the situation.
•17:55 - The team at the Lighthouse are concerned that they can't help out, since the building has only just come back on line.
•18:00 - A remaining marauder takes the odium and attacks Mack. Mack takes him down, and they take him prisoner.
•18:05 - Talbot claims the ship and crushes an alien, forcing the other aliens to kneel.
•18:14 - Mack and Yo-Yo talk about his fight with the rabid alien.
---Five scenes between 18:05 and 19:00. 19:00 - 18:05 = 0:55. 0:55/6 = 0:9.16667. 18:05 + 0:9.16667 = 18:14.16667.
•18:23 - The marauder on odium becomes especially rabid, and then dies. Simmons decides she has to dissect him.
---18:14.16667 + 0:9.16667 = 18:23.33333.
•18:33 - Talbot has everyone kneeling.
---18:23.33333 + 0:9.16667 = 18:32.5.
•18:42 - Coulson visits Hale on the ship and asks to team up.
---18:32.5 + 0:9.16667 = 18:41.66667.
•18:50 - Coulson and Hale return to the Remoraths and talk about the Confederacy. Hale tells Talbot he is the only one who can save them all. She reveals that the aliens wanted gravitonium.
---18:41.66667 + 0:9.16667 = 18:50.83333.
•19:00 - Fitz believes it could take hours to get the power working again, but Deke fixes the power quickly. Daisy calls. She's arriving.
---Daisy has been trying to get through for 30 minutes, suggesting this is about half an hour after she got Jiaying's body, Assuming she probably was en route for her return by around 18:30.
•19:10 - Yo-Yo confronts Daisy on her return.
•19:10 - Yo-Yo and Daisy fight. May tells Yo-Yo to pitch in helping Coulson or leave.
•20:00 - Talbot has had a trim. Coulson tells him he looks pretty cool. Talbot is transported over to see the Confederacy.
---Got to have been at least an hour since we last saw Talbot, which was 18:50.
•20:05 - The Confederacy. Talbot calls himself Earth's mightiest hero.
•20:05 - Deke goes to see Daisy. She tells him the bag contains her mother's body, and that someone seems to have pranked her by putting lemons on her bed. She talks about how people close to her die, including Lincoln. He reveals FitzSimmons are his parents.----MIDDLE OF EPISODE 20----
•20:05 - Talbot asks to be added to the Confederacy. He kills one of the aliens, saying that now there is a space for him.
•20:10 - Mack fixes the Zephyr. Fitz walks in and they put the gravitonium in. Fitz tries to apologise, but Mack tells him to take a look at his actions.
•20:15 - Simmons looks at the marauder's heart. Daisy drops off Jiaying's body, and convinces her to help by pointing out that they simply have to save Coulson.
•20:20 - Ready for take-off into space.
•20:20 - At the Confederacy, Kasius' father tells them Thanos is attacking. During Infinity War.
---Minimum time since Talbot arrived at the Confederacy, at least 15 minutes.
•20:25 - Hale and Coulson look out at space.
•20:30 - Talbot wants more gravitonium. He mentions he spoke to a Kasius. He forces Coulson to kneel, threatening his life.
•20:30 - The Zephyr reaches vertical burn. They get into space and start cloaking.
•20:35 - Simmons is happy in conversation with Fitz, but he's concerned. They look at the Centipede formula.
•20:40 - The Zephyr approaches the ship, then docks.
•20:40 - Talbot hears Quinn tell him how he found gravitonium in a mine. The aliens report that their hull has been breached.
•20:45 - Knowing it's S.H.I.E.L.D. who've arrived, Talbot turns on Coulson, feeling lied to. Hale lies for her own survival.
•20:45 - Talbot threatens Daisy when she enters, and lifts Coulson into the air. Hale says she trusts Daisy after she helped Ruby.
•20:45 - Hale attempts to use the Hydra conditioning to stop Talbot. He lowers Coulson, but then turns on Hale and crushes her, killing her.
•20:45 - Daisy tries to quake Talbot but fails. He takes her out and May has to surrender. Talbot calls them prisoners of war, believing he has finally realised S.H.I.E.L.D. were always the enemy.
•The Kasius father takes Daisy with him.

Putting together Wednesday and Thursday, this is:

•03:25/08:25 Herefordshire - Yo-Yo stumbles into the Quinjet in pain.
•07:00 - Phil tries to talk to May about what she said, but she doesn't let him.
•07:00 - Daisy tells them the plan. Wheels up in 5. Coulson praises Daisy's leadership. Daisy reveals that they have found Hale's base in the Appalachian Mountains.
around 07:50. This would be around 07:00.[/I]
•07:35 - Hale's assistant tells her that Ivanov is dead, and Creel had gotten much worse.
•07:45 - Hale goes to see Creel, and he's losing control, banging his head against the wall.
•07:45 - Coulson and Mack tell Deke that they know he fancies Daisy. He decides he'll use the 2091 lemons etiquette.
•07:50 - Talbot looks at Robin's drawings.
•07:50 - Daisy and May get into a containment module. They jet down to the base as the Zephyr fires a missile ahead.
•07:55 - Hale surrenders to Daisy and May, wanting to get to Ruby.
•07:55/12:55 Herefordshire - Ruby and Strucker threaten FitzSimmons to hurry up.
•08:00/13:00 Herefordshire - Yo-Yo shoots a mech who gets to her jet, still in pain.
•08:05 - Talbot talks to Robin and Polly.----MIDDLE OF EPISODE 18----
•08:10 - Daisy and May tell Coulson that gravitonium also absorbs consciousnesses.
•08:10 - Talbot chokes Polly and takes Robin.
•10:25/15:25 Herefordshire - The team land in England. Hale's fault.
•10:26/15:26 Herefordshire - Strucker tells Ruby that a plane just landed. The machine is ready. Strucker starts up a tube to transfer the gravitonium.
•10:26 - Deke turns up to talk to Mack and Coulson. They find that the security feeds are paused.
•10:30 - Coulson finds Polly still breathing.
•10:30/15:30 Herefordshire - Ruby goes into the machine. It starts to go wrong. Hale hears and runs in. They shut it down with only 8% done. Ruby comes out of machine floating.
•10:31/15:31 Herefordshire - Ruby can't deal with the voices. She accidentally kills Strucker. She begins to lose control.
•10:35 - Coulson and Mack confront Talbot as he goes into the hangar. Talbot holds a gun to his own head.
•10:35/15:35 Herefordshire - Ruby can't deal with so many voices. Daisy is kind.
•10:35/15:35 Herefordshire - May arrives as Yo-Yo returns. May says Daisy is handling it.
•10:36 - Talbot believes he can't trust his thoughts. Mack takes Robin. Coulson commands that Talbot turn the gun on him. Mack I.C.E.s him.
•10:36/15:36 Herefordshire - Ruby begins to crush Daisy. She tells Hale she feels she was never good enough, but Hale says that all she ever wanted was Ruby to meet her full potential.
•10:38/15:38 Herefordshire - Yo-Yo arrives and realises Ruby is the one who took her arms. Ruby loses control again.
•10:39/15:39 Herefordshire - Yo-Yo uses the chakram to slice Ruby's throat. Daisy is shocked, and Hale is devastated.
•10:40/15:40 Herefordshire - Ruby's body releases a burst of gravitonium.
•10:41/15:41 Herefordshire - Yo-Yo believes she just saved the world.
•13:05-12 - The Statesman.
•13:12 - "Thanos is coming."
•13:16-17 - Pepper and Tony.
•13:19-21 - The discussion in the Sanctum.
•"WED" "01:21PM" shown on phone. So as late as possible, the film begins at 13:05.
•13:22-41 - Attack on Greenwich Village. Tony and Peter end up on the ship.
•13:42 - Bruce calls Steve.
•13:42 - The Guardians pick up Thor.
•13:50 - Thor wakes and tells them everything that happened.
•14:10/19:10 Scotland (or 15:45/20:45 Scotland) - Scotland bedroom.
•14:30-35/19:30-35 Scotland (or 16:05-10/21:05-10 Scotland) - Edinburgh fight.
•15:00 - Hale visits Qovas and tells him that he can go after S.H.I.E.L.D..
[Episode 19]
•15:08 - Talbot tries to sleep in the Lighthouse and mutters coordinates.
•15:15 - Coulson tells the team the plan to throw the gravitonium into the Sun. The team argue about Yo-Yo killing Ruby.
•15:17 (or 21:15) - Gamora asks Peter to kill her if Thanos gets her. Drax thinks he's mastered being invisible.
•15:20 - May and Daisy talk about what May has found from Caine.
•15:50 - Deke suggests multiverse again. They discuss the possibility of him blinking out of existence.
•15:58 (or Thursday 02:20) - Knowhere.
•16:20 - Talbot continues to mutter coordinates. He calls for Coulson.
•16:30 - Coulson visits Talbot. He tells Coulson he must have given their location.
•16:35 - Qovas' ship arrives over the Lighthouse.
•16:35 - The team realise they are cut off from the world. Project: Reclamation is triggered, and Rick Stoner's video talks to them. Coulson selects the nuclear attack option before the alien invasion option shows. He accidentally locks them in for 15 years. Coulson tells the agents about the situation.
•16:38 - Qovas video calls them. Coulson says that in the current political climate, they'll probably get shot down.
•16:40 (or Thursday 07:25) - The facility.
•16:45 - Yo-Yo tries to explain her actions to Mack, who is not happy.
•16:48 - May tells Yo-Yo you can only learn to live with your actions.
•16:50 - Coulson wonders why Daisy isn't back by now. May reveals that she's gone dark to get information to save him. Yo-Yo thinks she killed Ruby for nothing.
•16:50 - Qovas prepares marauders.
•16:50 - Yo-Yo reveals her future self said they have to let Coulson die. Coulson realises the marauders can simply teleport in.
•16:50 - The marauders are sent.
•16:55 - The marauders arrive. Deke runs frmo them and hides in the vent as agents are killed.
•17:00 - Energy fluctuations occur. Deke tells them the marauders are already inside.
•17:05 - Deke tells them about the marauders. Coulson says they need to get Talbot out. Fitz tells Coulson there's an analogue override he needs to get to to get them out. Deke wonders why Daisy isn't back yet.----MIDDLE OF EPISODE 19----
•17:10 - Daisy talks to Tony Caine. He gives her Centipede serum. Mention of the Infinity War events in New York.
•17:10 - Yo-yo gets Talbot out of his cell.
•17:10 - Fitz is attacked. Deke helps him, and they get to the override, where they find it ripped up.
•17:15 - Qovas sends more marauders.
•17:15 - Agent Kim goes to the armoury. Coulson decides to defend control. Yo-Yo has Talbot. Deke is fixing the elevator for the gravitonium. Fit tells them the aliens have EMPs, and they need combustible things to create light sources. "Let's light 'em up."
•17:20 - Yo-Yo and Talbot encounter marauders.
•17:20 - Deke panics and doesn't want to die.
•17:25 - Piper, Davis, and Simmons barricade themselves. Yo-Yo and Talbot arrive. Fitz tells Simmons on comms that Deke is still there, so Simmons feels they're safe. Yo-Yo heads out with Davis and Piper, leaving Simmons and Talbot as the last line of defence.
•17:25 - Mack joins Fitz and Deke. Marauders attack.
•17:30 - Yo-Yo, Piper, and Davis shoot into the dark. Yo-Yo leads the way, feeling she can't be killed.
•17:35 - Simmons realises they are surrounded. Talbot takes an I.C.E.R.. He sees the machine and I.C.E.s Simmons. Talbot then enters the machine.
•17:40 - Fitz has made a combustible cocktail. Deke calls Fitz "Gramps", which he doesn't appreciate. The doors rattle, but the noises stop and then come from above. The marauders enter and the team shoot.
•17:40 - Yo-Yo, Piper, and Davis shoot at the marauders attacking the lab. Yo-Yo is concerned that she can't get through to Simmons. The doors suddenly burst open and a marauder's blood is splattered. Graviton emerges.
•17:45 - The team are running out of ammunition and hand-to-hand fighting begins. Talbot enters and crushes the aliens.
•17:50 - Yo-Yo finds Simmons. They see the 100%-used machine.
•17:50 - Talbot lifts Coulson into the air, through the ceiling, and leaves with him. Rick Stoner's video tells them the planet is safe again.
•17:50 - Daisy digs up Jiaying's body.
[Episode 20]
•17:55 - Talbot and Coulson approach Qovas' ship. Talbot believes he can fix the situation.
•17:55 - The team at the Lighthouse are concerned that they can't help out, since the building has only just come back on line.
•18:00 - A remaining marauder takes the odium and attacks Mack. Mack takes him down, and they take him prisoner.
•18:05 - Talbot claims the ship and crushes an alien, forcing the other aliens to kneel.
•18:14 - Mack and Yo-Yo talk about his fight with the rabid alien.
•18:23 - The marauder on odium becomes especially rabid, and then dies. Simmons decides she has to dissect him.
•18:33 - Talbot has everyone kneeling.
•18:42 - Coulson visits Hale on the ship and asks to team up.
•18:50 - Coulson and Hale return to the Remoraths and talk about the Confederacy. Hale tells Talbot he is the only one who can save them all. She reveals that the aliens wanted gravitonium.
•19:00 - Fitz believes it could take hours to get the power working again, but Deke fixes the power quickly. Daisy calls. She's arriving.
•19:10 - Yo-Yo confronts Daisy on her return.
•19:10 - Yo-Yo and Daisy fight. May tells Yo-Yo to pitch in helping Coulson or leave.
•20:00 - Talbot has had a trim. Coulson tells him he looks pretty cool. Talbot is transported over to see the Confederacy.
•20:05 - The Confederacy. Talbot calls himself Earth's mightiest hero.
•20:05 - Deke goes to see Daisy. She tells him the bag contains her mother's body, and that someone seems to have pranked her by putting lemons on her bed. She talks about how people close to her die, including Lincoln. He reveals FitzSimmons are his parents.----MIDDLE OF EPISODE 20----
•20:05 - Talbot asks to be added to the Confederacy. He kills one of the aliens, saying that now there is a space for him.
•20:10 - Mack fixes the Zephyr. Fitz walks in and they put the gravitonium in. Fitz tries to apologise, but Mack tells him to take a look at his actions.
•20:15 - Simmons looks at the marauder's heart. Daisy drops off Jiaying's body, and convinces her to help by pointing out that they simply have to save Coulson.
•20:20 - Ready for take-off into space.
•20:20 - At the Confederacy, Kasius' father tells them Thanos is attacking. During Infinity War.
•20:25 - Hale and Coulson look out at space.
•20:30 - Talbot wants more gravitonium. He mentions he spoke to a Kasius. He forces Coulson to kneel, threatening his life.
•20:30 - The Zephyr reaches vertical burn. They get into space and start cloaking.
•20:35 - Simmons is happy in conversation with Fitz, but he's concerned. They look at the Centipede formula.
•20:40 - The Zephyr approaches the ship, then docks.
•20:40 - Talbot hears Quinn tell him how he found gravitonium in a mine. The aliens report that their hull has been breached.
•20:45 - Knowing it's S.H.I.E.L.D. who've arrived, Talbot turns on Coulson, feeling lied to. Hale lies for her own survival.
•20:45 - Talbot threatens Daisy when she enters, and lifts Coulson into the air. Hale says she trusts Daisy after she helped Ruby.
•20:45 - Hale attempts to use the Hydra conditioning to stop Talbot. He lowers Coulson, but then turns on Hale and crushes her, killing her.
•20:45 - Daisy tries to quake Talbot but fails. He takes her out and May has to surrender. Talbot calls them prisoners of war, believing he has finally realised S.H.I.E.L.D. were always the enemy.
•The Kasius father takes Daisy with him.
•23:45/06:45 Wakanda (or Thursday 07:47/14:47 Wakanda, or Thursday 10:02/17:02 Wakanda) - Wakanda. Bucky gets his new arm.

