Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline

Check out Iron Man 2 @ 40:35. The TV shows 7:32a. That day stars sooner than is on the timeline.
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@ 1:00:04 on Iron Man 2 there is a Night to day transition that was overlooked in the timeline.
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Ok, just did a decent sized update.

Adjusted to fix the Iron Man 2 entries Bob pointed out.

Also added the most recent episode of AoS, and broke it up to allow for the flashbacks set between 1945 through 1989.

Also, finally added the Captain America - The First Avenger #2 adaptation. Been meaning to do that for awhile since my LCS never ordered a copy of #2 for some reason, and I just kept forgetting to order the TPB on Amazon. Thats finally remedied and in my hands, so that long standing tentative placement is now updated and complete.
According to AOS s2e8 Whitehall was captured on or before March 2, 1945 as seen in his file. This was explicitly after Redskull was dead. I believe somewhere else it was stated that Cap froze/Redskull died as referenced [in the Smithsonian in Cap 2?] but I need to double check. There is a good change that this is a continuity error. Hopefully there is a logical way to rectify the dates.

Screenshot AOS s2e8 @19:53
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These are the dates that I found:
Batroc born 04-19-1987
Jasper Sitwell born 08/12/1973
Bucky Barnes 1917-1944 It even contradicts itself why the text say that he was born in 1916
Agent Carter Interview 1953
Date in a table 04/04/13
Batroc Interrogation 10/12/2013 ( of course )
Dates on screen when black widow is tracking the files from Lemurian Star 13/12/01 , 01-16-13 , 01-20-13 , 01-29-13 , 13/01/02 , 03/13/02 , 12-13-02 , 08-20-13 (same dates as when she was copying the hard drive )
Operation Paperclip August 17, 1945
Howard Stark dies December 17, 1991
Captain America disappears March 5, 1945
Pierce picture 9-18-92
Tomb of Fury 19 ...- 20 ...
If you find an error please tell me

Anywhere know where the March 5th date is in Cap 2? I cant find it and am seeking to find context to see if there is a way we can rectify AOS reference of redskul dieing on or most likely before March 2nd.
According to AOS s2e8 Whitehall was captured on or before March 2, 1945 as seen in his file. This was explicitly after Redskull was dead. I believe somewhere else it was stated that Cap froze/Redskull died as referenced [in the Smithsonian in Cap 2?] but I need to double check. There is a good change that this is a continuity error. Hopefully there is a logical way to rectify the dates. Screenshot AOS s2e8 @19:53

Pretty sure that's a continuity mistake.

Anywhere know where the March 5th date is in Cap 2? I cant find it and am seeking to find context to see if there is a way we can rectify AOS reference of redskul dieing on or most likely before March 2nd.

During the Smithsonian scene, I believe, it shows Cap's "death" as occurring on March 4. Not sure where he got the March 5 date. Maybe that was just a mis-type?
As I recall we only see the Smithsonian 3 times in TWS. First time when Steve visits. Second time with Stan Lee. Third time with Bucky. I have strained my eyes to read every fragment of text I could make out but could not find the mysterious date. I'm not doubting its there somewhere. I just cant seem to locate it. Perhaps that date comes from another scene or file. Do we ever see Cap's file in the MCU?
As I recall we only see the Smithsonian 3 times in TWS. First time when Steve visits. Second time with Stan Lee. Third time with Bucky. I have strained my eyes to read every fragment of text I could make out but could not find the mysterious date. I'm not doubting its there somewhere. I just cant seem to locate it. Perhaps that date comes from another scene or file. Do we ever see Cap's file in the MCU?

I'll have to double check but I'm pretty sure it's during the first scene when Cap visits, before he goes to see Peggy. There's a shot of Cap looking at a memorial/tribute thing that clearly shows his birthday and "death".

