Lost *spoilers*

Ice said:
Yeah, that was a while ago. Forgot the situation. I think it dealt with driving or something like that.

Oh, and Anna Lucia is played by Michelle Rodriguez.

I know. I didn't want to try and spell that last name.
That was an awesome episode.

I don't think Michael's working with The Others. He's done it to spark the war. It will look like Henry did it, and there you have it.

Locke's going to join The Others to stop it.
ProjectX2 said:
That was an awesome episode.

I don't think Michael's working with The Others. He's done it to spark the war. It will look like Henry did it, and there you have it.

Locke's going to join The Others to stop it.

Now there's a reason I didn't think of.

I like it :)
OK, this is gonna be a fun question:

Can you imagine if LOST was a comic and came out as sporadicly as The Ultimates?

With that in mind - what is more mind blowing? Michael shooting Ana L & Libby? Or Hawkeye's family being murdered in front of him?

I think these are 2 of the most shocking moments in recent speculative fiction history!

DIrishB said:
Thats a good point.

Soooooo...The Lost Experience...anyone going to try it?

I probably would, but since I downloaded it, and I'm in a different country...

What's supposed to happen? It is supposed to be hinting to Hanso being "him"?
I am doing the Lost Experience. 105 year old oranguntans are creepy.

OK - further support of my purgatory theory. The hell with the producers saying it's "too obvious."

Gary Troup - the author of the manuscript that Sawyer was reading. The manuscript is called "Bad Twin." The book is now available for us that are not stranded on an island to read.

Gary Troup is an anagram of PURGATORY!!!!
X2, considering the game debuted in the UK 2 days before it did here - then you can play. It's world wide.


Henry Gale of Minnesota is an angaram for "the Other is Lying" something like that. I'm at wor and can't research the exact phrase.
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well, duh!

But anything that backs up my preposterous theory I will eat up happily.

And that's the best spoiler link I have ever seen! TY!!!
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The interactive game really only out scientific names to some of the stuff we already knew about... A disease becoming lethal in primates and humans? Hmmm... Could be what harmed Danielle's crew way back when she crashed on the island.

Speaking of THAT incident, I wonder if we'll see anymore of that during this season... Bets are on "no" since the creators pretty much have this show on a downhill slide leading to the lostaways versus the Others. We'll see.

ALSO, is it speculated that any more people will die? I really hope not because I really enjoy most of the characters that are still around... Like, if Eko died there would be no point in introducing the tail end of 815. At all... It just took up time in the beginning of the season if Eko is killed off. What did we get out of it other than him? A love interest for Hurley? Dead. A bad actress who was originally supposed to shake Jack up? Dead. Bernard? Pssh... If anyone should be dead by the end of the season, it should be Henry Gale. He's a little *****.

Finally, where does Henry run off to, do you think? I know he probably fled when Michael shot himself...
leather_w0lf said:
I am doing the Lost Experience. 105 year old oranguntans are creepy.

OK - further support of my purgatory theory. The hell with the producers saying it's "too obvious."

Gary Troup - the author of the manuscript that Sawyer was reading. The manuscript is called "Bad Twin." The book is now available for us that are not stranded on an island to read.

Gary Troup is an anagram of PURGATORY!!!!

Just so you know

This is an actual book

I'm confused. Was there really an Oceanic Flight 815 from Sydney to LA? Or did Gary Troup write a book which has an Oceanic Flight 815 that crashed on an island?
Troup is a fictional author who wrote Bad Twin before he actually boarded 815, the fated flight carrying our lostaways. Whether he is dead or alive, we're not entirely sure... Bets are on him being dead, though. I doubt the creators would seriously start to pick him up.

On Amazon, there's an exclusive interview with Troup (A fabricated interview, that is) where Alvar Hanso is mentioned and another book that Troup evidently wrote called the The Valenzetti Equation, which has something to do with a Princeton college professor and Hanso. Just as Troup is going to answer the question about how the book has mysteriously disappeared from shelves, the interview concludes... It's incredibly odd. The Lost creators have gotten Amazon in on the mystery!
DIrishB said:
How so other than the obvious one?

Well, for one, Gary's girlfriend was Cindy the stewardess.

Plus, one of the main characters of the book is part of the Widmore family.

Oh, and Gary Troup died on the flight. I read that somewhere.

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