Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline

I've found an error on the Captain America: TFA adaptation #1 The World Exposition of Tomorrow is said to be on "May 1942", but in reality in the movie, it's on June "1943". 14 June 1943: Steve Rogers is rejected World Exposition of Tomorrow at the New York World's Fair 23 June 1943: Steve Rogers becomes a super soldier

Wasn't that corrected in the TPB collection?
I don't know.. it wasn't corrected in my french edition of the tpb :/

Hmmmm. I may be thinking of the date from Fury's Big Week that was incorrectly labeled as 1943/1944 (the end battle on the Red Skull's massive plane. Think that was corrected in the TPB.

But I corrected the dates. The films always take precedence over the comics, even when the dates are small, prop-related clues. Thanks for pointing that out, Cap!
Trust Me just came out on Friday. Waiting to hear if it's canon. Just kidding. It would be so weird to see Clark Gregg in any other role, but I also feel like he's given us so much that we should humor him in his directorial debut.
Trust Me just came out on Friday. Waiting to hear if it's canon. Just kidding. It would be so weird to see Clark Gregg in any other role, but I also feel like he's given us so much that we should humor him in his directorial debut.


I'll definitely check it out once it hits DVD. Gregg is a likable and relatable guy who's best known for portraying the slightly wooden and by the book Coulson, so it'd be interesting to see him in a different role, completely unrelated to the MCU.
his directorial debut.

Gregg's directorial debut was Choke in 2008. He also has 71 acting credits in IMDB, so it's not like Coulson is his only role. Before MCU, I knew him from The West Wing, where he played an FBI agent. I also remember Favreau saying somewhere that that's where he spotted him and thought he'd be good casting for the fairly similar role of Coulson.

And I just learned that Gregg also wrote What Lies Beneath, which is a pretty good horror film. The guy's got range.
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Gregg's directorial debut was Choke in 2008. He also has 71 acting credits in IMDB, so it's not like Coulson is his only role. Before MCU, I knew him from The West Wing, where he played an FBI agent. I also remember Favreau saying somewhere that that's where he spotted him and thought he'd be good casting for the fairly similar role of Coulson. And I just learned that Gregg also wrote What Lies Beneath, which is a pretty good horror film. The guy's got range.

That's interesting. I knew he'd acted in other roles, but didn't know he wrote What Lies Beneath.

I'll definitely check it out once it hits DVD.

Not sure it's going to DVD. It looks like download/stream only. But it looks good! I love the fast-paced Sorkin-esque dialogue I'd expect from Gregg and Allison Janney (also from West Wing).

Edit: Nevermind, it's doing a limited run in theaters now. It may well go to DVD after.
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I loved Clark Gregg as the ultra conservative dad in The To Do List.
'Tis a shame indeed, but once we got a two-issue prelude and an Infinite, it did seem unlikely we'd get anything else.
Looks like Galaxy's Most Wanted isn't canon

'Tis a shame indeed, but once we got a two-issue prelude and an Infinite, it did seem unlikely we'd get anything else.

Why do you guys think it isn't canon? Because of the lack of the Avengers "A" MCU tie in stamp? Guess that could be, but I'm pretty sure Will Corona Pilgrim (who oversees all the official MCU comic tie ins and who wrote this) mentioned it would be canon. I guess it's possible that changed.
I won't speak for Wyokid, but I did a little research and I just can't find any evidence that it's canon. There's consistent branding across the tie-in comics and this cover doesn't match at all.
I won't speak for Wyokid, but I did a little research and I just can't find any evidence that it's canon. There's consistent branding across the tie-in comics and this cover doesn't match at all.

I understand that, and I'd agree except that Will Pilgrim specifically mentioned this was canon with the MCU. I can't remember the exact quote, but that was the gist of it.

It's also using the MCU style/look for Rocket and Groot. Granted it could merely be "inspired by" canon as the various non canon MCU comics are, we'll have to see.
Tentative update for the Agents of SHIELD #1, "The Chase" comic (thanks to wyokid for pointing that out). The full issue comes out July 24.

This also leads me to think that some comics which don't have the "A" Avengers logo may still be MCU canon, like this and the GotG - Galaxy's Most Wanted comic that came out today.

Unfortunately the AoS #1 comic has a bit of a continuity gaffe. It firmly places itself just after Episode 12, "Seeds", which presumably occurs in the early part of 2014 (definitely before March based on the March date seen in episode 16 "End of the Beginning"), yet its mentioned in the AoS comic that it occurs the day of the Tour de France, which occurs on July 5, 2014.

I'll chalk it up to the writer not doing his homework in regards to the dates presented in the show, and explain it away as the Tour de France occurring 5-6 months earlier in the MCU universe than our own.
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AoS: The Chase is certainly an Inspired Canon as it's an advertising comic for Lexus.
Plus the fact that this year (2014), Le Tour de France didn't crossed Limoux.. Limoux was crossed only in 2012 and 2013.

I've read Galaxy's Most Wanted and don't see evidence of not being MCU Canon. :/

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