•00:50 (or 08:09, or 12:38 ) - Ebony Maw tortures Strange. Peter reveals he's still there. Using the vaccuum. They decide to let the ship go to Titan.
•01:55 (or 08:31, or 15:15) - Gamora says she hated her life. Thanos reveals he is torturing Nebula, until Gamora tells him the Soul Stone is on Vormir.
•03:00 (or 08:53, or 17:51) - Thor laments everything he's lost. Rocket gives him a new cybernetic eye. They arrive in Nidavellir and meet Eitri.
•04:05 (or 09:15, or 20:28 ) - Nebula escapes and contacts Mantis.
•05:10 (or 09:37, or 23:04) - The Q-ship crashes on Titan. The Guardians meet Tony, Peter, and Strange.
•06:15 (or 09:59, or Friday 01:41) - Eitri shows them the mould for Stormbreaker.
•07:20 (or 10:21, or Friday 04:17) - The two teams on Titan discuss plans. "Kick names, take ass." Strange returns from seeing 14 million futures.
•08:25 (or 10:43, or Friday 06:54) - Vormir.
•09:30 (or 11:05, or same time on the Friday) - Arriving in Wakanda.
•09:40-09:45 (or 11:08, or same time on the Friday) - Shuri and Banner. The Outrider ships begin to crash down.
•09:57-10:02 (or 11:12-17, or same time on the Friday) - Thor uses Rocket's ship to start moving the rings of Nidavellir. The forge starts up but then breaks.
•09:57-10:05 (or 11:12-20, or same time on the Friday) - The group prepare in Wakanda. Cull Obsidian and Proxima Midnight approach. The Outriders are unleashed. Charge.
•10:05-10:08 (or 11:18-21, or same time on the Friday) - Thor holds the forge. Stormbreaker is forged. Groot makes the handle.
•10:10-10:12 (or 11:21-23, or same time on the Friday) - The battle continues. Thor arrives.
•10:12-10:19 (or 11:22-29, or same time on the Friday) - Thanos gets to Titan. Strange greets him. The group all attack. They try to get the gauntlet off, but Star-Lord loses control. Thanos throws the moon at them.
•10:14-10:19 (or 11:24-29, or same time on the Friday) - Rocket and Bucky team up. Steve talks to Thor and Groot. The underground mining vehicles erupt from the ground. Wanda goes to the battlefield but Corvus Glaive then attacks Shuri. Hulkbuster fights Cull Obsidian. Vision and Steve fight Corvus Glaive. The women fight Proxima Midnight and Scarlet Witch kills her. Vision kills Corvus Glaive.
•10:19-10:23 (or 11:29-33, or same time on the Friday) - Spider-Man grabs the Guardians as the moon crashes down on them. Strange takes on Thanos. Thanos attacks Iron Man, who does everything he can to fight back. Thanos stabs Tony, and Strange gives Thanos the stone in return for sparing Tony.
•10:23 (or 11:31, or same time on the Friday) - Thor continues to fight. Vision senses Thanos coming. The team all fail against Thanos. Vision tells Wanda to destroy the stone, and she does. Nonetheless, Thanos reverses Vision and takes the stone. Thor hurls the axe, but Thanos survives.
•10:24/17:24 (or 11:32, or same time on the Friday) - The snap.
•10:24-25/17:24-25 (or 11:32-33, or same time on the Friday) - People disappear. Credits scene.

