Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline

I fixed the mistake regarding the IM2/IH/Thor overlaps (with IH being off by a day). Pretty sure its accurate but its definitely worth a second look... if anyone has the patience for it.

The scene in Oakland depends on if the buildings T'Challa bought were abandoned or still had people living in them when he bought them. You can't move people out of apartment buildings in a few days.

Given the kids were playing on the basketball court outside and T'Challa was still contemplative over the events in Wakanda I'd say it picks up soon after, definitely before anyone was moved out of those buildings as indicated by neighborhood kids playing basketball.

This may have been discussed prior, but I'm at S2E13 of Daredevil finally, and this still isn't sitting right with me. I wasn't taking exhaustive notes while watching, so I can't point to the specific episodes, but a handful of things did pop out to me.

On top of the "Next week" comment I've already mentioned, we're told early on by Claire that her run-in with Luke (this occurs in Jessica Jones) was within the last month or so (I can't remember the exact line.), Then when Matt meets with Wilson in prison, Fisk states he was put away "months ago". The current timeline has that at a year currently. Hogarth then mentions in her meeting with Foggy that "if the past few months have been any indicator" she's gonna need people who think outside the box (or something to that effect.) Maybe the line works on a technicality since Hogarth could be talking about just the events of JJ season 1 and DDS2 but with those placed 8 months away it seems like a stretch, and with Fisk's comment about his incarceration it feels like the time period ought to be even smaller.

Again, I'm only going on what the show provided. If you can explain the blatant heat wave occurring in late Fall instead of Summer then it works. Otherwise there's no way to make sense of it.

Keep in mind the scriptwriters and showrunners don't pay as close attention as we do.

I don't remember those lines specifically, but either way you have to make the season last from Summer to Christmas. No way around it.


Hi guys, I'm BEJT from the MCU wiki who passed on the message through 64SuperNintendo recently.

And 64SuperNintendo has also passed on some other things from me recently, like the time zones in Captain America: Civil War.

My account had been pending for months so I tried again, and this username was very randomly chosen - it was just me thinking, "Err, something timeline-related... Time Stone... Eye of Agamotto... Agamotto?" This account just got approved though, and I'm happy to join the conversation, which I've been checking for quite a while. I'm not in any hurry to suddenly put across every single point I have and bombard you all - frankly, it's too much work for me as well. But over the next few weeks/months I might occasionally drop a note.

If I could start off with one, for example, though:

You've placed the massacre of the Castle family on April 14, 2015. However, that's not quite right.

This is the dialogue from Kinbaku:
Ellison picks up a newspaper.
Ellison: "April 14th. When was the Castle family murdered?"
Karen: "Well, I figure it's gotta be sometime that week, right?"
Ellison: "You know, I cannot remember my my kids' birthdays, but violent, soul-sucking events are just seared into my brain. Figures, right?"
Karen: "Ah, yes, yes."
Ellison: "Okay, gang-on-gang violence. No civilians were reported injured, so nobody cared. It took me a week to get this in the paper. Here. Three gangs, Central Park, midday. They shot each other to ****. It was a total massacre. Mexican Cartel, Dogs of Hell -"
Karen: "Kitchen Irish."
Ellison: "... Kitchen Irish."

So, Ellison got the article published on April 14th, he would have got approval on April 13th, and he says that was a week after the massacre, placing it around April 6th.

When Frank tells his story in Penny and Dime, he explains that he reunited with his daughter at her school. However, the next day they were in the park which, as we have just been told in that dialogue above, was midday. That would suggest that it is now the weekend, but with the day before being a weekday, this means he gets back on a Friday, and the massacre is on a Saturday.

The MCU does often show days of the week that do not match the date as they do in the real world, but there is no consistency to the offset. Like, there's no link such as "All Saturdays in the real world are actually Sundays in the MCU, everything's one day of the week later" - there's no consistency to the mistakes. But ultimately, things like this have led us at the wiki to go with the days of the week being the same in the MCU and real world.

With that said, the closest Saturday to April 6, 2015 is Saturday, April 4, 2015. So, the massacre would be April 4th and then 9 days (just over "a week") later Ellison got approval to print an article about it.

