The Timeline Guy
Added all episode titles for Luke Cage Season 2.
Since there are no clear dates so far in C&D, we'll have to use estimates of the characters ages in the flashbacks and present day (which isn't difficult based on them being in high school in present day). I'll use the child actors who played the roles in the flashbacks to gauge intended age of the characters in those flashbacks, while also accounting for the fact they filmed this stuff probably close to a year ago.
So, Maceo Smedly who plays young Tyrone was born in Feb, 2007, and the Pilot episode was filmed in Feb 2017 so the actor was ten years old, likely indicating young Tyrone is around 8-10 years old in the flashbacks (child actors often play roles a couple years younger than their actual age). The actress who plays young Tandy (Rachel Ryals) doesn't have a birth year listed on IMDB, but according to her bio she began acting at 8, and her filmography only has a few roles, the earliest releasing in 2018. Given the filming date of early 2017, I'd imagine the actress is also between 8-10 years old at the time of filming. Not exact details, but helps narrow things down at least.
As for what year the present day stuff is set, I can't say. 2016? 2017? 2018? As TalonCard pointed out its during high school basketball season, but that doesn't narrow things down much. Practice begins in early September for Louisiana high school sports, according to this link, as all other estimates are drawn from (there's no reason to think the dates have drastically changed in a few years, depending on when exactly C&D Season 1 begins).
This means C&D can begin really anytime during school year before March, so September to February (even March in case of finals).
I'm watching the first episode now and at 1:05 the front end of a white Lexus can be seen. Does anyone familiar with autos recognize the model and possible year of that vehicle? that could at least provide and earliest possible placement for the flashback scenes.
The flip phone Talon mentioned that Tandy is using (at around 1:45 mark) could also help narrow down likely intended placement, least a bit. Tandy's dad also uses a Blackberry-like device shown very quickly at the 3:37 mark.
At the 7:43 mark, Tandy's father's work ID badge shows date ranges for when its issued and when it expires (presumably, its a bit out of focus). Doing my best to read it, I THINK it says ??MAR08 to ??MAR10 (I can't read the first couple of numbers that correspond to the specific day). I think it may be March 29 on second date, but can't make out the first one. Doesn't really matter anyway as it doesn't specifically denote the date of the flashbacks, but at least it narrows it down.
This indicates the flashbacks occur sometime between March 2008 and March 2010.
Given Tandy is getting into a club underage, I'm going to assume Tyrone and Tandy are in their senior year of high school.
At around the 20:30 mark, one of Tyrone's friends mentions she's throwing a party in the woods to celebrate them making state, likely placing the first episode in February (since State Championships are usually held in late February to early March, and its indicated they had just completed regular season or district playoffs). February is definitely the most reasonable spot to place the show's first episode.
As to whether thats meant to occur in 2016, 2017, or 2018, I can't say. I am however inclined to lean toward 2017 so as the show's timeline runs concurrent with the filming timeline, since thats often how the Netflix shows approach their timelines (well, sort of).
At 21:15 Tandy is walking along a road and the trees are all leafless in background, indicating winter time. Even though its set in and filmed in Louisiana, apparently it gets cold enough for leaves to fall off trees (that happens to some degree even down here in sweltering Florida, though our winters rarely dip below 40 degrees F here). This backs up the February month placement, especially as thats when that shot was most likely filmed (since first episode began filming in early Feb 2017).
At 31:13 a newspaper is shown, but the date isn't visible, or may not even be on the paper itself, another tactic I've noticed a lot of TV shows utilize is removing dates altogether in places they'd normally be, to avoid specific timeline placements for whatever reason--have a feeling thats the case here, in combination with the "Years Later" tag instead of a specific number of years.
At 31:48 a specific date is shown on a security camera feed, 2007-04-18, indicating the Roxxon oil rig disaster that gave Tyrone and Tandy their powers occurred in April 18, 2007 (which conflicts with the security badge of Tandy's father, but I'm taking the security camera date over that since its clearly visible and they had to pick a specific date for the cam feed as they always could've just used a cam shot without a date).
In episode 2, at 4:17 mark, Tyrone's father mentions "Eight years ago, fate pushed us down hard." This is obviously a reference to Tyrone's brothers death, placing the flashbacks in 2007 based on the camera date, and eight years later would place C&D sometime in 2015... we'll see.
