Lost *spoilers*

A new description of the episode describes the incident in the Hatch as "horrific". I would hardly call Locke's leg getting crushed horrific... Something's going to happen. :)
It's because Henry kills Ana-Lucia.

Now, will Jack or Locke or someone else kill Henry...?
Locke is getting up and going somewhere with Eko... He can't be hurt as bad as you think. :)

Seriously, where are you getting that? I mean, it makes sense, but you seem confident that will happen. I haven't heard anything about someone dying in the next episode and it certainly wasn't advertised as such... C'mon, PX2, if you know something let me know! :)
This is interesting, alleged script spoilers for the AnaL-centric episode "2 for the Road." Funny. They gave an episode that is about Michelle Rodriguez's character a name like that one, lol! Which leads me to believe it's bull. And it's been mocked on the LOST forums I lurk on, so I thought by'all might enjoy it!:

Ana has flashbacks that show her in Australia as a bodyguard of sorts for Christian Shepard, Jack's father
Henry almost chokes Anna to death and then she tries to shoot him and cant so Michael does it. It is not fatal though.
Anna and Sawyer sleep together after she tries to get his gun from him
Scene 1 is Anna bringing more fruit to Faux Henry and they spot the old dish of rotted fruit on the floor - thats when he chokes her. She sleeps with Sawyer as a result of trying to get the gun from him to kill Henry which Michael eventually does - but its off screen and you only hear the shot!!

In flahshbacks, they are driving in a car together in Aussie (Anna and Jack's dad) and talking about what the real reason was that Anna is there. When Jack meets Anna at the bar in the airport flashback, she gets a phone call and leaves - they continue this flashback. Its her mother calling and Anna gets upset and tells her mother she wants to come home.

Michael reveals that the Others are worse off then they are. They now live in tents, aren't that well-armed, and that he saw the man who took his son.

About the Anna/Sawwer sex scene - not much is shown but they almost kill each other before they start kissing and rolling around. After, Anna puts on her shirt and walks off and Sawyer makes a quip like "What no phone number?" and that's that!

I don't know how much of this I accept. I think a lot of it is bull crap, to be honest. But it supports the theory that Jack's Dad is the head of Dharma's research team . . . aka The Others.

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I don't know. It's certainly buyable... I don't know... The only thing I don't get is the sex scene. It's certainly out of nowhere.
It definitely sounds plausible, but entertaining? Not really.
In a somewhat off-but kinda on topic way...

Michelle Rodriguez has plead guilty to the DUI and decided to pay the fine and spend 5 days in jail rather than do 240 hours of community service.

Good for her...it's easier to do the 5 days rather than community service. 5 days rather than spend months trying to fufill some court-mandated task....the choice is easy.
Michelle Rodriguez appeared on a local news station and admitted that it wasn't the drinks that hurt her perception, but the 'injections'. Hmmm... Drug reference, perhaps? I don't know. Rodriguez is trouble, that's for damn sure.
I think this is an indication that she won't be killed off.

5 days in jail v. 240 hours of community service?

Of course I would take the 5 days!
I read on www.spoilerfix.com (Whoever turned me on to that site... God damn you :lol:) and I read that some actors were not signed for a regular position for season three, however, that doesn't necessarily mean they will die or go missing... So, my question is, are Bernard and Rose considered season regulars? We see them often, but I don't think I would consider them appearing often enough to be regulars.
Goodwill said:
I read on www.spoilerfix.com (Whoever turned me on to that site... God damn you :lol:) and I read that some actors were not signed for a regular position for season three, however, that doesn't necessarily mean they will die or go missing... So, my question is, are Bernard and Rose considered season regulars? We see them often, but I don't think I would consider them appearing often enough to be regulars.

I consider them guest stars.
What I want to know is if "Live Together, Die Alone" is the season finale or not. Its the 23rd episode of the season, but the first had 24 eps (at least here in the States, I know in other countries it aired as 25, with the two hour season finale (Exodus, Part 2) airing in two parts.

EDIT: Well, I answered my own question. According to TVguide.com, "Live Together, Die Alone" is in fact the season finale, but it will be a two-hour episode. So there we have it.
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So this season has one less episode than last? That's kind of weird since I thought this season had more of a direction and purpose than last.

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