Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline

Just saw Captain America: The Winter Soldier. That didn't tell me jack about who the Clairvoyant is.
Just saw Captain America: The Winter Soldier.
That didn't tell me jack about who the Clairvoyant is.

I know I'm new here so I don't mean to complain, but c'mon. Please use spoiler tags for CA:TWS stuff.
That didn't spoil jack about the movie lol. That's like me saying Fin Fang Foom isn't in the movie. Sure it would be awesome, but it's not realistically something that would happen.
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Just saw Captain America: The Winter Soldier. That didn't tell me jack about who the Clairvoyant is.

It kind of did, actually.
The scene on the building roof where Cap, Falcon, and Widow are interrogating Agent Sitwell, Sitwell mentions Zola can essentially predict the future based on knowing information about your past: school grades, psychological profiles, tax records/purchases, etc. It didn't outright say he was the Clairvoyant, but it was heavily implied. My only question is, does this mean the next episode of AoS also occurs during the events of Cap 2? Especially since Zola was destroyed by the missile in Cap 2 (least as far as we know). I suppose it's possible his "mind" was stored elsewhere or uploaded itself elsewhere before the missile hit (possibly on the flash drive the Lemurian Star info was on, which Widow had with her and later used to upload the conspiracy info to the internet...which would allow Zola to also be uploaded...hmmmm.
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You didn't use your spoiler tag properly, DIB. EDIT: thanks for fixing.

But yeah, that part had me flipping out. It's really rewarding to be invested in the universe as a whole.
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You didn't use your spoiler tag properly, DIB. But yeah, that part had me flipping out. It's really rewarding to be invested in the universe as a whole.



Also, I made a CA-TWS spoiler thread, so we should discuss future spoilers there since the spoiler tags don't work correctly.

Thanks, CF and DIB. I got one more for you too. I think May 31st should be: Iron Man 2 Chapter 13 (1:21:06 - 1:21:13) The Avengers - Prelude: Fury's Big Week #2, "Chapter 3" (pg. 1-4) <---- changed page number here Iron Man 2 Chapter 13 (1:21:14 - 1:24:05) The Avengers - Prelude: Fury's Big Week #2, "Chapter 3" (pg. 5) <---- and here Iron Man 2 Chapter 13 (1:24:06 - 1:27:20)

I'll be looking into this tomorrow.
Hi all,

I hope I don't creep everyone out when I say I've been reading this thread for months now. It's where I've been getting my news about what comics are canon, what's coming up, etc. It has really been a delight to read. Reading the back and forth here even helped me get through a couple of nasty colds that left me home and unable to do much. And I love working my way through the timeline. I've been trying to drag it out, and as DIB said, there's been a lot of new MCU stuff coming out lately anyways, so I'm still only on May 30th, 2011 in the timeline. I did find three nitpicky details:

I think we have the events of May 25 and 26, 2008 wrong. Iron Man 2 (0:00:00 - 0:02:59) seems to take place on May 25, 2008, before "Just Off the Farm" (i.e. during the press conference). I'm also having trouble making sense of how Tony was able to have the press conference where he reveals his superhero identity, fly to Yemen and destroy a weapons cache on a ship there, go over surveillance tapes back home, go out again, and come back to talk to Nick all in one day. It seems more likely that "Who Made Who" and the Iron Man post-credits scene take place not on May 25th, but on a later date.

Secondly, I'm thinking Iron Man 2 (00:51:34 - 1:15:53) takes place on the same day (it's split into May 29th and 30th, 2011 right now), from after midnight until sundown. War Machine flies out after the fight with Iron Man and then lands at the Air Force base in the morning, Tony meets with Nick at the donut shop, they head back to Malibu, Tony works through his father's box of goodies all day, goes to the Stark Industries offices in the evening, etc.
The last thing I noticed is there's a quick flashback of Bruce being strapped in for his fateful experiment during The Incredible Hulk (0:38:25 – 0:38:43) that obviously takes place well before the start of the film. Probably in the early 2000s or the late 1990s. I don't know if we want to treat that as a memory that Bruce has in 2011 or as an event that occurs earlier.
Let me know what you think!

