Lost *spoilers*

My first thought when I heard that broadcast was that they're going to say the island is displaced from time. I really hope they don't. That would probably ruin it for me.

I don't think so. My grandfather listens to a radio station just like that and he's not displaced from anything.
The Others were shrouded in mystery, but I don't think that could've gone on for much longer than it did. Personally, I like the fact that they are as much a part of the show as the crash victims now... It'll add an interesting dynamic.
The oldies music will more likely be another odd effect from a unique experiment like most everything else has been. We already know the island has strange magnetic properties so it's not hard to imagine it would attract old radio broadcasts that are bouncing back at us from some distant planet or whatever.
I don't think so. My grandfather listens to a radio station just like that and he's not displaced from anything.
It's pretty clear that the island is displaced from space, so they might say it's displaced from time also.
Is it displaced? Magnetic anomalies can go a long way towards explaining problems getting away. Also, the research station in the 'real world' detected the magnetic release both times it happened.
It's pretty clear that the island is displaced from space, so they might say it's displaced from time also.

See I don't buy that either. The only evidence I've seen twords that is Desmonds return, but he was pretty damn drunk in a boat fixed by a man with undefined repair skills. Do I think its some how shielded from the outside world? Yes, but we've seen transmisions from it are still able to escape, and its looking like its locatable or else we wouldn't have been shown Desmonds ex (thats just from a storytelling point of view. They'll only show us things that matter or red herrrings. I doubt thats a red herring).

And just on a physics level space and time are a unified entity. If something gets displaced from one its outof the other too. I just don't buy that the creators are doing a mystery where you'll have needed to understand A Brief History of Time to get the plot.
See I don't buy that either. The only evidence I've seen twords that is Desmonds return, but he was pretty damn drunk in a boat fixed by a man with undefined repair skills. Do I think its some how shielded from the outside world? Yes, but we've seen transmisions from it are still able to escape, and its looking like its locatable or else we wouldn't have been shown Desmonds ex (thats just from a storytelling point of view. They'll only show us things that matter or red herrrings. I doubt thats a red herring).

And just on a physics level space and time are a unified entity. If something gets displaced from one its outof the other too. I just don't buy that the creators are doing a mystery where you'll have needed to understand A Brief History of Time to get the plot.

You seem to be forgetting Henry Gale telling Michael he had to head along a specific direction (I forget the specifics) in the boat to get Walt and himself away from the island.

Either way, we'll be learning at least a little more this Wednesday.
See I don't buy that either. The only evidence I've seen twords that is Desmonds return, but he was pretty damn drunk in a boat fixed by a man with undefined repair skills. Do I think its some how shielded from the outside world? Yes, but we've seen transmisions from it are still able to escape, and its looking like its locatable or else we wouldn't have been shown Desmonds ex (thats just from a storytelling point of view. They'll only show us things that matter or red herrrings. I doubt thats a red herring).

And just on a physics level space and time are a unified entity. If something gets displaced from one its outof the other too. I just don't buy that the creators are doing a mystery where you'll have needed to understand A Brief History of Time to get the plot.
Of course there are way in and ways out, but that doesn't mean the island exists in the same space/time continuum.

BTW, Desmond's partner did most of the repairing of the ship plus any sailor who travels around the world has to be capable of minor to moderate boat repair. Also, what transmissions escaped? The only transmission I'm aware of was the French chick's.

The people behind the Dharma Initiave must have some idea of how the Island works. Therefore Desmond's ex, must have the resources to reach the Island.
MaxwellSmart said:
Also, what transmissions escaped? The only transmission I'm aware of was the French chick's.

Well, the French crew crashed on the island because they were receiving a transmission which was being sent from the island before they got there. Hurley's friend and that Australian guy also intercepted this transmission while in the army.

Of course, the French chick changed this transmission, so I guess it could just be the specific radio tower that can break through the island's security system or something. We have yet to see this radio tower, so I hope we'll see it this season sometime.
Watching the second season makes me wonder... How much are the writers paying attention to details? There are a lot of things lacking explanations and you've gotta wonder what is important and what is not... For instance the Walt storyline... He's gone from the island now... Does that mean we won't hear about why he was so important, why they let him go, and where was he kept? There are a lot of plot threads like this that I don't think will be as important as others...
Watching the second season makes me wonder... How much are the writers paying attention to details? There are a lot of things lacking explanations and you've gotta wonder what is important and what is not... For instance the Walt storyline... He's gone from the island now... Does that mean we won't hear about why he was so important, why they let him go, and where was he kept? There are a lot of plot threads like this that I don't think will be as important as others...