This post will be invaluable once the Infinity War DVD/Bluray comes out so I can begin breaking up the episodes and film accordingly.

Impressive job!
It definitely seems like several hours have passed between Graviton in Chicago and the "funeral" scene, if not days.

Its not days. They're all wearing same clothes and freshly mourning Fitz's "death" and Coulson's impending one. Its also important to factor in that from their perspective, Fitz isn't really dead since the slightly younger version (from early Season 5) is still floating in space. I'd say a few hours maybe, as you said.

Excluding the two we don't see (Fitz and Deke), the team is a total of 7 people, plus the two retirees. It's certainly not statistically impossible that they were all just spared.

No, but its odd they're not mentioning or noticing half of the world's population disappearing. Especially as that's something that would get massive news coverage, and SHIELD is specifically monitoring news and military to keep on top of events in world they may be needed for.

And again, the show runners themselves have confirmed the AoS Season 5 finale occurs BEFORE THE SNAP. So, that's been definitively answered.

Either way there's a narrative disconnect. The tone was too hopeful to have been in a post-Snap world, but at the same time... are we just assuming everyone just expects the Avengers to win? Graviton's entire plan was based around becoming powerful enough to stop Thanos, and now that he's actually coming, SHIELD has no interest in joining the fight?

Its important to remember the vast majority of the world, including SHIELD, don't know Thanos' true power levels with the Gauntlet and stones. Its a very unspecific warning from their point of view. So, since the show's season finale ends before the snap, a certain element of hope makes sense, especially given their hope of finding Fitz, the acceptance of Coulson's impending death in a place of peace with May (the actual Tahiti), and having taken out the immediate threat of Graviton. As for everyone's assumptions, who can say? And how can you presume SHIELD has no interest in joining the fight? That makes little sense, seeing as Thanos NOR his armies have arrived yet on Earth yet (just his children in NY and Scotland the day before, in relatively minor encounters with the Avengers). From SHIELD's point of view, Thanos' armies haven't arrived in Wakanda yet, or may JUST have, thus they haven't had chance to respond yet. The season finale of AoS has Daisy asking Mack "Where to?", and we don't hear the answer, either.

So, its kind of presumptive and off base to assume what you're assuming. ;)

Not complaining, I think the finale was awesome on it's own and I know the logistics of crossing over are tough, but it makes the timeline a little bumpy.

It always is. The show runners and film makers don't pay attention to the timeline factors as well as us fans. We're lucky AoS and IW cover the same one day period and that that wasn't screwed up (with AoS' final episodes covering multiple days instead).

Personally, I just wish they didn't make these 4 episodes concurrent with IW. The Confederacy could have still used Thanos as an effective scare-tactic without having these episodes take place so close to another potentially cataclysmic event.

Eh, I get where you're coming from, but given Infinity War was the "crossover event" they've been building towards for ten years, and given AoS often using the events of the films to affect the show's plots (in early seasons especially), it'd seem like a missed opportunity both in terms of synergy/advertising the film, but pay off for the fans who watch both.
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Its not days. They're all wearing same clothes and freshly mourning Fitz's "death" and Coulson's impending one. Its also important to factor in that from their perspective, Fitz isn't really dead since the slightly younger version (from early Season 5) is still floating in space. I'd say a few hours maybe, as you said.

Copy that. Good eye.

Its important to remember the vast majority of the world, including SHIELD, don't know Thanos' true power levels with the Gauntlet and stones. Its a very unspecific warning from their point of view. So, since the show's season finale ends before the snap, a certain element of hope makes sense, especially given their hope of finding Fitz, the acceptance of Coulson's impending death in a place of peace with May (the actual Tahiti), and having taken out the immediate threat of Graviton. As for everyone's assumptions, who can say? And how can you presume SHIELD has no interest in joining the fight? That makes little sense, seeing as Thanos NOR his armies have arrived yet on Earth yet (just his children in NY and Scotland the day before, in relatively minor encounters with the Avengers). From SHIELD's point of view, Thanos' armies haven't arrived in Wakanda yet, or may JUST have, thus they haven't had chance to respond yet. The season finale of AoS has Daisy asking Mack "Where to?", and we don't hear the answer, either.

