Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline

I think the date changes in Malibu between Tony drinking the martini and scratching the turntable. Around 0:51:15 in IM2. Like I said, though, I don't know what time zone the timeline is in. TIH has events in Virginia on the same day. Also, I'll admit I can't tell if it's changing from May 29 to May 30 at that point or from May 28 to May 29... What's our anchor for these dates?

Nellis Air Force Base is near Las Vegas (Nevada)
Stark Penthouse is in Malibu (California)
Culver University is in Virginia.

Between California and Nevada there is no time change to do.
Between California and Virginia, Virginia has +3 hours.
I'm having too much fun to stop. The Fury's Big Week order isn't making too much sense to me, unless Chapter 4 takes place over the course of one day. So either it's two days or in the wrong order. Here's my reading of May 31st, 2011. I think Natasha travels from New York City to Culver University in Virginia early that morning before anyone else except Nick is awake. So page 18 of FBW #2 gets moved up to the beginning of May 31st. Then Betty and Bruce are the next to wake up because Bruce is trying to get out of town before the General catches him. So the first part of "Locked In" comes next. Next she goes undercover on page 19. Then the next cut of "Locked In" where Bruce transforms into the Hulk. Natasha sees the Hulk emerge on page 20. Battle ensues in next cut of "Locked In" and the rest is already correct from there.

Contrary to what I suggested in my last post, I think Tony and Rhodey's award ceremony in DC definitely comes next.

Only then does Nick wake Clint up and send him to New Mexico. I guess Clint could be anywhere and have flown, but since we don't see him at an airport and his car would be an unusual rental, Occam's razor says he drove, putting him within a day's drive of the crater.

The day's events in Thor and FBW #2 pages 12-17 ensue, with page 12 occurring around 0:49:50 in Thor.

We come back to TIH, where we see the Hulk and Betty hiding in a cave at night in the (fictional?) Smoky Mountains National Forest. May 31 ends at about 1:02:30 in TIH, at the end of the Blonsky-in-ICU scene.

(Side note: Blonsky's weapons in the May 31 fight with the Hulk look identical to the gear Hammer gave Rhodey to attach to the War Machine suit. Not sure if it's an Easter Egg or if they're just reusing props...)
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Based on the clips for the next episode I wish you luck DiB
OK, I realize how absurd this sounds, but I think A Funny Thing Happened could be broken up a little bit. Hear me out. It opens with Coulson driving during daylight in New Mexico. Then it's after sundown and Coulson passes a sign that says "Puente Antiguo 473". If I hadn't read Fury's Big Week #2, I would have treated these two shots as consecutive and assumed Coulson has been driving continuously between them. But 473 miles from Puente Antiguo is exactly where we see him at the S.H.I.E.L.D. outpost in Roswell in FBW #2, during the day. So I think we should actually place pg. 10 of FBW #2 twenty-three seconds into A Funny Thing Happened. (Speaking of that one-shot, finally caught the Roxxon reference.)

Interesting. I'll look into that. Will probably update it tomorrow.

DiB, I saw it, but I saw the movie so there has to be more to it than that. At least, I'd like there to be. That's a pretty dumb way to end that plot thread.

Not really. It's likely a lot of people seeing Cap 2 don't watch AoS, so it'd be dumb and shortsighted to depend on fans knowing what's going on in the show and continue or resolve the plot line in Cap 2. Also, who said that plot thread ended there? As I said, I have a feeling Zola will show up on AoS later in the season, given his possible "transfer" through the flash drive.

I actually think they handled it perfectly. It works for hardcore fans such as us who watch and pore over it all, and still works for those who only see the films or (even less likely) only watch the show. The movie-only viewers get their full over-arching plot in the films, those who may only watch the show get the full Clairvoyant plot line in the show, and those who watch it all get more from watching it all. Therefore it works for everybody's watching habits. That's pretty smart, if you ask me.

