Lost *spoilers*

I was listening to an ad for this episode with a friend and they had the line "If you tell anyone about this, I'll kill you." I said, "she has sex with him." Why is it you always hear death threats after regretable sex on tv? I mean you never hear about someone being killed by a sexual partner who wanted to remain anonymous.

I instantly knew what was going to happen when he apoligized to Anna Lucia. I couldn't believe Micheal would do that. He's definitely going to die for this, most likely saving Walts life or getting stabbed in the back by the others.

Bwahahaha, MWoF. Michael with The Others? :lol:
DIrishB said:
I'm going to argue that point. I don't think Michael is one of the Others, etc. I just think he's got quite a grudge against them after taking Walt away from him, and will do anything to get him back...even kill Ana-Lucia and (accidentally) Libby. How that works back to his advantage I'm not sure. Maybe he just really wanted an excuse to kill Henry, so he's saying Henry escaped and shot Ana, I don't know...we'll see next week.

Exactly. There's no reason for it. The Others are working the camp against each other. Michael's story was complete bs. There's something more he knows involving the others. I think he's become one of them in order to save Walt. What if they said he could get Walt back if he returned Henry? Ah? Ah? Possibly.
TheManWithoutFear said:
Exactly. There's no reason for it. The Others are working the camp against each other. Michael's story was complete bs. There's something more he knows involving the others. I think he's become one of them in order to save Walt. What if they said he could get Walt back if he returned Henry? Ah? Ah? Possibly.

He hasn't become one of them, the Others probably told him to get his son back, do this and this.

Which means the false information as well
I've seen the sets pics of The Other's camp. They live in yurts. In fact, their camp almost looks like Gilligan's Island.

My theory is that Michael is now a mole for The Others and was sent there to kill off Henry and lead the LOSTaways to an ambush in a deal for Walt.

I noted in the trailer for next week's show that Mr. Eko looks to be taking a swan dive of some sorts in one scene.

Note that the actress that plays Libby is still listed as a guest star for the remaining episodes of the season.

And just who do you think is the "daughter' that Christian wanted to see? I bet it's Claire. That would make Claire Jack's sister.

The forums for LOST-TV.com are overloaded and it's hard to even see threads there right now.
TheManWithoutFear said:
Exactly. There's no reason for it. The Others are working the camp against each other. Michael's story was complete bs. There's something more he knows involving the others. I think he's become one of them in order to save Walt. What if they said he could get Walt back if he returned Henry? Ah? Ah? Possibly.

Its possible...I'm just having a hard time seeing Michael willingly join the Others, whether to get back Walt or not. Michael's a pretty head-strong guy, who likes to do things his way. His way, at least to me, wouldn't really fit into reluctantly joining the Others and becoming their Island *****. I see him more along the lines of doing what he started to do in the last episode: tell the survivors about the Others, their limited arms, etc, and go in with force. And if he is in fact one of the Others, why would he say that they had Walt and knew where they were holding him? Why would he get the other survivors all jazzed about saving his son if all he had to do to get him back was return Henry to them? Merely as a diversion? Maybe in an attempt to draw some other targets straight to the Others? We'll see. I'm not saying it isn't the case, I just need to see more to make a final decision.

Ultimate Houde said:
He hasn't become one of them, the Others probably told him to get his son back, do this and this.

Which means the false information as well

Or that.

leather_w0lf said:
I've seen the sets pics of The Other's camp. They live in yurts. In fact, their camp almost looks like Gilligan's Island.

My theory is that Michael is now a mole for The Others and was sent there to kill off Henry and lead the LOSTaways to an ambush in a deal for Walt.

Very well could be...I just didn't see him taking that avenue over other possibilities.

I noted in the trailer for next week's show that Mr. Eko looks to be taking a swan dive of some sorts in one scene.

Note that the actress that plays Libby is still listed as a guest star for the remaining episodes of the season.

I noticed that too (mentioned it in my previous post). She's confirmed at least for next week's "?" and the following week's "Three Minutes". There's no guest list info for the finale yet, but its possible she survived...or like I said before, she's just going to die slowly, over the next couple of episodes, sort of like Boone's death. After all, it looked like she got shot in the gut.

And just who do you think is the "daughter' that Christian wanted to see? I bet it's Claire. That would make Claire Jack's sister.

