Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline

It's alright, what I tried to explain is that your point is perhaps a bit muddled. There's two points being made here I think:

1) That more time could have passed on Asgard than on Sakaar. So, despite there seemingly being about 3 days passing for Thor on Sakaar, when he gets off the planet, a week or two or however long has passed for the rest of the universe. This is possible, because time runs "different" on Sakaar - although, I don't feel like it's likely to have been more than about 3 days personally.
2) That the reason that more time could have passed on Asgard is because when Thor arrives on Sakaar, it's been weeks for Loki. This, however, actually supports the other way around. If this were the rule of correlation, then time would pass much faster on Sakaar - if someone in Asgard had a live camera feed showing Sakaar, it would look like it's on fast-forward, and if someone on Sakaar had a live camera feed showing Asgard, it would look like it's in slow-motion. Weeks on Sakaar = mere seconds elsewhere. By that logic, with Thor spending 3 days on Sakaar, only about 1 second would have passed elsewhere. He'd be arriving on Asgard only just as Hela also arrived like a second after she threw him out of the Bifrost.

But, despite this, more time passing on Asgard is still possible. There is also evidence for time passing slower on Asgard, because the Grandmaster suggests that people can be younger on Sakaar than they should be. While he's being all Goldblum-y and not necessarily telling the truth about himself and his age when he trails off, the implication of the possibility is still there. And, as well as this, is what I was saying about Valkyrie. For her, it's perhaps been only a few hundred years, when outside of Sakaar, it's been over 1000 years. This would suggest that on Sakaar, time actually passes slower - the opposite of the Loki stuff. If someone watched Valkyrie on a live feed from Asgard for the last 1000+ years and the correlation was constant, it would have always look like she was moving in slow-motion at like 0.5x speed, but this is different to the Loki stuff, where he'd be moving in fast-forward at like 200,000x speed.

Basically, there's contradictory evidence, so the conclusion can be reached that there is no constant correlation between the time passing on Sakaar and the rest of the universe. It speeds up and slows down randomly, "Time works real different."

So, the amount of time that passes on Asgard could be less, the same, or more than the 3 days on Sakaar.

Basically, yes - your point is perfectly valid. It's possible more time passed on Asgard than Sakaar. But not because of the Loki Sakaar stuff, which actually suggests the opposite.

And, just personally, I'd say that it doesn't seem like Asgard has been more than a few days - that it seems once Thor lands on Sakaar that time is pretty much in sync with Asgard, with about 3 days passing for both, and that this would make sense as well for why he and Heimdall are in sync when Heimdall shows him what's happening on Asgard.

Hope I've clarified what I meant.

Gotcha. Appreciate you taking the time to discuss. Had a thought in the car, curious what you think. Now it seems to be established through certain ages (Grandmaster and Valkyrie) and Grandmaster's line about how he would look much older that it's possible that time on Sakaar runs slower than everywhere else with the only contradictory evidence seemingly being Loki's line about being there a few weeks. But, what if he was, what if through no speed up or slow down he was actually there for a few weeks? Thor, if I recall correctly, is the only person we see come out of a worm hole. And although I have no knowledge of space time, is it possible that Thor, skipped weeks ahead, arriving in what he thought was a short amount of time, but actually weeks ahead? Just curious.
Just went a second time, stray observations:

When Tony checks the flip-phone it's 1:21. When Bruce picks it up after the fight it's 1:40-something.

It was definitely meant to be middle of the night in Scotland, and the train station wasn't abandoned. Didn't catch any time there, but it would have to be hours after the NYC scuffle, since as best we can tell Cap's team was in the Middle East. So they'd have to decide where to start looking, make the flight, then track them down. So for whatever reason, the mind stone was difficult for Proxima and Corvus to track.

The hologram played from Nebula's memory had to be after Ragnarok, since Nebula is warning Gamora of Thanos ramping up his efforts and preparing to start grabbing stones personally/more aggressively. Thanos says that Nebula boarded his ship and tried to kill him "some time ago". Obviously flexible dialogue, but to me that means a good while and in no way recent. This would further support the little gap between end of Ragnarok and its mid-credits scene.

I did not see a clock in the car for the post-credit scene, but if it was daylight when Cap and co. Got to Avengers HQ, it'd have to be 10-something, like y'all said, at the absolute earliest.

I think that was all.


