Lost *spoilers*

Goodwill said:
I wonder if, in nine years, they will be off the island... A glimpse into the future will be as interesting as seeing what has been going on off the island. Personally, I can't wait to see what Jin and Sun's episode have in store!

Actually, that'd kind of ruin a lot of the mystery. We'd know who survives that long, a good portion of how they managed to, etc. I like the flashbacks, but I'd prefer their be no flashforwards.

Also... Is Jack going to be in Thailand at all this season? We learned he was there getting inked up... But we haven't seen why he was there... Hmm...

Well, they did say we'd be learning why he got the tattoos in Season 3, so I assume that one of his flashbacks will address his time in Thailand.

Can't wait until October...

You and me both. Its killing me slowly.

JonnyFreeze said:
is that right im hearing the figures will have sounds? quotes from the show?
sorry about the random rant. i do that a lot

I think only the playset will feature sounds/lines. The figures themselves will be on a much bigger scale (6-8" or something), whereas the playset and figures it comes with will be much smaller (2" or so). The sets will feature sounds, dialogue, etc, I believe.
Episode 3.04: Every Man For Himself (Desmond-centric)
Airdate: October 25, 2006

08/22 - [This] Desmond-centric [episode features] flashbacks of his time in prison. It features Warden Harris, a nasty man with a hate for Desmond. [The episode also features] 'Munson', a mild-mannered gov't bureaucrat in his 30's who shows his dark side when he finds out he has been betrayed by his wife. Source: secretagentman @ TWOP

General Season 3 spoilers:

08/25 - A little birdie told me William Mapother was in Hawaii last week -- and he exactly wasn't sipping mai tais by the pool, but rather, he was working his wonderfully creepy Ethan magic. Simply put in the words of executive producer Bryan Burke: "The Hatch is gone. Done. We have new sets that have been built on our soundstage, so it's a whole new world for you." It looks as if Kate is spending some quality time in close quarters with good ol' Henry. Rodrigo said that he won't appear on the show until February. Turns out, Rodrigo is still under contract with Globo TV. He said they're letting him take a sabbatical to shoot Lost, and then he'll go back to Globo, so it doesn't sound like he'll be sticking around all that long in Hawaii. Rodrigo said, "I'm going to be one of the survivors from the plane that apparently was on the island all this time. I'm going to be a character with a past." Terry O'Quinn revealed that "I've heard that [the why was Locke in a wheelchair explanation is] going to happen this season. I'm not sure when it will happen but I have heard that it will." Source: Kristin on E!Online
08/24 - It will be revealed that Jack has met one of "The Others" back in the real world; this will relate to why he is the only one they are able to cooperate with, although he will be extremely wary in the beginning. Get ready for politics-on-the-beach when the clique returns Jack-less and limping to confront a populace ready for regime change, and an aggressive new leader with a dangerous motivation. Source: The Tail Section
08/24 - [During the Season 2 DVD Launch Party,] Matthew Fox was on set shooting flashback scenes with Julie Bowen (who plays Jack's wife, Sarah). Source: USA Today
Episode 3.03: The Glass Ballerina (Sun/Jin(?)-centric)
Airdate: October 18, 2006

08/30 - Colleen is set to have been a security officer when she was off the island. Source: SpoilerFix.com
08/29 - New character introduced in #303. Will recur. 'Colleen', late 30's, tough, obvious military training. Doesn't flinch when a gun is shoved in her face. Trusts few people on the island and only allows herself to be emotionally vulnerable in front of her significant other. Source: secretagentman @ TWOP
08/18 - Sun has a dream of her future, featuring her 9-year-old daughter. Source: secretagentman @ TWOP

Episode 3.04: Every Man For Himself (Desmond-centric)
Airdate: October 25, 2006

08/22 - [This] Desmond-centric [episode features] flashbacks of his time in prison. It features Warden Harris, a nasty man with a hate for Desmond. [The episode also features] 'Munson', a mild-mannered gov't bureaucrat in his 30's who shows his dark side when he finds out he has been betrayed by his wife. Source: secretagentman @ TWOP

