Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline

lol, if as he said, it's an after-credits scene, I could see him as Vance Astro (Major Victory) or Charlie-27, talking with Yondu about their past in a bar.
As a complete aside from the current train of conversation, I've been thinking lately, and I feel like it'd be interesting for Marvel to make some canon installment about why there are so many Stan Lee lookalikes throughout the MCU. Throughout the media now we've had at least 10 of them, and I just feel it would be neat to explain in a one shot or if a future installment of the MCU involves cloning or something of the sort to touch on that.
As a complete aside from the current train of conversation, I've been thinking lately, and I feel like it'd be interesting for Marvel to make some canon installment about why there are so many Stan Lee lookalikes throughout the MCU. Throughout the media now we've had at least 10 of them, and I just feel it would be neat to explain in a one shot or if a future installment of the MCU involves cloning or something of the sort to touch on that.

That would be pretty cool. Perhaps Stan and his "clones" are leftovers from an early (pre-WWII era, like 1920's era) Hydra experiment.
So Agents of SHIELD episode 16 "End of the Beginning" and episode 17 "Turn, Turn, Turn" both occur during the events of Captain America - The Winter Soldier, with "Turn, Turn, Turn" ending just after Cap takes out the helicarriers in Captain America - The Winter Soldier. The previews for next week's episode 18 "Providence", showed them watching footage of the helicarrier crashing into the Triskelion from Cap 2's ending, so I'm thinking "Providence" picks up the next day after Cap 2's helicarrier battle, but likely before the Senate hearing Natasha attended, and the ensuing montage scenes of Maria Hill applying at Stark Industries, Fury burning his gun/equipment hideaway and eyepatch and putting on the shades, and the final scene with Cap, Falcon, and Natasha at Fury's "grave". I'm assuming it'd take more than a day or two for the Senate hearings to be set up and the various characters to move on to their next careers, etc.
So Agents of SHIELD episode 16 "End of the Beginning" and episode 17 "Turn, Turn, Turn" both occur during the events of Captain America - The Winter Soldier, with "Turn, Turn, Turn" ending just after Cap takes out the helicarriers in Captain America - The Winter Soldier. The previews for next week's episode 18 "Providence", showed them watching footage of the helicarrier crashing into the Triskelion from Cap 2's ending, so I'm thinking "Providence" picks up the next day after Cap 2's helicarrier battle, but likely before the Senate hearing Natasha attended, and the ensuing montage scenes of Maria Hill applying at Stark Industries, Fury burning his gun/equipment hideaway and eyepatch and putting on the shades, and the final scene with Cap, Falcon, and Natasha at Fury's "grave". I'm assuming it'd take more than a day or two for the Senate hearings to be set up and the various characters to move on to their next careers, etc.

Just as a reminder to help get you through this

Based on the clips for the next episode I wish you luck DiB
So Agents of SHIELD episode 16 "End of the Beginning" and episode 17 "Turn, Turn, Turn" both occur during the events of Captain America - The Winter Soldier, with "Turn, Turn, Turn" ending just after Cap takes out the helicarriers in Captain America - The Winter Soldier. The previews for next week's episode 18 "Providence", showed them watching footage of the helicarrier crashing into the Triskelion from Cap 2's ending, so I'm thinking "Providence" picks up the next day after Cap 2's helicarrier battle, but likely before the Senate hearing Natasha attended, and the ensuing montage scenes of Maria Hill applying at Stark Industries, Fury burning his gun/equipment hideaway and eyepatch and putting on the shades, and the final scene with Cap, Falcon, and Natasha at Fury's "grave". I'm assuming it'd take more than a day or two for the Senate hearings to be set up and the various characters to move on to their next careers, etc.

I know Spoon said he probably wouldn't be doing a phase 2 edit due to a lack of overlaping, but with how these episodes are going I demand it for at least this section.
Someone get this done, I want it on my desk yesterday!

Who owns Bob?

OK, I realize how absurd this sounds, but I think A Funny Thing Happened could be broken up a little bit. Hear me out. It opens with Coulson driving during daylight in New Mexico. Then it's after sundown and Coulson passes a sign that says "Puente Antiguo 473". If I hadn't read Fury's Big Week #2, I would have treated these two shots as consecutive and assumed Coulson has been driving continuously between them. But 473 miles from Puente Antiguo is exactly where we see him at the S.H.I.E.L.D. outpost in Roswell in FBW #2, during the day. So I think we should actually place pg. 10 of FBW #2 twenty-three seconds into A Funny Thing Happened.

(Speaking of that one-shot, finally caught the Roxxon reference.)

Ok looked into this and did some minor re-arranging.

I didn't break up the One Shot, only because even at the beginning of the short its clearly very late afternoon/early evening, just before the sun sets, and page 9 (not pg. 10, page 10 shows Mjolnir crashing to Earth) of Fury's Big Week (where Coulson gives the prep speech to the other agents 473 miles outside Puente Antiguo, NM) shows its still day time, likely afternoon. I'm just assuming he attends the meeting in the desert and preps the SHIELD agents (pg. 9 of FBW), then immediately jumps in his car and travels towards the Mjolnir crash site, stopping at the gas station just after sundown (the events of the "AFTHotWtTH" One Shot). So essentially its likely the One Shot picks up immediately after pg 9 of FBW. I'm thinking the location of the SHIELD meeting site was 473 miles from PA, NM, but due to it being out in the middle of the desert there may have been a roundabout way of getting to that site, which took a bit of time to get back to the main road, allowing for the sun to set over those first few seconds of the One-Shot.

Does that make sense?

