Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline

Yeah, I thought about doing it, but then I did the math. 18 2-hour movies and 220 episodes at 45min each, that means 201 hours.

Factor in a few extra hours for the one-shots and comics, plus the movies are a little over 2 hours in average. That makes about 3½ hours per day, every day, for 60 days. Rough estimate, obviously.

Good luck with that!

It works out (average times for episodes, not exact) at around 8.66 days worth of watching if you were to do it all in one sitting, this does not include Blank Panther though.
That was a mistake. Adjusted for that.

Again, account for trial length. For someone like Fisk who can hire the best criminal defense lawyers, who themselves can negotiate bail before trial and conviction, and fact Fisk's trial itself could've taken months to prepare for and weeks or months itself for trial proceedings, its entirely plausible he was only convicted and sent to prison.
Okay, That's fair. I guess we don't actually see Fisk's trial in Season 1 so that makes sense.

Also, what episode did Fisk say that in? I honestly can't remember. If its in the first six episodes that'd be only around 6 months later for beginning of season.
Definitely after the first 6 episodes. It's after Punisher's escape when Matt goes to talk to Fisk about him orchestrating it. Looking at Wikipedia it looks like it's episode 10, but with the explanation you gave I guess it doesn't matter much either way since even if his trial only took a month it'd still technically fall under "months" rather than "last year/a year ago" categorization.

Either way, we know the season ends around Christmas so there are firm anchor points for the placements.
Absolutely, didn't mean to dispute that at all, just thought that perhaps there was a time skip missed somewhere maybe even multiple small ones mid episodes that could stretch things to make it smoother, but the explanation given suffices.

Cage working for Pops for 5 months doesn't discount JJ being set 8 months prior. Again, we have firm dates given in both the JJ and LC the shows, which correspond to the weather and dialogue/storyline backing them up.
Understood, the 3 month gap of employment is hard to swallow, but I realize it's not completely unexplainable. I was wanting to go back through all of this thread at some point and compile the notes as to have things thoroughly explainable but I started my marathon before having the chance to do so, hence my questioning.

While I'm here though, I thought I'd ask does anyone else have problems on this site with constant pop ups from a site called deloton (or something to that effect) over multiple devices with varrying levels of pop-up protection it seems like that's a consistent issue whenever I click anything (including things like the scroll bar) which makes going back to read the discussion a bit more frustrating than it should be.
For anyone that's attempted a huge watch-through, how does the MCU seem from that perspective? Given the sheer amount of TV stuff it seems like Coulson and Claire Temple would have more screentime than Tony Stark at this point--I'd imagine the movie characters must seem like folks who just make cameos from time to time. :lol:

While I'm here though, I thought I'd ask does anyone else have problems on this site with constant pop ups from a site called deloton (or something to that effect) over multiple devices with varrying levels of pop-up protection it seems like that's a consistent issue whenever I click anything (including things like the scroll bar) which makes going back to read the discussion a bit more frustrating than it should be.

Yup, it's an enormous pain, and the ads are pretty obnoxious even for popup ads. I don't mind ads, and I know why they're important, but when they make it hard to use the site they're supporting it starts to be a problem.

For anyone that's attempted a huge watch-through, how does the MCU seem from that perspective? Given the sheer amount of TV stuff it seems like Coulson and Claire Temple would have more screentime than Tony Stark at this point--I'd imagine the movie characters must seem like folks who just make cameos from time to time. :lol:


I imagine a big watch through would make the movies look like events rather than cameos. But at this point Coulson and Daisy must have the most screen time. But Coulson is the man so not complaining!
For anyone that's attempted a huge watch-through, how does the MCU seem from that perspective? Given the sheer amount of TV stuff it seems like Coulson and Claire Temple would have more screentime than Tony Stark at this point--I'd imagine the movie characters must seem like folks who just make cameos from time to time. :lol:

I've been watching as per the suggested order on thetimelinesite and it definitely seems a lot like a different experience than just watching the movies. The films seem like special events in a larger tv series, the netflix series feel like they're weirdly out of place with all the references to avengers and not to any of the other films, but overall it's been a fun watch/

Yup, it's an enormous pain, and the ads are pretty obnoxious even for popup ads. I don't mind ads, and I know why they're important, but when they make it hard to use the site they're supporting it starts to be a problem.


Okay, I was hoping it wasn't specifically linked to something I was doing. Wonder if there's any way around it...
I feel like the Asguardian reference in the newest AOS doesn't necessarily have to be Thor, just for timeline reasons. We don't know where Sif is. It could be her. It could have been that other Asguardian that we saw in season 1 and season 3. Hell, it could have been another Asguardian that we don't know about yet. I think this episode took place in July 2018 due to what another poster said. Also, do we actually know when Infinity War actually takes place?
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I feel like the Asguardian reference in the newest AOS doesn't necessarily have to be Thor, just for timeline reasons. We don't know where Sif is. It could be her. It could have been that other Asguardian that we saw in season 1 and season 3. Hell, it could have been another Asguardian that we don't know about yet. I think this episode took place in July 2018 due to what another poster said.