Try to see beyond your own habits and it'll become clear, I promise.

*May 25: - Happening in the end of the morning (there is +11 hours between Malibu and Moscow): 'I Am Iron Man', Anton Vanko dies (afternoon in Russia). (source: a rendez-vous was taken with Agent Coulson on May 24, and 'I Am Iron Man' happens the day after the rendez-vous) - Happening in the beginning of the afternoon: events of Phil Coulson: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. (source: Fury says: 'I'll be paying a visit to Mister Stark.' which means Fury hasn't met Stark yet) - Happening 1/2 day after 'I Am Iron Man': Nick Fury meets with Tony Stark at his penthouse and talks about the Avengers Initiative. (source: official MCU Timeline) *During the week or some weeks later: Tony creates the Mark IV. (source: none, but it seems logical that way) *Sometime after the creation of the Mark IV: events of Nick Fury: Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. (source: the summary of the same comic: 'A man calling himself Colonel Nick Fury visited Stark at his home.' + the fact that Tony Stark already knows Fury in this comic, which means they already met) fun fact: there is an Agent Garrett in this comic, but he's black. Is John Garrett from AoS a retcon based on this character? *3 Months after 'I Am Iron Man': events of Iron Man: Public Identity (source: official MCU Timeline) ************************************** It's 19:05pm, just before the birthday party: It's 7:23:14am, when Rhodes decides to put the Mark II Conclusion: Rhodes arrived to Stark's penthouse in the early morning of the May 30. Same day where he arrived with the Mark II in the Air Force base, etc.. *********************************************** It could be both.. that's the DIB's timeline: the chef does as he wants on that ^^

Crap, I'm going to have to change some stuff back, aren't I?

For my sanity's sake, dsethlewis, please list the order you think stuff should be ordered by time code/comic page number so I don't have to go through everything all over again (and since you're going through it anyway).

That makes it 10000000% easier for me to compare what is and what you're suggesting. Like you did in your first few posts. Just a request. ;)
For my sanity's sake, dsethlewis, please list the order you think stuff should be ordered by time code/comic page number so I don't have to go through everything all over again (and since you're going through it anyway).

That makes it 10000000% easier for me to compare what is and what you're suggesting. Like you did in your first few posts. Just a request. ;)

OK, I'd be happy to do that, but I'm also starting to get scared that all my nitpicking is going to mess the timeline up. I've read the whole thread a couple times, but I still don't have a grasp on what our anchor dates are... That is, what dates in each movie are we 100% sure we have correct so we're sure not to tinker with those?
No. I meant I think it's dumb that the big bad guy they took this whole time building too is THAT character.
OK, I'd be happy to do that, but I'm also starting to get scared that all my nitpicking is going to mess the timeline up. I've read the whole thread a couple times, but I still don't have a grasp on what our anchor dates are... That is, what dates in each movie are we 100% sure we have correct so we're sure not to tinker with those?

The Iron Man 1 dates are confirmed in the movie itself. The dates for Iron Man 2, Thor, and Incredible Hulk are determined based on May 29 being Tony's birthday, and extrapolating the placements for the rest based on Fury's Big Week comic.

No. I meant I think it's dumb that the big bad guy they took this whole time building too is THAT character.

Why is that dumb?
I've never really found them a compelling villain. I would have preferred someone bigger.
I've never really found them a compelling villain. I would have preferred someone bigger.

I don't agree, but I understand. I felt that way about the twist in Iron Man 3. You expect something and they give you something else and it just doesn't do it for you and you're left thinking, "well that was dumb..."
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Possible a screwup on my part but - shouldn't IM2 and Thor overlap? According to the timeline Coulson states he is going to Mexico before Thor arrives. Is his right or have I made a mistake?