If you choose not to go with the days of the week being the same in the MCU as the real world, still, it shouldn't be placed on April 14th.

Hope to be of help.

Good call. I'll alter that to a non-specific point in early April.

Don't waste your money on IW Prelude #2. It leads directly into the Strange scene in Ragnarok, and is just Wong clumsily recounting every recent incident regarding a Stone. Nothing offered about the Soul Stone, other than the fact that no one knows anything about it and, if the rumors are true, it might be the most powerful one of all. He's looking at a picture of a solar system while talking about it, but that's it.

Lol. Appreciate the heads up but in my case, personally speaking, being a completionist for the MCU means I have to pick it up and check it out. EDIT: And now timeline is up to date including that issue. ;)
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So in preparation for Infinity War's release in a couple months, I'm beginning a massive (mostly chronological) marathon of the entire MCU, including all the films, tv episodes, One Shots, comic preludes/infinite, and promos, using the simplified chronological order:

Captain America - The First Avenger: First Vengeance #1-4
Captain America - The First Avenger
Captain America - The First Avenger #1-2 (Adaptation)
Agent Carter 1x01-1x08
"Agent Carter" (One Shot)
Agent Carter 2x01-2x10
Stark Expo 1974
Ant-Man - Prelude #1-2
Iron Man
Iron Man - I Am Iron Man #1-2 (Adaptation)
Black Panther - Prelude #1-2
Iron Man 2 - Public Identity #1-3
Iron Man 2 - Agents of SHIELD #1
Stark Expo 2010 - CordCo (
Stark Expo 2010 - Fujikawa (
Stark Expo 2010 - Better Living Through Technology
Stark Expo 2010 - AccuTech
Iron Man 2
Iron Man 2 #1-2 (Adaptation)
"A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Thor's Hammer..." (One Shot)
Thor #1-2 (Adaptation)
The Incredible Hulk
Thor - Ragnarok: Prelude #1-2 (Adaptation)
"The Consultant" (One Shot)
The Avengers - Prelude: Black Widow Strikes #1-3
The Avengers - Prelude: Fury's Big Week #1-4
The Avengers
The Avengers #1-2 (Adaptation)
"Item 47" (One Shot)
Iron Man 3 - Prelude #1-2
Iron Man 3
Captain America - Civil War: Prelude #1-2 (Adaptation)
"All Hail the King" (One Shot)
Captain America - The Winter Soldier: Infinite #1
Guardians of the Galaxy - Prelude #1-2
Thor - The Dark World: Prelude #1-2
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 1x01-1x07
Thor - The Dark World
Thor - Ragnarok: Prelude #3-4 (Adaptation)
Guardians of the Galaxy - Prequel Infinite #1
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 1x08-1x16
Captain America - The Winter Soldier
Captain America - Civil War: Prelude #3-4 (Adaptation)
Avengers - Age of Ultron: Prelude - This Scepter'd Isle: Infinite #1
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 1x17-1x22
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 2x01-2x02
Guardians of the Galaxy
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 - Prelude #1-2 (Adaptation)
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 2x03
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
Daredevil 1x01-1x13
Jessica Jones - Good Morning (Promo)
Jessica Jones - Nightcap (Promo)
Jessica Jones - Evening Stroll (Promo)
Jessica Jones - All in a Day's Work (Promo)
Jessica Jones #1
Jessica Jones 1x01-1x13
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 2x04-2x19
Avengers - Age of Ultron
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 2x20-2x22
Doctor Strange - Prelude #1-2
WHiH Newsfront Promo - July 2, 2015 (Promo)
WHiH Newsfront Top Stories (Promo)
WHiH Exclusive - 2012 VistaCorp break-in security footage involving cyber-criminal Scott Lang (Promo)
WIRED Insider Interviews Darren Cross, CEO of Pym Technologies (Promo)
WHiH EXCLUSIVE - Scott Lang Interview (Promo)
Ant-Man - Scott Lang: Small Time: Infinite #1
Daredevil 2x01-2x06
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 3x01-3x08
Daredevil 2x07-2x13
Luke Cage 1x01-1x13
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 3x09-3x11
Doctor Strange - Prelude: The Zealot - Infinite #1
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 3x12-3x19
Avengers Impact - A WHiH Newsfront Special Report (Promo)
WHiH Newsfront - The Cost of Saving the World (Promo)
WHiH Newsfront - The Avengers and the White House (Promo)
WHiH Newsfront Exclusive - President Ellis Discusses the Avengers (Promo)
WHiH Breaking News - Attack in Lagos (Promo)
Captain America - Civil War: Infinite #1
Captain America - Civil War
Spider-Man - Homecoming: Prelude #1-2 (Adaptation)
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 3x20-3x22
Black Panther
Spider-Man: Homecoming - NBA Finals Spot #1 - "The Invite"
Spider-Man: Homecoming - NBA Finals Spot #2 - "Peter Arrives"
Spider-Man: Homecoming - NBA Finals Spot #3 - "The Bodega"
Spider-Man: Homecoming - NBA Finals Spot #4 - "The Party"
New York Bulletin - Joy and Ward Meachum Special Report (Promo)
Iron Fist 1x01-1x13
Spider-Man - Homecoming
Spider-Man: Homecoming - Audi - "Driver's Test"
The Defenders 1x01-1x08
The Punisher 1x01-1x13
Doctor Strange
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 4x01-4x08
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. - Slingshot 1x01-1x06
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 4x09-4x22
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 5x01-5x22**
Inhumans 1x01-1x08
Avengers - Infinity War: Prelude #1-2
Thor - Ragnarok
Runaways 1x01-1x05
Thanksgiving with Marvel's Runaways
Runaways 1x06-1x10
Jessica Jones 2x01-2x13**
Avengers - Infinity War**
Ant-Man and the Wasp**
Luke Cage 2x01-2x13**
Cloak and Dagger 1x01-1x10**
Daredevil 3x01-3x13**
New Warriors 1x01-1x10**
Captain Marvel**
Avengers - ????**
Iron Fist 2x01-2x13**
The Punisher 2x01-2x13**

