Lost *spoilers*

Goodwill said:
That's if she is pregnant, though.

True. But my experience with fictional storytelling is they usually don't broach a subject, then just leave it alone...least not in good fiction. It would be kind of anti-climactic to have her all worried she's pregnant, then take the pregnancy test and have it turn out negative. Trust me, she's pregnant.
Are you saying that Claire should have found the medicine in the medical hatch? Because, if you think about it, if the medicine was in Desmond's hatch all along, the Maternity Leave episode was entirely pointless. This could just be a way to introduce something new to both Jin and Sun's characters.
I believe the only other rerun we'll be getting this season is April 19th, but I could be very wrong about that so don't get all excited just yet. And there's I think 7-9 eps left in the season.
That's quite a few... I can't wait to see where the rest of the season is going to take us. I have a feeling they are building it up to one hell of a finale, where it might even top last season's Walt capturing. We'll see, though.

ALSO... Desmond... Does he know about the Others? He could very well be an Other like Henry Gale. That's why I found it so interesting when the writers wrote in an entirely different character. This must mean that these two characters serve two different purposes on the island... Although it may seem like it could go either way with Desmond. Dammit, I wish he'd come back and join the full cast. He's my boy and he was so interesting to have around. ****.

Dude, no more reruns until April 19th? Word.
Nice, how are you feeling about the series?

If you would have asked me which season is better a couple of months ago, I definitely would have said season 1, but 2 is looking better and better each time a new episode is shown and a preview follows. Seriously, it's just a brilliant show with a lot more stakes in the second season than in the first.
I don't know how they're going to end Season 2.
ProjectX2 said:
I don't know how they're going to end Season 2.

I know. Well, I know what the producers have guaranteed will be featured in the Finale. Think twice before you highlight guys.

We will find out why the plane crashed!!! Oh, and at some point, both Desmond and Michael will resurface.
Goodwill said:
Are you saying that Claire should have found the medicine in the medical hatch? Because, if you think about it, if the medicine was in Desmond's hatch all along, the Maternity Leave episode was entirely pointless. This could just be a way to introduce something new to both Jin and Sun's characters.

Thats screwed up logic, Goody. Sun being pregnant is totally different from Claire finding the medicine. While I agree it could just be an avenue to better explore Jin and Sun, there are much less drastic ways to go about this. Besides, unless there's a condom machine on the island I'm not aware of, or Jin and Sun just ain't getting none, why is her being pregnant hard to believe?

As for the medicine, in terms of the show thats something that can be explored at a later time, something the pregnancy really isn't. If she's pregnant, then they have to deal with it then and there, not like the medicine.

Nice, how are you feeling about the series?

If you would have asked me which season is better a couple of months ago, I definitely would have said season 1, but 2 is looking better and better each time a new episode is shown and a preview follows. Seriously, it's just a brilliant show with a lot more stakes in the second season than in the first.


ultimatedjf said:
I know. Well, I know what the producers have guaranteed will be featured in the Finale. Think twice before you highlight guys.

We will find out why the plane crashed!!! Oh, and at some point, both Desmond and Michael will resurface.


But, where is
Michael that would require him to resurface? Last I remember, he was still with the other survivors...or did you mean Walt?
DIrishB said:
But, where is
Michael that would require him to resurface? Last I remember, he was still with the other survivors...or did you mean Walt?
He went after Walt after he got the message on the computer from him and hasn't been seen in the last episodes.
Ultimate Warrior said:
He went after Walt after he got the message on the computer from him and hasn't been seen in the last episodes.

Oh, ok. I forgot he didn't come back with Jack and crew when they met up with the Others. I need to download and watch some of the season 2 episodes to remember whats going on.

Some more info:

Upcoming episodes names -

"The Whole Truth" 2x16 (airing 3/22/06)

Sun comes to the revelation that she might be pregnant. She struggles on whether to tell Jin about the situation at first as she feels it might upset the entire balance of the survivors' community. Meanwhile, with no success from Jack or Sayid, Ana-Lucia is called in by Locke to interrogate the new prisoner Henry Gale to get more information out of him about the balloon that he and his wife supposedly landed on the island with in the forest.

