Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline

"Six Months Earlier" than May 8 1946 is November 1945. The timeline currently shows December 1945.

Agent Carter 1x08: "Valediction" (0:17:24 - 0:17:53)
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Well I feel embarrassed. After spending some time making an argument that

Daredevil 1x10: "Nelson v. Murdock" (0:20:15 - 0:24:47)

occurs in 2013 due to graduation plans I have discovered I was in error. I dont know how I missed it, but there are lots of fallen leaves on the ground with many trees still having leaves on them. Hence it must be the autumn before graduation and thus 2012 after all. I apologize for the oversight.

Best guess would be October 2012 given that its New York.
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Go with extended or stick with theatrical? I'm for the former, but interested to hear everyone's opinion.

I'm all for extended. If the alternate ending is a bonus feature it's not cannon in my opinion. If it's incorporated into the extended its cannon to me.

Agreed. Scenes incorporated into the movie should obviously be canon, scenes served as extra features should not.

If the alternate ending and theatrical ending contradict each other, that's a harder question. But I doubt they'd do anything like that.
Looks like Avengers - Age of Ultron will get an extended version on BluRay (as well as an alternate ending)...

Obviously the theatrical ending should be canon, but I wonder if I shouldn't use the extended version over the theatrical version when it comes out on BluRay and I'm able to break up scenes/DVD chapters, etc.

I do prefer the extended versions of the Lord of the Rings movies (and I'll probably prefer the Hobbit extended versions once I check those out (which I'll do towards the end of the year when the last Hobbit extended version comes out later this year, and I can do a glorious marathon of both extended trilogies.

Back on topic... what's everyone's opinion on that?

Go with extended or stick with theatrical? I'm for the former, but interested to hear everyone's opinion.

Only on bluray, right? Boo!
I'm all for extended. If the alternate ending is a bonus feature it's not cannon in my opinion. If it's incorporated into the extended its cannon to me.

I agree, though by definition an alternate ending would imply an ending that's an alternative (and very unlikely to work canonically with the theatrical ending... it could, it's just unlikely), not just deleted scenes reincorporated back in. We'll see.

But either way, I agree the Extended version is probably preferably for the timeline.
I just hope that when Civil War comes out on Blu-ray that it has the shifting aspect ratio for the IMAX footage like on The Dark Knight, Transformers 2, etc. But as for the Extended AoU, I agree with everyone else, if I hit play and the scenes are re-incorporated then that's canon, if they are bonus features, they are not canon.

OT: DIrishB, I've seen the extended of Hobbit 1 and 2 and I can say that they are very worth it, especially film 2. Why in the hell they decided to reshoot an entire scene to remove a character and an entire plot point for the theatrical edition is just beyond me. The Extended Editions are far and away the only real way to watch Hobbit to me.
I just hope that when Civil War comes out on Blu-ray that it has the shifting aspect ratio for the IMAX footage like on The Dark Knight, Transformers 2, etc. But as for the Extended AoU, I agree with everyone else, if I hit play and the scenes are re-incorporated then that's canon, if they are bonus features, they are not canon.

That's how I see it.

OT: DIrishB, I've seen the extended of Hobbit 1 and 2 and I can say that they are very worth it, especially film 2. Why in the hell they decided to reshoot an entire scene to remove a character and an entire plot point for the theatrical edition is just beyond me. The Extended Editions are far and away the only real way to watch Hobbit to me.

Yeah, I've seen the theatrical versions but have been waiting for the final one to come out in the Extended Edition. Think it'll be out towards the end of this year. Once it does I'll pick up all three Hobbit Extended films and add them to my Lord of the Rings Extended films. And then I'm marathoning the entire thing over a weekend.

Figure I can do one extended trilogy per day, Hobbit then LotR, with a little over ten hours each day to get through them.
I would say that the extended edition should be canon, however if it contradicts the theatrical, then it shouldn't be counted. If that makes sense.

That's how I feel about deleted scenes in general. I feel deleted scenes are canon. They did happen they just didn't show it to us. Unless of course they contradict the theatrical release.
I would say that the extended edition should be canon, however if it contradicts the theatrical, then it shouldn't be counted. If that makes sense.

That's how I feel about deleted scenes in general. I feel deleted scenes are canon. They did happen they just didn't show it to us. Unless of course they contradict the theatrical release.

This I disagree with. If it's released in an official extended release version, where its incorporated back into that extended release version in a way that doesn't contradict the canon (like the LotR or Hobbit Extended versions), and only expands it in an official capacity, that's one thing.