...this may take much longer than I think...

I'm also going to take notes as I go to explain placements and reasoning for placements (especially in cases like the Spider-Man: Homecoming timeline hijinks and Iron Man 2, etc).
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...this may take much longer than I think...

Yeah, I thought about doing it, but then I did the math. 18 2-hour movies and 220 episodes at 45min each, that means 201 hours.

Factor in a few extra hours for the one-shots and comics, plus the movies are a little over 2 hours in average. That makes about 3½ hours per day, every day, for 60 days. Rough estimate, obviously.

Good luck with that!
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DIrishB said:
Lol. Appreciate the heads up but in my case, personally speaking, being a completionist for the MCU means I have to pick it up and check it out. EDIT: And now timeline is up to date including that issue. ;)

Ha, I knew you'd go for it no matter what. Just warning everyone else lol.

Yeah, I thought about doing it, but then I did the math. 18 2-hour movies and 220 episodes at 45min each, that means 201 hours.

Factor in a few extra hours for the one-shots and comics, plus the movies are a little over 2 hours in average. That makes about 3½ hours per day, every day, for 60 days. Rough estimate, obviously.

Good luck with that!

Yeah, I'd been doing a movie-only "marathon" leading up to Black Panther. Now I just gotta do Spidey/Strange/GotG2/Ragnarok before Infinity War. (Plus new Jessica Jones and SHIELD). Not gonna start my full MCU rewatch until after Ant-man and The Wasp, so I can go at my own pace and enjoy the ride until Captain Marvel/A4.

Did anyone figure out when the final post credit's scene for BP takes place?

Hard to place it until we see IW. But right now, at the earliest, it's right after the last couple pages of IW Prelude #1, which is some time after Homecoming.
Again, I'm only going on what the show provided. If you can explain the blatant heat wave occurring in late Fall instead of Summer then it works. Otherwise there's no way to make sense of it.

Keep in mind the scriptwriters and showrunners don't pay as close attention as we do.

