Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline

Updated to reflect the (pretty much confirmed) dates for Agent Carter and the back end of AoS Season 2. I say "pretty much confirmed" in regards to AoS Season 2's last few episodes. They may do a double airing of episodes 21 and 22 to capitalize on May sweeps (both airing May 11 to finish out the season during sweeps week), but that's not a guarantee.

But with the upcoming holidays it's pretty simple to assume the airing dates for 2x09 and 2x10, and given the likely crossover aspect and fallout from Age of Ultron likely affecting the events of AoS in some major ways, there'll definitely be at least 2-3 post-AoU AoS episodes.
What about the flashback portions of Ant-Man with Haley Atwell (Peggy Carter) and John Slattery (Howard Stark, which is cool they remembered him from Iron Man 2!)? Do we know anything about that yet?

Also, will they ever show Maria Stark?
What about the flashback portions of Ant-Man with Haley Atwell (Peggy Carter) and John Slattery (Howard Stark, which is cool they remembered him from Iron Man 2!)? Do we know anything about that yet? Also, will they ever show Maria Stark?

Other than that there will be a flashback scene to the 1960's with an older Peggy and Howard Stark, not much else is known about it. Presumably the 1960's era Peggy and Howard will contact a younger Pym about his technology. Until they release a trailer or expanded synopsis, we probably won't know the specifics of that scene until release, unless it's featured in promotional material heavily.

As for Maria Stark, who knows? MCU Tony was born on May 29, 1970. This means Maria became pregnant with Tony around late August/September, 1969. Presumably Howard and Maria were married before 1969, but who knows how long?

Maria has appeared in a flashback sequence of the Iron Man 2 - Public Identity #1-3 comic (which is official canon), as did an older Edwin Jarvis as Howard and Maria's butler, and later as Tony's after his parents died.

As for when the MCU version will be officially seen onscreen? No idea. I'm sure it'll happen eventually, likely on a future season of Agent Carter. As to which season? I'd say at least a presumably made AC season 3 or 4. Since Season 1 of AC focuses on the time before the AC One Shot, I'm hoping Season 2 will pick up a year or two later with Peggy actively building SHIELD and Hydra actively infiltrating early on, and hopefully later seasons can jump ahead a decade or so, so that by Season 4 they're in the early to late 1960's. Even have Slattery come in as Howard Stark in Season 4 (much as I'd miss Cooper, in terms of continuity it just makes more sense, especially since they're re-inforcing the Slattery as older Howard with his second appearance in the role in the upcoming Ant-Man. The final season can end with Howard telling Peggy that Maria is pregnant, alluding to Tony Stark's birth.

Of course, it's also possible that they'll just focus the timeline in the late 1940's to early 1950's entirely, which is just as likely. And the series' length depends on ratings, which admittedly should be good based on fan interest. I can easily see it getting a Season 2 announced by February, 2015, again serving as a mid-Season break replacement for AoS next year/early 2016.
Pardon me for asking, but how do we know that the "End of the Line" flashback in TWS is in June 1941? From the scene itself I see no clues of its date except that its before Cap got the serum in June 1943. Am I missing something? Did another scene/comic reference the funeral? Thanks.
Pardon me for asking, but how do we know that the "End of the Line" flashback in TWS is in June 1941? From the scene itself I see no clues of its date except that its before Cap got the serum in June 1943. Am I missing something? Did another scene/comic reference the funeral? Thanks.

Because Steve Rogers' mother, Sarah Rogers, died on June 5, 1941. The flashback scene mentions that Cap's mother had just recently died (if I recall correctly Cap and Bucky are just returning from her funeral), likely placing that scene a few days after she died on June 5.
Have we discussed the timeline of the Phil-Christian scene from AoS 2.06 yet? I think it's possible that Skye's meeting with Grant takes place immediately after Coulson's with Christian. I'll have to watch it again, but I thought I heard Skye use the past tense in referring to Coulson's meeting.
Have we discussed the timeline of the Phil-Christian scene from AoS 2.06 yet? I think it's possible that Skye's meeting with Grant takes place immediately after Coulson's with Christian. I'll have to watch it again, but I thought I heard Skye use the past tense in referring to Coulson's meeting.

Let me know. I'll watch it again if you find that's the case.