If it's an official deleted scene and nothing more (essentially if it's only found in the Special Features and is only ever classified as a "deleted scene/alternate take") than a deleted scene), it shouldn't be taken as canon. It shouldn't necessarily be taken as non-canon either, but not confirmed.

If they don't include even deleted scenes in the Extended version (or if there's no extended edition to speak of--ie, every other MCU film before this one), then no reason to view them as canon any more than a prop that's never seen on film itself.

That's how I view it anyway.
An extended version is just that. It's extending the film and filling in a little more so it would make the extra footage canon. An alternative ending wouldn't be canon because it wouldn't be extending the original theatrical film and instead just gives a different take on it. AoS would deal with the original ending and might not even work with the alternative.
Spoilers regarding AoU, so using Spoiler tags for majority of this post.

So in regards to Avengers - Age of Ultron and its placement on the timeline, there's nothing definitive given in the movie itself about its exact placement: no dates seen onscreen or in props from what I could see (I'm going to rewatch it again to double check). No dialogue indicating exactly (or even non-exact) how long its been since the first Avengers movie or Captain America - The Winter Soldier (though both are specifically referenced, the first movie several times throughout and CA-TWS in regards to the fall of SHIELD). Thor does say something to the effect of "at last" in regards to tracking down Loki's Scepter, so they've obviously been looking for it for awhile (pretty much since just before the collapse of SHIELD, per the AoU Prelude comic and dialogue in AoU, though its said they've been looking for it "since the fall of SHIELD" in AoU, but its a difference of days so not a glaring error or anything). Widow also mentions she recruited Banner (in the first movie) "way back when". Seems they're going out of their way not to mention timeline markers in this film.

The closest is towards the end, when Thor mentions the Mind Stone is the fourth Infinity Stone to show up in the "last few years". Since the first one showed up in Captain America - The First Avenger (Tesseract/Space Stone) in 1945, he's obviously referencing it's reappearance when it was taken from SHIELD by Loki (at coincidentally the same time as the Mind Stone showed up on Earth in Loki's Scepter--though I still find it odd that Thanos willingly gave up one of the Stones to Loki, even temporarily). With the Aether (its unknown if its the Soul or Reality stone, but most likely its the Reality Stone) and Orb showing up in the galaxy in 2013 and 2014 respectively (its likely Thor would've known about the events of GotG and Ronan's attack by the time of A-AoU, given Heimdall's ability to see everything), his statement holds true, and at least helps nail down the timeline a tad. A "few" is defined as "not many but more than one". So it can be as little as 2 technically (but is rarely done so since people would just refer to a "couple years"), but is generally used to denote 3-4. Given the real world timeline matches up to the 3 years that likely means, that's a safe bet.

Of course, Cap also mentioned he went in the ice "75 years ago", which is a noticeable overestimation. We know he went into the ice in 1945, which is 70 years before, not 75. Unless we are to assume Age of Ultron occurs in 2020, which is unlikely and doesn't jive with the mentions by Thor of the other Infinity Stones showing up in the past "few years".

The film's internal timeline looks something like this:

Day 1 (Wednesday) (Attack on Strucker's base, Tony and Banner begin working on Ultron that afternoon/evening presumably)
Avengers - Age of Ultron (0:00:00 - 0:20:24)

Day 2 (Thursday) (Tony and Banner work on Ultron, Day 1)
Avengers - Age of Ultron (0:20:25 - 0:20:35)

Day 3 (Friday) (Tony and Banner work on Ultron, Day 2)
Avengers - Age of Ultron (0:20:36 - 0:20:53)

Day 4 (Saturday) (Tony and Banner work on Ultron, Day 3, the party happens that night and Ultron awakens)
Avengers - Age of Ultron (0:20:54 - 0:35:56)

Day 5 (Sunday) (Ultron recruits Wanda and Pietro, Avengers attack Klaue's weapons factory and fight Ultron and the twins, Wanda messes with Hulk's mind leading to Hulk/Hulkbuster (Veronica) fight)
Avengers - Age of Ultron (0:35:57 - 0:58:49)

Day 6 (Monday) (Avengers go to Hawkeye's house to recuperate, Ultron uses the Scepter to mind control Dr. Cho into creating a new body for him, Avengers plan attack on Ultron, Thor and Selvig use the Water of Sight to help figure out what to do, Tony hacks NEXUS to draw Ultron out)
Avengers - Age of Ultron (0:58:50 - 1:17:03)

