"The Whole Truth" 2x16 (airing 3/22/06)
Sun comes to the revelation that she might be pregnant. She struggles on whether to tell Jin about the situation at first as she feels it might upset the entire balance of the survivors' community. Meanwhile, with no success from Jack or Sayid, Ana-Lucia is called in by Locke to interrogate the new prisoner Henry Gale to get more information out of him about the balloon that he and his wife supposedly landed on the island with in the forest.
"Lockdown" 2x17 (airing 3/29/06)
When the hatch suddenly takes on a life of its own, Locke is forced to enlist the help of an unlikely ally to control the matter. Meanwhile, Ana Lucia, Sayid and Charlie go off into the jungle to find out the truth about Henry Gale and see if there really is balloon craft out there in the jungle that carried him and his wife to the island.
"Dave" 2x18 (airing 4/05/06)
Libby lends a helping hand to Hurley to support him when he begins to think the island is having a strange effect on him, and Locke's sense of purpose is shaken when the prisoner gives him new information about the hatch.