From a scientific standpoint, a heat wave occurs when the daily maximum temperature of more than five consecutive days exceeds the average maximum temperature by 5 °C (9 °F), the normal period for the average being 1961–1990. or in less layman's terms "Heat wave duration index: maximum period > 5 consecutive days with Temperature max>5°C above the 1961–1990 daily Temperature max normal" (See pg. 195)

That can technically happen any time of the year from what I gather. That being said, evenif it weren't the case, I don't really understand why one line about a weather anomaly would be evidence to discount 4 lines about passage of time.
I don't remember the source, but I'm pretty sure season 2 was said to have begun roughly half a year after the end of season 1.

Plus you have to have the Castle murders to work from.
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From a scientific standpoint, a heat wave occurs when the daily maximum temperature of more than five consecutive days exceeds the average maximum temperature by 5 °C (9 °F), the normal period for the average being 1961–1990. or in less layman's terms "Heat wave duration index: maximum period > 5 consecutive days with Temperature max>5°C above the 1961–1990 daily Temperature max normal" (See pg. 195)

That can technically happen any time of the year from what I gather. That being said, evenif it weren't the case, I don't really understand why one line about a weather anomaly would be evidence to discount 4 lines about passage of time.

For one, it's a notable heat wave, as denoted by them complaining about the heat and sweating profusely. I doubt that's occurring outside of summertime in NYC. It was also intentionally written into the script, showing intent of setting it during heat wave (and likely during summer). If is was an odd occurrence and it was happening in late fall, they'd probably have mentioned that.

Further, think it through specifically just regarding the Frank Castle case, completely separated from the weather. Even accounting for the TV time accelerated schedule approach that would allow a trial to occur in a week what would normally take months or close to a year to prepare defense for, there simply is no logical way they went through jury selection and trial prep in only one week. Not with the mountains of evidence against Frank (specifically shown in the show in the document dump the prosecution did, having dozens and dozens of boxes of evidence sent to Matt and Foggy's firm), and the small time law firm that was Franklin and Murdock handling it.

To me, the best compromise between the weather differences and that reality of needing time to prep for the case made most sense to place a break point between the first and second half of the season.

It's not perfect but there's simply no way the season begins in late fall or early winter considering the heat wave they intentionally wrote into script and scheduled filming to coincide with.
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For one, it's a notable heat wave, as denoted by them complaining about the heat and sweating profusely. I doubt that's occurring outside of summertime in NYC. It was also intentionally written into the script, showing intent of setting it during heat wave (and likely during summer). If is was an odd occurrence and it was happening in late fall, they'd probably have mentioned that.

Further, think it through specifically just regarding the Frank Castle case, completely separated from the weather. Even accounting for the TV time accelerated schedule approach that would allow a trial to occur in a week what would normally take months or close to a year to prepare defense for, there simply is no logical way they went through jury selection and trial prep in only one week. Not with the mountains of evidence against Frank, and the small time law firm that was Franklin and Murdock handling it.

To me, the best compromise between the weather differences and that reality of needing time to prep for the case made most sense to place a break point between the first and second half of the season.

It's not perfect but there's simply no way the season begins in late fall or early winter considering the heat wave they intentionally wrote into script and scheduled filming to coincide with.

Agreed 100%.
Yeah, I thought about doing it, but then I did the math. 18 2-hour movies and 220 episodes at 45min each, that means 201 hours.

Factor in a few extra hours for the one-shots and comics, plus the movies are a little over 2 hours in average. That makes about 3½ hours per day, every day, for 60 days. Rough estimate, obviously.

Good luck with that!

Lol, I may be able to pull off an hour or two every day... well, not every day, but 4-5 days a week...

So, maybe I'll be all caught up in time for Infinity War's DVD release! ;)

Did anyone figure out when the final post credit's scene for BP takes place?

No clue as to when exactly it occurs. It could be soon after events of BP, it could be just before Infinity War, it could be somewhere in the middle. No way to know. That'll have to be listed under a ???? for month placement (heck, technically even year placement as we don't know if it occurs in 2016, 2017, or 2018...).