General spoilers:

08/29 - Expanding on the 08/19 spoilers posted below on the Jack's flashback with the choking girl in the park: Also in that scene, Sarah is talking to a male teacher who may be more than a friend, and a little girl (the choking girl?) ends the scene by telling Jack not to trust Sarah. A scene was filming at the Hawaii Convention Center today, a Locke flashback (?) at the Sydney International Airport. I saw Locke in his chair, but he was shirtless. He seemed to be pointing or gesturing as he's pushed through the crowd of travelers. It almost seemed like it was a "dream sequence." Source: The Transmission
08/29 - Damon Lindelof revealed: Elizabeth Mitchell is a regular, while Rodrigo and Kiele are contracted to be recurring characters. When we meet up with the three castaways (held captive by the Others), Sawyer is in a cage! The planned series finale of Lost [is] a "happy but tragic" ending. Source: Kristin on E!Online [Note: The fact that Lindelof speaks of the series finale does not mean that season 3 is the last one. They always planned Lost to last around 5 season.]
As I was saying...

I've completed the 3 puzzles that are out now and expect the 4th one to be out before the new season starts. The front of the puzzles don't really have any spoilers unless you haven't been keeping up, but the backs are a little different. When exposed to blacklight, the back of each of the puzzles is 1/4 of the secret map that Locke saw when the lights went out. Some notations have been added, but they're meaningless to me.
Damn it, I had posted trailers and the completed DHARMA video... :x
At that rate you'll be done tomorrow.

Well Tuesday's are my FreeBlock days at school where if all my future HW is done, I don't have to do anything for the first 100 minutes of school, so I just brought a portable player and watched two episodes. I also am alternating days with DVD Box sets including My Name Is Earl and The Office. I can't figure out how I have the time when you factor in everything else that goes on each week.
Well Tuesday's are my FreeBlock days at school where if all my future HW is done, I don't have to do anything for the first 100 minutes of school, so I just brought a portable player and watched two episodes. I also am alternating days with DVD Box sets including My Name Is Earl and The Office. I can't figure out how I have the time when you factor in everything else that goes on each week.

Either way, you've got a week now until Season 3 airs. I'm sure you'll finish S2 before then, knowing how much of a fellow Lost fanatic you are.
I only briefly watched the recap... I picked up some interesting things...

Now, the narrator for this is Henry Gale. I thought that was interesting.
I only briefly watched the recap... I picked up some interesting things...

Now, the narrator for this is Henry Gale. I thought that was interesting.

Michael Emerson rocks; that's why he was the narrator. :)

I was interested that they recapped the shortwave radio picking up the Glenn Miller Orchestra from (seemingly) a different time period. That pretty much guarantees the'll bring it up again this season.
Michael Emerson rocks; that's why he was the narrator. :)

I was interested that they recapped the shortwave radio picking up the Glenn Miller Orchestra from (seemingly) a different time period. That pretty much guarantees the'll bring it up again this season.
My first thought when I heard that broadcast was that they're going to say the island is displaced from time. I really hope they don't. That would probably ruin it for me.
I got the second season on DVD... I'm really enjoying watching all of the episodes back to back. Like I said about watching the first season on DVD, I think you get more out of the characters a second time around. For instance, Ana Lucia may still be a *****, but at least it makes a ton more sense. I can't wait to get into the more interesting stuff, specifically when Henry Gale is introduced, so I can catch some things that I missed in the first place.

I did notice something about Jack that I thought was real interesting, however, it has slipped my mind right now... When I can remember, I'll definitely let you all know!
Michael Emerson rocks; that's why he was the narrator. :)

I was interested that they recapped the shortwave radio picking up the Glenn Miller Orchestra from (seemingly) a different time period. That pretty much guarantees the'll bring it up again this season.

Or just that radio will be used

I liked the recap really brought me up to speed, the only thing I dint like was the others, I never saw them before so there was always this mystery around it and they were not what I was expecting so it was a bit of a let down, Also the guy that plays Sawyer (I think that's the name) would make a perfect Gambit

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