The last thing I noticed is there's a quick flashback of Bruce being strapped in for his fateful experiment during The Incredible Hulk (0:38:25 – 0:38:43) that obviously takes place well before the start of the film. Probably in the early 2000s or the late 1990s. I don't know if we want to treat that as a memory that Bruce has in 2011 or as an event that occurs earlier.

Also I thought yesterdays AoS episode was awesome and I cannot wait to see Cap2 next week. I'm watching it late so I can see it with the same friends I watch everything in the MCU with. Remember to use spoiler tags for the next week!


Ok, did some rearranging/slight condensing. Let me know what you think. This way it places the majority of the events chronicled in the Fury's Big Week comics to within a week. It also keeps in mind Tony's birthday occurring on May 29.

Definitely let me know if you think anything should be further altered. And Captain France, would love if you looked it over to make sure I'm not overlooking anything.

Also, a further note, Captain America - The Winter Soldier confirmed itself as occurring before July 4, 2014, since Cap mentions he's 95 years old. This fits with the fact he was born July 4, 1918. There were a number of other years/dates given in Cap 2 that I believe confirm/cement the dates for certain events which occurred in Cap 1. I'll have to watch it again to confirm.
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Thanks, CF and DIB. I got one more for you too. I think May 31st should be:

Iron Man 2 Chapter 13 (1:21:06 - 1:21:13)
The Avengers - Prelude: Fury's Big Week #2, "Chapter 3" (pg. 1-4) <---- changed page number here
Iron Man 2 Chapter 13 (1:21:14 - 1:24:05)
The Avengers - Prelude: Fury's Big Week #2, "Chapter 3" (pg. 5) <---- and here
Iron Man 2 Chapter 13 (1:24:06 - 1:27:20)

I did some minor changes on this one, just a correction for the time stamps.
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Added DVD chapter titles for Iron Man and Iron Man 2. My DVD copies didn't include the titles on the DVD itself, but apparently the Blu-rays or other versions do contain titles, so added those in. Apparently CA-TFA and Thor didn't have chapter titles on either the DVD or Bluray.

That's in the first film

Look at the poster in the background

Ah ok, I missed it since I was watching on my phone's small screen.

Also, did you see my post regarding how Cap 2 does make an indication regarding the Clairvoyant?
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I think we have the events of May 25 and 26, 2008 wrong. Iron Man 2 (0:00:00 - 0:02:59) seems to take place on May 25, 2008, before "Just Off the Farm" (i.e. during the press conference). I'm also having trouble making sense of how Tony was able to have the press conference where he reveals his superhero identity, fly to Yemen and destroy a weapons cache on a ship there, go over surveillance tapes back home, go out again, and come back to talk to Nick all in one day. It seems more likely that "Who Made Who" and the Iron Man post-credits scene take place not on May 25th, but on a later date.

The fitting all that in a 24 hour period does suspend belief. The reason I placed it as I did was I didn't think Fury would wait long to confront Tony about his revelation of being Iron Man. And given the 13 hour time difference between California and Moscow, I thought it unlikely the opening scene of Iron Man 2 where Vanko is watching the press conference where Tony reveals he is Iron Man was live (as both obviously occur during the daytime). However, I just double checked and the TV Vanko's watching does indeed show its live, so I altered it around a bit to make it work. I guess we can presume Tony's press conference occurred late in the afternoon, and Vanko was seeing it at the same time (but in his timezone it would be the next day, early in the morning, 13 hours later. So say it occurred in California around 4 or 5pm on May 25, Vanko would see it at 7 or 8am in Moscow on May 26--same time, but different dates due to the timezones).
OK, it looks good now! I agree with your analysis. I also think it begs the awesome question, "Is there a standard time we're working from for this timeline?" As in, beyond the problem of having 24 timezones on Earth, we've got events happening on the nine realms in the Thor movies and literally "on the edge of the galactic rim" (GotG infinite comic) in Guardians of the Galaxy. Marvel seems to have glossed over these problems with the Thor movies, I guess. Maybe it will in GotG too. But if you're travelling through wormholes in space-time and running into singularities and moving matter/information in real time on a cosmological scale, times get messed up. If something happens 200 million years ago but is witnessed on Earth on April 4th, 2014, does it happen on April 4th or 200 million years ago...? Time is relative.

