Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline

forgot about the helicarrier. Thats a firmly established MCU date. So it definately starts in spring 2014. Is it possible that there is a gap between the first few episodes and episode six. perhaps it starts in the spring. jumps to fall then continues till may 2015?

I really do think AoS S2 and DD S1 are intended to overlap. As long as we have some way of marking that on the timeline, it's not urgent we solve this.
We have three definitive markers. Episode 1 occurs at approx may 2014 as evidence by the helicarrier trip coulson just got back from and age of ultron takes place 2015.

Episode 5 occurs before nov 3rd. Election Day.

Episode 19 occurs just before age of ultron (may 2015).

Can't remember why we know aou is May 2015 but it does occur before ant man which firmly begins on July 17 as evidenced by the promos. Ultron attack was "recent" so may makes sense.
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We have three definitive markers. Episode 1 occurs at approx may 2014 as evidence by the helicarrier trip coulson just got back from and age of ultron takes place 2015.

Episode 5 occurs before nov 3rd. Election Day.

Episode 19 occurs just before age of ultron (may 2015).

Can't remember why we know aou is May 2015 but it does occur before ant man which firmly begins on July 17 as evidenced by the promos. Ultron attack was "recent" so may makes sense.

The "May, 2015" date is merely reflective of the month it came out. The first Avengers occurred in real time (a few days in May, 2012) based on behind the scenes material that firmly dated the Museum Exhibit that Loki crashed in May, 2015. The second Avengers is only presumed to occur in May, 2015, but its a safe bet beyond just the alignment with the real world date of release for the movie.

I'm not sure how much time passes between the events in Sokovia and Ultron's destruction and the scene at the new Avengers facillity... a couple weeks? A couple months? I'm not sure. They were still retrofitting it, and unless they built it from scratch it could only be a couple weeks or so after Sokovia. If they did build it from scratch I imagine at least a month had to pass... and odds are, with Tony's money and the desire for cutting edge security, it was built from scratch. So, I'm only guessing, but the closing scene of Age of Ultron likely occurs a month or two after Sokovia... and likely a few weeks or a month or two before the events in Ant-Man when Scott and Sam went at it (because while Ant-Man begins on July 17, we know its likely Ant-Man spans weeks or probably well over a month:

His release from prison on July 17, his hiring and working at the Baskin Robbins (if I recall correctly) had to have been a few days at least, possibly even a week or two depending on how lax their HR department is... in all reality it was probably only a few days. I need to watch it again once it comes out on DVD to see if I can't lay out a better outline for it.

Anyway, as to AoS... we can safely assume AoS Season 2 begins in or around May, 2014, and the first five episodes likely run from May into early or mid Summer (June, July if you really push it and stretch it out, but that's unnecessary given the jump between episodes 5 and 6 (thanks again for pointing that out).

We can safely assume the remainder of AoS (episode 2x06 onward) picks up in late 2014 (Fall sometime, but its impossible to determine with any kind of exact or even rough estimate beyond late in the year).

If there are no other mentions of the election after Episode 5 (I can't remember) it may even be possible to just place 2x06 through the end of the season all in 2015, since there aren't any large time jumps in those episodes, with it running from sometime in early 2015 to May.

And that would leave Daredevil in August/September.

AoS 2x01-2x05 in Spring to Summer, 2014.
Daredevil Season 1 in late Summer/early Fall, 2014.
AoS 2x06-2x22 from either late, 2014 or early 2015 throught to May, 2015.
With the DVD release of Avenger: Age of Ultron I decided to go back and re-watch everything in chronological order. I've even started making my own super edit of everything based on this timeline (it's still early days). I was wondering, how come you didn't edit the scene where Odin finds baby Loki (where he goes from blue to pale) into the introduction of the whole universe. To me it would make sense to put it before we get that incredible opening scene of Asgard. I want to know so I can make the necessary changes to my super edit. Thanks
With the DVD release of Avenger: Age of Ultron I decided to go back and re-watch everything in chronological order. I've even started making my own super edit of everything based on this timeline (it's still early days). I was wondering, how come you didn't edit the scene where Odin finds baby Loki (where he goes from blue to pale) into the introduction of the whole universe. To me it would make sense to put it before we get that incredible opening scene of Asgard. I want to know so I can make the necessary changes to my super edit. Thanks

Because (if I recall correctly) it was merely a quick flashback scene that was shown while the present day dialogue of Odin telling Loki how he found him. It's been awhile since I watched Thor so my memory is admittedly a bit hazy on that.
Didn't spot any definitive time frame of "months" stated. But its explicitly post Ant-Man. I suspect were in approx present day. Any other clues out there?
Didn't spot any definitive time frame of "months" stated. But its explicitly post Ant-Man. I suspect were in approx present day. Any other clues out there?

