It is around 60 parts, because of things like Winter Soldier and AoS crossing, you get lots of separate bits. The section with Hulk, Thor and iron Man 2 are done in hour and a half segments to save on rendering time and also so I can watch in parts, rather than having to stop and find where I left off. The longest part is probably Guardians as I will render that in one go. I kept iron Man 1 and The Avengers as they are as well as some of the One-Shots, so that saved a lot of time. The films are in 1080p the shows are in 720p so the upressing isn't as extreme, but many of the episodes can be watched in their original files also, saving even more time.
I can't begin to imagine how many separate parts my version actually would have, especially with the Ward flashbacks that take place and the fact that I deviated from this timeline for Iron Man 2, Thor and Hulk to match it more with the official timeline .