Just something cool to think about...

Also I just got to the Thor part of May 30th, 2011 and I barely remember what happened in those opening scenes from 965 AD that I watched when I started working through the timeline months ago. Ahahaha this is ridiculous.
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OK, it looks good now! I agree with your analysis. I also think it begs the awesome question, "Is there a standard time we're working from for this timeline?" As in, beyond the problem of having 24 timezones on Earth, we've got events happening on the nine realms in the Thor movies and literally "on the edge of the galactic rim" (GotG infinite comic) in Guardians of the Galaxy. Marvel seems to have glossed over these problems with the Thor movies, I guess. Maybe it will in GotG too. But if you're travelling through wormholes in space-time and running into singularities and moving matter/information in real time on a cosmological scale, times get messed up. If something happens 200 million years ago but is witnessed on Earth on April 4th, 2014, does it happen on April 4th or 200 million years ago...? Time is relative. Just something cool to think about...

Exactly. Basically the approach I'm taking is to order it chronologically and use as specific a date as possible. Obviously, sometimes specific dates aren't provided or can't be determined, hence the occasional "????".

And yes, time dilation/relativity can certainly complicate matters. We'll see what happens in Guardians of the Galaxy in terms of that.

As for the events on Earth, again, chronology is the first rule (hence breaking up the prequel comics and comic adaptations and inserting pages between scenes), so like the Iron Man 2 opening with Vanko, that must be happening essentially the same time as the ending of Iron Man 1, perhaps with a few second delay for the live feed to be transmitted/broadcast for Vanko's viewing.

Really, the most important tool for determining where a lot of the movies went in terms of chronology was the Fury's Big Week comics, which confirmed that Iron Man 2, Thor, and Incredible Hulk all overlapped/occurred the same week. Most everything else is dated through dates seen in the films themself, or info provided through DVD commentary, etc. Iron Man 1 is expressly set in early 2008 based on dialogue and dates shown onscreen.

The only real continuity screw up is with Iron Man 2. Originally it was said to occur 6 months after Iron Man 1, but Fury's Big Week retconned that some. Since Thor is confirmed as occurring a year before Avengers, that places Iron Man 2, Thor, and Incredible Hulk one year before (2011) Avengers (2012).

To still make sense of the "6 months later" tag shown in the opening of the a Stark Expo scene in Iron Man 2, I prefer to think Vanko witnessed Stark's reveal as being Iron Man at the end of May, 2008, then spent the next couple years studying the arc reactor tech and building his Whiplash suit. He finishes his suit around the end of 2010 (2 and a half years after beginning), and then the six months later tag accounts for the period of time between end of 2010 and May 2011, when IM2 occurs (which also lines up with when the Monaco de Grand Prix occurs in reality). I presume after finishing the suit Vanko spent the next six months trying to obtain a false passport (he's shown getting one in the film itself) and studying Tony Stark's movements/schedule for a chance he could take his revenge.

There is a certain logic to it as well, since Tony, uber-genius that he is, was able to build his first suit using in the cave over a 3-month period using re-purposes Stark tech weapons/missiles. Once back home and with access to essentially unlimited resources and tech, Stark was able to build, test, and troubleshoot/modify his Mark II suit within a matter of weeks.