"Lockdown" 2x17 (airing 3/29/06)

When the hatch suddenly takes on a life of its own, Locke is forced to enlist the help of an unlikely ally to control the matter. Meanwhile, Ana Lucia, Sayid and Charlie go off into the jungle to find out the truth about Henry Gale and see if there really is balloon craft out there in the jungle that carried him and his wife to the island.

"Dave" 2x18 (airing 4/05/06)

Libby lends a helping hand to Hurley to support him when he begins to think the island is having a strange effect on him, and Locke's sense of purpose is shaken when the prisoner gives him new information about the hatch.

...Hey! They named an episode after me!! I rule!

Anyway, conisdering "the prisoner" is still Henry Gale, he must be an other if he's got information on it. Or if not an Other, he's been on the island longer than he said originally.

"S.O.S." 2x19 (airing 4/26/06)

No episode info at this time.

I guess this answers the question about whether we'll have anymore repeats this season. The answer is yes, but at least for the next three weeks we'll have new episodes. Assuming there are 24 episodes this season like the first, there'll be five more new episodes after "S.O.S.", meaning there probably won't be any more repeats after "S.O.S." airs before the season finale airs (probably on May 31, though it could be even later).
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Goodwill said:
The Hatch "takes on a life of it's own"... "Incident"? What?

The hatchdoors are going into lockdown. I'm thinking Gale escapes and triggers something. Possibly one of the doors will close down on Locke's legs, and that's why he's supposedly in crutches for the rest of the season?
ProjectX2 said:
The hatchdoors are going into lockdown. I'm thinking Gale escapes and triggers something.

Actually, I'm thinking Gale is the unlikely ally who helps Locke...but he probably only knows how because he's an Other:

When the hatch suddenly takes on a life of its own, Locke is forced to enlist the help of an unlikely ally to control the matter. Meanwhile, Ana Lucia, Sayid and Charlie go off into the jungle to find out the truth about Henry Gale and see if there really is balloon craft out there in the jungle that carried him and his wife to the island.

I'm thinking the reason the hatch goes into "lockdown" is because of Jack allowing the numbers to run down earlier...some kind of delayed reaction or something to that anyway.

Possibly one of the doors will close down on Locke's legs, and that's why he's supposedly in crutches for the rest of the season?

Very possible.
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The Hatch may go into lockdown because someone else begins to IM poor Walt... Hurley, perhaps? Locke perhaps? Remember, Dr. Candle said the computer must not be used for contacting the outside world. Michael violated that "rule already, it's possible someoen else will and it will trigger a security system.

Either that, or the Others are pissed off the castaways are in there and they decide to shut it down for good...
I was reading episode summaries today to see if I missed anything in season 2 and I picked up on something... I don't know if it's interesting or not, but I thought I would ask you guys. The guy that Sawyer referred to as "Zeke" is also named "Mr. Friendly"... Where did they come up with that?
Goodwill said:
I was reading episode summaries today to see if I missed anything in season 2 and I picked up on something... I don't know if it's interesting or not, but I thought I would ask you guys. The guy that Sawyer referred to as "Zeke" is also named "Mr. Friendly"... Where did they come up with that?

Here's the deal. We, the viewers, haven't been specifically told what the character's name is, but the viewers like(d) to call him Zeke because that was Sawyer's nickname for him (or maybe they just thought it his real name), whearas the LOST team of Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse had this little in-joke where they would call him Mr. Friendly, because if you get over the fact that he's "an Other", he's really just a big jolly guy with a beard who doesn't sound that angry when he talks to you.

:D :?
Goodwill said:
So, is that saying anything about the Others? Are they good people afterall? I don't buy it...

They take the people and leave them in a "better place". We'll see.

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