I think we can use those no-prizes if there's a conflict later on, but I believe it was meant to be a Ragnarok reference and that it's November 2017. Mainly because I got the feeling that this is shortly after Fitz' escape (which was November, going by the monkeys lol).

Also the lady walking the dog was dressed for colder weather. I think the soccer/running of the bulls on the TV was a mistake.

Also, do we actually know when Infinity War actually takes place?

No, but I'm guessing round about release date. James Gunn has said it's 4 years after Guardians.
Absolutely, I'd love to check it out and compare/make adjustments accordingly.
Alright cool, I'll get to sending that soon.

No, but I'm guessing round about release date. James Gunn has said it's 4 years after Guardians.
James Gunn actually didn't confirm 4 years. In his Facebook post, he said, "People are asking me a lot about how fast Groot grows, because in his appearance in the Infinity War trailer he was an ADOLESCENT (not a "teen" as has been reported in many places). This is exactly the same state of growth you see in the post credits scene of Vol. 2: Adolescent Groot. In terms of how fast Groot grows overall, I can tell you this: Baby Groot appears two months after the Infant Groot we see at the end of Vol. 1. The post-credits scene with Adolescent Groot and Peter Quill is YEARS after the ending of Vol. 2. I won't say exactly how many years at this time, but be clear that it took him a fair amount of time just to go from Baby Groot to Adolescent Groot."

Then someone asked him if it was 4 years, and said that Gunn "did seem to balk a bit when I specified "four years,"" and didn't confirm the 4 years in his response.

It was Feige who somewhat confirmed 4 years. He didn't say it himself per se, but he responded to a question about it.

"Me: When we catch up with the Guardians in Infinity War, will it be four years since we last saw them?"
"Kevin Feige: Um, yes."
"Me: It will be."
"Kevin Feige: Yes. Yeah, knowing that outside of the Guardians franchise, we don't necessarily always date the movies. You don't always know, we don't say, '2012, 2013...' We do in the Guardians because you do the math and 1988, and it's 26 years later. But we never say, 'Oh, this takes place in 2018, this takes place in 2017.' But it was important for the story that James wanted to tell that they're still relatively fresh in their new group."
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Ah, thanks. I'd forgotten most of all that.

Well we know Ragnarok is sometime in 2017 (I personally just put it in November, especially after this past AOS episode. Plus the Thor movies have always taken place damn close to release date).

And we also know IW is during the school year. We'll see how Markus and McFeely deal with the Homecoming debacle, but even if they accept HC as 2017, that means IW has to be somewhere between November 2017 to May 2018 (making it later in Spidey's Sophomore year).

Ideally, IW will actually be his Junior year, which is looking like a possibility because I can't imagine A4 takes place long after IW, and we've been told that HC2 begins moments after A4. So it could all work out, fingers crossed.
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It was Feige who somewhat confirmed 4 years. He didn't say it himself per se, but he responded to a question about it.

"Me: When we catch up with the Guardians in Infinity War, will it be four years since we last saw them?"
"Kevin Feige: Um, yes."
"Me: It will be."
"Kevin Feige: Yes. Yeah, knowing that outside of the Guardians franchise, we don't necessarily always date the movies. You don't always know, we don't say, '2012, 2013...' We do in the Guardians because you do the math and 1988, and it's 26 years later. But we never say, 'Oh, this takes place in 2018, this takes place in 2017.' But it was important for the story that James wanted to tell that they're still relatively fresh in their new group."

To me, Feige noting that they don't necessarily always date the films (besides Guardians) implies that he is not necessarily confirming that Infinity War is 4 years after Guardians 2, just that it has indeed been years since then (but he isn't specifying how many).

I think it mainly depends on the new timeline they're allegedly going to release, but for now, it is reasonable to place Infinity War between November 2017 and May 2018, like Craig said.
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Added the Jessica Jones Season 2 episode titles.

Yup, seems like a Ragnarok reference to me. The characters seemed dressed for colder weather too. I'm glad to see a reference to the wider MCU again, even a vague one like that.

I'm hoping that's not the last we've seen of Patrick Warburton's Stoner in the MCU--it's not gonna happen, but I'd love to see him in Captain Marvel.

I LOL'd so hard at May's "We have a small but active fanbase" comment that I had to pause the episode. :D

Also, I'm confused as heck about where this is in relation to Fitz's timeline in the previous episodes. Is he still being held captive by General Hale? Or is he in deep freeze? No one else seems to be at the lighthouse, so maybe this is before Fitz and Hunter got there? Am I missing something?


