The quote was from Executive Producer Jeremy Latcham, however its not as definitive as I remembered.
How long after Winter Solider are we in this film?
Latcham: We don't put a date on it, but it's implied that the events [of Winter Soldier] have happened, and we're a little bit a ways from it. I don't know,
maybe a couple months."
Maybe we won't get closure to the timeline after all...
Still, it's something. If worse comes to worse and there are no timeline markers (like a date seen on a computer or phone screen, documents, etc) in Age of Ultron, that at least allows for some condensing and a layout that works in terms of the timeline. Pushing AoS Season 2 from starting in Spring, 2014 to lasting until Spring, 2015 (to tie in with AoU) seems unlikely given most episodes have followed one after the other, with only a couple chances to insert time breaks, and one of those allows for only a few days maximum (the other anywhere from several weeks to months depending on your preference), but either way that doesn't cover enough time for AoS Season 2 to last a year. If we're able to push AoU into early 2014, I can place Guardians in very early 2014, AoS starting in March, 2014, and finishing within a month or two putting AoU right after.
I am sure at the start of season 2 they mention 6 months have passed, I will have to double check, if this is the case then AoU will occur 8- 12 months after Winter Soldier. I wouldn't take what he says as gospel, he said he doesn't put a date on it and he is on the spot.
No, there's definitely no 6 months between Seasons 1 and 2 of AoS in the show. If there was we'd have picked up on it and used that as a baseline to place AoS season 2 more exactly. All that was said was that Talbot has chased them all winter.
That makes sense, given Winter Soldier and AoS Season 1 both ended the end of October, 2013. That would put winter starting a little over a month later and lasting until February, 2014. Talbot presumably spent around 3-4 months actively chasing Coulson and his team. It's therefore presumed that AoS Season 2 has picked up at least several months after Season 1. That also still allows time to account for Skye's increased training, Ward's beard growth, etc. So likely anywhere from March to April, maybe even May, 2014 could be used for AoS starting point, and it lasting maybe a few months total.
Only reference was Talbot chasing them "all winter" if that statement is taken literally it's at least March or April when AOS Season 2 begins. That's at least 5 months past season 1 closing. It's not hard to imagine 6 months (late April 2014) as it would still be early spring. Thinking back Coulson had several writing events between episode 1 and 6 and I think it was mentioned more than once that these were occurring about 18 days apart. If so a careful rewatch may be able to determine the actual timespan (and hopefully approximate months of the each of the episodes.)
I'm going to be doing so over the next few weeks, along with the rest of the MCU. I'll see if I can catch anything regarding that.
The quote definitely isn't gospel and in camera details should be prime if they contradict but at least it's something.
Yup. It provides an explanation for the AoS Season 2 layout at least, assuming AoU doesn't feature any time or date markers in background or on props.