Lost *spoilers*

:shock: :shock: :shock:

HOLY ****!

Some interesting devlopments going on. And next week episode looks intense.
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Planet-man said:
So not only is Nadia(Sayid's ex-girlfriend) still alive, but Locke inspected her house!

I still think Henry MIGHT not be an Other. Maybe him and the black Henry Gale were on the run from the law or something.

:shock: I didn't even noticed that cause my roomate was yaking on the phone. We knew that she was alive cause that's where Sayid was going on the plane.
Wow, tonight's episode was, you know, actually GOOD. Unlike the last couple...

The actor who plays Henry (or whatever his name actually is) is quite good at those little creepy moments.

Whattya think the diagrams are? Other hatch locations? Key island outposts? Other caches?
Rhyo said:
Wow, tonight's episode was, you know, actually GOOD. Unlike the last couple...

Disappointment and Lost, at least for me, are anything but synonymous.

The actor who plays Henry (or whatever his name actually is) is quite good at those little creepy moments.

Indeed...you should've seen him in Saw...he was more of a puppet of a creepy character in that movie, though, and his performance in this show far outweighs that one.

Whattya think the diagrams are? Other hatch locations? Key island outposts? Other caches?

I think they're other hatches, or labs like the one Claire and Kate visited.

Also, found out after S.O.S. (which airs April 12) the next new episode is "Two for the Road" (which airs May 3) and is the 20th episode of the season, meaning if this season contains 24 episodes (which it most likely will) then the season finale will probably air on May 31. Also found out that S.O.S. will center on Rose and Bernard after all, and not Libby.
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Wow... A lot happening here... The Hatch is beginning to become a whole lot more interesting. I was not a fan of the characters being in the Hatch all that much because it took away from them being on an island a lot of the time, or at least I thought it would, but I don't mind it anymore... Let's get to the bottom of the Hatch mystery! Who made that map? Desmond? The guy before him? Why did they make that map? Where'd they get the information? This map, too, could explain the relationship between the Others and Dharma. Someone was obviously in on Dharma and putting it out somewhere...

Henry Gale... Kinda suspected something would happen like that after we didn't see Sayid, Ana, and Charlie until the end. This should be interesting, too... This is what I've been asking for - a character to humanize the Others or to defect from to the castaways. We'll see where this is headed, no doubt it will be interesting. :) I have a feeling Gale and Locke are going to stir some things up in the next couple of episodes. Again, I'll be waiting...

What was with that light in the middle of the forest? The Food? Like, I'm not trying to speculate - I seriously didn't know what that was about...

Too much... And next episode looks interesting, too... the previews for Canada had Henry Gale saying that the guy with the beard was nothing compared to another guy... We're beginning to see the heirarchy of the Others.
****ing awesome episode. And Proj, thanks for those pics of the map. So we now know from the map:

-There may be 5 other hatches on the island. 4 have names: "The Swan" (Desmond's Hatch), "The Flame", "The Staff" (The medical hatch where Claire was kept), and most ominously, "The Arrow". I don't like that "The Arrow" seems to be located right where (according to that other map of the island) the Others are. That's creepy news...
-The polar bears are a result of the Dharma Initiative and they were created through genetic and climatal experiments.
-The Monster is called the "Cerberus System". The place where its activity is supposedly high is also the place where Charlie and Eko saw it.
-Someone named "Magnus Hanso" is buried at the Black Rock.
-There was some sort of incident with Alvar Hanso and someone with the initials "MDG" in 1985.
moonmaster said:
****ing awesome episode. And Proj, thanks for those pics of the map. So we now know from the map:

-There may be 5 other hatches on the island. 4 have names: "The Swan" (Desmond's Hatch), "The Flame", "The Staff" (The medical hatch where Claire was kept), and most ominously, "The Arrow". I don't like that "The Arrow" seems to be located right where (according to that other map of the island) the Others are. That's creepy news...
-The polar bears are a result of the Dharma Initiative and they were created through genetic and climatal experiments.
-The Monster is called the "Cerberus System". The place where its activity is supposedly high is also the place where Charlie and Eko saw it.
-Someone named "Magnus Hanso" is buried at the Black Rock.
-There was some sort of incident with Alvar Hanso and someone with the initials "MDG" in 1985.