I just assumed Enoch moved Fitz after the freezing process was completed. In the ending of the episode Rewind, when he's frozen, the scene cuts out and immediately jumps to the future, so the period after he's frozen isn't really covered at all. That allows some leeway in making such an assumption.

Absolutely, didn't mean to dispute that at all, just thought that perhaps there was a time skip missed somewhere maybe even multiple small ones mid episodes that could stretch things to make it smoother, but the explanation given suffices.

I watched Season 2 three times looking for such an instance. There really isn't one, except the possibility of one which I used for the time jump.

While I'm here though, I thought I'd ask does anyone else have problems on this site with constant pop ups from a site called deloton (or something to that effect) over multiple devices with varrying levels of pop-up protection it seems like that's a consistent issue whenever I click anything (including things like the scroll bar) which makes going back to read the discussion a bit more frustrating than it should be.

Yes. I don't get it on my PC but anytime I visit the site using my mobile device I get constant Deloton pop-ups. E is aware of it but hasn't been able to fix it as far as I know.

For anyone that's attempted a huge watch-through, how does the MCU seem from that perspective? Given the sheer amount of TV stuff it seems like Coulson and Claire Temple would have more screentime than Tony Stark at this point--I'd imagine the movie characters must seem like folks who just make cameos from time to time. :lol:

Fair point. Though the spectacle aspect of the films certainly reinforces idea they're the focal points.

Yup, it's an enormous pain, and the ads are pretty obnoxious even for popup ads. I don't mind ads, and I know why they're important, but when they make it hard to use the site they're supporting it starts to be a problem.


As far as I know thats not by E's choice. He'd explained awhile back it was from the site being hacked or something (hence why the site's opening page had the "click here" link for awhile). I could be wrong and mis-remembering but I don't think those are E's doing.

I feel like the Asguardian reference in the newest AOS doesn't necessarily have to be Thor, just for timeline reasons. We don't know where Sif is. It could be her. It could have been that other Asguardian that we saw in season 1 and season 3. Hell, it could have been another Asguardian that we don't know about yet. I think this episode took place in July 2018 due to what another poster said. Also, do we actually know when Infinity War actually takes place?

While all that is true, it seems to me a subtle reference to Thor - Ragnarok in same way the line about events in Hong Kong in early Season 4 was a subtle line about events in Doctor Strange. I mean, it COULD be another Asgardian, but odds are they meant Thor.

As for now I'm taking it as a Ragnarok reference. If new info comes to light that alters that I'll change it, but Infinity War is most likely set sometime around its release date (more or less), meaning this theory would place events of latter half of AoS Season 5 AFTER events of Infinity War which probably doesn't make sense in the grand scheme.
Should last week's SHIELD episode be moved to 2017 just after Ragnarok?
I see you have Thor's post-credit's scene taking place AFTER GOTG Vol 2's final one. Reason being?
Beginning my watch through of Jessica Jones Season 2.

Should last week's SHIELD episode be moved to 2017 just after Ragnarok?

Oh, whoops, yes it should. I'll fix for that.

I see you have Thor's post-credit's scene taking place AFTER GOTG Vol 2's final one. Reason being?

Mainly because they run into Thanos' ship, and presumably this occurs just before Infinity War where the Guardians find Thor floating in space (and they'd been traveling towards Earth for at least several months or more at that point). I mean, I guess its possible he's been floating in vacuum for months, but that seems unlikely. The GotG Vol 2 adolescent Groot scene can occur really anytime before Infinity War, just somewhat close to it based on Groot's age.
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So, only few minutes into Jessica Jones Season 2.

First episode, the weather is obviously a bit cold but no snow on the ground and trees still mostly bare, indicating its most likely sometime during early or late winter or early spring. Also, around the 8 minute mark of first episode, Jessica mentions the movie guy plays the films on "first Friday of every month", indicating its early in whatever month its set in. We'll see if any specific timeline markers for month or day are established in later episodes. Jessica also complains about Trish mentioning the other heroes and herself on her radio show, and it sort of seems to indicate the events of The Defenders were probably somewhat recent, possibly placing JJ Season 2 (least this first episode) not long after Defenders and Punisher, during winter. Trish also specifically dates the accident that killed Jessica's parents as 17 years ago (which occurred in 2000), making it most likely Jessica Jones Season 2 picks up in early 2017 (2-3 months after events of Defenders and Punisher). I suppose its also possible it occurs in late 2017 (December), so I'll keep looking for more timeline markers to see if I can't narrow it down more. Unfortunately no dates shown yet on Jessica's laptop or cell phone.