Vanko, while very intelligent, isn't on par with Tony, nor does he have the resources, tech, etc Tony has. Hence he was able to build the Whiplash suit, but it took much longer. Once Vanko worked for Hammer he had access to those resources and was able to build his Whiplash Mark II suit in a matter of days.

Basically that's how I prefer to explain the slight continuity screw up regarding Iron Man 2.

Anyway, Iron Man is firmly set in 2008; with the retconning from Fury's Big Week, Iron Man 2, Thor, and Incredible Hulk are set in 2011. Avengers is placed one year later in 2012 (also slightly visible on the banners seen in the background of the museum scene), Iron Man 3 occurs six months after Avengers during December, 2012. Agents of SHIELD begins in September, 2013. Thor - The Dark World occurs in late 2013 (over 2 years after the first Thor and over a year after Avengers). Captain America - The Winter Soldier occurs about two years after Avengers (but before July 4, since Cap mentions he's 95 years old and he was born July 4, 1918)--also episode 16 of AoS, which occurs just before and during the early portion of Cap-TWS, places it in March based on a date seen on a wall in one scene. The remainder of AoS likely will occur in April and May, 2014, same time as they air or thereabouts.

Generally, the MCU operates in real-time. Usually the release of a movie or air date of an AoS episode helps place the date it takes place, pretty closely. Or at least within a few months of the date reflected in the movie itself.

Also I just got to the Thor part of May 30th, 2011 and I barely remember what happened in those opening scenes from 965 AD that I watched when I started working through the timeline months ago. Ahahaha this is ridiculous.

Lol. I've pored over the films, One Shots, TV episodes, and comics so much, I've got most of the MCU memorized. For the most part, anyway.

Anyway, if you notice anything else, definitely let me know! And thanks for spotting those misplaced entries!
OK, I realize how absurd this sounds, but I think A Funny Thing Happened could be broken up a little bit. Hear me out. It opens with Coulson driving during daylight in New Mexico. Then it's after sundown and Coulson passes a sign that says "Puente Antiguo 473". If I hadn't read Fury's Big Week #2, I would have treated these two shots as consecutive and assumed Coulson has been driving continuously between them. But 473 miles from Puente Antiguo is exactly where we see him at the S.H.I.E.L.D. outpost in Roswell in FBW #2, during the day. So I think we should actually place pg. 10 of FBW #2 twenty-three seconds into A Funny Thing Happened.

(Speaking of that one-shot, finally caught the Roxxon reference.)
DiB, I saw it, but I saw the movie so there has to be more to it than that. At least, I'd like there to be. That's a pretty dumb way to end that plot thread.
I think we have the events of May 25 and 26, 2008 wrong. Iron Man 2 (0:00:00 - 0:02:59) seems to take place on May 25, 2008, before "Just Off the Farm" (i.e. during the press conference). I'm also having trouble making sense of how Tony was able to have the press conference where he reveals his superhero identity, fly to Yemen and destroy a weapons cache on a ship there, go over surveillance tapes back home, go out again, and come back to talk to Nick all in one day. It seems more likely that "Who Made Who" and the Iron Man post-credits scene take place not on May 25th, but on a later date.
*May 25:
- Happening in the end of the morning (there is +11 hours between Malibu and Moscow): 'I Am Iron Man', Anton Vanko dies (afternoon in Russia).
(source: a rendez-vous was taken with Agent Coulson on May 24, and 'I Am Iron Man' happens the day after the rendez-vous)
- Happening in the beginning of the afternoon: events of Phil Coulson: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.
(source: Fury says: 'I'll be paying a visit to Mister Stark.' which means Fury hasn't met Stark yet)
- Happening 1/2 day after 'I Am Iron Man': Nick Fury meets with Tony Stark at his penthouse and talks about the Avengers Initiative.
(source: official MCU Timeline)

*During the week or some weeks later: Tony creates the Mark IV.
(source: none, but it seems logical that way)

*Sometime after the creation of the Mark IV: events of Nick Fury: Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.
(source: the summary of the same comic: 'A man calling himself Colonel Nick Fury visited Stark at his home.' + the fact that Tony Stark already knows Fury in this comic, which means they already met)
fun fact: there is an Agent Garrett in this comic, but he's black. Is John Garrett from AoS a retcon based on this character?

