Lost *spoilers*

leather_w0lf said:
Oh if only you guys knew the half of it.


Here's the link to the improved map:


And The Others aren't at the "ARROW." They're in the "STAFF" area with the medical symbol.

Who recall's Jack seeing his father on the island last season?

Did y'all know that Jack's father is Locke's brother?

Uhhhh...what? So Locke is Jack's uncle? And they presumably never met? And so Locke's dad (Mr. Kidney Scammer) is Jack's grandfather? You sure about this, Leather? Or you just yanking our collective chain?
He's got to be yanking our chains... I'm pretty sure that Locke said his brother died when he was only a child. Remember - he came back as a golden retriever and stayed with his mother until she died? That may have been his sister now that I think of it...
That's a possibility that I would not like to see take shape on the show... I think, by then, the show would have too many circles of relativity around the characters. I like when characters only show up briefly in flashbacks... Like, in Boone's flashback Sawyer was being brought in by the cops for only a few seconds. That was cool. Explaining now, in the second or possible the third season, that Jack and Locke are related? No.

I went looking for spoilers and all I could find was that Vincent is reappearing in the next episode and in the finale.
Oh, and Jack's father is a Dharma team member.

Funny, his body dissapeared and was to be on this flight.

Funny, Jack saw him on the island.

Every "vision" or "hallucination" anyone has had on the island has turned out to be real.

Now, Irish - I'm not yanking your chain. If my source turns out to be chaff then It's my chain that was yanked. I only rang your bell. lol. All of this stuff is easily found in the links I gave in my initial post. Ya jsut hafta know where to find them. Be wary of the ruse that "Gale" is gonna whack Charlie & Locke. I love that character, though. He's such a crafty, manipulative little devil, ain't he?

To my knowledge no brother has been mentioned for Locke . . . but all the characters are tied together somehow. And we know that Locke worked for the box company that Hurley owned.

The episode in 2 weeks is about Rose & Bernard and has their back story and it apparently ties into other characters on the island.

Tonight is about Hurley and Libby (Libby is one of the Others, by the way - unless she has a back story tonight lol, but it's called "DAVE" and is gonna be Hurley-centric.).
Tonight's episode was actually pretty disappointing in a lot of ways. I saw the "Dave isn't real" twist coming a mile away, and the thing with Libby being in the hospital I thought of literally 6 or 7 episodes ago.

The only real plus here was finding out that there's a mysterious leader of the Others, and he's not the beard guy.

Hurley's my favourite character so it's a shame that this happened because we hardly ever get an episode about him.
I have to disagree about it being disapointed. I thought it was great, even though I also saw the Dave being imaginary at the beginning. The ending though, that was a shocker for me, to be honest.

Still, an enjoyable episode. I liked the way Dave talked to Hurley about everything not being real. The way he said it, was making me believe in it. Sweet stuff.

Dave was a great character. I hope he returns. I saw the twist with him coming too. I thought it was great episode. It reminded of a old Buffy episode that was very mind blowing. This wasn't anywhere near that was. It was nice to see more depth to Hurley and Libby. The ending freaked me out. I'm interested to see where that goes. So Henry is a other and there is a different leader. Interesting.
The previews look incredible next week. Jack is pissed.

Planet-Man said:
I saw the "Dave isn't real" twist coming a mile away, and the thing with Libby being in the hospital I thought of literally 6 or 7 episodes ago.

I can see you thinking she might have been a doctor in the hospital, given her mentioning she's a therapist, etc, and Hurley recognizing her, but a patient?...Sorry, man, but I'm gonna have to call bull**** on that one.

Ice said:
I have to disagree about it being disapointed. I thought it was great, even though I also saw the Dave being imaginary at the beginning. The ending though, that was a shocker for me, to be honest.

Still, an enjoyable episode. I liked the way Dave talked to Hurley about everything not being real. The way he said it, was making me believe in it. Sweet stuff.


Completely agree. The Dave as an imaginary friend was pretty obvious early on, but the Libby thing was totally unexpected.

thee great one said:
So Henry is a other and there is a different leader. Interesting.

This is what I've been saying since he first showed up...well, Henry being an Other, I mean.

After "S.O.S." and "Two For The Road" air, two newly posted episodes follow, the next after TFTR called simply "?" (the map Locke saw in the hatch will play a large role in this episode...remember all the question marks on the map? The episode following that is titled "Three Minutes", and then the season finale is supposed to air (again, whether it'll be one or two parts is still unknown, but I'm assuming it'll be a two-parter).
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Well Libby isn't an Other, that's one "spoiler theory" this one shot down.

And that's a theory that's been in the spoiler circuit since she appeared on the show.

I am wondering if it all might just be in Hurley's head. Those imaginary friends sometimes are telling the truth (lol.).
DIrishB said:
After "S.O.S." and "Two For The Road" air, two newly posted episodes follow, the next after TFTR called simply "?" (the map Locke saw in the hatch will play a large role in this episode...remember all the question marks on the map? The episode following that is titled "Three Minutes", and then the season finale is supposed to air (again, whether it'll be one or two parts is still unknown, but I'm assuming it'll be a two-parter).

