Lost *spoilers*

Re: The Numbers

Planet-man said:
You're right. I'm sorry I wasn't clearer. I did think she was a nurse or something there that Hurley hadn't noticed. But having come to that conclusion, I still wasn't that impressed by the patient thing. It's just got a bit more potential.


Goodwill said:
Well, Libby has done some things that only a professional shrink could do, right? Like, she helped Claire remember what happened to her at the Medical facility. What if she's got some odd power like Walt has and she was put in the institute because she was different or something?

Or it could be that she's merely repeating techniques that were used on her...

leather_w0lf said:
OK - I just had an epiphany.

And it's all in the numbers.

The sum of the numbers: 4 8 15 16 23 42 is 108 - which is also the time on the clock.

Note that a Connect 4 game has 42 windows for the checkers.

If you number a Connect 4 game from top to bottom, left to right, the "slots" for #'s 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42 form the constellation Ursa Major - the Big Dipper to some of you.

The Big Dipper is the only constellation that has been "shown" in the show.

The hatches from the new map (from Lockedown) correspond with the locations of the "sections" on the Island.

Oh - and M108 is the astrological designation of Ursa Major.

It's all in the Stars!

I had read somewhere and seen a picture of how someone had used the numbers placed over a calender month and it also created a design very reminiscent of the Big Dipper...how they were able to include the 42 in that and what month/year it was I can't remember, but the same results were found...spooky.
moonmaster said:
I thought the exact same thing.

Must be an age 15 thing.

Ice said:
But at least you were smart in the "See and Other Lying" thingy from "Henry Gale, Minnesota" right? :wink:

Yeah, I know the anagram was a total stretch for some of you, seeing how the Henry name already had a reference to Oz and everything, but these writers really do their research before choosing character names so that they can have multiple references/clues in them. :D
You know, I'm done compin gup with theories and ideas, tyring to guess what will happen on this show.

I'm just going to lay back,and enjoy the episodes until the end o fseason.

I'm going to be spoonfed.

Thank you very much.
Do you think there's more to "God doesn't know where we are any more than anyone else" comment made by Henry is something to acknowledge?
Goodwill said:
Do you think there's more to "God doesn't know where we are any more than anyone else" comment made by Henry is something to acknowledge?

The Others are religious?
Could mean they are in pergatory is what I was suggesting, but it's entirely possible it characterizes the Others, too. We'll see...
Re: The Numbers

leather_w0lf said:
OK - I just had an epiphany.

And it's all in the numbers.

The sum of the numbers: 4 8 15 16 23 42 is 108 - which is also the time on the clock.

Note that a Connect 4 game has 42 windows for the checkers.

If you number a Connect 4 game from top to bottom, left to right, the "slots" for #'s 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42 form the constellation Ursa Major - the Big Dipper to some of you.

The Big Dipper is the only constellation that has been "shown" in the show.

The hatches from the new map (from Lockedown) correspond with the locations of the "sections" on the Island.

Oh - and M108 is the astrological designation of Ursa Major.

It's all in the Stars!

I tried numbering the spaces two different ways and filling the six Numbers in and neither design looks like anything to me.

Look here: http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y210/Planet-man/connect_four.jpg
Reading spoilers on the next episode...

S.O.S. is the episode where Jack and Kate go to trade with The Others right? They want to trade Henry for Walt, but get captured before they can. I think it's one of Michael's traps, because then Jack and Kate bring an exhausted Michael back to camp.

Locke seems to be letting the timer count down again, possibly to copy down the symbols.

The finale is going to rock.
ProjectX2 said:
Reading spoilers on the next episode...

S.O.S. is the episode where Jack and Kate go to trade with The Others right? They want to trade Henry for Walt, but get captured before they can. I think it's one of Michael's traps, because then Jack and Kate bring an exhausted Michael back to camp.

Locke seems to be letting the timer count down again, possibly to copy down the symbols.

The finale is going to rock.

Sounds like a good guess to me.
Wait, it's the "Two for the Road" episode when the trap stuff happens. It's an Ana-Lucia episode.
X2 - here is the link to the site where 99% of my theory came from:


The chart is there showing the connect 4 pattern. Keep in mind their are 7 stars in Ursa Major but only 6 numbers. That is explained by me down below.

The Purgatory hypothesis is justified.

Ask yourself, why would Mr. Eko confess to Henry Gale?

Each member of the "Survivors" has committed one or two of the Seven Deadly Sins. As they have attoned for their sins, they have died or dissapeared. Take Shannon for example: Shannon - her sin was sloth and was she ever vain. As soon as she became helpful, got off her rump, soon as she fell in love with Sayid - she died.

So Far I've come up with this, with little thought put into it:
Jack: Pride
Sawyer: Greed/Adultry
Hurley: Gluttony
Sayid: Murder
Eko: Greed/Murder
Kate: Murder/Adultry

And the list can go on . . .