Someone on the wiki had a theory I quite liked. They suggested that the Infinity Gauntlet had been a concept for a very long time, and that's why Odin had a fake one in his vault in 2010 (wiki timeline)/2011 (this timeline), but had never actually been forged because it was so dangerous. However, some time when Asgard was not around to help - either during Loki's time on the throne, or post-destruction, so between November 2013 and early 2018 - Thanos went to Nidavellir and forced Eitri to forge the gauntlet. Assuming that the Age of Ultron scene is the same gauntlet, he could be taking it from Nidavellir now that it's complete, or it could be that he had it forged some time soon after Thor: The Dark World and had it stored away, waiting for Ronan to deliver him the Power Stone. When he didn't, some time after, he decided, "Fine, I'll do it myself," and retrieved Eitri's specially-forged gauntlet from storage.

To me, that theory doesn't really work. So Thor was chilling on Earth and likely visiting Asgard periodically for less than two months after TDW. The Avengers reassembled and spent all of 2014 and part of 2015 looking for the scepter, and we know Heimdall was still operating the Bifrost this entire time. I don't think there's any way Heimdall lets Nidavellir get slaughtered on his watch.

Thor then goes on his quest for the stones/investigation into why they're popping up so frequently. This takes over 2 years, and at the beginning of Ragnarok, Thor still thinks Heimdall is there to beam him up. Obviously there's a lot of flexibility with how frequently (if at all) Thor has used the Bifrost to move around or visited Asgard. Also flexible is the length of time that's passed since Loki branded Heimdall a traitor and replaced him with Skurge.

To me, I don't see Thanos having the Gauntlet made until after it's clear that Asgard is no longer protecting the 9 realms. I personally think that's best after the destruction of Asgard, but it could be weaseled in there between Ultron and Ragnarok... but I'd say several months after Thor left on his quest in 2015.

The Age of Ultron credits scene is basically up in the air. Markus and McFeely actually said recently that they weren't going to address that scene and that they weren't really sure what was supposed to be going on in the scene - it's clearly pretty disconnected.

That really sums it up. It was just a stupid throwaway scene to remind the audience about the bad guy for the next Avengers flick, with no foresight into where Markus and McFeely were gonna go with it. I'm not taking it too seriously, just having some fun now that it's relevant again.
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Next week's promo for Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 5x21 shows scenes taking place during the morning.
So we're going to have to start seeing characters fade out of existence in the next episode, unless it all takes place before 10:20 EST per the time on the car clock seen in the Infinity War post credit scene.
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Next week's promo for Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 5x21 shows scenes taking place during the morning.
So we're going to have to start seeing characters fade out of existence in the next episode.

Not necessarily. Could be either of the next two episodes.
After seeing IW for my second time yesterday, I think I got a time in Scotland. After the fight, while Cap is walking towards Vision there is a large clock face behind him. It's very out of focus, but it looked to me that it was about 9:10. Maybe if someone is seeing it again this weekend they can look to confirm.
I'm going to go backwards in the timeline a few years. I haven't seen Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D since the Ghost Rider arc (just didn't have time) and I need to catch up. I'm just now discovering all the webisodes.

So we have Slingshot on the timeline. Ok, cool. I think it would be a good idea to add YouTube links to the episodes as well, since I don't think they have or will have a physical release. What about the other webisodes: Academy, Double Agent and Operation Recruitment? The last one is especially hard to find info about online. I know these mix "real world" with MCU, but is there any way for them to fit in the timeline, same with the Team Thor/ Team Darryl shorts?

Also, are there any other Web exclusives besides Slingshot, Operation Recruitment, Double Agent, Academy, Team Thor 1 and 2, Team Darryl, the 10 WHIH videos, the Stark Expo videos, Runaways Thanksgiving and the Rand one? Am I correct in that Team Thor 2, Team Darryl and Ant Man related WHiH videos are the only internet videos to get a Blu/ DVD release?
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As far as the Infinity War ordering should go:

I feel like leaving it on the timeline as it is would be the most natural for viewing, but the film seems to jump around in time a lot.
When Thor's ship is destroyed, I think it took the Guardians less time to get to the wreckage than it took for the Maw and Cull to get to New York. Proxima and Corvus finding Vision and Wanda would have to be at least a little while later than the Maw and Cull in New York because Banner had to tell Cap about everything. So I think the order would go like this:

- Thor's ship destroyed
- Guardians find Thor - Thor/Rocket/Groot leave for Nidavellir
- The Maw and Cull attack New York
- Guardians at Knowhere/Thanos takes Gamora
- Proxima and Corvus in Scotland
- Gamora tells Thanos where the soul stone is/Nebula escapes and tells the Guardians to go to Titan
- The Maw's ship is taken by Iron Man
- Cap goes to the Avengers facility
- Guardians meet Iron Man's ship on Titan
- Thanos sacrifices Gamora and gets the soul stone
- Cap arrives on Wakanda

and the rest of the movie is pretty much happening as it's shown on-screen.
I'm going to go backwards in the timeline a few years. I haven't seen Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D since the Ghost Rider arc (just didn't have time) and I need to catch up. I'm just now discovering all the webisodes.