Not sure how big or small your TV screen is but it was clearly visible on my 22" computer screen, and definitely visible on my 32" flatscreen in my room (haven't watched it yet on my 55" flatscreen in my living room).
Found it. The March 5th date was in Zola's monologue. TWS @ 1:05:18

It was simply a news paper headline "Rogers Disappears" dated "Monday March 5, 1945". This is not necessarily the day he froze but rather the date that the Press found out about it. Thus we know

In chronological order these are the events that occur.

Captain America Frozen / Redskull Dies (Evening as seen in TFA)
Rinehart declares that Redskull has died and the Allies are approaching (Daytime as seen in AOS s2e8 )
Rinehart captured by Peggy Carter and the Howling Commandos (Daytime as seen in AOS s2e1)
Rinehart photographed by SSR (March 2 1945 as seen in file on AOS s2e8 )
"Rogers Disappears" reported in papers (March 5, 1945 as seen in TWS)

Thus it appears that the army failed to report Rogers disappearance to the press for several days. Which is not surprising at all. Frankly I would be shocked if they reported his disappearance right away. Taking all dates and times of days into account i believe the timeline can reasonably be revised as thus:

March 1st - Cap Freezes
March 2nd - Rinehart finds out about Redskull an is captured by SSR and photographed on the same day
March 5th - The army finally reports Cap's disappearance after its clear that he wont be recovered. Note the positive spin on the story was Cap "disappears" not "dies".
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Found it. The March 5th date was in Zola's monologue. TWS @ 1:05:18

It was simply a news paper headline "Rogers Disappears" dated "Monday March 5, 1945". This is not necessarily the day he froze but rather the date that the Press found out about it. Thus we know

In chronological order these are the events that occur.

Captain America Frozen / Redskull Dies (Evening as seen in TFA)
Rinehart declares that Redskull has died and the Allies are approaching (Daytime as seen in AOS s2e8 )
Rinehart captured by Peggy Carter and the Howling Commandos (Daytime as seen in AOS s2e1)
Rinehart photographed by SSR (March 2 1945 as seen in file on AOS s2e8 )
"Rogers Disappears" reported in papers (March 5, 1945 as seen in TWS)

Thus it appears that the army failed to report Rogers disappearance to the press for several days. Which is not surprising at all. Frankly I would be shocked if they reported his disappearance right away. Taking all dates and times of days into account i believe the timeline can reasonably be revised as thus:

March 1st - Cap Freezes
March 2nd - Rinehart finds out about Redskull an is captured by SSR and photographed on the same day
March 5th - The army finally reports Cap's disappearance after its clear that he wont be recovered. Note the positive spin on the story was Cap "disappears" not "dies".

You're right. I just double checked and there are no specific dates shown (other than Bucky's death in the year 1944, but no specific day/month dates) regarding Cap's death. I can't remember where the March 3 date came from now. It had to come from somewhere, as I don't post specific dates without a hard date shown in the films, TV shows, or comics.

Anyway, I'll alter it to reflect that.
I believe the March 3rd came from Redskull's reference to "tomorrow" around 1:29.

I double checked the timeline a bit further. Currently the timeline shows Bucky's death on Feb 28 1945. TWS firmly establishes Bucky "died" in 1944. Zola's interrogation may or may not have been immediately following capture. Its not explicitly stated. The first explicit evidence we have of a firm date is Redskull's Valkyrie hanger scene. In that scene he states that the attack will occur "Tomorrow". Thus its definitely Feb 28th.

I propose that the timeline should be revised to show Feb 28 beginning with the Valkyrie @ 1:28:25. Zola's interrogation may or may not have been in 1944 or 1945. We simply don't know.

Thanks again for the earlier updates. Your time and effort in this project is seriously impressive.
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Upon further evaluation it seems as though Carter/Rinehart interogation could not take place on the same day as he was captured/photographed. Reasons why:

1) It occurs at a SSR prison. I doubt "The Rat" was established on or near the front lines considering the high profile targets it presumably held. I wouldnt be shocked if AOS or Agent Carter eventually tells us the location and thus prove that it could not have occurred on the same day that Rinehart was captured.
2) Peggy states that she's seen "All of his home movies" therefore she would had to have time to find, catalog, document, and watch said films.
3) Rinehart knew that the US was recruiting German scientists. Maybe Rinehart knew of this before capture, then again maybe he learned in from prison rumors. Okay I guess #3 isnt really evidence.