Thanks for that Moony and Proj. I was confused by it all. And it's got a location for Desmond's ship.
moonmaster said:
I don't like that "The Arrow" seems to be located right where (according to that other map of the island) the Others are. That's creepy news...

Well, wasn't the place where the Tailies found the bible and the glass eye The Arrow?
Hey, that glass eye could be another piece to the Others' costumes... Maybe someone is missing an eye?

Also... BAH, I don't know what to say right now. I'd kill myself speculating about this stuff!
It appears "Dave" is Hurley's imaginary friend... and why he was in the mental ward...
It's a good thing Lost is starting to heat up, a couple of episodes were simply filler to further expand on our characters.

I have strong feelings that "Gale" is defecting from the Others. At least his real identity explained why Gale was hesitating in revealing the whereabouts of his parachute. There were too many opportunities for him to escape and yet he stuck with helping Locke. It could also mean an underhanded way to manipulate Locke in joining "The Others", but we shall see.
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Today, as an early B-day gift, I got LOST issue 4 of the magazine, and the LOST soundtrack, although it's technically a score. It's got some really good music on it. So far my favorite is number 6, which you can hear in Pilot Part 2 when they're climbing that huge cliff, plus you can hear it in Exodus Part 2 when Sayid and Charlie are running towards the black smoke (specifically when they're out on those rocks that overlook the sea). The guy who does the music for LOST also did the music for The Incredibles. :D
ultimatedjf said:
Today, as an early B-day gift, I got LOST issue 4 of the magazine, and the LOST soundtrack, although it's technically a score. It's got some really good music on it. So far my favorite is number 6, which you can hear in Pilot Part 2 when they're climbing that huge cliff, plus you can hear it in Exodus Part 2 when Sayid and Charlie are running towards the black smoke (specifically when they're out on those rocks that overlook the sea). The guy who does the music for LOST also did the music for The Incredibles. :D

I like the one when they blew open the Hatch and Jack and Ana-Lucia came face to face.
cmdrjanjalani said:
It's a good thing Lost is starting to heat up, a couple of episodes were simply filler to further expand on our characters.

I have strong feelings that "Gale" is defecting from the Others. At least his real identity explained why Gale was hesitating in revealing the whereabouts of his parachute. There were too many opportunities for him to escape and yet he stuck with helping Locke. It could also mean an underhanded way to manipulate Locke in joining "The Others", but we shall see.

Interesting point...and it got me thinking. Well, remember Walt was kidnapped by the Others the end of last season. Also remember that Locke and Walt had a pretty good relationship, and Walt seemed to look up to him. Perhaps the Others need Locke to help manipulate Walt into doing whatever it is they want him for. So they sent Gale to "turn" him...which seems to be the avenue Locke's heading lately. Just a theory.
I spoke with Aeroth (For those of you who don't know him, he was a member on here a while ago) and I told him I thought Locke was going to join the Others. It's an angle that would be extremely interesting and it would give us an opportunity to flesh out those who are part of the Others... Locke is certainly not loyal to Jack because he feels his authority is meaningless in comparison and is either looking to take control of people himself or join a more competent, or rather more compatable "tribe". We'll see by the end of the season, I'm sure, where he ends up. Aeroth does not believe the writers would add Locke to the Others.
Goodwill said:
I spoke with Aeroth (For those of you who don't know him, he was a member on here a while ago) and I told him I thought Locke was going to join the Others. It's an angle that would be extremely interesting and it would give us an opportunity to flesh out those who are part of the Others... Locke is certainly not loyal to Jack because he feels his authority is meaningless in comparison and is either looking to take control of people himself or join a more competent, or rather more compatable "tribe". We'll see by the end of the season, I'm sure, where he ends up. Aeroth does not believe the writers would add Locke to the Others.

Agreed. I think Locke has taken a drastic change from his Season 1 self, with his goal on the island etc.

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