This ties in with the numbers: There are only 3 constellations mentioned in the Bible. Can you guess what one is? Check out Job 9:9 ("He is the maker of the Bear & Orion, the Pleiades and the constellations of the south."). And again, later on in Job - 38:32. It's cos of this verse that there is only 6 points int he constellation in the numbers. The Hebrews thought the the other stars behind the bear were't it's tail but it's cubs . . . and we have a lsot cub somewhere, don't we now? So let's keep an eye open for Orion and the cluster in Taurus to show up prominently in coming episodes - if they haven't already!

Don't forget the 23d Psalm, carved on Mr. Eko's staff, is the grand daddy Funeral speech.

Ursa Major is a bear . . . there was a Polar Bear on the island . . .

Can't wait for tonight's episode!

S.O.S. - and it's Bernard & Rose's backstory time!
leather_w0lf said:
X2 - here is the link to the site where 99% of my theory came from:


The chart is there showing the connect 4 pattern. Keep in mind their are 7 stars in Ursa Major but only 6 numbers. That is explained by me down below.

The Purgatory hypothesis is justified.

Ask yourself, why would Mr. Eko confess to Henry Gale?

Each member of the "Survivors" has committed one or two of the Seven Deadly Sins. As they have attoned for their sins, they have died or dissapeared. Take Shannon for example: Shannon - her sin was sloth and was she ever vain. As soon as she became helpful, got off her rump, soon as she fell in love with Sayid - she died.

So Far I've come up with this, with little thought put into it:
Jack: Pride
Sawyer: Greed/Adultry
Hurley: Gluttony
Sayid: Murder
Eko: Greed/Murder
Kate: Murder/Adultry

And the list can go on . . .

This ties in with the numbers: There are only 3 constellations mentioned in the Bible. Can you guess what one is? Check out Job 9:9 ("He is the maker of the Bear & Orion, the Pleiades and the constellations of the south."). And again, later on in Job - 38:32. It's cos of this verse that there is only 6 points int he constellation in the numbers. The Hebrews thought the the other stars behind the bear were't it's tail but it's cubs . . . and we have a lsot cub somewhere, don't we now? So let's keep an eye open for Orion and the cluster in Taurus to show up prominently in coming episodes - if they haven't already!

Don't forget the 23d Psalm, carved on Mr. Eko's staff, is the grand daddy Funeral speech.

Ursa Major is a bear . . . there was a Polar Bear on the island . . .

Can't wait for tonight's episode!

S.O.S. - and it's Bernard & Rose's backstory time!
That is just awesome, and it reminds of FullMetal Alchemist which makes it even more awesome. Damn thats a good theory
You've got some interesting stuff here. I don't want to believe that purgatory is ultimately the solution to all of what has happened to the characters on the island. I won't be the one fooled when it turns out to that the everyone is dead and they are making their transition to heaven, but I really would like to believe that this is all happening in reality. I think it would be far cooler to have it be reality, anyway. your theory, Leather Wolf, is one of the more interesting things I've read about Lost and it's certainly believable, however, I am choosing not to. Just because I'm stubborn like that. :)

The way you organized the characters into each of their representation has me puzzled... You think Jack represents pride? He's a flawed leader who acts militantly towards people who have wronged him. He's noble, but no saint. He was the one who committed adultry, though. He was married and kissed that Italian chick. Also, I would not catergorize Sayid as a murderer. He is slowly becoming more savage than civil, but we don't know him to be a murderer. Yet. I don't know, other than that you seem to have the right ideas. I would say that there are certain characters who are undefineable at this point, such as Locke, but there are some that are blatantly sinners. Good thoughts.

Tonight's episode should certainly be one of the more interesting... Not that the other episode from Season 2 haven't been. I mean, like I said, I believe Season 2 to be more entertaining than Season 1 in my opinion... We're getting down and dirty and characters are far more reckless now. Anyway, the episode was not solicited as a Rose/Bernard episode and more of a Jack episode, but we'll definitely see how the two of them tie into tonight's progression. I can't wait to see what becomes of Henry Gale, Locke, and *perhaps* Michael.

Speaking of Michael, there will be an episode coming up where the things Michael did while he was away from camp will be explained. Also, if my sources are correct, Walt will be back before the season finale! Good stuff...

ALSO, Walt WILL be played by the same actor that played him in the first season. If anyone was doubtful of this - fear not. The creators have not decided to replace him after all... They needed to give him time to mature because evidently he was hitting puberty or something... I don't know, but he's back. Walt will be back... That little runt. :)
ultimatedjf said:
Anyone even gonna comment? Even if it's like, "no, look at his hair. Our Henry isn't all Reed Richards."?

It does look like him.

Tonight was a good episode. Not a lot happened. Next week looks like the ****.


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