The Timeline Guy
Re: The Numbers
Or it could be that she's merely repeating techniques that were used on her...
I had read somewhere and seen a picture of how someone had used the numbers placed over a calender month and it also created a design very reminiscent of the Big Dipper...how they were able to include the 42 in that and what month/year it was I can't remember, but the same results were found...spooky.
Planet-man said:You're right. I'm sorry I wasn't clearer. I did think she was a nurse or something there that Hurley hadn't noticed. But having come to that conclusion, I still wasn't that impressed by the patient thing. It's just got a bit more potential.
Goodwill said:Well, Libby has done some things that only a professional shrink could do, right? Like, she helped Claire remember what happened to her at the Medical facility. What if she's got some odd power like Walt has and she was put in the institute because she was different or something?
Or it could be that she's merely repeating techniques that were used on her...
leather_w0lf said:OK - I just had an epiphany.
And it's all in the numbers.
The sum of the numbers: 4 8 15 16 23 42 is 108 - which is also the time on the clock.
Note that a Connect 4 game has 42 windows for the checkers.
If you number a Connect 4 game from top to bottom, left to right, the "slots" for #'s 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42 form the constellation Ursa Major - the Big Dipper to some of you.
The Big Dipper is the only constellation that has been "shown" in the show.
The hatches from the new map (from Lockedown) correspond with the locations of the "sections" on the Island.
Oh - and M108 is the astrological designation of Ursa Major.
It's all in the Stars!
I had read somewhere and seen a picture of how someone had used the numbers placed over a calender month and it also created a design very reminiscent of the Big Dipper...how they were able to include the 42 in that and what month/year it was I can't remember, but the same results were found...spooky.