That said I'm assuming it occurs at least a few months after events of Civil War and BP, to allow time for Shuri to override Bucky's brainwashing/programming. The IW Prelude #1 issue indicates Bucky was unconscious for at least a few months while Shuri deprogrammed him, possibly longer (as he was still asleep in that issue after months). We may have to wait for IW to give us more details on how long he was under, assuming it even does (it may not bother since the film is so packed with characters and plot already).

Hard to place it until we see IW. But right now, at the earliest, it's right after the last couple pages of IW Prelude #1, which is some time after Homecoming.

Yup, its at least sometime afterward. Maybe not even right after, could be months or even a year later given Civil War/BP are set in 2016 and IW is (presumably) set in 2018. Could have occurred anywhere in that around 2 year time period.
Speaking of which, I just noticed you put the last 5 pages of IW Prelude #1 before Homecoming again. I thought we'd decided that it was after, since the Iron Spider suit is already built. Did I miss something?
For one, it's a notable heat wave, as denoted by them complaining about the heat and sweating profusely. I doubt that's occurring outside of summertime in NYC. It was also intentionally written into the script, showing intent of setting it during heat wave (and likely during summer). If is was an odd occurrence and it was happening in late fall, they'd probably have mentioned that.

Further, think it through specifically just regarding the Frank Castle case, completely separated from the weather. Even accounting for the TV time accelerated schedule approach that would allow a trial to occur in a week what would normally take months or close to a year to prepare defense for, there simply is no logical way they went through jury selection and trial prep in only one week. Not with the mountains of evidence against Frank (specifically shown in the show in the document dump the prosecution did, having dozens and dozens of boxes of evidence sent to Matt and Foggy's firm), and the small time law firm that was Franklin and Murdock handling it.

To me, the best compromise between the weather differences and that reality of needing time to prep for the case made most sense to place a break point between the first and second half of the season.

It's not perfect but there's simply no way the season begins in late fall or early winter considering the heat wave they intentionally wrote into script and scheduled filming to coincide with.

Well, I think we're on two different trains of thought here. I can concede that it makes sense for the gap being longer than one week, but by your own words of "It was also intentionally written into the script", I feel like that would also count for the other mentions of months passing I've already brought up. Especially the most solid one of Fisk saying that Matt and Foggy put him behind bars months ago when by this timelines account it's a year+.

As I stated before, I don't have specific notes jotted down for a planned revision, and it's highly possible this may have come up at some other point before I watched the shows and overlooked the rebuttals previously made in the thread, but it just seems like at least season 1 is too far from season 2 and potentially Jessica Jones may be a bit far as well as a result (especially when taking into account Luke Cage states he worked with Pops for 5 months when JJ is set 8 months prior to that show. You'd think he couldn't go too terribly long being unemployed or only having the one job at Harlem Paradise). If for some reason these other bits were to mean the Time between DD Season 2A and 2B were to shorten, I'm sure that there's some kind of reasonable middle ground that could be reached while keeping the heatwave mention consistent to your concerns of it occurring in summer (Perhaps just later in the season). I'm fine with the reasoning given for that gap, I just don't feel like the overlooking of the other mentions of time passing have really been explained.
I'm not making a suggestion here, but since there's an ongoing discussion about Daredevil: Season 2's summer-Christmas placement, I thought I'd mention something that I've noticed before when that season has been discussed. The "7/21", and "7-21-15" twice and "7/21/15" all shown in the scene in Dogs to a Gunfight are not necessarily evidence for that scene being July 22, 2015. At the wiki, we'd decided we would have to go with the dialogue about the trial starting "next week" and just stretch lines like "last week" in early episodes as much as possible so as to make the beginning of the season be as early as possible, to get anywhere close to a possible heatwave. That ended up with the season going from October-November 2015, overlapping with Luke Cage: Season 1 from Semper Fidelis/Moment of Truth to The Dark at the End of the Tunnel/Just to Get a Rep (I think an assumption's been made on here that Moment of Truth to Manifest are all consecutive because you've put dates for November 24th-29th, but the show itself suggests several gaps of a day to a few days and the way we worked it out, the season begins around November 14th and there's a few gaps in the first half of the season before Manifest, firmly on November 30th), then the main events of A Cold Day in Hell's Kitchen and then a time jump of about 5 weeks to Christmas 2015 for the end. That's just to do with our approach, that's not necessarily a suggestion here. The heatwave and the July 21st thing really annoyed us too, because otherwise it would have all worked fine.

