Lost *spoilers*

That guy doesn't look like Henry that much. I can see the similarities, but they're definitely not the same person.
Goodwill said:
You've got some interesting stuff here. I don't want to believe that purgatory is ultimately the solution to all of what has happened to the characters on the island. I won't be the one fooled when it turns out to that the everyone is dead and they are making their transition to heaven, but I really would like to believe that this is all happening in reality. I think it would be far cooler to have it be reality, anyway. your theory, Leather Wolf, is one of the more interesting things I've read about Lost and it's certainly believable, however, I am choosing not to. Just because I'm stubborn like that. :)

I've been considering the "Purgatory" angle for awhile now...it'd also explain everyone's sudden "health" after the crash (Locke, Rose)...

The way you organized the characters into each of their representation has me puzzled... You think Jack represents pride? He's a flawed leader who acts militantly towards people who have wronged him. He's noble, but no saint. He was the one who committed adultry, though. He was married and kissed that Italian chick.

I think Pride fits Jack...its what caused his downfall indirectly through his father. It even applies to little aspects of his character, like in the flashback sequence when he was racing Desmond, and tripped and twisted is ankle because he was too proud to admit defeat. I think its a very fair assessment of Jack, indeed.

Also, I would not catergorize Sayid as a murderer. He is slowly becoming more savage than civil, but we don't know him to be a murderer. Yet.

He's already murdered. We've seen one example I can think of, when he shot his commanding officer to help Nadia escape from the Iraqi prison. Any way you look at it, its murder.

Speaking of Michael, there will be an episode coming up where the things Michael did while he was away from camp will be explained. Also, if my sources are correct, Walt will be back before the season finale! Good stuff...


ALSO, Walt WILL be played by the same actor that played him in the first season. If anyone was doubtful of this - fear not. The creators have not decided to replace him after all... They needed to give him time to mature because evidently he was hitting puberty or something... I don't know, but he's back. Walt will be back... That little runt. :)

True, but think of this. Walt will probably be killed off or something somwhere down the line for one reason and one reason only: the different way time advances in real life and the show. In real life, over a year and a half year has passed since the show began, whereas in show time only a bit over two months has passed. Considering the producers plan to run the show between 5-7 seasons, this means that by the time its done, the actor who plays Walt will be 17 or 18 (depending on how old he is now)...and given the way the show seems to showcase almost every day on the island, I don't expect the survivors to be on the island for anywhere close to more than a year. So to make it believable, they're going to have to find a way to write Walt out of the show...or they'll have to jump forward in time excessively, but I think the former is more likely.

thee great one said:

It does look like him.

Tonight was a good episode. Not a lot happened. Next week looks like the ****.


It isn't next week's episode, TGO...no new Lost episodes until May 3, another 3 weeks. Luckily, that will probably be the last stretch of repeats through the season finale which will probably air the end of May, like this:

May 3 - "Two for the Road" (2x20)
May 10 - "?" (2x21)
May 17 - "Three Minutes" (2x22)
May 24 - TBA (2x23)
May 31 - TBA (2x24)

And Goodwill, you called it, Eko and Charlie are building a Church. And apparently Bernard and I were thinking very much along the same lines in terms of structures, etc. Good call.
Good episode, kind of boring, but still good.

I'm presuming the next few episodes will be Michael healing and getting rested up, because in "Three Minutes" we're supposed to learn about Michael's journey around the island.

There are rumours Ana-Lucia dies in the next episode...
ProjectX2 said:
Good episode, kind of boring, but still good.

I'm presuming the next few episodes will be Michael healing and getting rested up, because in "Three Minutes" we're supposed to learn about Michael's journey around the island.

Makes sense. I have a feeling they'll be leaving to look for Walt towards the end of "?", then "3 Minutes" will sort of recap what Michael was up to until he ran into Jack and Kate this episode, much like "The Other 48 Days" did for the Tailies and "Maternity Leave" did for Claire. Then we'll pick back up with Michael and company looking for Walt, and probably finding both him and the Others in time to set up for the Season finale.

There are rumours Ana-Lucia dies in the next episode...

I wouldn't mind that...I never warmed up to the character. Wonder if Henry is the one who kills her...assuming she does die.
I really need to go through my copy of NUMBERS and take good looks at all the "extras."

And Irish - I started thinking just as you did - in regards to Locke & Rose and their "conditions" being "cured."

Further evidence: Sawyer's wound seems to have healed quite nicely, eh?
The Marshall that was escorting Kate and died from his injuries. Was he a "good" person?

Why haven't the Others come back for Aaron? Unbaptized Children stay in purgatory if my memory serves me correctly . . .

Jack's Sin is Pride becuase he performed a "miracle" and thought he could do it again and killed some one for it.