At around 24:35 mark of episode 2, one of Tyrone's teammates mentions they're going to state finals "next week", indicating the season begins a bit after mid February, with first episode covering a few days, and episode 2 picking up following day sometime after Feb 20 or so.
At 36:20 mark of Episode 2, in a dream sequence, on a milk carton Tyrone and his brother's pictures reflect they've been missing since June 6, 2008 (6/6/08), which may be the intended date of Tyrone's brothers death and the oil rig explosion, which would put present day events either in 2016, or Feb 2017 (same as filming period), which would still be 8 years after Billy's death to tie in with Tyrone's father mentioning it was 8 years ago (or 8 years and 8 months, meaning his father wasn't rounding up to nearest year, which makes sense in that case).
Just a few things I noticed that haven't already been listed
In the first episode, Tyrone pulls over a taxi, on the windshield is an inspection sticker that expires "11 17." In Louisiana inspection stickers can be purchased for one or two years. Meaning at most, the show would occur after November of 2015, so I'm definitely on the on the early 2016 band wagon. I know it goes against the state championship argument, but it could even be argued that it could be December of 2015 to enforce both pieces of evidence (I'm not sure about the visions though, those dates and the cam date are so incredibly different, so that is really odd to me.)
Tyrone while he is talking to his priest has a conversation in the form of Priest: "You know what I would tell you?" Tyrone: "The same thing you have been telling me for three years." Although this does not prove it completely, this could be a tell that Tandy and Tyrone are in fact juniors in high school.
Also, just general information if it helps the pilot was filmed in February of 2017 and filming for the remainder of the show picked up in July of 2017.
Just a few things I picked up watching it, most of it had been listed already, so I really had to look. I'm excited to watch more of it, I'm actually pretty surprised how much I like it. I thought it would be good, yeah, but it's REALLY good, so I'm excited to keep watching.
Interesting tweet from the Captain America Twitter promises to give a look at the cinematic timeline. The link in the tweet is giving me a 503 error, but here's the tweet in case that gets fixed shortly.
What a poopy timeline. I hope this isn't the one that Feige was talking of
The chronological timeline at the beginning is, I kid you not, the order of release just Captain America is now at the front. Guardians Vol. 2 is shown to be set after Doctor Strange. It's a damn mess. I only post this to advise not spending a ton of money on it, because from what I can see.....it's......well, not good.
Tyrone's date of birth in HD - 8/19/00 (I got it very wrong).
This is problematic, because it means a) Tyrone is 6 in the prologue, which is very young, and b) Tyrone is a junior in September 2016-June 2017, and a senior in September 2017-June 2018, meaning we're probably February 2017 or February 2018 - which is difficult, because of the dialogue placing it earlier. I guess we'll see how this plays out.
So, I was at Barnes and Noble today and while I was there I picked up and read through the Marvel Studios 101 book. And for the most part, they stay away from dates, but when passage of time is mentioned there are A LOT of issues......this forum would have a field day with it. Some examples include: Tony being attacked "three days" after getting his award. Even though the movie gives us a clear "36 Hours Earlier." The chronological timeline at the beginning is, I kid you not, the order of release just Captain America is now at the front. Guardians Vol. 2 is shown to be set after Doctor Strange. It's a damn mess. I only post this to advise not spending a ton of money on it, because from what I can see.....it's......well, not good.
This 10 Years website timeline is a real world timeline, not in-universe at all. Like 64SuperNintendo was saying, it's just purely the release dates.What a poopy timeline.
It's not, because Feige said, "I love the Star Wars timeline, with the Battle of Yavin, everything is either After the Battle of Yavin, Before the Battle of Yavin. We're doing that, and the origin point for us is Tony saying, "I am Iron Man". So everything will be years after that, years before that - to the Big Bang, which is where it starts! It will look very cool and complex like Doc Brown on a chalkboard by the time it's published." Basically, by the sounds of it, it will look like a more complex version of the 2012 one.I hope this isn't the one that Feige was talking of
My thoughts exactly. Don't want this official timeline, because it will inevitably cause problems. The thing is, as ridiculous as it might initially sound, we probably know more about the ins and outs of the MCU timeline than Feige does. He's implicitly said that they're more focused on quality than timeline accuracy, and has also explicitly said that they usually don't have dates in their films except the Guardians of the Galaxy films, which isn't actually the case - many of the films do have dates, as we know. As well as this, I'm sure that Marvel Studios aren't monitoring the timeline details in all the TV shows the way we do.Lol.