However, when I was rewatching the Netflix series before The Defenders and reached that scene, I realised that there is no mention of those photos being from the massacre the night before. They simply refer to the photos as photos from one of the Punisher's massacres. That cut us loose from the July 21st problem, simply writing it off as a different Punisher massacre. The heatwave was still an issue, and that's why this isn't me saying, "You should move it to October!" The approach here puts a bit more emphasis on weather than we do, and trust me, the heatwave annoys us as well. But I just thought I'd mention the July 21st evidence not being too significant.

Also, if you're interested in a breakdown of the overlap we worked out for Daredevil: Season 2 and Luke Cage: Season 1 and the reasoning behind it all, I'd be happy to send that. I don't have timecodes, but I have a scene-by-scene order of their overlap in November 2015.
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Watching the new AOS now. The running of the bulls appeared to be live on a TV at the bar, which would be July 2018. Seems a little late in the year, since this is pre-Infinity War and we know that Spidey is still in school.
Watching the new AOS now. The running of the bulls appeared to be live on a TV at the bar, which would be July 2018. Seems a little late in the year, since this is pre-Infinity War and we know that Spidey is still in school.

Was it ever officially said to take place before Infinity War?

I feel like setting this entirely after Phase 3 could be the showrunners' shortcut out of acknowledging what occurs in Infinity War (and presumably Avengers 4 if that takes place immediately afterwords as rumored).
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Speaking of which, I just noticed you put the last 5 pages of IW Prelude #1 before Homecoming again. I thought we'd decided that it was after, since the Iron Spider suit is already built. Did I miss something?

That was a mistake. Adjusted for that.

Well, I think we're on two different trains of thought here. I can concede that it makes sense for the gap being longer than one week, but by your own words of "It was also intentionally written into the script", I feel like that would also count for the other mentions of months passing I've already brought up. Especially the most solid one of Fisk saying that Matt and Foggy put him behind bars months ago when by this timelines account it's a year+.

Again, account for trial length. For someone like Fisk who can hire the best criminal defense lawyers, who themselves can negotiate bail before trial and conviction, and fact Fisk's trial itself could've taken months to prepare for and weeks or months itself for trial proceedings, its entirely plausible he was only convicted and sent to prison. Also, what episode did Fisk say that in? I honestly can't remember. If its in the first six episodes that'd be only around 6 months later for beginning of season.

Either way, we know the season ends around Christmas so there are firm anchor points for the placements.

As I stated before, I don't have specific notes jotted down for a planned revision, and it's highly possible this may have come up at some other point before I watched the shows and overlooked the rebuttals previously made in the thread, but it just seems like at least season 1 is too far from season 2 and potentially Jessica Jones may be a bit far as well as a result (especially when taking into account Luke Cage states he worked with Pops for 5 months when JJ is set 8 months prior to that show. You'd think he couldn't go too terribly long being unemployed or only having the one job at Harlem Paradise). If for some reason these other bits were to mean the Time between DD Season 2A and 2B were to shorten, I'm sure that there's some kind of reasonable middle ground that could be reached while keeping the heatwave mention consistent to your concerns of it occurring in summer (Perhaps just later in the season). I'm fine with the reasoning given for that gap, I just don't feel like the overlooking of the other mentions of time passing have really been explained.

Cage working for Pops for 5 months doesn't discount JJ being set 8 months prior. Again, we have firm dates given in both the JJ and LC the shows, which correspond to the weather and dialogue/storyline backing them up.