I don't know about that one...could be, but I don't know. After all, in terms of timeline, by the time Jack's father visited that woman's house, Claire was already living on her own with her boyfriend (the one who got her knocked up). Why wouldn't the lady just tell him she no longer lived there? It seemed more like she was protecting a younger child, someone with whom the impact of that meeting might be more profound, hence the protection. Of course, it was mentioned her mother was still alive and that she and Claire didn't have the best of relationships, so that is left open. We'll see!
Un-****ing-believable episode last night. After Michael shot Libby I yelled out "WHY'S IT ALWAYS GOTTA BE THE BLACK MAN WHO GOES CRAZY AND SHOOTS EVERYBODY!?"

I definitely think that Michael is working for the Others, for three reasons:

1. What would be the point in framing Henry? He had already convinced Jack to get the guns from Sawyer. He had already motivated Jack and company into action. He did NOT need to kill anyone to move things along.

2. If he's just been staking out the Others and he's been perfectly fine, then why in the holy hell did he fall out of the forest half conscious?

3. In the scenes from the upcoming episode they kept on cutting to a sort of promo shot (considering the lighting and the mood, it didn't look like an actual scene from the show) of Michael with his arm bandaged, standing in Henry's cell looking into the camera. The look on his face was not a "I'm just so desperate to get my son back!" look it was a "I'm going to kill all of you" look.

So my theory is that the Others have him brainwashed. That would explain why he stumbled out of the forest. It would also explain why he killed who he killed. Ana Lucia killed one of the Others and they wanted revenge. Libby was just a casualty who walked in at a bad time. Now, after killing Ana and Libby he shoots himself in order to make himself look innocent and frame Henry. He's trying to force the group to either kill Henry or give him back to the Others. Remember, Henry said that the Others wanted him dead. This is how they're going to kill him. The brainwashing idea would also explain why he didn't even flinch while SHOOTING HIMSELF IN THE DAMN ARM. I don't care how "determined" he is to get Walt back, he wouldn't shoot himself with such a stone cold expression on his face.
Anyone watched the Good Morning show or whatever the hell it's called this morning on ABC that was supposed to feature a scene that wasn't going to be aired last night?

Or know where to find that clip?
moonmaster said:
Un-****ing-believable episode last night. After Michael shot Libby I yelled out "WHY'S IT ALWAYS GOTTA BE THE BLACK MAN WHO GOES CRAZY AND SHOOTS EVERYBODY!?"

I definitely think that Michael is working for the Others, for three reasons:

1. What would be the point in framing Henry? He had already convinced Jack to get the guns from Sawyer. He had already motivated Jack and company into action. He did NOT need to kill anyone to move things along.

Yeah, but wasn't he pretty much delirious or unconcious most of the time before his little speech and then shooting Ana and Libby? How would he know the effects he were hoping for were setting in?

2. If he's just been staking out the Others and he's been perfectly fine, then why in the holy hell did he fall out of the forest half conscious?

Lack of food, water, sleep, etc. Also, if he is one of the Others, why would he fall out of the forest unconcious? Merely to make it more believable, I guess?

3. In the scenes from the upcoming episode they kept on cutting to a sort of promo shot (considering the lighting and the mood, it didn't look like an actual scene from the show) of Michael with his arm bandaged, standing in Henry's cell looking into the camera. The look on his face was not a "I'm just so desperate to get my son back!" look it was a "I'm going to kill all of you" look.

Ehhh...I'm more inclined to think it was a look of sheer determination to get his son back.

So my theory is that the Others have him brainwashed. That would explain why he stumbled out of the forest. It would also explain why he killed who he killed. Ana Lucia killed one of the Others and they wanted revenge. Libby was just a casualty who walked in at a bad time. Now, after killing Ana and Libby he shoots himself in order to make himself look innocent and frame Henry. He's trying to force the group to either kill Henry or give him back to the Others. Remember, Henry said that the Others wanted him dead. This is how they're going to kill him. The brainwashing idea would also explain why he didn't even flinch while SHOOTING HIMSELF IN THE DAMN ARM. I don't care how "determined" he is to get Walt back, he wouldn't shoot himself with such a stone cold expression on his face.

Considering the scene ended immediately after the gun went off and we didn't see his immediate post-reaction, that isn't really evidence, in my opinion.

Ice said:
Anyone watched the Good Morning show or whatever the hell it's called this morning on ABC that was supposed to feature a scene that wasn't going to be aired last night?

Nope, I was at work. Otherwise I'd have been sleeping.

Or know where to find that clip?