So, its kind of presumptive and off base to assume what you're assuming. ;)

Right, it works well enough. And I guess the only one who was really gung-ho about joining the Avengers to attack Thanos was Graviton himself.

Eh, I get where you're coming from, but given Infinity War was the "crossover event" they've been building towards for ten years, and given AoS often using the events of the films to affect the show's plots (in early seasons especially), it'd seem like a missed opportunity both in terms of synergy/advertising the film, but pay off for the fans who watch both.

Yes, I think they were damned if the did, damned if they didn't. It more or less worked out though and was a fun ride.
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I'm thinking the flashbacks shown in the trailer when they were young kids is what occurs in the more immediate post Katrina era, but I'm sure the present day portions will be set probably in 2016-2018 time frame. Even though Katrina occurred almost 13 years ago, even present day is still "post-Katrina". And the flashbacks to when they were kids occurs probably 6-8 years in the past, more or less, we'll have to see if we get more details on their ages of when that accident occurred when they were kids and exactly how old they are in the present day.
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I saw the first two episodes of Cloak and Dagger at a preview screening last week. I didn't see any immediate timeline information--there's a vague "years later" tag on the present day segments after the flashbacks. Lil' Dagger is using an old flip phone in the flashback scenes, and there may be some dates on tombstone and milk cartons that appear during one of Cloak's visions, but I didn't catch any. The present day events occur during basketball season, though.

Roxxon is the only major MCU tie-in thus far, though one could hope for some Agent Carter/Iron Man 3/Luke Cage mentions along the way.

While it doesn't affect anything in this timeline, I would like to point out that the location of Wakanda seems to have been retconned.

In Civil War, it is located between South Sudan, Uganda and Kenya.


But in Black Panther, its location seems to have been changed to be between Rwanda, Uganda and DRC.

Art book:


Coordinates as seen in the movie:


And in the opening of the movie, at 1 minute 30 seconds, it zooms out from the Rwanda/Uganda/DRC area.

This doesn't change anything for Infinity War though, as it is still a 4 hour 20 minute flight via Quinjet from New York, as Agamotto said. This is just for future reference.

Also, this might be worth noting in the MCU Wiki.
While it doesn't affect anything in this timeline, I would like to point out that the location of Wakanda seems to have been retconned.

In Civil War, it is located between South Sudan, Uganda and Kenya.


But in Black Panther, its location seems to have been changed to be between Rwanda, Uganda and DRC.

Art book:


Coordinates as seen in the movie:


And in the opening of the movie, at 1 minute 30 seconds, it zooms out from the Rwanda/Uganda/DRC area.

This doesn't change anything for Infinity War though, as it is still a 4 hour 20 minute flight via Quinjet from New York, as Agamotto said. This is just for future reference.

Also, this might be worth noting in the MCU Wiki.
Alright, thanks. I'm very busy at the moment so I haven't quite got around to finishing off my timings breakdown for Infinity War.

For the last couple of Netflix releases, I'd used some data from the last releases to predict the next few release dates. My formulas and things had come out with Friday March 16th for Jessica Jones: Season 2 - the same weekend as Daredevil: Season 2 in 2016 and Iron Fist: Season 1 in 2017. I hadn't considered International Women's Day. And I'd gotten Friday June 22nd for Luke Cage: Season 2, which ended up spot-on. I'd predicted early November for Daredevil: Season 3 and January for Iron Fist: Season 2.

However, in a Reddit AMA, Jeph Loeb has said Iron Fist: Season 2 will arrive "this year". Assuming nothing has changed and Daredevil: Season 3 is still set to also come out this year, after Luke Cage: Season 2 and before Iron Fist: Season 2, then we'd be looking at A - 4 Marvel Netflix seasons in just one year, and B - adjusting my estimates, we're probably getting Daredevil in October and Iron Fist in December.

He also said, "For the most part our stories will take place BEFORE Thanos clicked his fingers. A lot of that has to do with production and when we are telling our stories vs. when the movies come out. So hang in there. I remember in the comics, one of my favorite stories was the KREE-SKRULL war... which was universal, but in X-Men, no mention. Huh. And it all worked out in the end!"

The expectation from the times of filming would suggest that Daredevil: Season 3 and Iron Fist: Season 2 will be set around Winter 2017-18 and then The Punisher: Season 2 (due out, by my predictions, probably March 2019) around Spring 2018. So we might encounter some problems where possibly Iron Fist: Season 2 and most likely The Punisher: Season 2 will place themselves, just by dates, after Infinity War in early 2018, but they will be coming out before Avengers 4 so we won't know whether placing them after Infinity War is viable or not, not knowing how the snap will be resolved. Still though, Loeb is suggesting I guess that most of the Netflix stuff will be pre-snap and that Cloak & Dagger - if it is indeed present day, and New Warriors if that's coming before Avengers 4, will be pre-snap.
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I saw the first two episodes of Cloak and Dagger at a preview screening last week. I didn't see any immediate timeline information--there's a vague "years later" tag on the present day segments after the flashbacks. Lil' Dagger is using an old flip phone in the flashback scenes, and there may be some dates on tombstone and milk cartons that appear during one of Cloak's visions, but I didn't catch any. The present day events occur during basketball season, though.

Roxxon is the only major MCU tie-in thus far, though one could hope for some Agent Carter/Iron Man 3/Luke Cage mentions along the way.


