I'm pretty sure the guy who made that based his placements on an early version of this timeline and then just went in his own direction. I may be wrong but I notice a lot of similarities in comparison to the version of this from before Avengers came out a couple years ago.
I'm on my phone so I can't really move the timeline to view a lot of the stuff.
Does he include the MCU comics?
I'm really curious though how he got All Hail The King placed to the exact day.
I'm almost positive there were no timeline placements in that One Shot, unless he was able to magnify in on a newspaper or something, but I doubt that. What date did he place it at?
His timeline has to be wrong because he has Thor 2 before Iron Man 3 which is impossible.
Really? That's such an obvious mistake, though, just from dialogue in the film themselves. Even if you want to debate what year Avengers occurs, it's said in Avengers that the events of Thor occurred a year prior. Iron Man 3 firmly places itself 6 months after Avengers. And Thor - The Dark World occurs 2 years after Thor and a year after Avengers, based on a line said by Jane. I wonder why he placed Thor 2 before Iron Man 3?
Someone should really ask him about that and the exact date for the All Hail the King One Shot. I'm quite curious as to his reasoning for both of those.
I'm wondering if that program/site doesn't require specific dates to be used or something. Maybe he's forced to use specific days to place things, and just uses the real world release date of the films when other timeline info isn't given in the films themselves? I don't know. There's no way to know All Hail the King occurs exactly two weeks after the end of Iron Man 3, though I doubt it occurs too long after, as I doubt Mandarin (whoever he is) would wait long to enact his revenge against Slattery.
I'm also mystified at him placing Thor - The Dark World before Iron Man 3. That just makes no sense.