Lost *spoilers*

Sawyer kicked all kinds of ***. He's such a bastard. I love it.

I wonder what Ben wants Jack to do?

Sun got it on with that bald dude. Didn't see that coming.

Finally next week we see everyone else. Hurley's back!!!!
Thoughts on the first two episodes of the new season:

The premiere was...disappointing. Things got off to a great start, but a lot of confusion and meandering made the whole episode just feel a little pointless. I was praying to god that it would be like last season's premiere: Awesome opening scene, shakey middle, OH MY ****ING GOD!!!-ending, but they got it all down except for that last part. I was completely and totally convinced that they were going to bring in Jack's dad, alive, at the very end but instead we just got more of Ben/Henry (BenRy) acting creepy.

Tonight's episode easily made up for the first one. Unsurprisingly, I was more interested in Sun, Jin, and Sayid than Kate, Sawyer, and Jack. I was happy to see Rousseau's daughter and I was extremely happy to see Jin admitting that he's picked up some English. How can you live on an island full of English-speaking people for 3 months and not pick up one word of their language? I actually found Sun and Jin's flashbacks in this one pretty interesting, which is rather unexpected.

And I really just want to see more Others get killed. There's something really satisfying about seeing them die.
Both episodes were great IMO.

I saw both today with the help of a friend's DVR. This show's got a bit of a twilight zone feel to it now. I'm still not a fan of Sawyer/Kate though. The two backstories focusing on Jin/Sun and Jack were really cool. Jack's just had me completely into it though. The poor S.O.B.
I agree with whoever said that this show is getting better and better with each episode. Sure, the writers are STILL dragging a lot of the mystery out, but I never expected it to come down on us all at once... I like the precautions they are taking to introduce the Others and their organization to us. Despite what we already know, there is still a lot to them that we don't... That, to me, is really cool.

The Sun/Jin flashback was probably their most interesting yet. It made me hate Sun while solitifying my respect for Jin. If there is any more to it, I would love to see how Jin operated for Sun's father... That's a cool concept and adds a lot of tension between their marriage. Also, now we're being decieved! Since Sun slept with baldy, does that mean he's the baby-daddy? I hope it's a miracle - Jin is my boy!

Their relationship on the island is irritatingly cute. I love it. There's good moments between the two of them while, at the same time, they stand on their own. Sun killed that chick, Colleen, while Jin is learning english... Super!

Kate and Sawyer kissed. Big whoop... I like them together, though. Jack stands better on his own. What do the Others have them digging for?

Ben Lynus. :lol: He's been on the island his whole life. There are generations of the Others on the island...

Jack's going home? Not without his people, guys. Live together, die alone, right? Sure... I'm interested to see what Ben's got in store for him.
Sayid needs to go medival on the Others.

So we still have to wonder if Sun's child is Jin's or Jae's.

And Ben - he's lived on the island his whole life? They have contact with the outside. And he don't want to leave the island . . . hmmmmmmmm.
I really want to know how they have TV access. It's a stupid little point, but I want to know, since they don't have any "modern" technology, that we know of.
Since the beginning of the season, we've seen the Others have access to more technology... Juliet was using a CD player, Ben Linus had a TV, and we're aware of a radio tower, boat, and a suburban community on the island.
Lots of teases/spoilers from Damon and Carlton in this week's podcast. But the most intriguing one? This season, we will see The Flame station. Also, Shannon will very likely return in a flashback sometime soon. But tomorrow night, Boone. :)
If the first season was 'What was in the Hatch', and the second season was 'What's up with that button?', it seems that the third season will be 'Who are the Others'.

It's really intriguing to realize that the Others actually choose to stay on the island. Their motives are still a total mystery but at least we're getting to see things from their perspective. I really liked the opening of the season but it's still weaker than the first two seasons, but Lost is still good. After the seven consecutive episodes, the wait for the rest coming out next year will be a pain.
Once we understand the Others... where can we go?

If the Others are "the good guys" and they're coping with Dharma projects that've run wrong, maybe that'll be the focus? Hunting for the Monster or dealing with other ramifications of the Swan station being destroyed?

The Others know about the outside world... and the outside world now knows about them. Is that enough to drive another season?

I really like the show (even though one of their writers was dissing my beloved Twin Peaks), but it can only go on so long and it SHOULD only go on so long.
I hear we're not going to get to see Juliet at all tonight. :( Also, anyone eager for more scenes with Penelope will have to wait until 2007's batch of 17 episodes, because we won't be seeing her in any of these 6. Plus, I think that when LOST returns, the first episode is a Juliet flashback.

And in the speculation corner, I'm 95% sure that Colleen is still alive. Either that or the actress isn't done with LOST yet.
Tonight was great.

I felt that the island was a character this time around. Due largely to the Hatch being obliterated and the characters returning to their respective places.

Locke is back to what I loved about him in the first season... I felt that he lost touch of a lot of things towards the end of the second season but now I'm certain that he'll be a good character again - especially since Boone showed back up to guide him. Nice touch. His flashback was awesome... Was that Mr. Friendly, by the way? Going by Mike?

Desmond can predict the future... Accurately. Sweet.

New characters Paulo and Nikki were introduced... I'm not sure how I feel about them already having a relationship with the Losties we know. We'll see them more later, I imagine.

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