Either way I personally think it makes more sense to move these sequences after the final events of TFA in 1945. its your call since the only thing we can be certain of is that the interrogation occurred sometime after Rinehart's captue.
Upon further evaluation it seems as though Carter/Rinehart interogation could not take place on the same day as he was captured/photographed. Reasons why:

1) It occurs at a SSR prison. I doubt "The Rat" was established on or near the front lines considering the high profile targets it presumably held. I wouldnt be shocked if AOS or Agent Carter eventually tells us the location and thus prove that it could not have occurred on the same day that Rinehart was captured.

That's no reason to place it afterward, considering Europe isn't THAT big where an airplane ride (even old 1940's airplanes) would take more than several hours. It could be anywhere, honestly, but until we know I'm just assuming it's somewhere in or around Europe.

2) Peggy states that she's seen "All of his home movies" therefore she would had to have time to find, catalog, document, and watch said films.

She could very well have seen some or most of those movies prior to capturing him, as part of an Intel file on him. She may also have seen some or all of those found at the base where she captured him, say on a few hour plane ride to the Rat. ;)

3) Rinehart knew that the US was recruiting German scientists. Maybe Rinehart knew of this before capture, then again maybe he learned in from prison rumors. Okay I guess #3 isnt really evidence.

I'm sure that was pretty common knowledge, especially to someone like Rinehart who is extremely intelligent and calculating.

Either way I personally think it makes more sense to move these sequences after the final events of TFA in 1945. its your call since the only thing we can be certain of is that the interrogation occurred sometime after Rinehart's captue.

I'll have to double check, but I thought the interrogation scene between Rinehart and Peggy shows him still in his Hydra uniform. If I'm wrong it doesn't matter, but if I'm remembering that right that would obviously indicate that interrogation scene occurs very soon after his capture, likely the same day. I'm quite sure the SSR wasn't going to capture him, imprison him, and change him back into his Hydra duds for interviews/interrogations. But again, I'll have to double check.
Rinehart's wearing a uniform alright - a prisoner one. And I really don't see much proof one way or the other. But I appreciate DIB's parsimony, even if it requires making assumptions. Might as well say it all happens March 2 until we have more information.
Rinehart's wearing a uniform alright - a prisoner one.

I honestly completely misremembered that. I thought he was still wearing the same Hydra uniform he'd been captured in.

And I really don't see much proof one way or the other. But I appreciate DIB's parsimony, even if it requires making assumptions.

Unfortunately a lot of the timeline requires using assumptions, as very few hard dates are given in the series.

Might as well say it all happens March 2 until we have more information.

If anything his capture scene definitively occurs on March 2, and the prison/interrogation scene on The Rat occurs anywhere from a day or two later to months later. As you say, for that portion, there's no way to know for sure. It might be feasible to consider that prison scene as occurring soon after VE Day (shown in Cap-TFA, with Peggy packing Steve's belongings up towards the end), since that would likely have Peggy tying up loose ends from the war, before moving on to her position at SSR that we see her in in the Agent Carter series and One Shot.
Updated for the BluRay/DVD Chapter names and time codes for Guardians of the Galaxy.

Only thing I wonder about is if we should move the end credit scene with the Collector and HtD to occurring just after the Guardians defeat Ronan. I think its fine as is, the impression being that the events of the film occur over a few days at most (3-4 days), and I doubt the Nova Corps is going to postpone officially thanking them and wiping their records clean. It is surprising they'd be able to rebuild the Milano so fast, but with their advanced technology I wouldn't peg it as impossible or unlikely.