Day 7 (Tuesday) (Ultron nears completion on uploading his consciousness into the Vision android, Avengers attack and obtain the Vision, Ultron kidnaps Black Widow, Tony, Banner, and Thor bring Vision online, Vision proves his worth by nonchalantly picking up Thor's hammer,)
Avengers - Age of Ultron (1:17:04 - 1:37:11)

Day 8 (Wednesday)* (Avengers final battle with Ultron, Quicksilver sacrifices himself to save Hawkeye and a kid, Vision destroys last Ultron robot)
Avengers - Age of Ultron (1:37:12 - 2:06:13)

Day 9 (Thursday) (Hawkeye returns home)
Avengers - Age of Ultron (2:06:14 - 2:06:44)

At least a few months later** (New Avengers facility is being set up, Tony and Clint have retired, Banner is in hiding, Quicksilver is dead; Cap and Widow begin training the New Avengers team of Falcon, War Machine, Vision, and Scarlet Witch)
Avengers - Age of Ultron (2:06:45 - 2:10:53)

Unknown*** (Thanos steals the Infinity Gauntlet, presumably from an Asgardian vault)
Avengers - Age of Ultron (2:1?:?? - 2:1?:??)

* Tony loads a disk entitled "Friday". This the name of the program (with the female voice), not the day of the week, so its not a continuity screw up. If you look closely to the upper left in the background you'll see a disk entitled "Jocasta" (obvious wink) and another that's partially cut off by the way the shot is framed that reads "??das #1". Maybe Midas? Could be more letters than that, hard to tell. Either way it indicates those names are various programs Tony has written for the Iron Man suits.

** Noted by the birth of Nathaniel Barton, earlier in the movie Barton's wife Laura when she was pregnant, that the baby would be born in a few months (indicating she was likely around 6 months pregnant at that point, when the Avengers were hiding out on Barton's farm). Given Natasha is viewing a photo of baby Nathaniel after he's born, at least 3 months have passed since the final battle with Ultron.

*** It's unknown when the mid-credits scene occurs. Is it during the events of AoU, after, even before? Presumably it occurs afterward, and since it acts as a prelude to Phase 3, placing it after AoU makes sense both chronologically and narratively (unless future evidence indicates otherwise). I also don't have the correct time-code for that in regards to the credits in between the end of the film and the mid credits scene.

As for those time-codes, they're only temporary for the theatrical version, and not much help without firm dates to pin it down. The Extended Edition will obviously be about a half hour longer so when that's eventually released on BluRay at the end of the year, I'll get those posted and split up by chapter).

In terms of AoS: Dr. List is indeed with Strucker at the castle that the Avengers attack at the beginning, and while attempting to delete the various Hydra computer files, he gets zapped by Tony/Iron Man (not sure if it was a stun shot or lethal, and while it may have been a grazing shot of the latter variety, there were no indicators as to whether he was dead or alive).

Therefore, if he appears in any AoS episodes from next week's episode (not this week's, necessarily), we know the AoS season ends before AoU--but that may be unlikely, we'll know for sure in the next couple weeks with the AoS Season 2 finale, and hopefully next week assuming they're doing direct tie-ins to AoU.

As for the A-AoU Extended Edition, it would seem that will contain the scenes of the twins (Wanda and Pietro) protesting in Sokovia (seen in some of the trailers but not AoU itself), as well as a wealth of other material and character scenes. Other than the alternate ending, which won't be considered canon, the rest should be, since its being released in an official capacity.

But in regards to the timeline, assuming the Extended version has those scenes in a prologue scene that'll place that scene likely before CA-TWS (along with the accompanying A-AoU Prelude - This Sceptre'd Isle comic pages, which I'm waiting on the TPB for so I can break up the page numbers to insert them between the first Avengers and CA-TWS--as well as during The Avengers and CA-TWS).

Some really cool Easter Eggs/nods. Ultron, during one of his monologues, mentions that "from invaders are born Avengers". He's referring to the Chitauri, but it can easily be taken as a reference to the Invaders team of Cap, Namor, the (original) Human Torch), etc. Technically the Invaders from the 1940's were the first superhero team in the Marvel universe, followed by the Avengers in the 1960's. Kind of a cool wink at that.

Also, liked how they had a few hints of the Wanda/Vision relationship. Wanda, obviously impressed with Vision, stares at him with a sense of infatuation (while he's standing outside with Thor) at the 1:36:39 mark for a few seconds. Vision also later saves Wanda at the end of the final battle.

An extended version is just that. It's extending the film and filling in a little more so it would make the extra footage canon. An alternative ending wouldn't be canon because it wouldn't be extending the original theatrical film and instead just gives a different take on it. AoS would deal with the original ending and might not even work with the alternative.