Thanks. :)
Depending how they pull it off I feel like this whole Captain America: The Winter Soldier and Agents of SHIELD could really hurt not just that show hurt any show Marvel does. One could spoil the other. Why would I want to watch this show if it makes it almost necessary to see a movie RIGHT when it comes out or else it gets spoiled for me?
Possible a screwup on my part but - shouldn't IM2 and Thor overlap? According to the timeline Coulson states he is going to Mexico before Thor arrives. Is his right or have I made a mistake? Thanks. :)

They detect anomalous readings which leads Coulson to leave Tony's mansion in Malibu and drive to New Mexico. On his way the events of the final battle in Iron Man 2 occurs. Then Thor begins, and the "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Thor's Hammer" One Shot happens, then the scene with Tony meeting Fury, more of Thor overlaps, then the scene with Tony and Rhodey getting medals from Stern, then the rest of Thor overlaps with Incredible Hulk.

So Iron Man 2 and Thor overlap, but it's only the very final scenes of Iron Man 2 which overlap with it.

Depending how they pull it off I feel like this whole Captain America: The Winter Soldier and Agents of SHIELD could really hurt not just that show hurt any show Marvel does. One could spoil the other. Why would I want to watch this show if it makes it almost necessary to see a movie RIGHT when it comes out or else it gets spoiled for me?

I get what you're saying, but I don't think they're going to outright spoil stuff in AoS from Cap or vice versa, other than the fact SHIELD is disbanded. While it may be touched on, I don't think it makes it a necessity that you HAVE to see the film or watch the show, it only enhances the overall plot if you watch it all.
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That's going to be really bad storytelling if they just gloss over the who. That would mean that the guy in the film isn't the Clairvoyant though...
That's going to be really bad storytelling if they just gloss over the who. That would mean that the guy in the film isn't the Clairvoyant though...

Not necessarily. It doesn't mean they have to gloss over anything, only focus on the plot/ characters that are important to the show. It's entirely possible for them to introduce the Clairvoyant on the show, even if it is the person from Cap 2. They can provide whatever introduction works for the character's appearance on the show, if it's that person.
It's very possible that the clairvoyant in the context of the show is somebody like Hand, or no one at all, but just is a name the
Hydra agents
have fabricated to throw Coulson off their trail. The TV show could not even mention
Zola OR his algorithm
and just focus on the fact that
SHIELD has been compromised by Hydra
and that the big bad they have been chasing is a mole/a corrupted system.

But because we've watched Cap 2, we know the details that don't really matter for the show, but make it all the cooler.
May 29 being Tony's birthday

OK, I'm making good progress on lining everything up by day. I'll have something to show for it after the craziness of my life right now settles down in a couple weeks. It's a little confusing because they definitely made some minor mistakes along the way (e.g. FBW #1 pg 11 is a mess). And they clearly retconned the IM2 timeline. Whatever, this whole thing is a fun puzzle even if we never solve it.
It's very possible that the clairvoyant in the context of the show is somebody like Hand, or no one at all, but just is a name the * SPOILER * have fabricated to throw Coulson off their trail. The TV show could not even mention * SPOILER * and just focus on the fact that * SPOILER * and that the big bad they have been chasing is a mole/a corrupted system. But because we've watched Cap 2, we know the details that don't really matter for the show, but make it all the cooler.


OK, I'm making good progress on lining everything up by day. I'll have something to show for it after the craziness of my life right now settles down in a couple weeks. It's a little confusing because they definitely made some minor mistakes along the way (e.g. FBW #1 pg 11 is a mess). And they clearly retconned the IM2 timeline. Whatever, this whole thing is a fun puzzle even if we never solve it.

Fury's Big Week definitely retconned IM2 to take place just before and during Thor and the later portions of Incredible Hulk. Nathan Fillon is part of the MCU now! Skip to 38:40 for the surprise :D

Interesting. I'm assuming its a small cameo role, perhaps even a role introduced in a mid or post credits scene for a potential larger role in a sequel.
Oh man, Nathan Fillion in another James Gunn film. I hope it's an homage to PG P0rn.
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