I'm about to sit down and watch the first two episodes so I'll keep an eye out, but I've noticed Marvel seem to be shying away from specific dates in the TV shows and films (probably to help avoid continuity problems by making stuff less specific in terms of when it occurs on the timeline). Which may be a blessing in disguise, at least for the timeline. It may mean less specific placements, but it also opens up a lot more leeway in terms of placements and (as said) avoiding continuity/timeline screw ups.
Alright, thanks. I'm very busy at the moment so I haven't quite got around to finishing off my timings breakdown for Infinity War.

For the last couple of Netflix releases, I'd used some data from the last releases to predict the next few release dates. My formulas and things had come out with Friday March 16th for Jessica Jones: Season 2 - the same weekend as Daredevil: Season 2 in 2016 and Iron Fist: Season 1 in 2017. I hadn't considered International Women's Day. And I'd gotten Friday June 22nd for Luke Cage: Season 2, which ended up spot-on. I'd predicted early November for Daredevil: Season 3 and January for Iron Fist: Season 2.

However, in a Reddit AMA, Jeph Loeb has said Iron Fist: Season 2 will arrive "this year". Assuming nothing has changed and Daredevil: Season 3 is still set to also come out this year, after Luke Cage: Season 2 and before Iron Fist: Season 2, then we'd be looking at A - 4 Marvel Netflix seasons in just one year, and B - adjusting my estimates, we're probably getting Daredevil in October and Iron Fist in December.

He also said, "For the most part our stories will take place BEFORE Thanos clicked his fingers. A lot of that has to do with production and when we are telling our stories vs. when the movies come out. So hang in there. I remember in the comics, one of my favorite stories was the KREE-SKRULL war... which was universal, but in X-Men, no mention. Huh. And it all worked out in the end!"

The expectation from the times of filming would suggest that Daredevil: Season 3 and Iron Fist: Season 2 will be set around Winter 2017-18 and then The Punisher: Season 2 (due out, by my predictions, probably March 2019) around Spring 2018. So we might encounter some problems where possibly Iron Fist: Season 2 and most likely The Punisher: Season 2 will place themselves, just by dates, after Infinity War in early 2018, but they will be coming out before Avengers 4 so we won't know whether placing them after Infinity War is viable or not, not knowing how the snap will be resolved. Still though, Loeb is suggesting I guess that most of the Netflix stuff will be pre-snap and that Cloak & Dagger - if it is indeed present day, and New Warriors if that's coming before Avengers 4, will be pre-snap.

Yeah, I have a feeling all the currently in pre-production/production Marvel shows will occur before events of Infinity War (with exception of Agents of SHIELD Season 6) just due to simplicity's sake and because those stories are so far removed from the events in the films (except the mentions of Battle of New York from first Avengers).

New Warriors may not end up coming out until Disney's streaming service premieres. The rumor is that Disney is considering using NW as a launch or close to launch premiere for the service, which makes sense from a business standpoint. An exclusive MCU-set show, along with the Star Wars live action show Favreau is producing, even those two shows will be a huge draw for subscribers.

So, depending on when exactly Disney is planning on releasing that streaming service, and whether or not NW ends up being a release at launch or after, means NW most likely won't come out until after Avengers 4.
Since there are no clear dates so far in C&D, we'll have to use estimates of the characters ages in the flashbacks and present day (which isn't difficult based on them being in high school in present day). I'll use the child actors who played the roles in the flashbacks to gauge intended age of the characters in those flashbacks, while also accounting for the fact they filmed this stuff probably close to a year ago.

So, Maceo Smedly who plays young Tyrone was born in Feb, 2007, and the Pilot episode was filmed in Feb 2017 so the actor was ten years old, likely indicating young Tyrone is around 8-10 years old in the flashbacks (child actors often play roles a couple years younger than their actual age). The actress who plays young Tandy (Rachel Ryals) doesn't have a birth year listed on IMDB, but according to her bio she began acting at 8, and her filmography only has a few roles, the earliest releasing in 2018. Given the filming date of early 2017, I'd imagine the actress is also between 8-10 years old at the time of filming. Not exact details, but helps narrow things down at least.

As for what year the present day stuff is set, I can't say. 2016? 2017? 2018? As TalonCard pointed out its during high school basketball season, but that doesn't narrow things down much. Practice begins in early September for Louisiana high school sports, according to this link, as all other estimates are drawn from (there's no reason to think the dates have drastically changed in a few years, depending on when exactly C&D Season 1 begins).


This means C&D can begin really anytime during school year before March, so September to February (even March in case of finals).

I'm watching the first episode now and at 1:05 the front end of a white Lexus can be seen. Does anyone familiar with autos recognize the model and possible year of that vehicle? that could at least provide and earliest possible placement for the flashback scenes.

The flip phone Talon mentioned that Tandy is using (at around 1:45 mark) could also help narrow down likely intended placement, least a bit. Tandy's dad also uses a Blackberry-like device shown very quickly at the 3:37 mark.

At the 7:43 mark, Tandy's father's work ID badge shows date ranges for when its issued and when it expires (presumably, its a bit out of focus). Doing my best to read it, I THINK it says ??MAR08 to ??MAR10 (I can't read the first couple of numbers that correspond to the specific day). I think it may be March 29 on second date, but can't make out the first one. Doesn't really matter anyway as it doesn't specifically denote the date of the flashbacks, but at least it narrows it down.

This indicates the flashbacks occur sometime between March 2008 and March 2010.

Given Tandy is getting into a club underage, I'm going to assume Tyrone and Tandy are in their senior year of high school.

At around the 20:30 mark, one of Tyrone's friends mentions she's throwing a party in the woods to celebrate them making state, likely placing the first episode in February (since State Championships are usually held in late February to early March, and its indicated they had just completed regular season or district playoffs). February is definitely the most reasonable spot to place the show's first episode.

As to whether thats meant to occur in 2016, 2017, or 2018, I can't say. I am however inclined to lean toward 2017 so as the show's timeline runs concurrent with the filming timeline, since thats often how the Netflix shows approach their timelines (well, sort of).