Walt's storyline will be picked up on and eventually wrapped up.... just not anytime soon, as in the majority (first half?) of the third season.

GW, and others, if there are any left unanswered q's like that from Season 2 that are nagging at you, feel free to ask in this thread; Damon and Carlton's podcasts, as well as various other media outlets that I read every little bit of occasionally mention when and if so and so is going to be answered, so I can help you out there.

Michael will no longer be on the cast list, same for Walt, but they'll definitely be back someday.
LINDELOF: I just ****ing realised we made Walt a superhuman.

CUSE: A superhuman?

LINDELOF: Yeah, we wrote that episode remember?

CUSE: I don't know. I've wrote so many ****ing episodes I don't even know what this show is about anymore.

LINDELOF: We have to get rid of him. We'll make him sail away or something, so we don't have to explain his powers and ****.

CUSE: It's because he's black, isn't it? You racist.

I just hope that it is wrapped up reasonably. If they mysteriously show back up it would be a little off... Now that they are removed from the island drama, to throw them back in the mix is going to be difficult, don't you think?

Can't wait. Wrapped up my refresher on Season 2 and can't wait to get back into it. Desmond is my boy... This one's gonna be so good.
You seem to be forgetting Henry Gale telling Michael he had to head along a specific direction (I forget the specifics) in the boat to get Walt and himself away from the island.

That doesn't prove much. Again, the magnetic anomalies. Gale knows a safe passage where you won't be affected by them. Or he's lying. Or he thinks he knows, but he's never actually tried it so he doesn't know he's wrong.

The level of science fiction so far is tolerable, but I think having everyone displaced to another dimension would be pushing a bit too much.

Everything we've seen so far can be explained as some science project that's gone wrong (or right depending on your point of view). The only REAL mystery to me that I'd like to have explained is why there are so many extraordinary coincidences in the cast's past. I suspect we're going to have that just shrugged off though and chalked up to chance and the "Seven Degrees of Kevin Bacon".
That doesn't prove much. Again, the magnetic anomalies. Gale knows a safe passage where you won't be affected by them. Or he's lying. Or he thinks he knows, but he's never actually tried it so he doesn't know he's wrong.

Either way, at least until something shows us otherwise, it can be inferred that this particular route is the only way to escape the island...and considering how much the Others have already shown how much they know about the island (which isn't much, but again inferred through actions), it does make sense.

Either way, if concrete proof is something you're looking for in this show, it might not be the best choice of programs for you. ;)

The level of science fiction so far is tolerable, but I think having everyone displaced to another dimension would be pushing a bit too much.

I honestly doubt that will be the case. As it stands now, we don't know, and there are just too many possibilites otherwise.

Everything we've seen so far can be explained as some science project that's gone wrong (or right depending on your point of view). The only REAL mystery to me that I'd like to have explained is why there are so many extraordinary coincidences in the cast's past. I suspect we're going to have that just shrugged off though and chalked up to chance and the "Seven Degrees of Kevin Bacon".

We'll see. It is an amazing coincidence, but again not outside the realm of possibility.
I can't read those. CAN'T!

So, there are a lot of things in the season 2 finale that I didn't remember at first... And things that I picked up (I think).

That bird... What was that about? It said Hurley's name...

Also. The monster... The writers kept saying that we had seen it without realizing it. I think I've got the solution... Well, I have a couple.

1.) The monster is able to take the shape of something. For Shannon, it formed into Walt, for Kate a black horse. Since Eko was not afraid of his past, it was shapeless... I don't know, I just thought that it would explain a lot of things at once and be legitimate.

2.) The monster was following Sayid, Jin, and Sun while they were sailing... Specifically there is a shot in the finale that is an overhead shot using the rule of third shot... I thought I saw something in the waves as they were moving. Hmm...

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