The Timeline Guy
A couple of questions now that I've seen Age of Ultron (so good!):
Is the Helicarrier from the finale intended to be the same one Nick had in the first Avengers movie? I just assumed so when I watched it, and Agents of SHIELD seemed to me to imply that the resources Theta Protocol was using were going towards acquiring/repairing/maintaining/retrofitting the helicarrier and keeping it secret. But I've seen several reviews of both the film and the episode that state that Coulson was actually building a brand new helicarrier. That doesn't seem to jive with Fury's comment that he pulled it out of mothballs, but maybe I'm missing something.
Not sure where people are drawing that conclusion from. As you said, between the AoS flashback that showed the Helicarrier combined with Fury's dialogue about it being in storage, I think it's more likely they just had an existing Helicarrier in storage.
None of the spin off comics for AoU mention the Helicarrier, let alone Coulson building a new one, so I think that's just a big leap in logic some are making.
Okay, this is really out of left field and probably wishful thinking on my part, but I swear that during the scene when Ultron starts learning about the state of the world, amongst the stock footage somewhere there's a newspaper headline for the Daily [Something]. Was this the Daily Bugle? I was really hoping to catch it the next time I saw the movie, but I missed it. I can't believe they'd slip it in there without anyone noticing, but there are no existing newspapers I know of in the MCU with "Daily" in their title, except the Daily Cadet.
It could've been, they certainly could've added it in as a tease or Easter Egg to foreshadow Spidey coming to the MCU, and the deal with Sony was certainly finalized in time that they could've inserted a graphic showing that.
I didn't catch that, and it hasn't been spotted by anyone else in the many lists/videos online that break down all the little Easter eggs and nods to the comics in AoU.