Hey! Jin is my boy!
Either the person that taught Sun how to speak English is actually the father or the island is working it's magic again. I am just really proud for Jin, though. He's been through the most internally on the island - he can't speak English, Michael and him were at odds for a while, his relationship with Sun was on the rocks, and he was on the doomed raft. He's taking a lot from this experience and it's evident.
"Daddio". :lol: Made me cry, actually.
Ana Lucia was actually bearable in this episode. I liked the trio between Sayid, her, and Charlie... It was a lot of fun and gave us a look at the Charlie we once knew. Unfortunately, he had a gun which means he's still working with Sawyer. He's still the dark character he's become this season. Ana Lucia and Sayid are coming together well, but I hope that there is still tension between them... I think it's stupid for Sayid to hold the Others responsible.
Henry Gale makes no sense... If he's in such a situation, why is he opening his mouth like that? Who is this guy? It's really starting to get to me.
Locke... "My" hatch? What the hell?