In a way, I'm kind of glad they're staying away from doing an official specific timeline, only because I know it'll end up probably creating more problems than it solves.
So, I was at Barnes and Noble today and while I was there I picked up and read through the Marvel Studios 101 book. And for the most part, they stay away from dates, but when passage of time is mentioned there are A LOT of issues......this forum would have a field day with it. Some examples include: Tony being attacked "three days" after getting his award. Even though the movie gives us a clear "36 Hours Earlier." The chronological timeline at the beginning is, I kid you not, the order of release just Captain America is now at the front. Guardians Vol. 2 is shown to be set after Doctor Strange. It's a damn mess. I only post this to advise not spending a ton of money on it, because from what I can see.....it's......well, not good.
Wow, that's... Glad I didn't order the book for the hope of good timeline information outside of the Iron Man 3 confirmation. And where even is Spider-Man: Homecoming? It goes from 15) Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 to 16) Thor: Ragnarok...Here's a picture of it, at the top of this article:
This is what I was saying to the user who posted the HD images, because it does indeed look like "02" for Billy. It's slightly possible it's "82", but that's not ideal either, with the actor being 17, but this making Billy 25 in the scene.Yeah but that also shows his older brother's birthday as 2002, making his older brother somehow two years younger (which makes no sense).
Given those occur during that dream/vision sequence, I think it's best to chalk those dates up as something along the lines of an unreliable narrator type approach.
In the third episode of Cloak and Dagger, we see a drivers license for Rick Cotton, the spoiled rich kid Tandy fended off in the premiere. He was born September 29, 1994, but the actor's birthdate doesn't appear to be online, so it's hard to see if there's any chronological indicator there.
Here's a picture of it, at the top of this article:
What I really don't get about this is the list of films on the side. Why have prefixed Infinity War with "Marvel Studios'"?
Black Panther Chapter 1: "The Story of Home" (0:00:00 - 0:00:30)
Fandango: Since Ant-Man and the Wasp is the first MCU movie post-Infinity War, the biggest question fans have is when does this movie take place? Is it pre-snap? Is it post-snap? Or a little bit of both?
Peyton Reed: Well, I would be shot by a Marvel sniper if I revealed too much information. But all I can say is the movie takes place post-Civil War, and the timeline with regard to Infinity War will become apparent as you watch the movie. That's all I can say.
It might be unlisted on YouTube like the Meachum New York Bulletin and Chikara Dojo videos. I had a look, but the best I can do is that on Facebook the video is called "Rand Cares".Nice, thanks for heads up... does anyone know if its also on Youtube? Just wondering for sake of "official title" for it, if it even has one. Otherwise I'll use the quote listed with it.
What I really don't get about this is the list of films on the side. Why have prefixed Infinity War with "Marvel Studios'"?
I think it's more because the book is for Infinity War, so they're kind of highlighting the film as special.Perhaps they are titling their films that now so the GA can differentiate between Sony and them. They seem to keep distancing themselves more and more. It used to be "Marvel" but now it's "in association with Marvel"
That's interesting. I think the 101 book is a bit more simplistic in its layout, but it might be one of the other new information books - there was another one which was a bit more paragraph-y like that. The "2012" I don't see as timeline evidence, I think they're just saying the film came out in 2012 - but we have plenty of evidence for The Avengers being 2012 anyway. But the mind stone... I always assumed that he knew he had the mind stone, and he lent it to Loki to help him get another one. Like, "Here, borrow this, and return it to me along with the space stone." While some might argue that Thanos would be more reluctant than that to give away a stone, I find the idea of him lending it to help get a 2nd much more plausible than the one guy who's hellbent on gathering all six infinity stones - which are supposedly scattered across the vast universe - happening to have already had one, and didn't even realise it.Has anyone seen this? Might be from that same "Avengers 101" book. Saw an Avengers book at Walmart and looked through it, but I don't remember what it was called. Anyway, it justifies why Thanos gave Loki the scepter. It's the reason I always thought myself, he didn't know it had an infinity stone inside.
"The Mind Stone was first introduced into the Marvel Cinematic Universe in The Avengers back in 2012. Thanos, unaware of what it actually was, granted use of the stone to Loki to help him in his proposed conquest of Earth."
That blue coloring did the trick, I guess.