Lost *spoilers*

I can't read those. CAN'T!

So, there are a lot of things in the season 2 finale that I didn't remember at first... And things that I picked up (I think).

That bird... What was that about? It said Hurley's name...

Not only did it appear in the second season finale, but it appears in the first season finale also, in a very similar scene. While Hurley, Jack, Kate, Locke, and Arnzt are heading towards the Black Rock, they're making their way down a small but steep decline/ridge, and a bird flies over their head. Hurley mentions something about the bird saying something.

Also. The monster... The writers kept saying that we had seen it without realizing it. I think I've got the solution... Well, I have a couple.

1.) The monster is able to take the shape of something. For Shannon, it formed into Walt, for Kate a black horse. Since Eko was not afraid of his past, it was shapeless... I don't know, I just thought that it would explain a lot of things at once and be legitimate.

2.) The monster was following Sayid, Jin, and Sun while they were sailing... Specifically there is a shot in the finale that is an overhead shot using the rule of third shot... I thought I saw something in the waves as they were moving. Hmm...

I can't confirm or deny either of these, but I can say they are quacktastic!
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Here's a map I made of The Hatch. It's based on a bunch of other maps I found on the net as well as studying the DVDs(Lockdown and Live Together Die Alone were the biggest help). Hope you like it.:)


Episode was something else.

I'm pretty sure that was the greatest opening sequence we've seen on the show. I really like how we got to see the plane crash from the Others' perspective. Just from that scene, I have more faith in where the show is going - where I thought the creators and writers had lost sight of what they were doing, this obliterated all of that.

I thought the characterization of Jack was spot on. This, to me, explains why he acts irrationally or bent on stuff... He's stubborn to the point where he is willing to take away his relationship with his father. The flashbacks were intense and I could definitely feel for Jack.

On the island, there was a lot to digest. First off, the Hydra station is pretty much where the polar bears came from... And the Sharks. I thought that was real cool to have that as the location of the Others at this point.

We find out that the Others are left over from Dharma... But things have changed.

Henry's real name is Ben.
The opening scene was so cool. At first I thought it was going to be about how they became the Others or something, but the reveal was way better.

The only thing I didn't like about this episode was how Jack hit the drain button and was immeadiately punched out when he turned around. He should've seen that coming, like he always does. There was no real hurry to drain the room because the door was already shut, so he should've kept an eye on her or made her push the button in the first place.

But other than that, I'm intrigued as heck and can't wait for next week, as usual.

P.S. Now we gotta figure out where "The Hydra" fits on the Invisible Map. Chances are it's not there because they wouldn't have found it, but maybe it's that scribbled-out one in the top left.
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That's all I have to say, well that and...

Goodwill said:

Episode was something else.

I'm pretty sure that was the greatest opening sequence we've seen on the show. I really like how we got to see the plane crash from the Others' perspective. Just from that scene, I have more faith in where the show is going - where I thought the creators and writers had lost sight of what they were doing, this obliterated all of that.

I thought the characterization of Jack was spot on. This, to me, explains why he acts irrationally or bent on stuff... He's stubborn to the point where he is willing to take away his relationship with his father. The flashbacks were intense and I could definitely feel for Jack.

On the island, there was a lot to digest. First off, the Hydra station is pretty much where the polar bears came from... And the Sharks. I thought that was real cool to have that as the location of the Others at this point.

We find out that the Others are left over from Dharma... But things have changed.

Henry's real name is Ben.

I pretty much agree with everything you said. I didn't even realize it was Lost at the beginning until I seen Henry or I mean Ben.
I was a bit shocked at the opening, I was expecting such a big right away. What I thought on that (considering that dharma video where they explain what Dharma is about and that chick was secretly video taping) Is that they abandoned the Dharma project to live secretly as the rest of the world ends
I won't get into everything I liked, but how do you suppose the others know so much about Jack, and presumably the rest of them?
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What is important to know now is that the Others weren't expecting a plane to crash on the island... Desmond is solely to blame. What this also means is that the Others got information AFTER Goodwin and Ethan reported back to them about them... Which means they have contact with the outside world. It's weird how they knew where to look to find information on Jack, though... It'll be interesting to see how they explain that.

Also, I'm real curious as to why Ben sent more Others to the Tailie camp right after Goodwin had gotten there... The two guys that Eko killed, remember? Yeah...

This season is shaping up to be real interesting.
There seemed to be a disproportionate share of kids in the tail section, so it seems sensible that the Others thought they'd be easy to get away with since so few adults were there to guard them. Getting the kids from the other castaways was a bit tougher when you consider how many adults they had.

The crash of the plane from the Others' perspective threw me off since it didn't seem to be handled correctly. The crash was presaged by an earthquake. OK, that's supposed to the electromagnetic discharge that Desmond caused, but where was the loud noise and the bright flash? Interesting that Ben responded to it so quickly. Obviously they've done this before...

Speaking of Ben, what the heck was he doing letting himself get captured by Rousseau anyway? Maybe I've forgotten something that could explain that.

I also wondered how the Others were getting information from the outside world, but my wife thinks that maybe they AREN'T. It's just a ruse to seem more superior... or to cover up their real source of information. My wife doesn't think that Juliette said anything that Jack hasn't mentioned to another castaway before. The Swan was bugged and monitored by Hydra? The Others mentioned they got more than they bargained for when they took Walt. I think they're doing some sort of mental experiments. Walt seemed to be able to project his image after he was taken. Could he do even more? Could one of the taken kids or Others have telepathic abilities and thus they can gain any personal knowledge they need? If any of these 'powers' are being used on the show, I think it must relate to being connected to a special device or taking a special medication. That would tie back to the blood tests. It could even explain the Monster. I don't know though. I'm not sure that Lost has any intention of going in the mental tests direction.
I'm guessing he let himself get caught so he could gain access to the Hatch and/or manipulate Locke.
Sawyer's hilarious. Fish biscuits rule.

I'm guessing the Others are a group of people like the Losties, but have actually managed to build a successful community on the island. Then the plane crashed, and they've been trying to integrate the two groups together ever since.

EDIT: I forgot to mention Nathan Fillion's been cast for 2 episodes, and is someone related to Kate, legally not genetically. I'm guessing he's her former husband.
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I'm guessing he let himself get caught so he could gain access to the Hatch and/or manipulate Locke.

I don't know. I think I'd still rather send a follower...

Plus, he was caught in one of Rousseau's traps. He couldn't know that would get him taken to the Hatch.
Ben wanted to get captured... I'm guessing that Ethan was murdered prematurely and did not get enough information on people - specifically Locke... And Walt. Oh, hey, here's an idea - in the first season, Walt and Locke bonded a little bit... Maybe Ethan picked up on that and wanted to see how Locke was special, perhaps assuming that Locke had similar abilities... The Others have made noticeable mistakes already.

Also, Ben has trust issues with the rest of the Others. He was willing to leave Juliette for dead and even spoke to Mr. Friendly as if he were nothing.

Hey, by the way... Does anyone else think Mr. Friendly is gay? He said that Kate wasn't his type... How could she NOT be? :p
Sawyer didn't have a bandage.
Oh, I didn't notice that.
And no, I think waking up there was the first contact they had with the Others.
Yeah, I meant that they used the serum on them in between they were captured and they woke up in captivity. A side effect of truth serum can be loss of memory from what I have been told.

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