Yeah, AoS 3x01 made references to the events of Avengers, Thor - The Dark World, Captain America - The Winter Soldier, Avengers - Age of Ultron, and Ant-Man. I believe it was stated three months had passed by the producers, even if it wasn't explicitly stated in the show I'll go with that, as its supported by the real-time approach and would explain the time required for Bobbi to heal from her ordeal at the end of Season 2.

Also... just where the heck is Simmons...
obviously an alien planet... but which one? Kree homeworld, perhaps? An ancient Kree prison (a la Superman's Phantom Zone) planet?
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Looks like that place from season 1 with the episode where the dude was being pulled into hell.
Updated for the Avengers - Age of Ultron DVD Chapter titles and time codes and AoS 3x01.

I also ordered the most recent MCU comic trades to complete my collection, specifically the Ant-Man, Age of Ultron, and Guardians of the Galaxy TPBs. I'll update for the Ant-Man - Scott Lang: Small Time - Infinite #1 comic, but I'm just waiting on the Ant-Man DVD to come out so I can time code and insert the pages properly where needed.
Also... just where the heck is Simmons...
obviously an alien planet... but which one? Kree homeworld, perhaps? An ancient Kree prison (a la Superman's Phantom Zone) planet?

Did I miss something? When was anything shown about her?

Looks like that place from season 1 with the episode where the dude was being pulled into hell.

Did I miss this as well? What episode/when did this happen?

I am so excited to give to you. a BRAND NEW JESSICA JONES comic FOR FREE.

by myself, michael gaydos and david mack.

it is in the marvel tv universe and it celebrates the new show and the connective tissue that will build between the series.

and a big THANK YOU to all of you for your support, excitement and enthusiasm for jessica and everything else.


pass it forward.

Am I crazy or does it read better chronologically with the Daredevil stuff first?
The canon was just getting easy to sort through as to what was and was not official, but I've seen a couple of things brought up over the last month or so where some official word on the canon like we were getting before with the comics would really come in handy. Someone in the past seemed to have some good luck tweeting with some of Marvel's people, and they responded item by item stating whether a certain comic was canon or not.

In particular, these two comics:
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. #1 - The Chase
This comic never had any Marvel Cinematic Universe Official Tie-In red stamp, however reading this from the official Marvel site has always left me questioning why the comic did not have the stamp: "Together Lexus, Marvel and the team behind 'Marvel's Agents S.H.I.E.L.D.' collaborated to create a backstory to the TV series that has utter continuity with the show...". "Utter continuity."
Jessica Jones #1
From writer Bendis's blog: the comic "is in the marvel tv universe and it celebrates the new show and the connective tissue that will build between the series." The comic has the Marvel logo, the Netflix logo, the Daredevil and Jessica Jones logos....everything to make it look like it's meant to be part of the MCU canon. But it's missing the key red stamp that discerns canon from "inspired by".

When the WHiH videos started coming out, more questions were raised as far as if these videos are considered canon, and if previous short videos set in the MCU were canon as well. The following is a list of everything I could find (mostly from a list compiled by /u/bflaminio on the /r/marvelstudios subreddit):
Stark Expo 74
Stark Expo 2010
Stark Expo 2010: AccuTech
Stark Expo 2010: Cordco
Stark Expo 2010: Fujikawa
Galaxy Getaways
Meet Darren Cross
WHiH Newsfront Promo
WHiH Newsfront Top Stories
WHiH EXCLUSIVE: 2012 VistaCorp break-in security footage involving cyber-criminal Scott Lang
WIRED Insider Interviews Darren Cross, CEO of Pym Technologies
WHiH EXCLUSIVE: Scott Lang Interview

I can see different sides to whether people think these are canon, or fit as canon, or work in some kind of head canon. What I'm really looking and hoping for in this post is to: a) gather in one place the comics and videos that I have seen most discussed as far as their canon goes; and b) look for anyone who works for Marvel or anyone who knows who to talk to at Marvel to clarify officially their canonicity. I think wyokid was talking with Will Corona Pilgrim about MCU canon back in 2012, and I believe Aztlan was also getting some responses as recently as 2014. In February of 2015 in a Comic Book Resources article, we once again saw Will Corona Pilgrim talk about "in canon" versus "inspired by".
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