Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline

I would but I'm taking a break from Facebook and Twitter. Spent WAY too much time on there.

Like Cap France said, it's being written by Will Corona Pilgrim, who oversees all the MCU canon comics, so I'd think this is probably canon. Likely exploring Rocket and Groot's partnership before the events of the film. Course I believe the GotG - Prelude #2 issue also focuses on them, but each likely contain self-contained stories of their various adventures before being incarcerated in the film.
Some possible directions Thor 3 can take:

I don't think it's accidental that Enchantress is mentioned, especially given Lorelei's appearance on AoS probably serves as a precursor to Enchantress showing up. Plus seeing Loki involved with someone as manipulative and duplicitous as he is would make for some great scenes.
So after work I was determined to finally pick up Thor - The Dark World on DVD. So I went to Wal-Mart...and they didn't have it. I then went to Target, but they only had the Blu-Ray. I finally went to Best Buy and it looked like they only had the Blu-Ray version as well, but I finally found it tucked on the bottom shelf of one of the aisles. Also picked up Borderlands for Xbox 360 for $15. Played it at friends but had never had my own copy, so now I'll dive into that.
Some possible directions Thor 3 can take:

I don't think it's accidental that Enchantress is mentioned, especially given Lorelei's appearance on AoS probably serves as a precursor to Enchantress showing up. Plus seeing Loki involved with someone as manipulative and duplicitous as he is would make for some great scenes.

Anthony Hopkins:
I'm not sure. He hasn't physically died on screen, but I played him as a man who's on his way out. I think they would have to explain in "Thor 3," if there is one, what happens to Odin. Or maybe it'll just be a story line, maybe he went to Tahiti or something for a holiday. I don't know.

Kevin Feige confirms The Avengers to appear in The Avengers: Age of Ultron
So after work I was determined to finally pick up Thor - The Dark World on DVD. So I went to Wal-Mart...and they didn't have it. I then went to Target, but they only had the Blu-Ray. I finally went to Best Buy and it looked like they only had the Blu-Ray version as well, but I finally found it tucked on the bottom shelf of one of the aisles. Also picked up Borderlands for Xbox 360 for $15. Played it at friends but had never had my own copy, so now I'll dive into that.

You don't have a blu-ray player yet? Live in the now man.
Blu-ray player is definitely worth it. I got my PS3 for two things: Kingdom Hearts, and the MCU Phase One Bluray box set. Best investment I've ever made.
HD DVDs were superior, Blu-Ray won because it sounds cooler.
You don't have a blu-ray player yet? Live in the now man.

Nope. I'm kind of pissed the media industry changes the format every 5-10 years. So I'm waiting to see if they're going to release yet another format with higher definition or whatever in the next few years as a replacement for Bluray.

You can find a blu-ray player for less than 50$ now. Plus the fact that blu-rays have a lot more bonus and a better quality than dvds.

It's not a cost thing. I am a bit annoyed at how Blurays tend to cost 33% more than DVDs, though. For instance, Thor - TDW on DVD was $20, on Bluray it was $30. I could care less about the higher definition, though the One-Shots being exclusive to Bluray is the only reason I plan on eventually getting around to buying a BR player (of course then I have to re-buy a large portion of my MCU collection on Bluray to get the One-Shots on disc). In the meantime I can live with the One-Shots being downloaded on my PC.

I have a bluray player and I still prefer DVDs. I'm cheap like that.

Lol, same here. I just don't like the aspect of financial manipulation the industry plays, requiring new players and new formats every 5-10 years. I get that's how technology works, but the cost of Blurays vs DVDs puts me off.
There's the One-Shots + the SHIELD Data Vault (Iron Man 2) + the SHIELD Personel Files (Avengers)

About the price, I never buy a blu-ray at its release, I'm always waiting to find one when it's less or equal to 20€ (in France, they just change the logo $ to € without touching the numbers... except Euros are more expensive than US Dollars..).
There's the One-Shots + the SHIELD Data Vault (Iron Man 2) + the SHIELD Personel Files (Avengers) About the price, I never buy a blu-ray at its release, I'm always waiting to find one when it's less or equal to 20€ (in France, they just change the logo $ to € without touching the numbers... except Euros are more expensive than US Dollars..).

The One-Shots will definitely get me to upgrade to Blu Rays eventually, though I'm hoping they may include the first 3 on the Agents of SHIELD DVDs as a bonus feature. Probably not, though. Perhaps they'll do a new one for the Blu Ray version.
About the price, I never buy a blu-ray at its release, I'm always waiting to find one when it's less or equal to 20€ (in France, they just change the logo $ to € without touching the numbers... except Euros are more expensive than US Dollars..).

I'm the same way, with the exclusion of some comic book movies, I haven't paid full price for a blu-ray in years.