So we have Slingshot on the timeline. Ok, cool. I think it would be a good idea to add YouTube links to the episodes as well, since I don't think they have or will have a physical release. What about the other webisodes: Academy, Double Agent and Operation Recruitment? The last one is especially hard to find info about online. I know these mix "real world" with MCU, but is there any way for them to fit in the timeline, same with the Team Thor/ Team Darryl shorts?

No, the AoS Operation Recruitment, Double Agent, Academy webisodes aren't even set in the MCU. They're behind the scenes/promo stuff, not actual story/plot dependent episodes actually set in the MCU timeline like Slingshot is. Same with Team Thor, since it's just a fun tongue in cheek mockumentary (seriously, it's not meant to be taken seriously that Thor was rooming with some dude named Daryl during Civil War, it's just a joke). We also know it CAN'T fit into MCU continuity since Team Thor is obviously supposed to happen during or soon after events of Civil War. Yet Banner appears in Team Thor, despite Ragnarok confirming he spent the two years between AoU and Ragnarok on Sakaar.

Also, are there any other Web exclusives besides Slingshot, Operation Recruitment, Double Agent, Academy, Team Thor 1 and 2, Team Darryl, the 10 WHIH videos, the Stark Expo videos, Runaways Thanksgiving and the Rand one? Am I correct in that Team Thor 2, Team Darryl and Ant Man related WHiH videos are the only internet videos to get a Blu/ DVD release?

Not that I'm aware of, and yes, I believe so.
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As far as the Infinity War ordering should go:

I feel like leaving it on the timeline as it is would be the most natural for viewing, but the film seems to jump around in time a lot.
When Thor's ship is destroyed, I think it took the Guardians less time to get to the wreckage than it took for the Maw and Cull to get to New York. Proxima and Corvus finding Vision and Wanda would have to be at least a little while later than the Maw and Cull in New York because Banner had to tell Cap about everything. So I think the order would go like this:

- Thor's ship destroyed
- Guardians find Thor - Thor/Rocket/Groot leave for Nidavellir
- The Maw and Cull attack New York
- Guardians at Knowhere/Thanos takes Gamora
- Proxima and Corvus in Scotland
- Gamora tells Thanos where the soul stone is/Nebula escapes and tells the Guardians to go to Titan
- The Maw's ship is taken by Iron Man
- Cap goes to the Avengers facility
- Guardians meet Iron Man's ship on Titan
- Thanos sacrifices Gamora and gets the soul stone
- Cap arrives on Wakanda

and the rest of the movie is pretty much happening as it's shown on-screen.

I dunno, I don't see any reason to assume that given its all based on assumptions, right? Why would you assume it took Guardians less time to get to the Asgardian wreckage than it took for Thanos' Children to get to Earth? I think odds are Thanos has advanced tech likely beyond even the Guardians, as largely indicated in their battle with Nova Corps against Ronan, and Thanos easily obliterating the entire Nova Corps before he'd gotten even a single one of the Stones. His habit of conquering inevitably means acquiring advanced tech along the way.

Plus, and most important... we know it doesn't take them long at all to get to Earth, since Thanos has the Space Stone. We also see their ships have a "beam up" ability and I think they were shown teleporting if I recall correctly.

Either way, there's no logical reason as of now to re-arrange the film. As presented it seems perfectly in line chronologically, unless some new info is provided.
So after watching last night's AoS episode, it seems entirely possible the series will end either before Infinity War does (with Thanos' snapping his fingers) or simultaneously with that.

Episode 5x19-5x20 occur one right after the other, and occur during night time, set likely after the New York battle (obviously since its mentioned in 5x19) and the Scotland battle, but before Cap, Widow, Falcon, etc arrive at the Avengers compound with Wanda and Vision (the scene with Ross and Rhodes) since that occurs the next morning if I recall correctly (could be wrong, can't remember if the establishing shot of the Avengers compound before that scene was night or day time).

Either way, it seems very likely the season finale will align with Thanos' snap.
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So after watching last night's AoS episode, it seems entirely possible the series will end either before Infinity War does (with Thanos' snapping his fingers) or simultaneously with that.

