I've said before that I don't like Hurley... Let me just tell you - last night's episode changed my mind. The explanation as to why Hurley was in the mental institution was good, especially with the introduction to Dave... Also, there was a lot of revelations last night, if you can believe it, which was also pretty interesting.
First things first - Hurley. I thought his struggle was really awesome. Feeling guilty about killing two people on the deck incident was very cool... Especially because this was the reason why he resorted to eating. I didn't think that was a necessary angle to explore at first when it popped up, but now it was a great way to flesh Hurley into something more than the joke.
Dave. His character was great... I thought that whoever played him was great. I mean, I was really attached to him and I actually was pissed when he jumped off the cliff. The one thing that he mentioned - about all of what has happened because of Hurley's imagination - was cool. It makes you think - what if it really is? If seeing Libby in the mental hospital an indication of that, what else could it be?
Eko is making something... But what? My guess? A church. All I'm saying is if it's a raft, I'm shooting myself.
Libby in the mental institution? It seemed like a bit much to me, but there are a lot of directions for this to go so we'll see how it really turns out. Hopefully, her being there doesn't solitify the whole show being Hurley's self-conscious.
Henry Gale. He's an official prick. Did he or did he not push the buttons? Also, since he didn't know about the Hatch does that seperate the Others from the Dharma Initiative? This is interesting, isn't it? I guess we'll see more about this guy next week... I've got a feeling things will be resolved with him next week.