But generally, other than the odd flashback scene (like Ragtag from Season 1 focusing on Ward's childhood and young adult years under Garrett's tutelage, or the Season 2 premiere with the flashback to Peggy Carter and Dugan and Morita attacking the Hydra base and retrieving all those otherworldly items), the episodes tend to run chronologically. Skye referring to the meeting in the past tense could simply be explained away as Coulson just having already left to meet Sen Ward, and allowing the episode to play out as shown, which I'm pretty sure was chronological. I'll have to rewatch it but didn't notice any reason to break anything up by time code. Let me know if Skye does indeed indicate Coulson's meeting with the Senator had already happened.
Because Steve Rogers' mother, Sarah Rogers, died on June 5, 1941. The flashback scene mentions that Cap's mother had just recently died (if I recall correctly Cap and Bucky are just returning from her funeral), likely placing that scene a few days after she died on June 5.

I have doubts with some of the dates on that wiki. The reference it gives is "Captain America: The Winter Soldier". The movie never references a date. Was this perhaps part of a readable text image from a file in one of the other movies?
Let me know. I'll watch it again if you find that's the case.

But generally, other than the odd flashback scene (like Ragtag from Season 1 focusing on Ward's childhood and young adult years under Garrett's tutelage, or the Season 2 premiere with the flashback to Peggy Carter and Dugan and Morita attacking the Hydra base and retrieving all those otherworldly items), the episodes tend to run chronologically. Skye referring to the meeting in the past tense could simply be explained away as Coulson just having already left to meet Sen Ward, and allowing the episode to play out as shown, which I'm pretty sure was chronological. I'll have to rewatch it but didn't notice any reason to break anything up by time code. Let me know if Skye does indeed indicate Coulson's meeting with the Senator had already happened.

I think the two conversations are intercut so the audience won't know why Skye is really talking to Ward, but by the end it's made pretty clear that Coulson's meeting with the senator happens before Skye's meeting with Ward. Coulson made a deal with the senator that Ward would be transferred, so Skye's trying to get all the information she can out of him before that happens.
I think the two conversations are intercut so the audience won't know why Skye is really talking to Ward, but by the end it's made pretty clear that Coulson's meeting with the senator happens before Skye's meeting with Ward. Coulson made a deal with the senator that Ward would be transferred, so Skye's trying to get all the information she can out of him before that happens.

I'll have to watch it again. I don't remember anything specifically indicating Skye and Ward's conversation happens after Coulson's and the Senators conversation. It's entirely possible they were conversing at the same time and when Coulson ended his meeting first he radioed the results to HQ, and Skye, who had already been sent in to interrogate Ward, was informed of the arrangement Coulson and the Senator made either directly through Coulson's transmission that he and Ward's brother had made their arrangement, she then revealed the arrangement to Ward soon after (or even immediately after).

I've only seen it the one time so I can't remember specifically but do Coulson and Sen. Ward come to their agreement after Skye revealed it to Ward, in terms of how the episode was cut? I'll sit down and double check tonight.

I have doubts with some of the dates on that wiki. The reference it gives is "Captain America: The Winter Soldier". The movie never references a date. Was this perhaps part of a readable text image from a file in one of the other movies?

Not that I know of. It's likely that scene was dated in the script of CA-TWS, or even during filming, both for set production and costuming purposes as well as for Marvel Studios themselves being able to nail down their internal timeline, even for things set 65-70 years before that.

The info might have also come from the MCU comic Captain America - The First Avenger: First Vengeance #1-4, which featured a lot of flashbacks, including one that may have referenced his mother's death. Been awhile since I read that one, but it featured multiple timeline clues for Cap and his surrounding characters and their early years/origins/career in the armed forces during WWII).

Which dates do you have doubts about? Let me know and we can confirm or deny dates drawn from the film's, One Shots, TV episodes, comics, etc. I doubt they're just throwing up dates willy-nilly.
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I'll have to watch it again. I don't remember anything specifically indicating Skye and Ward's conversation happens after Coulson's and the Senators conversation. It's entirely possible they were conversing at the same time and when Coulson ended his meeting first he radioed the results to HQ, and Skye, who had already been sent in to interrogate Ward, was informed of the arrangement Coulson and the Senator made either directly through Coulson's transmission that he and Ward's brother had made their arrangement, she then revealed the arrangement to Ward soon after (or even immediately after).

