Lost *spoilers*

Yeah, I read something from Lindelof... He said that the whole basis behind the second season is to learn the rules and regulations with sharing the island with the Others. How can two totally different groups coexist? Why aren't the Others helping the castaways off the island?
Goodwill said:
So, is that saying anything about the Others? Are they good people afterall? I don't buy it...

No it's just a joke. In all the Lost podcasts, Carlton and Damon always sound like two junior high buddies, and because "Zeke" looks and sounds so friendly, that's what they like to call him. Also they probably call him that because his character is not, therefore "making it funny".
I understand. "Mr. Friendly" was made up in one of the Podcasts. Dumb. :lol:

Tonight should be interesting... We're getting to the bottom of the Henry Gale mystery tonight!
Locke couldn't walk before, now he can.

It was impossible for Sun and Jin to have kids, and now they are.

Connected, perhaps?

And I hate how Locke thinks he owns the place. Grr.
Goodwill said:
I understand. "Mr. Friendly" was made up in one of the Podcasts. Dumb. :lol:

Tonight should be interesting... We're getting to the bottom of the Henry Gale mystery tonight!

Actually, no, we're not.

But tonight's episode did set up for them at least finding the balloon (which the previews showed does exist...but was Henry really on it?) next episode. I'm thinking he'll play a big role in the Lockdown of the hatch next episode also.

Ice said:
Locke couldn't walk before, now he can.

It was impossible for Sun and Jin to have kids, and now they are.

Connected, perhaps?

Uh...duh. The island, while a hellish place in its own right, also offers each of the castaways some type of salvation. Locke can now walk, Kate no longer has to run anymore, Charlie can try life without drugs, etc...

But on the flip side, the island does offer a lot of avenues back to those "bad places" the characters were in when they arrived.
DIrishB said:
Uh...duh. The island, while a hellish place in its own right, also offers each of the castaways some type of salvation. Locke can now walk, Kate no longer has to run anymore, Charlie can try life without drugs, etc....
I know it is. I was just saying it to say something. I meant that as a rethorical (sp?) question and sarcasm/humor.
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DIrishB said:
Keeping that post count #1, are we? ;)
Pffft. I don't ever have to worry about that. Didn't even mean it in THAT sense.


I can't wait for next week. The previews always get me hyped for the next episode.
What kind of ending was that. Gale is a bastard. That was slick.

I liked that Sayid forgave Anna Lucie.

And it was touching that Sun and Jin are happy again. I think Sun will teach Jin english.


and here's a lost video I made

Lost - Season 1
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Hey! Jin is my boy!

Either the person that taught Sun how to speak English is actually the father or the island is working it's magic again. I am just really proud for Jin, though. He's been through the most internally on the island - he can't speak English, Michael and him were at odds for a while, his relationship with Sun was on the rocks, and he was on the doomed raft. He's taking a lot from this experience and it's evident.

"Daddio". :lol: Made me cry, actually.

Ana Lucia was actually bearable in this episode. I liked the trio between Sayid, her, and Charlie... It was a lot of fun and gave us a look at the Charlie we once knew. Unfortunately, he had a gun which means he's still working with Sawyer. He's still the dark character he's become this season. Ana Lucia and Sayid are coming together well, but I hope that there is still tension between them... I think it's stupid for Sayid to hold the Others responsible.

Henry Gale makes no sense... If he's in such a situation, why is he opening his mouth like that? Who is this guy? It's really starting to get to me.

Locke... "My" hatch? What the hell?
I beginning to think that he will defect to the Others. It's entirely in his character and it would be a really interesting turn, too, especially for Locke. We'll see in the next couple of episodes.
Really great stuff last night.

But remember that the pregnancy test was from Widmore Labs, so are we supposed to trust them? (Widmore Construction was previously seen in "Fire + Water", and Damon let it slip on the podcast that we'll be hearing a LOT more from Widmore, too.....

Widmore is going to become more important? Just because there's been mention of them before? I don't buy that... Where did we see Widmore Construction in "Fire + Water"? What could that company mean to us and the people on the island?

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