Testament to why I love
LOST: They
always end up giving you what you want.
Case-in-point: The bunny.

That would've almost ruined the episode for me...but they pulled a fake and saved it.
Jack seemed a little too eager to save that Coleen woman's life, but I imagine he deperately wanted to see more of what was happening, or maybe get some merit points by pretending to help and secretly act like he couldn't save her when in reality he could have easily.
Either way, I'm glad she's dead!:twisted:
I still don't think Desmond is a time-traveler. It's too convoluted. He probably had a vision of the future the same way Locke, Eko, Hurley, Walt, and Charlie have. At any rate I love seeing more of him and he's got a good dynamic going on with Hurley.
Sawyer should've known better than to just blab his prison break plan. In situations like that, you just assume you're being monitored somehow.
This episode also had 1984 references coming out the wazoo. Anyone else catch them?