At 21:15 Tandy is walking along a road and the trees are all leafless in background, indicating winter time. Even though its set in and filmed in Louisiana, apparently it gets cold enough for leaves to fall off trees (that happens to some degree even down here in sweltering Florida, though our winters rarely dip below 40 degrees F here). This backs up the February month placement, especially as thats when that shot was most likely filmed (since first episode began filming in early Feb 2017).

At 31:13 a newspaper is shown, but the date isn't visible, or may not even be on the paper itself, another tactic I've noticed a lot of TV shows utilize is removing dates altogether in places they'd normally be, to avoid specific timeline placements for whatever reason--have a feeling thats the case here, in combination with the "Years Later" tag instead of a specific number of years.

At 31:48 a specific date is shown on a security camera feed, 2007-04-18, indicating the Roxxon oil rig disaster that gave Tyrone and Tandy their powers occurred in April 18, 2007 (which conflicts with the security badge of Tandy's father, but I'm taking the security camera date over that since its clearly visible and they had to pick a specific date for the cam feed as they always could've just used a cam shot without a date).

In episode 2, at 4:17 mark, Tyrone's father mentions "Eight years ago, fate pushed us down hard." This is obviously a reference to Tyrone's brothers death, placing the flashbacks in 2007 based on the camera date, and eight years later would place C&D sometime in 2015... we'll see.

At around 24:35 mark of episode 2, one of Tyrone's teammates mentions they're going to state finals "next week", indicating the season begins a bit after mid February, with first episode covering a few days, and episode 2 picking up following day sometime after Feb 20 or so.

At 36:20 mark of Episode 2, in a dream sequence, on a milk carton Tyrone and his brother's pictures reflect they've been missing since June 6, 2008 (6/6/08), which may be the intended date of Tyrone's brothers death and the oil rig explosion, which would put present day events either in 2016, or Feb 2017 (same as filming period), which would still be 8 years after Billy's death to tie in with Tyrone's father mentioning it was 8 years ago (or 8 years and 8 months, meaning his father wasn't rounding up to nearest year, which makes sense in that case).
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Updated for first couple episodes of Cloak & Dagger (with corresponding notes in post above).

The flashback portions firmly dated themselves as occurring in April, 2007 based on the security cam footage. Tyrone's father mentions (in the present day portions) that those events were 8 years ago, though the modern day portions have to occur in late February to align with the mentions of them going to high school basketball state championships. So, presumably this means the present day events are occurring in February, 2015 (which is two months shy of 8 years) or Feb, 2016 (which is two months shy of being nine years).

I think the Feb 2015 date is more likely based on the dialogue, but the 2016 date may be more accurate in being closer to present day/dates of filming (though that would've been a year before actual filming dates for first couple episodes so maybe not).

I dunno, we'll see if any further info helps iron it out better.

I'm sticking with the 2007 and 2015 placements for now.
Since there are no clear dates so far in C&D, we'll have to use estimates of the characters ages in the flashbacks and present day (which isn't difficult based on them being in high school in present day). I'll use the child actors who played the roles in the flashbacks to gauge intended age of the characters in those flashbacks, while also accounting for the fact they filmed this stuff probably close to a year ago.

So, Maceo Smedly who plays young Tyrone was born in Feb, 2007, and the Pilot episode was filmed in Feb 2017 so the actor was ten years old, likely indicating young Tyrone is around 8-10 years old in the flashbacks (child actors often play roles a couple years younger than their actual age). The actress who plays young Tandy (Rachel Ryals) doesn't have a birth year listed on IMDB, but according to her bio she began acting at 8, and her filmography only has a few roles, the earliest releasing in 2018. Given the filming date of early 2017, I'd imagine the actress is also between 8-10 years old at the time of filming. Not exact details, but helps narrow things down at least.

As for what year the present day stuff is set, I can't say. 2016? 2017? 2018? As TalonCard pointed out its during high school basketball season, but that doesn't narrow things down much. Practice begins in early September for Louisiana high school sports, according to this link, as all other estimates are drawn from (there's no reason to think the dates have drastically changed in a few years, depending on when exactly C&D Season 1 begins).


This means C&D can begin really anytime during school year before March, so September to February (even March in case of finals).

I'm watching the first episode now and at 1:05 the front end of a white Lexus can be seen. Does anyone familiar with autos recognize the model and possible year of that vehicle? that could at least provide and earliest possible placement for the flashback scenes.

The flip phone Talon mentioned that Tandy is using (at around 1:45 mark) could also help narrow down likely intended placement, least a bit. Tandy's dad also uses a Blackberry-like device shown very quickly at the 3:37 mark.

At the 7:43 mark, Tandy's father's work ID badge shows date ranges for when its issued and when it expires (presumably, its a bit out of focus). Doing my best to read it, I THINK it says ??MAR08 to ??MAR10 (I can't read the first couple of numbers that correspond to the specific day). I think it may be March 29 on second date, but can't make out the first one. Doesn't really matter anyway as it doesn't specifically denote the date of the flashbacks, but at least it narrows it down.

This indicates the flashbacks occur sometime between March 2008 and March 2010.

Given Tandy is getting into a club underage, I'm going to assume Tyrone and Tandy are in their senior year of high school.

At around the 20:30 mark, one of Tyrone's friends mentions she's throwing a party in the woods to celebrate them making state, likely placing the first episode in February (since State Championships are usually held in late February to early March, and its indicated they had just completed regular season or district playoffs). February is definitely the most reasonable spot to place the show's first episode.

As to whether thats meant to occur in 2016, 2017, or 2018, I can't say. I am however inclined to lean toward 2017 so as the show's timeline runs concurrent with the filming timeline, since thats often how the Netflix shows approach their timelines (well, sort of).