*3 Months after 'I Am Iron Man': events of Iron Man: Public Identity
(source: official MCU Timeline)


Secondly, I'm thinking Iron Man 2 (00:51:34 - 1:15:53) takes place on the same day (it's split into May 29th and 30th, 2011 right now), from after midnight until sundown. War Machine flies out after the fight with Iron Man and then lands at the Air Force base in the morning, Tony meets with Nick at the donut shop, they head back to Malibu, Tony works through his father's box of goodies all day, goes to the Stark Industries offices in the evening, etc.

It's 19:05pm, just before the birthday party:

It's 7:23:14am, when Rhodes decides to put the Mark II

Conclusion: Rhodes arrived to Stark's penthouse in the early morning of the May 30. Same day where he arrived with the Mark II in the Air Force base, etc..


The last thing I noticed is there's a quick flashback of Bruce being strapped in for his fateful experiment during The Incredible Hulk (0:38:25 – 0:38:43) that obviously takes place well before the start of the film. Probably in the early 2000s or the late 1990s. I don't know if we want to treat that as a memory that Bruce has in 2011 or as an event that occurs earlier.
It could be both.. that's the DIB's timeline: the chef does as he wants on that ^^
Before I reply to CF and forget, here's one more idea I had: FBW #2 pages 11 and 12 probably should be broken up. I say page 11 (Nick waking up Clint) happens the morning of May 31st, 2011, possibly even before Tony and Rhodey's award ceremony, depending on how late we think Clint slept in. Then page 12 (Clint talking to the gas station attendant Coulson saved) takes place that evening, around sunset. That puts it at around 0:49:50 in Thor.

*May 25:
- Happening in the end of the morning (there is +11 hours between Malibu and Moscow): 'I Am Iron Man', Anton Vanko dies (afternoon in Russia).
(source: a rendez-vous was taken with Agent Coulson on May 24, and 'I Am Iron Man' happens the day after the rendez-vous)
- Happening in the beginning of the afternoon: events of Phil Coulson: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.
(source: Fury says: 'I'll be paying a visit to Mister Stark.' which means Fury hasn't met Stark yet)
- Happening 1/2 day after 'I Am Iron Man': Nick Fury meets with Tony Stark at his penthouse and talks about the Avengers Initiative.
(source: official MCU Timeline)

*During the week or some weeks later: Tony creates the Mark IV.
(source: none, but it seems logical that way)

*Sometime after the creation of the Mark IV: events of Nick Fury: Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.
(source: the summary of the same comic: 'A man calling himself Colonel Nick Fury visited Stark at his home.' + the fact that Tony Stark already knows Fury in this comic, which means they already met)
fun fact: there is an Agent Garrett in this comic, but he's black. Is John Garrett from AoS a retcon based on this character?

*3 Months after 'I Am Iron Man': events of Iron Man: Public Identity
(source: official MCU Timeline)

Yeah! Wooo! Right on the money!

It's 7:23:14am, when Rhodes decides to put the Mark II

I agree that screen says 7:23, but I think we have to treat that as an error. There's no way it's that late when he puts the suit on. It's pitch black outside and the party is still going strong.

Conclusion: Rhodes arrived to Stark's penthouse in the early morning of the May 30. Same day where he arrived with the Mark II in the Air Force base, etc..

I think the date changes in Malibu between Tony drinking the martini and scratching the turntable. Around 0:51:15 in IM2. Like I said, though, I don't know what time zone the timeline is in. TIH has events in Virginia on the same day. Also, I'll admit I can't tell if it's changing from May 29 to May 30 at that point or from May 28 to May 29... What's our anchor for these dates?