Episode 5x19-5x20 occur one right after the other, and occur during night time, set likely after the New York battle (obviously since its mentioned in 5x19) and the Scotland battle, but before Cap, Widow, Falcon, etc arrive at the Avengers compound with Wanda and Vision (the scene with Ross and Rhodes) since that occurs the next morning if I recall correctly (could be wrong, can't remember if the establishing shot of the Avengers compound before that scene was night or day time).

Either way, it seems very likely the season finale will align with Thanos' snap.

It was daytime when Cap and them got to Avengers HQ.
It was daytime when Cap and them got to Avengers HQ.


I've been doing some time zone and timing notes for how everything slots together. I lost a bit of my work in a laptop problem, but I'll let you guys know when I've redone it in the next couple of days.
Small mistake:

You listed the backstory of the Vibranium meteor as 2,500,000 Million Years Ago, but it's only 2,5 million years ago.

You should list it as either "2,5 Million Years Ago" or as "2,500,000 Years Ago".

Also, since you moved Captain America - Civil War Chapter 19: "End Credits" (2:18:34 - 2:19:59) to after Black Panther, then you should also move Avengers - Infinity War: Prelude #1 (pg. 13-14) alongside it, since that's when Bucky gets frozen.
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So basically the ending of Infinity War occurs after two full days?

the morning scene we saw in the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 5x21 promo is the day before the snap?
Should be day of.

Infinity War only took place over 24 hours, give-or-take.
I watched Civil War last night and noticed Steve has the same bruises In the Wakanda end credits scene that he does at the end with Bucky going into cryogenic sleep. I don't think this scene can take place that long after the end of the main events like we have it currently...
I watched Civil War last night and noticed Steve has the same bruises In the Wakanda end credits scene that he does at the end with Bucky going into cryogenic sleep. I don't think this scene can take place that long after the end of the main events like we have it currently...

I just now noticed it was after BP here. I know the Prelude comic says "weeks later" but I think that's wrong.

It would be fine there if not for Shuri's line about "another broken white boy for me to fix". Clearly a Bucky reference. Plus the bruises, like you said.

I've had bruises last a little over a week, but not much. Then again I've never been pummeled by Iron Man lol. But then you have to consider Cap's accelerated healing factor.
Small mistake:

You listed the backstory of the Vibranium meteor as 2,500,000 Million Years Ago, but it's only 2,5 million years ago.

You should list it as either "2,5 Million Years Ago" or as "2,500,000 Years Ago".

Also, since you moved Captain America - Civil War Chapter 19: "End Credits" (2:18:34 - 2:19:59) to after Black Panther, then you should also move Avengers - Infinity War: Prelude #1 (pg. 13-14) alongside it, since that's when Bucky gets frozen.

Fixed for those. Also, the CA-CW post credit scene I moved back to just after the events of CW, as it makes sense for Bucky to be frozen before events of BP to explain Shuri's "another white boy" line.

So basically the ending of Infinity War occurs after two full days?

the morning scene we saw in the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 5x21 promo is the day before the snap?

What makes you think that? Infinity War seems to cover about a day, running from early afternoon of Day 1 to around same time the following day (more or less, accounting for different time zones). AoS 5x19 and 5x20 occurred after the attacks on New York and Scotland, the night between those scenes and the Avengers HQ scene with Rhodey and Ross the next morning. It's entirely possible 5x21 will occur in morning before that HQ scene as well, with final episode paralleling latter portion of film, possibly ending with bunch of agents turning to ash to tie into IW ending...

So the 5x21 promo should pick up the morning of the snap. If the next couple episodes of AoS don't cover a long span of time, it works out even with the time zone differences.

I watched Civil War last night and noticed Steve has the same bruises In the Wakanda end credits scene that he does at the end with Bucky going into cryogenic sleep. I don't think this scene can take place that long after the end of the main events like we have it currently...

Yeah that was a mistake, I accidentally moved that later than intended. It's fixed now to occur next day after film.
Just wanted to drop this by, I'm currently reading Heroes' Journey and there was a passage toward the end of the Thor section

"In his heart, Heimdall knew it was right. He could tell by looking at the faces of the people throughout the ship that naming a new king of Asgard would give them faith and hope and the will to carry on. That would prove vital in the days, weeks, and months to come."

This could be indication that they were on the ship for a while or it could be nothing at all, but either way it is here for your consideration.

Also, I'm collecting data for my MCU project and I was wondering if anyone here could link me to the interview in which Kevin Feige says Iron Man 3 happened six months after Avengers? I've looked everywhere, but the only one I can find has the interviewer saying it, and Feige not acknowledging the comment. But, the internet insists that Kevin Feige has said this, so I'm trying to track it down. Any help would be appreciated.