Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline

Yes but the security video is not from today. Makes far more sense to date it 2012 in my opinion. Similar to a flashback.
It is footage from 2012, but it's being shown on TV in present day. You could put it in 2012, but with the news logos and annotations, it fits more with 2015.
Another video on news from showing Scott Lang breaking into Vistacorp in 2012

Question does this occur before or after avengers?

There's no way to be sure. No dates in the videos (only time).

We know if occurs in 2012 by the title, just not when.

The fact we know Ant-Man occurs several months after the main portion of Avengers - Age of Ultron (based on the real time factor and as explicitly stated in an article surrounding a set visit to the film during production by Feige) places Scott Lang's release in July, 2015, not the full five year sentence he got (which would see his release in 2017).

Whether that's due to an early parole or Hank Pym getting him out (maybe with the help of SHIELD?) early remains to be seen (though it seems to be the former based on evidence seen).

So, no real way to tell. Could be before or after. The way the timeline will approach it is to place the online video just before Ant-Man, since the WHIH report is set in present day.

If it were an actual flashback, it wouldn't be presented as part of a series of modern news reports on Scott Lang leading up to his release in present day, July, 2015.

As for answering the question which happens first, though... there's no way to, really, least not at this point. Could go either way.
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Well Ant-Man has clearly had the best marketing ever.

Are we assuming all this stuff is canon? There's so little info in it that it'll probably never get retconned... I guess let's assume it's canon.
The ticker on the bottom of the latest WHIH says something like "Stark announces scholarships for promising students from urban city schools"--I think the Spider-Man references are starting to come through...

Just came back from Ant-Man. I really enjoyed it. It was pretty fun. As far as timeline stuff,
there are two flashbacks, one happening in 89, and the second in 87. The rest of the movie all happens in the present day, and what I can only assume is a couple of days, maybe weeks. Definitely happened after Age of Ultron though.
Also there are a few newspapers, couldn't catch a date on any of them. Nothing that I saw to discredit the Christine Everheart WHIH news segments they've been doing for viral marketing. So you could theoretically place it on for July 17th for the day Scott gets released from prison.
Just came back from Ant-Man. I really enjoyed it. It was pretty fun. As far as timeline stuff,
there are two flashbacks, one happening in 89, and the second in 87. The rest of the movie all happens in the present day, and what I can only assume is a couple of days, maybe weeks. Definitely happened after Age of Ultron though.
Also there are a few newspapers, couldn't catch a date on any of them. Nothing that I saw to discredit the Christine Everheart WHIH news segments they've been doing for viral marketing. So you could theoretically place it on for July 17th for the day Scott gets released from prison.

Will do. I'm going to go check it out sometime in the next week (moving this week otherwise I'd have gone tonight or tomorrow). I'll get the timeline updated with the rest of the WHIH reports and anything I can glean from the film.
Also you'll have to
separate out the voice-over on the 1987 flashback. But yeah, I love that they're fleshing out the '80s a little bit more after so much in the 1940s and present day.
Saw Ant-Man again, and I've broken it down. I pretty much go beat by beat through the plot so if you haven't seen it yet, these are heavy spoilers.

So if we go by WHIH viral marketing, Scott gets released on July 17th. We smash cut to Scott working at Baskin Robbins. This is hardest part to nail down because there is no real way to determine how long it's been since his release. My thought is since he's using the fake name of 'Jack' (as seen on his name badge), it's been a few weeks. I imagine he'd tried using his real name a few times, before lying about his identity to get this job. It's all circumstantial and again there's no hard dates that I can see to back this up, so who knows for sure.

BUT, in the scene where Hank returns to Pym Tech and Darren unveils the Yellowjacket to potential buyers, Carson says he'll buy it, and he'll have the money in 2 weeks. Meaning the rest of the movie happens in this time frame, as the climax happens during Carson's buy. It's an approximate 2 weeks. I was trying confirm this by counting days by how many outfit changes there are, but this movie has a LOT of montages and they jump back and forth in the timeline during those quite a bit. All I can say for sure is the scene with Falcon happens the day before the heist. Also the mid credits scene is on the same day of the wrap up of the movie, as Hank and Hope are wearing the same clothes, it probably happened as soon as Scott left Hank's house.

Here's a breakdown;

July 17th - Scott's released from prison

<Undetermined amount of time>

Day 1 - Scott's fired from Baskin Robbins, Hank goes to Pym Tech, Carson buys the Yellowjacket, Scott visits Cassie's birthday party.

