The Timeline Guy
You also have to factor in Foggy applying for the language course in Fall 2010 when they first meet, as dated on the application he's filling in on the laptop. They either meet at the end of 2009 or the start of 2010.
Ah, I hadn't noticed that yet. I started Episode 10 but stopped about 5 minutes in because I was exhausted (I saw the very beginning of the college scene and stopped). If thats the case and that scene you describe does have a Fall, 2010 date, that's obviously when its set. The 2009 sticker would just have been a year or so old at that point. I'm diving back into the episodes now so I'll have it all laid out for tonight.
Just checked, you're absolutely right. At the 03:02 mark you can clearly see the Course schedule and classes that Foggy is trying to sign up for are for Fall, 2010. That would most likely place the scene in August, possibly September (but likely August).
Ah I see, 2009 it is thenColleges/ Universities in the UK are smaller, you get to know everyone doing the same course as you
As for the Matt/Foggy timeline, I figure that its at least their sophomore or even junior year, since Foggy is already signing up for intro legal courses (pretty much exclusively except for a language course--Punjabi), and there aren't any general education courses (that are usually requirements in some form for freshman and sophomore students before getting into courses specific to their degree field, especially to the exclusive degree Foggy's course schedule showed.
So, Fall of 2010 I figure Matt and Foggy are both starting their junior year of college (Matt would be around 25 or 26 years old at that point, so apparently he started college late, by like 4 years), pursuing their degrees in law and become roommates (as shown in the flashback scene). At some point between 2010 and 2014 both Matt and Foggy interned at that law firm, likely while still going to school.
They likely get their bachelors degree or whatever in some aspect of law in mid-2012. Its possible that Matt and Foggy began interning at this point while studying for the bar, and interned/worked at that law firm for two years until mid-2014.
The time stamp for s01 e08 is 32.34, it is a flashback, but one that also makes sense for his scenes later on with his brother
I'm not sure why I didn't include the flashback. I must've only watched that one on TV and not online (where I can analyze time stamps). Must have forgotten to rewatch and break that one up.
I placed that scene in 1993, since Grant is around 15 in 1998 when Garrett recruits him, and he seems around 10 years old in the well flashback. Its only a guess but its a safe one to make.
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