I'm not making a suggestion here, but since there's an ongoing discussion about Daredevil: Season 2's summer-Christmas placement, I thought I'd mention something that I've noticed before when that season has been discussed. The "7/21", and "7-21-15" twice and "7/21/15" all shown in the scene in Dogs to a Gunfight are not necessarily evidence for that scene being July 22, 2015. At the wiki, we'd decided we would have to go with the dialogue about the trial starting "next week" and just stretch lines like "last week" in early episodes as much as possible so as to make the beginning of the season be as early as possible, to get anywhere close to a possible heatwave. That ended up with the season going from October-November 2015, overlapping with Luke Cage: Season 1 from Semper Fidelis/Moment of Truth to The Dark at the End of the Tunnel/Just to Get a Rep (I think an assumption's been made on here that Moment of Truth to Manifest are all consecutive because you've put dates for November 24th-29th, but the show itself suggests several gaps of a day to a few days and the way we worked it out, the season begins around November 14th and there's a few gaps in the first half of the season before Manifest, firmly on November 30th), then the main events of A Cold Day in Hell's Kitchen and then a time jump of about 5 weeks to Christmas 2015 for the end. That's just to do with our approach, that's not necessarily a suggestion here. The heatwave and the July 21st thing really annoyed us too, because otherwise it would have all worked fine.

However, when I was rewatching the Netflix series before The Defenders and reached that scene, I realised that there is no mention of those photos being from the massacre the night before. They simply refer to the photos as photos from one of the Punisher's massacres. That cut us loose from the July 21st problem, simply writing it off as a different Punisher massacre. The heatwave was still an issue, and that's why this isn't me saying, "You should move it to October!" The approach here puts a bit more emphasis on weather than we do, and trust me, the heatwave annoys us as well. But I just thought I'd mention the July 21st evidence not being too significant.

Also, if you're interested in a breakdown of the overlap we worked out for Daredevil: Season 2 and Luke Cage: Season 1 and the reasoning behind it all, I'd be happy to send that. I don't have timecodes, but I have a scene-by-scene order of their overlap in November 2015.

Absolutely, I'd love to check it out and compare/make adjustments accordingly.

Watching the new AOS now. The running of the bulls appeared to be live on a TV at the bar, which would be July 2018. Seems a little late in the year, since this is pre-Infinity War and we know that Spidey is still in school.

I'm just watching it now and the new Chroniton mentions an Asgardian was spotted in the city. I wonder if that means its still November (a reference to Thor - Ragnarok when Thor and Loki are in New York, perhaps specifically after Strange has Loki transported to that other realm and Thor is on his way to Strange's Sanctum)?

Also, its mentioned the alien light in the sky appeared a few weeks ago, meaning its at least a few weeks since Fitz went to the future, though it could obviously be months too. We'll see.

Cool Rick Stoner cameo in the episode too, lol.

Was it ever officially said to take place before Infinity War?

I feel like setting this entirely after Phase 3 could be the showrunners' shortcut out of acknowledging what occurs in Infinity War (and presumably Avengers 4 if that takes place immediately afterwords as rumored).

I think they can also do the same merely by setting it sometime before events of Infinity War.
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I'm just watching it now and the new Chroniton mentions an Asgardian was spotted in the city. I wonder if that means its still November (a reference to Thor - Ragnarok when Thor and Loki are in New York, perhaps specifically after Strange has Loki transported to that other realm and Thor is on his way to Strange's Sanctum)?

Yup, seems like a Ragnarok reference to me. The characters seemed dressed for colder weather too. I'm glad to see a reference to the wider MCU again, even a vague one like that.

I'm hoping that's not the last we've seen of Patrick Warburton's Stoner in the MCU--it's not gonna happen, but I'd love to see him in Captain Marvel.

I LOL'd so hard at May's "We have a small but active fanbase" comment that I had to pause the episode. :D

Also, I'm confused as heck about where this is in relation to Fitz's timeline in the previous episodes. Is he still being held captive by General Hale? Or is he in deep freeze? No one else seems to be at the lighthouse, so maybe this is before Fitz and Hunter got there? Am I missing something?

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Damn, that Asgardian line went right over my head. I feel like it was a reference to that very scene. Easy enough to ignore the stuff on TV at the bar (there was also soccer, don't know if it was meant to be the World Cup or not).