Also notable is Jessica's apartment/PI office still has plaster and minimally fixed wall damage (from JJ Season 1 if I recall correctly). That doesn't really narrow anything down or even indicate it occurs soon after JJ Season 1, given Jessica's inherent apathetic attitude. Its certainly within her characterization to leave it like that for months or even years. Never mind, later in the episode Malcolm is shown doing repairs, meaning Jessica probably has dropped it in his lap, lol.

Its also worth noting that JJ Season 2 filmed from April to September, 2017, and the Netflix shows tend to match their filming dates to some degree. That may or may not influence placements based on weather.
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Beginning my watch through of Jessica Jones Season 2.

Oh, whoops, yes it should. I'll fix for that.

Mainly because they run into Thanos' ship, and presumably this occurs just before Infinity War where the Guardians find Thor floating in space (and they'd been traveling towards Earth for at least several months or more at that point). I mean, I guess its possible he's been floating in vacuum for months, but that seems unlikely. The GotG Vol 2 adolescent Groot scene can occur really anytime before Infinity War, just somewhat close to it based on Groot's age.

I think I'll wait until IW to see how those two post-credit's scenes line up - assuming neither are actual scenes ripped from IW...
So, only few minutes into Jessica Jones Season 2.

First episode, the weather is obviously a bit cold but no snow on the ground and trees still mostly bare, indicating its most likely sometime during early or late winter or early spring. Also, around the 8 minute mark of first episode, Jessica mentions the movie guy plays the films on "first Friday of every month", indicating its early in whatever month its set in. We'll see if any specific timeline markers for month or day are established in later episodes. Jessica also complains about Trish mentioning the other heroes and herself on her radio show, and it sort of seems to indicate the events of The Defenders were probably somewhat recent, possibly placing JJ Season 2 (least this first episode) not long after Defenders and Punisher, during winter. Trish also specifically dates the accident that killed Jessica's parents as 17 years ago (which occurred in 2000), making it most likely Jessica Jones Season 2 picks up in early 2017 (2-3 months after events of Defenders and Punisher). I suppose its also possible it occurs in late 2017 (December), so I'll keep looking for more timeline markers to see if I can't narrow it down more. Unfortunately no dates shown yet on Jessica's laptop or cell phone.

Also notable is Jessica's apartment/PI office still has plaster and minimally fixed wall damage (from JJ Season 1 if I recall correctly). That doesn't really narrow anything down or even indicate it occurs soon after JJ Season 1, given Jessica's inherent apathetic attitude. Its certainly within her characterization to leave it like that for months or even years. Never mind, later in the episode Malcolm is shown doing repairs, meaning Jessica probably has dropped it in his lap, lol.

Its also worth noting that JJ Season 2 filmed from April to September, 2017, and the Netflix shows tend to match their filming dates to some degree. That may or may not influence placements based on weather.

Yeah I've been combing through as I go (only watched the first 4 so far) and making thorough notes for the wiki. In Episode 4 (there's no time jumps, they refer to things happening 3 days ago etc.), Jessica says it's summer and it's hot and humid they show people using fans and things. So unless it all goes wrong later on (The Punisher was so perfect until that "Lewis Wilson, born May 1991", "age 26" issue that had to be ignored but was frustrating), it's fitting into Summer 2017 at the moment with zero issues. I mean, it doesn't seem like it's too long since Season 1, but that's not really a problem, and Krysten Ritter did say that she thinks it's about a year after Season 1 and a couple of months after The Defenders, but she also makes it clear that she's not sure, so it doesn't really matter. I would guess June, since it's only starting to become hot, it's not clear at all in the first three episodes that it's supposed to be summer.

It seems like a conscious decision to place it in 2017. We knew from Take a Bloody Number that the car accident was in early 2000, because Jessica's medical bills are shown to be from April 2000, but they've reaffirmed that this season, with a sticker showing Phillip lived from "1990-2000" and the certificates of death saying "Age 10, Born 1990", "Age 46, Born 1954", and "Age 44, Born 1956". With all the references to "17 years" it would be weird if they're not aware it's 2017.

Also, something a little bit reassuring, the artbook for Avengers: Infinity War implies it's only been 5 years since the Battle of New York, not 8+.
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Just a couple things I've noticed from Jessica Jones. Usually the expiration stickers on the cars read that they expire on "12 17." There is a close up of Hogarth's car that shows it clearly.

You guys have also noted that everyone keeps saying the events of her crash were 7 years

The most telling thing I've seen is an actual date in episode three. Trish is watching a video on her laptop, a video of Coleman and in the bottom right it reads "8:36 pm 5/5/2017" placing the early parts of the season in early May. I'm not sure if there is any sort of time jump after she is
Arrested for her assault, as she is sentenced to parol fairly quickly, but it doesn't seem like a lot of time passes because what's his face is still suffering from his injuries