Lost *spoilers*

So, I had a link to a thread over on a spoiler board, and it was all about the series finale.

I lost it. :(

But I remember Desmond was being sponsored by somebody and LIBBY WIDMORE (Widmore was on Henry's balloon), and Michael running into Desmond in one of the hatches.

I can't remember anymore.

EDIT: http://www.4815162342.com/forum/viewtopic2.php?t=15306 There it is.
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Good link PX2! TY! Very interesting.

I think that after all is said this season, we will have a wealth of information to work on deciphering this show.
DIrishB, you've got a point there. The pilot needed to introduce the premise of the show... I guess since they got that outta the way, they can get right down to business, huh?

Season finale couldn't come any sooner... This is insane!
Goodwill said:
DIrishB, you've got a point there. The pilot needed to introduce the premise of the show... I guess since they got that outta the way, they can get right down to business, huh?

Season finale couldn't come any sooner... This is insane!

Yup...and here's the official summary of "Live Together, Die Alone" episode from TV.com:

After discovering something odd just offshore, Jack and Sayid come up with a plan to confront "The Others" and hopefully get Walt back. Meanwhile, Eko and Locke come to blows as Locke makes a potentially cataclysmic decision regarding the "button" and the hatch.
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I'm saying Locke has decided to let the time run out and Eko is not pleased with his decision... This'll be left alone until next season, I'm sure.

What's just off shore that the rafters couldn't come across? This'll be interesting...

But it's not mine. HONEST!
Didn't Damon Lindelof mention that 23 would be a significant number in the show? I know it's part of the number sequence we've all come to memorize... But now that the last episode is 23 then it's getting out of control!
HOLY ****ING ****!!!! :shock:

I literally gasped outloud so many times at the end, I was breathless! I thought Michael shot himself at the end there. This guy has gotten smarter. You know he's going to say it was all Henry. What a b****!!!




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I just...****...the show is like heroin
slimjim said:
HOLY ****! next weeks another new episode? RIGHT!?
Did you not read, I belive D!B's post about non-stop until the last episode?

Also, now we know the 'incident' in the hatch, don't we? :wink:
My wife is pissed at me for crapping myself on the new loveseat.

If this was a wrestling match, there'd be HOLY SH!T! chants. For an hour.

I guess that if ya piss off the producers, you go buh bye. The whole cast from the other side of the island, except Bernie, looks to be short for this world.

This show rules.
I come here, looking for a good summary, and everyone's just crapping their pants.

You dicks.

There's two torrents up... one has one seeder, the other is out of sync... what am I to do? :(
leather_w0lf said:
I guess that if ya piss off the producers, you go buh bye. The whole cast from the other side of the island, except Bernie, looks to be short for this world.

Well, there's still Eko also...we'll see how long he lasts.

ProjectX2 said:
I come here, looking for a good summary, and everyone's just crapping their pants.

You dicks.

There's two torrents up... one has one seeder, the other is out of sync... what am I to do? :(


Basically, the episode opens with Jack and Kate finding Michael in the jungle (who immediately passes out) and bringing him back to the Hatch. Ana-Lucia in the Hatch with Locke, who is asleep, recuperating from his leg injury, and she brings food into Henry's cell. Henry attacks her and tries to strangle her to death. Locke intervenes, hits Henry with his crutches, and saves Ana. Later, Ana, being pissed about the attack, asks Sawyer for a gun. He declines, but later Ana sleeps with Sawyer (probably only in an attempt to get the gun). She does get it from him, however. Hurley is planning a picnic date for Libby and asks Sayid for some help. Ana goes back to the Hatch to kill Henry, but finds she cannot. Michael wakes up and tells Jack, Kate, and Locke about the Others. Libby and Hurley make it to the beach for their picnic. Libby goes to the Hatch to get some blankets to sit on. Michael talks to Ana about the gun, and convinces her to give it to him so he can kill Henry. She does, and he immediately shoots Ana (killing her). Almost immediately after, Libby walks in (she was getting blankets) and surprises Michael, so he accidentally shoots her. He then goes into the safe to kill Henry, but instead shoots himself in the arm. The End.

The flashbacks showed Ana's past, and picked up almost immediately after her previous episode's flashbacks. After killing the guy (who shot her), her mother approaches her and makes it known she knows it was Ana who killed him, but there isn't any evidence to convict her. She then quits being a police officer, and starts working for airport security. It is here that she meets Jack's father. He invites her to go to Sydney with him as a bodyguard, and she accepts. While in Sydney, Ana drives him to the suburbs, where its revealed that Jack apparently has a sister in Australia he doesn't know about. Jack's father gets into an argument with the mother over seeing the girl, and Ana and he then leave. The final flashback shows Ana at the Sydney airport, talking to her mother and telling her she wants to come home. Just before she boards Flight 815...

Sawyer also makes a quick cameo in the flashbacks, right out front of the bar he and Jack's father had drinks in.

Also, considering the episode title is "Two for the Road", I couldn't think of a more fitting title. After all, not only was alcohol a pretty large part of the episode flashbacks (Ana and Jack's father especially, liked to drink), but the fact that Ana and Libby were killed in this episode harkens back to the title. Libby and Ana are on that road indeed, now. Really looking forward to the next episode.

EDIT: Its also worth noting that apparently Libby survives the shooting, as Cynthia Watros (the actress who plays the part) is listed as a guest star for next week's "?" and the following week's "Three Minutes". Course, it could just be a slow death like Boone's. Also, in "Three Minutes", there's a character named Alexandra Rosseau, who must be Danielle Rousseau's daughter ("Alex"). Cool to see we'll be getting a little more info on that plot line.

Also, as many of you have probably heard, there's that interactive game being put on by the Lost creators called "The Lost Experience". I don't know if any of you noticed, but there was a short commercial for the Hanso Org. towards the end of the episode, which also gave a number to call. I tried, but it wasn't a connected number. Anyway, the number is 1-877-HANSORG (426-7674) if anyone wants to try it.
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Imagine this....

You watch the full hour of lost.

You have DVR to record all of your shows.

You watch LOST and notice it's running over 10:00 oclock. I want to let people know that at 9:59 pm. Michael lifted the gun and at 10:00 pm the South Park recording started so the television automatically switched channels.

I went out drinking. I came home around 2ish (naturally).

I fast fowarded the recording to see what I missed...

BTW: I totally called Michael = The Others now with my cousin.

and holy ****......

That's all....

5/5 awesome... aka the best ending to an ep in television history. Can you imagine getting cut off right at that point and not seeing it for hourse later?
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TheManWithoutFear said:
Imagine this....

You watch the full hour of lost.

You have DVR to record all of your shows.

You watch LOST and notice it's running over 10:00 oclock. I want to let people know that at 9:59 pm. Michael lifted the gun and at 10:00 pm the South Park recording started so the television automatically switched channels.

That SUCKS!!

BTW: I totally called Michael = The Others now with my cousin.

I'm going to argue that point. I don't think Michael is one of the Others, etc. I just think he's got quite a grudge against them after taking Walt away from him, and will do anything to get him back...even kill Ana-Lucia and (accidentally) Libby. How that works back to his advantage I'm not sure. Maybe he just really wanted an excuse to kill Henry, so he's saying Henry escaped and shot Ana, I don't know...we'll see next week.

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