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I found an error in the timeline but I'm stumped as to how to fix it. Currently the timeline looks like this:

October 20
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 1x21: "Ragtag" (0:21:37 - 0:24:29)
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 1x21: "Ragtag" (0:26:10 - 0:29:22)
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 1x21: "Ragtag" (0:30:54 - 0:32:20)
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 1x21: "Ragtag" (0:33:34 - 0:36:16)
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 1x21: "Ragtag" (0:36:37 - 0:37:32)
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 1x21: "Ragtag" (0:37:37 - 0:41:50)
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 1x22: "Beginning of the End" (0:00:00 - 0:35:16)

Problem is 1x21 @ 23 minutes Quinn says he will be in DC tomorrow to talk with the US Military. There are no obvious breaks and nobody changes clothes for the rest of the episode. The Bus leaves cuba for New Mexico dropping FitzSimmons off in the ocean along the way. Quinn is in DC during the end tag scene 1x21 @ 41 minutes. When 1x22 starts at about 2 minutes the Bus is still in flight from Cuba to New Mexico Raina has changed and Quinn is present. I suppose one could assume that garret went to DC to pick up Quinn before proceeding to New Mexico on the same day that he had his interview . Since Quinn is back from DC a day has to have passed. Problem is concurrent with all these episodes and literally straddling the same time Coulson's team was infiltrating the base and fighting the deathlocks. it obvious it was just a few minutes. FitzSimmons under water also straddles the same time. Fitz implies that they have only been under water for an hour at 1x22 6 minutes.

Some help please. how can at least 2 days pass (so quinn can go to DC) yet less than a day seem to pass for FitzSimmons and Coulson?
I found an error in the timeline but I'm stumped as to how to fix it. Currently the timeline looks like this:

October 20
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 1x21: "Ragtag" (0:21:37 - 0:24:29)
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 1x21: "Ragtag" (0:26:10 - 0:29:22)
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 1x21: "Ragtag" (0:30:54 - 0:32:20)
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 1x21: "Ragtag" (0:33:34 - 0:36:16)
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 1x21: "Ragtag" (0:36:37 - 0:37:32)
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 1x21: "Ragtag" (0:37:37 - 0:41:50)
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 1x22: "Beginning of the End" (0:00:00 - 0:35:16)

Problem is 1x21 @ 23 minutes Quinn says he will be in DC tomorrow to talk with the US Military. There are no obvious breaks and nobody changes clothes for the rest of the episode. The Bus leaves cuba for New Mexico dropping FitzSimmons off in the ocean along the way. Quinn is in DC during the end tag scene 1x21 @ 41 minutes. When 1x22 starts at about 2 minutes the Bus is still in flight from Cuba to New Mexico Raina has changed and Quinn is present. I suppose one could assume that garret went to DC to pick up Quinn before proceeding to New Mexico on the same day that he had his interview . Since Quinn is back from DC a day has to have passed. Problem is concurrent with all these episodes and literally straddling the same time Coulson's team was infiltrating the base and fighting the deathlocks. it obvious it was just a few minutes. FitzSimmons under water also straddles the same time. Fitz implies that they have only been under water for an hour at 1x22 6 minutes.

Some help please. how can at least 2 days pass (so quinn can go to DC) yet less than a day seem to pass for FitzSimmons and Coulson?

It's obviously a continuity mistake (apparently the script supervisor for AoS sucks at their job).

As for how to explain it, perhaps when Quinn mentioned he was going to DC tomorrow, he intended to do just that. It's possible, hell, even likely, that he was notified of Coulson's team's interference and was commanded by Hydra to push up the meeting to that later that same day.
Tonight's episode of AoS leads directly into AoU (in a nice direct way, doesn't seem to require any breaking up of the film or crossover element, just AoU fits perfectly in between AoS episode 19 and 20--presumably regarding Ep 20, as that doesn't air until next week).
That's actually a reason why I'm holding off on seeing AoU along with being able to arrange a time with friends to see it. Episode 19 doesn't air here until May 22nd so will see AoU the week after or so
That's actually a reason why I'm holding off on seeing AoU along with being able to arrange a time with friends to see it. Episode 19 doesn't air here until May 22nd so will see AoU the week after or so

Not a good idea, it is likely that it will stop showing by then or will have a very limited showing. After last year with Winter Soldier and AoS showing so late in the UK, I took to torrenting even though we have Channel 4. It means they crossovers make sense and nothing gets spoiled

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