Day 2 - Scott and his crew start prepping for the first heist. Scott steals the suit that night.

Day 3 - Scott shrinks for the first time. Returns the suit, is arrested, escapes jail.

Day 4 - Scott wakes up at Hank's house. Starts training.

Day 5-12 - Scott trains

Day 13 - Scott fights Falcon, Darren visits Hank at his home

Day 14 - Carson comes to make his sale, Scott and his crew try to steal the Yellowjacket suit.

Day 15 (probably) or 16 (potentially)? - Scott, Hope and Hank talk about the heist, Mid-credits scene, Scott has dinner with Cassie and his ex-wife.

Day ??? - Post credits scene

Again, there's no way to tell if it was a literal 14 day 2 weeks, or an approximate one but it works out pretty well this way. Also we'll be able to know more when we can pause and look at computers and newspapers as there are a lot of both in this movie.
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Saw Ant-Man again, and I've broken it down. I pretty much go beat by beat through the plot so if you haven't seen it yet, these are heavy spoilers.

So if we go by WHIH viral marketing, Scott gets released on July 17th. We smash cut to Scott working at Baskin Robbins. This is hardest part to nail down because there is no real way to determine how long it's been since his release. My thought is since he's using the fake name of 'Jack' (as seen on his name badge), it's been a few weeks. I imagine he'd tried using his real name a few times, before lying about his identity to get this job. It's all circumstantial and again there's no hard dates that I can see to back this up, so who knows for sure.

BUT, in the scene where Hank returns to Pym Tech and Darren unveils the Yellowjacket to potential buyers, Carson says he'll buy it, and he'll have the money in 2 weeks. Meaning the rest of the movie happens in this time frame, as the climax happens during Carson's buy. It's an approximate 2 weeks. I was trying confirm this by counting days by how many outfit changes there are, but this movie has a LOT of montages and they jump back and forth in the timeline during those quite a bit. All I can say for sure is the scene with Falcon happens the day before the heist. Also the mid credits scene is on the same day of the wrap up of the movie, as Hank and Hope are wearing the same clothes, it probably happened as soon as Scott left Hank's house.

Here's a breakdown;

July 17th - Scott's released from prison

<Undetermined amount of time>

Day 1 - Scott's fired from Baskin Robbins, Hank goes to Pym Tech, Carson buys the Yellowjacket, Scott visits Cassie's birthday party.

Day 2 - Scott and his crew start prepping for the first heist. Scott steals the suit that night.

Day 3 - Scott shrinks for the first time. Returns the suit, is arrested, escapes jail.

Day 4 - Scott wakes up at Hank's house. Starts training.

Day 5-12 - Scott trains

Day 13 - Scott fights Falcon, Darren visits Hank at his home

Day 14 - Carson comes to make his sale, Scott and his crew try to steal the Yellowjacket suit.

Day 15 (probably) or 16 (potentially)? - Scott, Hope and Hank talk about the heist, Mid-credits scene, Scott has dinner with Cassie and his ex-wife.

Day ??? - Post credits scene

Again, there's no way to tell if it was a literal 14 day 2 weeks, or an approximate one but it works out pretty well this way. Also we'll be able to know more when we can pause and look at computers and newspapers as there are a lot of both in this movie.

Very cool. Once it comes out on DVD I'll use this to break it down.

Unfortunately, as you said, we can't really tell how much time passes from Scott's release from prison and him working at Baskin Robbins.

To be safe, the best approach will probably be to place the scene of his release on July 17, and from there spread the remainder of the movie over late July/early August. Won't be able to use precise dates but that's ok.

Confirms that the Blu-ray won't have any new canon content, despite the (admittedly absurd) rumors of an extended edition or director's cut.

Yeah I'd read that. Not sure why the rumors of an extended edition were absurd, given Whedon's and Feige's comments about what was cut for time, though. Seems like it'd be a smart marketing move on Marvel Studios pasty, especially given the success of X-Men - Days of Future Past: The Rogue Cut, or even the Lord of the Rings and Hobbit extended editions.
I think that the Ant-Man timeline be revised so that
the post baskin robins takes place in August not late July. Scott gets out on July 17th looking for an electrical engineering job but settles for baskin robins since no one will hire him. Surely it took longer than 2 weeks for him to get discouraged enough to stop looking for a six figure job and settle for next to minimum wage. Plus companies don't typically hire engineers on the spot. It takes weeks or months.
August in my opinion is the safest bet.