Just found out the season finale will indeed be a two-parter, so just like last season we've got 24 hours of Lost (minus commercials).
I've said before that I don't like Hurley... Let me just tell you - last night's episode changed my mind. The explanation as to why Hurley was in the mental institution was good, especially with the introduction to Dave... Also, there was a lot of revelations last night, if you can believe it, which was also pretty interesting.

First things first - Hurley. I thought his struggle was really awesome. Feeling guilty about killing two people on the deck incident was very cool... Especially because this was the reason why he resorted to eating. I didn't think that was a necessary angle to explore at first when it popped up, but now it was a great way to flesh Hurley into something more than the joke.

Dave. His character was great... I thought that whoever played him was great. I mean, I was really attached to him and I actually was pissed when he jumped off the cliff. The one thing that he mentioned - about all of what has happened because of Hurley's imagination - was cool. It makes you think - what if it really is? If seeing Libby in the mental hospital an indication of that, what else could it be?

Eko is making something... But what? My guess? A church. All I'm saying is if it's a raft, I'm shooting myself. :)

Libby in the mental institution? It seemed like a bit much to me, but there are a lot of directions for this to go so we'll see how it really turns out. Hopefully, her being there doesn't solitify the whole show being Hurley's self-conscious.

Henry Gale. He's an official prick. Did he or did he not push the buttons? Also, since he didn't know about the Hatch does that seperate the Others from the Dharma Initiative? This is interesting, isn't it? I guess we'll see more about this guy next week... I've got a feeling things will be resolved with him next week.
In my opinion, one of the best of the entire season. It helped that I didn't figure out the whole Dave thing. I was talking to my friend at school, and we both thought that when Senator Kelly was saying how "it's clear to see from this picture that Dave is not real" that Dave was just gonna be holding up bunny ears behind his head or something. :lol:

I'm so stupid. :D
Goodwill said:
Eko is making something... But what? My guess? A church. All I'm saying is if it's a raft, I'm shooting myself. :)

I don't think it'll be a church mainly because that'd be a pretty hefty undertaking. I'm thinking it will in some way involve religious symbolism, but I don't think it'll necessarily be a church...especially considering the rest of the structures on the island (with the exception of the Hatches) are all made out of bits of plane metal and tarping.

Libby in the mental institution? It seemed like a bit much to me, but there are a lot of directions for this to go so we'll see how it really turns out. Hopefully, her being there doesn't solitify the whole show being Hurley's self-conscious.

I don't think it solidifies it being in Hurley's head. After all, many other characters from the show had their paths cross over before the plane crash, so why not Hurley and Libby? We knew he recognized her, he just doesn't know from where.

Henry Gale. He's an official prick. Did he or did he not push the buttons?

He's certainly pushing Locke's buttons. And I told you he was an Other...

Also, since he didn't know about the Hatch does that seperate the Others from the Dharma Initiative? This is interesting, isn't it? I guess we'll see more about this guy next week... I've got a feeling things will be resolved with him next week.

Good point...but who's to say he doesn't really know and isn't STILL lying?
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DIrishB said:
I can see you thinking she might have been a doctor in the hospital, given her mentioning she's a therapist, etc, and Hurley recognizing her, but a patient?...Sorry, man, but I'm gonna have to call bull**** on that one.

You're right. I'm sorry I wasn't clearer. I did think she was a nurse or something there that Hurley hadn't noticed. But having come to that conclusion, I still wasn't that impressed by the patient thing. It's just got a bit more potential.
Well, Libby has done some things that only a professional shrink could do, right? Like, she helped Claire remember what happened to her at the Medical facility. What if she's got some odd power like Walt has and she was put in the institute because she was different or something?
Loved last night's episode. The actor who played Hurley did some of the best acting he's ever done on this show. I loved that they added some more depth to his character. I practically cheered when he jumped on Sawyer. The Libby Twist (doesn't that sound like the hot new dance craze at the sock hop?) was totally unexpected. When I realized what was going on and I saw that look on her face, I got all giddy. The Locke/"Henry" scene near the end was...creeeeepy.
ultimatedjf said:
I was talking to my friend at school, and we both thought that when Senator Kelly was saying how "it's clear to see from this picture that Dave is not real" that Dave was just gonna be holding up bunny ears behind his head or something.:lol:

I'm so stupid.:D
I thought the exact same thing.
ultimatedjf said:
In my opinion, one of the best of the entire season. It helped that I didn't figure out the whole Dave thing. I was talking to my friend at school, and we both thought that when Senator Kelly was saying how "it's clear to see from this picture that Dave is not real" that Dave was just gonna be holding up bunny ears behind his head or something. :lol:

I'm so stupid. :D
But at least you were smart in the "See and Other Lying" thingy from "Henry Gale, Minnesota" right? :wink:
The Numbers

OK - I just had an epiphany.

And it's all in the numbers.

The sum of the numbers: 4 8 15 16 23 42 is 108 - which is also the time on the clock.

Note that a Connect 4 game has 42 windows for the checkers.

If you number a Connect 4 game from top to bottom, left to right, the "slots" for #'s 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42 form the constellation Ursa Major - the Big Dipper to some of you.

The Big Dipper is the only constellation that has been "shown" in the show.

The hatches from the new map (from Lockedown) correspond with the locations of the "sections" on the Island.

Oh - and M108 is the astrological designation of Ursa Major.

It's all in the Stars!

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