At 21:15 Tandy is walking along a road and the trees are all leafless in background, indicating winter time. Even though its set in and filmed in Louisiana, apparently it gets cold enough for leaves to fall off trees (that happens to some degree even down here in sweltering Florida, though our winters rarely dip below 40 degrees F here). This backs up the February month placement, especially as thats when that shot was most likely filmed (since first episode began filming in early Feb 2017).

At 31:13 a newspaper is shown, but the date isn't visible, or may not even be on the paper itself, another tactic I've noticed a lot of TV shows utilize is removing dates altogether in places they'd normally be, to avoid specific timeline placements for whatever reason--have a feeling thats the case here, in combination with the "Years Later" tag instead of a specific number of years.

At 31:48 a specific date is shown on a security camera feed, 2007-04-18, indicating the Roxxon oil rig disaster that gave Tyrone and Tandy their powers occurred in April 18, 2007 (which conflicts with the security badge of Tandy's father, but I'm taking the security camera date over that since its clearly visible and they had to pick a specific date for the cam feed as they always could've just used a cam shot without a date).

In episode 2, at 4:17 mark, Tyrone's father mentions "Eight years ago, fate pushed us down hard." This is obviously a reference to Tyrone's brothers death, placing the flashbacks in 2007 based on the camera date, and eight years later would place C&D sometime in 2015... we'll see.

At around 24:35 mark of episode 2, one of Tyrone's teammates mentions they're going to state finals "next week", indicating the season begins a bit after mid February, with first episode covering a few days, and episode 2 picking up following day sometime after Feb 20 or so.

At 36:20 mark of Episode 2, in a dream sequence, on a milk carton Tyrone and his brother's pictures reflect they've been missing since June 6, 2008 (6/6/08), which may be the intended date of Tyrone's brothers death and the oil rig explosion, which would put present day events either in 2016, or Feb 2017 (same as filming period), which would still be 8 years after Billy's death to tie in with Tyrone's father mentioning it was 8 years ago (or 8 years and 8 months, meaning his father wasn't rounding up to nearest year, which makes sense in that case).
A few other things I thought might be of note.

I think the first date on Nathan Bowen's ID might say ??MAR06 not ??MAR08. So that would work out for the 2007-04-18 date.

There's some songs playing in-universe in Episode 1. Using this site, I've found out that they're Lush Life by Leo Islo, which was released in April 2017, Right Now by Vindata, which was released in February 2017, and Breakin' the Rules by Candace Coles & Darien Dorsey, which has very little information on the Internet.

There's pills shown in the episodes, I wondered if maybe they might have visible expiry dates, probably not though.

Both Tandy and Tyrone have iPhones. I haven't had a look yet to see if I can work out which models they have, but that could be indicative of when the present day stuff is set.

In Episode 2, it's shown that the sun has risen before 6:45AM. By New Orleans sunrise times, this would suggest it is between February 9th and September 15th (in other words, it would suggest that it is not late September, October, November, December, January, or early February).

You get a bit of texting and predictive texts and Emoji and with the format of the messaging shown on the iPhones, I wondered if anyone knew which iOS the iPhones were on. I don't really have too much time to research it myself, and have never owned an iPhone so am not an expert.

The "6/6/08" thing was a bit odd, because the flashbacks were so clearly shown as April 2007. It's easy to pass off because it's not real, it's some sort of vision - it's just a bit odd that they didn't use the April 2007 date. Perhaps the intention is that it's the date on which Tyrone's mother was paranoid and having nightmares or anxieties about that sort of thing happening. But underneath the 6/6/08, Tyrone and Billy both have dates of birth listed. Considering Tyrone's about 17-18 - like you said, he's probably a senior - in present day, this could also help. I think it might be something like "9/15/99" and "8/10/89" but really I couldn't make out the dates much at all, so if anyone else can, that would also be great. Billy being born c. October 1989 would be about right, making him 17 in April 2007. However, c. September 1999 seems a bit late for Tyrone - he'd be 7 in April 2007, and he seems like he's not much younger than 9, to me at least.

Looking at how school years work in Louisiana, to make, for example, the September 2005 kindergarten year, you have to have to be 5 by October 2005 (the latest you can turn 5 is September 30, 2005). So September 2005 kindergarten means you turn 5 between October 2004 and September 2005. So you were born October 1999-September 2000. So October 1999-September 2000 means you're in kindergarten Sep 2005-Jun 2006, 1st grade Sep 2006-Jun 2007, 11th grade (junior) Sep 2016-Jun 2017, 12th grade (senior) Sep 2017-Jun 2018. So:
*Born Oct 1996-Sep 1997 means junior Sep 2013-Jun 2014, senior Sep 2014-Jun 2015.
*Born Oct 1997-Sep 1998 means junior Sep 2014-Jun 2015, senior Sep 2015-Jun 2016.
*Born Oct 1998-Sep 1999 means junior Sep 2015-Jun 2016, senior Sep 2016-Jun 2017.
*Born Oct 1999-Sep 2000 means junior Sep 2016-Jun 2017, senior Sep 2017-Jun 2018.
Therefore, if Tyrone was born around April 1997, probably the earliest he could have been born considering the actor was about 10y0m during filming and Tyrone is unlikely to be older than the child actor, he'd be a senior in September 2014-June 2015. Since he's probably a senior and this is February, that would make it February 2015. If not, he's at least a junior - so February 2014. This seems outside the realm of possibility though.

If Tyrone was born around April 1998, the rough latest he looks like he could have been born in the April 2007 scenes, he'd be a senior in September 2015-June 2016. Since he's probably a senior and this is February, that would make it February 2016. If not, he's at least a junior - so February 2015.

And if Tyrone's date of birth is indeed about September 1999, he'd be a senior in September 2016-June 2017. Since he's probably a senior and this is February, that would make it February 2017. If not, he's at least a junior - so February 2016.

It's all a bit messy already unfortunately.
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