I'm going to be doing a re-watch/re-read of the whole MCU once Agents of SHIELD's first season finishes in mid-May, to double check everything and make sure the changes I've made recently fit.
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...word has been that it would forgo a pilot and go straight to series. The script was finished more than three months ago (“the script is great,” ABC’s Paul Lee said back in January), the option on one-shot’s star Hayley Atwell came up and was extended, but the green light never came. Now there is talk that a pickup for Agent Carter may come along with a renewal for Marvel’s freshman Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., with the new series possibly serving as a bridge between the fall and spring portions of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Agent Carter update

Keeping my fingers crossed that this happens.
I would love to see this show happen, especially considering the developments recently.

Yup. Would be great to see them show how SHIELD was developed, how Hydra began infiltrating it early on, the 1940's era adventures possibly featuring some of the Invaders heroes (minus Namor since Universal owns his film rights, and obviously no Cap since he was frozen during this time). Not to mention Peggy and Howard Stark being developed a bit more. It'd also be cool if the show ended with a jump forward in time to 1990, showing how Hydra killed Tony's parents (Howard and Maria?), essentially acting as one of the springboards for the beginning of the modern day's era of heroes (Tony then taking over Stark Industries and eventually being captured by the Ten Rings 18 years later and developing the Iron Man suits). The series itself could serve as a cool prologue/interquel for the entire MCU (except Cap-TFA's flashback WWII era scenes). They could explore just what the MCU version of the Zodiac formula is and does (possibly giving rise to some of the Invaders-era heroes and villains).
Yup. Would be great to see them show how SHIELD was developed, how Hydra began infiltrating it early on, the 1940's era adventures possibly featuring some of the Invaders heroes (minus Namor since Universal owns his film rights, and obviously no Cap since he was frozen during this time). Not to mention Peggy and Howard Stark being developed a bit more. It'd also be cool if the show ended with a jump forward in time to 1990, showing how Hydra killed Tony's parents (Howard and Maria?), essentially acting as one of the springboards for the beginning of the modern day's era of heroes (Tony then taking over Stark Industries and eventually being captured by the Ten Rings 18 years later and developing the Iron Man suits). The series itself could serve as a cool prologue/interquel for the entire MCU (except Cap-TFA's flashback WWII era scenes). They could explore just what the MCU version of the Zodiac formula is and does (possibly giving rise to some of the Invaders-era heroes and villains).

Yeah I could see that happening in the last 15 minutes of a series finale like you said.

I have a theory for Dr. Strange. I think they're gonna have the events of his film fall a little earlier in the timeline. Much like how Iron Man 2 for the most part took place before and during Incredible Hulk, even though Hulk was released first. This is all just speculation as I have literally no evidence on this, but I think his origin will take place sometime during Phase 2, despite being an all but confirmed Phase 3 movie. Most likely we'll get little easter eggs with news reports of big events that happened in the MCU. Actually a good way to introduce the character as a surgeon would be to have him working during the events of the alien invasion in New York. Then he'd have his accident, and he'd go searching for answers for a number of years, meanwhile the events of Iron Man 3, Thor 2 and Cap 2 are happening. It's just a theory, but what do you guys think?
Yeah I could see that happening in the last 15 minutes of a series finale like you said. I have a theory for Dr. Strange. I think they're gonna have the events of his film fall a little earlier in the timeline. Much like how Iron Man 2 for the most part took place before and during Incredible Hulk, even though Hulk was released first. This is all just speculation as I have literally no evidence on this, but I think his origin will take place sometime during Phase 2, despite being an all but confirmed Phase 3 movie. Most likely we'll get little easter eggs with news reports of big events that happened in the MCU. Actually a good way to introduce the character as a surgeon would be to have him working during the events of the alien invasion in New York. Then he'd have his accident, and he'd go searching for answers for a number of years, meanwhile the events of Iron Man 3, Thor 2 and Cap 2 are happening. It's just a theory, but what do you guys think?

I think that'd work great, especially given there is a need for years to pass while he receives his training in sorcery. Of course, it's also possible they'll set the movie in present day (of whenever it's released) and explain Strange's abilities/training through a flashback.
I think that'd work great, especially given there is a need for years to pass while he receives his training in sorcery. Of course, it's also possible they'll set the movie in present day (of whenever it's released) and explain Strange's abilities/training through a flashback.

Yeah I could easily see them doing what I call the Batman Begins formula.
Yeah I could easily see them doing what I call the Batman Begins formula.

Yeah, exactly. In fact I have a feeling that might be more likely as opposed to starting the film a few years in the past, have Strange have his accident, go on his quest, begin his training, etc. Course I'd be open to either approach, I just want a Dr. Strange movie.
Kevin Feige confirms Kingpin is MCU now!


More personal now:

Now that S.H.I.E.L.D. is "no more", I can reveal my ID Card... hopefully HYDRA hasn't found me yet... with my abilities, it's a little risky if they catch me as I possess plenty of files which could help to destroy a lot of people.


ps: Hope you like it! (it takes me some hours to do it lol)
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Nice. I figured that since the film/television rights to Daredevil went back to Marvel. And given Kingpin's appearance in the DD film it would seem that character is a part of that rights package (along with Bullseye, Elektra, etc).

More personal now: Now that S.H.I.E.L.D. is "no more", I can reveal my ID Card... hopefully HYDRA hasn't found me yet... with my abilities, it's a little risky if they catch me as I possess plenty of files which could help to destroy a lot of people. ps: Hope you like it! (it takes me some hours to do it lol)

Lol, nice!
I don't think mister Pilgrim would write a non-canon comic ^^

He hasn't answered my last question about why no The Incredible Hulk comic adaptation or artbook.. maybe he will answer you if you ask about it or this new GotG comic.