I've also heard that Ana Lucia may die. Of course, I've also heard that Locke and Charlie are dying this season, too.

I want more backstory on Rose & Bernard - before they met. I want to know their sins, lol. Man, I sound like a cheesey bad guy with a cheesey line in a cheesey movie (repeats in a bad Spanish accent, shades of Antonio Banderas - "I vant choo know chore sinssssssssssss." LMAO!!!).

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Well, Naveen Andrews reported that all the actors are worried, because the finale is going to be big and catastrophic.

Deaths galore?
Umm, the writers already dispelled the Purgatory theory. They said it would be too easy of an explaination and would piss to many people off (me included).
ProjectX2 said:
Well, Naveen Andrews reported that all the actors are worried, because the finale is going to be big and catastrophic.

Deaths galore?

I just really hope it isn't Locke or Charlie...especially Locke...he's just too cool to die, and theres still plenty of the character to explore before we're done.

moonmaster said:
Umm, the writers already dispelled the Purgatory theory. They said it would be too easy of an explaination and would piss to many people off (me included).

It wouldn't have pissed me off. Certainly would have been an easy explanation, but I'm just worried the explanation we do eventually get will be drawn out and lame...much more so than Purgatory would've been.

Ultimate Houde said:
I laughed when I first heard of the purgatory idea.

It's the cop-out way

I don't think "cop-out" is a fair term to apply to it. So far, it certainly would explain a lot in terms of the island's effect of the survivors. It would seem this isn't the case according to the powers that be, but it certainly doesn't seem like a ridiculous idea...not like aliens being responsible for the strange happenings on the island...
DIrishB said:
Yup...the rest of the season should air like this:

May 3 - "Two for the Road" (2x20)
May 10 - "?" (2x21)
May 17 - "Three Minutes" (2x22)
May 24 - TBA (2x23)
May 31 - TBA (2x24)

Actually, I thought I saw ABC state somewhere on zap2it.com that May 24th would be the 2 hour finale from 9 to 11, just like last year the 2nd part of the finale was the 25th, 8-10. Both last year and this year it's the same night as the Idol finale. :roll: Both years, it's also the same week as the two hour 24 finale.
ultimatedjf said:
Actually, I thought I saw ABC state somewhere on zap2it.com that May 24th would be the 2 hour finale from 9 to 11, just like last year the 2nd part of the finale was the 25th, 8-10. Both last year and this year it's the same night as the Idol finale. :roll: Both years, it's also the same week as the two hour 24 finale.

That very well could be. The dates are only confirmed through May 17 (the episodes at least have summaries/names, etc). I wasn't sure how they were handling the finale this year, so it very well could be on the 24th.

So given that info, the airing should work like this:

May 3 - "Two for the Road" (2x20)
May 10 - "?" (2x21)
May 17 - "Three Minutes" (2x22)
May 24 - TBA (2x23) **Two hour finale**
This is the kind of show, where, once Season 2 comes out on DVD, I'm just gonna wanna watch both Seasons in a relatively short period of time. Same when the whole series is out.

Hey, did you hear about that dying kid from the Make-a-Wish foundation who had the choice of either meeting President Bush, visiting the set of "24" for a day, or visiting the set of "LOST" for a day. He chose LOST. He got to meet all the cast, but more importantly, he went to Hawaii! His pictures he took there are up on various Lost fansites.

Speaking of Hawaii, are there any somewhat active Volcanoes in the Oahu area that they film in? 'Cuz it would totally suck if one erupted and had to halt filming for who knows how long. There could be, because those Lava Rocks Bernard used for the SOS could be, you know, real Lava Rocks.
If I was going to die before Lost would be finished, I'd ask them how it was supposed to end.

Then I'd sell the story and donate the money to charity.
It's odd - when you're watching the show, you think it's really dragging because of all the breaks and reruns throughout the run of the season, but when it's coming up to the finale you don't feel like the season's been long enough... Maybe that's just me, I don't know.

I have noticed that this season has a little bit more direction than the first. This seems to be primarily about the relationship between the lostaways and the Others with a run subplot explaining how, to some characters, the island is a salvation for them. I like this better than having to introduce all of the characters.

Rumors about people dying? WHAT? Ana Lucia? She's the character that I would like to see go, but I really doubt it. She was just introduced this season and there's probably a lot of story left in her.
I know this may not be a big deal, but there are two computer technicians being cast for the finale... Perhaps we'll learn all about the computer in the Hatch. That would be cool.
OK, so yer not the first person to tell me that the creators have already shot down the Purgatory theory.

I still like it.

A great piece of art is great because many people can get many different interpretations of the creation. A TV show is still art - isn't it a beautiful thing, what they have done with this program?

I just hope it don't have a Prisoner ending and everyone pops out of a tractor trailer at the end.

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