It's a possibility, but the Skye/Ward scene definitely feels like a continuous discussions, not something she interrupts for a phone call or something.

I've only seen it the one time so I can't remember specifically but do Coulson and Sen. Ward come to their agreement after Skye revealed it to Ward, in terms of how the episode was cut? I'll sit down and double check tonight.
Their actual agreement isn't shown. The Coulson/Senator scene ends with the implication they're gonna make the deal, and then it cuts to Skye/Ward with Skye telling him about the deal.
It's a possibility, but the Skye/Ward scene definitely feels like a continuous discussions, not something she interrupts for a phone call or something. Their actual agreement isn't shown. The Coulson/Senator scene ends with the implication they're gonna make the deal, and then it cuts to Skye/Ward with Skye telling him about the deal.

Yeah I know, I was implying Skye had a mic and ear bud in that allowed one of the other characters to let her know when the deal was confirmed so that she could start squeezing Ward for info. Coulson and the team knew once the deal was made, they were on a very limited timetable in terms of interrogating Ward for any further information he may have (which we know he has).

It wouldn't surprise me at all for Coulson to have set it up so the conversations actually were happening at the same time, and once the agreement reached (which as you said isn't specifically shown), one of the other SHIELD agents listening in on Coulson's conversation with Sen. Ward would be able to give confirmation to Skye through the mic, and Skye then reveals Ward will now be a prisoner of his brother, tries to get more info out of Ward before he leaves.
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I just rewatched that Skye/Ward scene. Its subjective but I think vintsukka is right. I believe it all occurs after the coulson/christian scene. It makes the most scene and is most plausible. Im sure it was just cut that way for dramatic affect. Kinda like a typical heist scene in every movie you have ever watched. But thats just my opinion.
I just rewatched that Skye/Ward scene. Its subjective but I think vintsukka is right. I believe it all occurs after the coulson/christian scene. It makes the most scene and is most plausible. Im sure it was just cut that way for dramatic affect. Kinda like a typical heist scene in every movie you have ever watched. But thats just my opinion.

I'll sit down and rewatch it. That'll be easy to break up by time code.
I just rewatched that Skye/Ward scene. Its subjective but I think vintsukka is right. I believe it all occurs after the coulson/christian scene. It makes the most scene and is most plausible. Im sure it was just cut that way for dramatic affect. Kinda like a typical heist scene in every movie you have ever watched. But thats just my opinion.

I watched it again. The main piece of evidence is admittedly pretty flimsy, so honestly we should probably leave it as is.

Anyways, here's what made me think Skye's scene happens second. When she's finishing up talking to Grant, she says "You're being transferred, Ward. Your brother wants you in his custody and we're going to give him exactly what he wants." Yet there's no reason to think SHIELD would know what Christian wants until Coulson's had a chance to talk to him. That's all.
I watched it again. The main piece of evidence is admittedly pretty flimsy, so honestly we should probably leave it as is. Anyways, here's what made me think Skye's scene happens second. When she's finishing up talking to Grant, she says "You're being transferred, Ward. Your brother wants you in his custody and we're going to give him exactly what he wants." Yet there's no reason to think SHIELD would know what Christian wants until Coulson's had a chance to talk to him. That's all.

Yeah, like I said, I think they were all mic'ed up and Skye knew exactly what was being said and decided by Coulson and Sen. Ward as it was happening in real time, so her converging that info isn't necessarily an indication of one scene happening first. In fact, I'm willing to bet that was the plan going in: everyone is in contact, Coulson meets with Sen. Ward and the team and Skye are privy to the conversation, as soon as the deal is struck she lets Ward know and tries getting more info from him before he's transferred. I see it as all happening (sort of) in a real time chronological way as it is.
I just rewatched that Skye/Ward scene. Its subjective but I think vintsukka is right. I believe it all occurs after the coulson/christian scene. It makes the most scene and is most plausible. Im sure it was just cut that way for dramatic affect. Kinda like a typical heist scene in every movie you have ever watched. But thats just my opinion.
I'm not sure if this has been established but in last nights episode you could see the Washington monument outside coulson's office window.