The Lost, Season 2 DVD, available September 5, 2006! ;)

By the way, is no one trying to play the Lost Experience game? The number listed last night is now working:



and for those of you in Europe/UK:

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DIrishB said:
Yeah, but wasn't he pretty much delirious or unconcious most of the time before his little speech and then shooting Ana and Libby? How would he know the effects he were hoping for were setting in?
He just seemed way too calm and reasonable while making his speech to suddenly kill two people a short time later.
Lack of food, water, sleep, etc. Also, if he is one of the Others, why would he fall out of the forest unconcious? Merely to make it more believable, I guess?
I'm saying that the Others essentially drugged him, brainwashed him and then deliberately sent his drugged up, brainwashed self stumbling into Jack and Kate's space. I don't necessarily think that he's been converted into an Other, I'm just saying that they're controlling him.
Ehhh...I'm more inclined to think it was a look of sheer determination to get his son back.
I just thought he looked ... Evil. Maybe its just because he's black. :D
Considering the scene ended immediately after the gun went off and we didn't see his immediate post-reaction, that isn't really evidence, in my opinion.
Would you be that calm just before shooting yourself? I would've expected him to look a lot more desperate, tired and angry if he was trying to get Walt back.
If he's brainwashed I'll burn all my comics n crush my i-poD.
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moonmaster said:
He just seemed way too calm and reasonable while making his speech to suddenly kill two people a short time later.

I'm saying that the Others essentially drugged him, brainwashed him and then deliberately sent his drugged up, brainwashed self stumbling into Jack and Kate's space. I don't necessarily think that he's been converted into an Other, I'm just saying that they're controlling him.

Again, I think the idea has merit, and could very well be the case. I'm just arguing the other side to play Devil's advocate.

I just thought he looked ... Evil. Maybe its just because he's black. :D

He'd have looked ten times more evil if he'd been a black man walking down Sunset Blvd. ;)

Would you be that calm just before shooting yourself? I would've expected him to look a lot more desperate, tired and angry if he was trying to get Walt back.

You would...but then you probably didn't expect Michael to up and kill Ana and possibly Libby in the process. Thats my point...with Lost, most things are unexpected.
I heard that Anna-Lucia and Libby got arrested in real life. They have to do short jail time. Maybe that's why they killed them off.
thee great one said:
I heard that Anna-Lucia and Libby got arrested in real life. They have to do short jail time. Maybe that's why they killed them off.
Yeah, that was a while ago. Forgot the situation. I think it dealt with driving or something like that.

Oh, and Anna Lucia is played by Michelle Rodriguez.
HOLY ****IN' GOD! I know this reaction seems a little delayed since I haven't had a chance to post... But WHAT THE ****?! Best ending on a Lost episode? Definitely.

Before I get into that, I'd like to discuss a few more interesting things that happened in this episode...

Whoever missed the episode should pay close attention to this bit... After Henry attacked Ana-Lucia and Locke rescued her, Locke and Henry had a very interesting conversation. Henry offered up some more information about the head honcho of the Others... Calling him a good man who is trying to save the world. Also, we found out Henry's motives... If it wasn't for Danielle capturing him, he would've captured Locke. In the Others' minds, Locke is "one of the good guys" which merits a capture. It's an extremely odd concept to grasp without more information, but I'll bet anything this will come up again before the season is over. ****.

The flashbacks revealed a very interesting aspect of Jack's father. It's a shame that was the only real purpose for Ana-Lucia - to introduce another side of Jack's father's character. Damn. Other than the fact that it was revealed Jack may have a sister the flashbacks were useless. I do think that Claire may be Jack's sister... And Aaron his nephew... But it's definitely a stretch and something I would not really want to see. I guess we'll see soon enough what becomes of that.

Now, as for Michael. GOD DAMMIT what a ****IN' SURPRISE. Like, I was really excited to see him come back... The attitude that he has about getting Walt back is one of the things that keeps the fire in my belly burning to watch this show... Seriously, every time he's said "We're going to get my boy back" I jump out of my seat cheering. It's real good fun... Now, Michael has taken a really dark turn and I'm absolutely shock. Personally? I think that the Others convinced him to do it... If he rescues Henry, he'll be able to get his son back... And perhaps rescued from the Island. That is probably enough to convince him to kill off the people that have been vital to his survival on the island. I have also speculated he had a deep-seated hate from Ana-Lucia for bounding him to a tree and not allowing him to find his son, but him shooting Libby and then himself was what really shocked me. Another theory crossed my mind - what if Michael is the person Henry is calling "a great man" - the leader of the Others? It's a huge stretch, but if they are going to make Jack and Claire related... For hearing about both of them dying, I didn't expect it to really happen at all... Insane. Yeah, so next episode should be absolutely amazing.

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