Lost *spoilers*

thee great one said:

I am confused by the new episode.

What are you confused about? It was pretty straightforward, just answering what happened to Claire when she was taken and then asking more questions...
I think Henry Gale is going to draw a map for Ana Lucia and Locke to follow so that they can prove to the other castaways that he is just a simple man. It'll be interesting to see if Gale stays or goes in the camp after this coming episode.
Plus this


is the screenplay that Hurley was reading a couple of episodes ago by an as-yet-unrevealed famous mystery author.

Gary Troup of course is just a 815 passenger name, and of course, an anagram for Purgatory. :D

Plus, in other anagram news, check this out:

"Henry Gale, Minnesota" is an anagram to "See an Other man lying".

Freaky, huh? :wink:
ultimatedjf said:
Plus this


is the screenplay that Hurley was reading a couple of episodes ago by an as-yet-unrevealed famous mystery author.

Gary Troup of course is just a 815 passenger name, and of course, an anagram for Purgatory. :D

Plus, in other anagram news, check this out:

"Henry Gale, Minnesota" is an anagram to "See an Other man lying".

Freaky, huh? :wink:


What the hell?
Well, Card's books are a lot better than his comic. :D

I'm looking forward to these books.
I think the Henry Gale anagram is a bit of stretch... I'm still kind of slighted to the fact that he may not be an other. I won't know until March 22!
Goodwill said:
DIrishB. You're saying I complain a lot.

Yes...yes, I am.

Nothing new.

I was using sarcasm on that particular occasion, though, if that helps my reputation around the UC at all. Contrary to Bass belief, I've got a sense of humor, too.



I've really been thinking about Henry Gale. Considering the circumstances where we were so abruptly introduced to him and considering the timing where the castaways are extremely paranoid about their state of being Henry got shafted. What if he was just another guy crashed on the island? With the castaways being driven into obvious insanity (Charlie, Sayid), it's only instinct to think he's an Other. Personally, I think having him be an Other would make a better story opposed to him being a regular joe from Minnesota or whatever... I am on the fence about him, though, especially now. I mean, he was frightened when he was captured. With what we know about the Others, do you really think he would be scared?

Not really, but if they're trying to act innocent and give the impression they're not one of the Others, then wouldn't acting scared and confused seem to be the way to go?

Their power is in their numbers, correct? He acted very alone in my opinion. Then again, that look he gave Sayid at the end of the episode was very odd... After he was beaten, why would he look so arrogant? Damn.

I think he just had gas.

Hmm... It's an interesting theory - taking Charlie to meet Gale. If Charlie does recognize him, it'll certainly be interesting... Although, I don't believe Charlie was taken to where Claire was. He was hanged before they reached the place, right?

I believe you're correct. I think Charlie was found hanging from the tree the day they were kidnapped...meaning Ethan didn't have enough time to get them all to the other hatch/lab. I think Charlie's hanging was merely a warning and diversion so Ethan could get Claire to the lab.

ultimatedjf said:
Is it safe to assume that the reason the medicine was missing from the cabinet is because Desmond stole it (we saw him using it in the Season 2 premiere)?

Good point. Forgot about that. Does this mean there might still be some in the hatch?

Goodwill said:
This episode revealed a lot about the Others... After this one, I can't help but feel this season has been devoted to explaining the existance of the other people on this island. I really like this direction because we're humanizing these enemies and we're going somewhere with the castaways as a result. I'm looking forward to finding out the Others' motives. Why do they where costumes? Capture people? How come they are making all these people crash on the island? What do they want with Walt? Very cool...

I am also really looking forward to the answers to these questions. I still can't come up with a good explanation myself. I just hope the show writers will be able to, though I don't doubt they will.

Also, Henry Gale is probably an Other now, especially after the remark he made to Locke last night. He knew that he would undercut Jack's authority by hitting a nerve in Locke... We'll have to see what happens in two weeks!

Good point. After this episode I'm convinced Henry is an Other.

I think the Henry Gale anagram is a bit of stretch...

Totally. That one is weak.

I'm still kind of slighted to the fact that he may not be an other. I won't know until March 22!

How do you know we'll find out in the next episode?
The next episode is called the "Whole Truth". He's the only one that I would think is lying at this point... Well, him or Libby, but the previews indicated that the episode would revolve around a map Henry Gale drew for Ana Lucia and Locke...
Goodwill said:
The next episode is called the "Whole Truth". He's the only one that I would think is lying at this point... Well, him or Libby, but the previews indicated that the episode would revolve around a map Henry Gale drew for Ana Lucia and Locke...

And episode 17 is called "Lockdown" and I suppose that's when we'll see the the Hatch security system operate and watch it get locked down. It was promised by the creators in a podcast.
Goodwill said:
The next episode is called the "Whole Truth". He's the only one that I would think is lying at this point... Well, him or Libby, but the previews indicated that the episode would revolve around a map Henry Gale drew for Ana Lucia and Locke...

Ah, ok. I missed the previews for the next episode courtesy of my gf changing the channel on me at the end of the show. That *****. ;)

ProjectX2 said:
And episode 17 is called "Lockdown" and I suppose that's when we'll see the the Hatch security system operate and watch it get locked down. It was promised by the creators in a podcast.

Yup, and it will also center on Locke and his flashbacks, whereas next episode centers on Jin/Sun (supposedly).

ProjectX2 said:

I think that theory is lame. Especially considering it specifically states:

The Ultimate Theory said:
In addition, this theory is based on the premise that there is nothing supernatural about the mysteries of Lost; nothng overly sci-fi; and it's not all a dream/coma.

Seems overly sci-fi to me.
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And most of it can't fit now, anyway. I just posted it because it was long, had lots of replies, and had a cool comic at the start. :D


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The theory had me until they said that the characters were all born on the island and there purpose was all for the benefit of Dharma. Absolutely not. :)

The episodes coming up sound really interesting, especially because we're going to be treated to another Locke flashback. I can't wait to see what Henry Gale is about and if Sun is really pregnant.

An online version of the comic book. :D

Plus, I bring more rumours. Apparently, Locke may be in crutches for the rest of the season. It's been speculated on various message boards from an interview I don't have a link to, but I think this could be very interesting.

The reason? The Hatch strikes back. :D

EDIT: And pictures from Lockdown and various other upcoming episodes: http://abcmedianet.com/ph_search/search_lv.htm?show_name=LOST&prog_num=001648

EDIT AGAIN: It's amazing the stuff I find AFTER I post: http://abc.go.com/primetime/lost/diary/104157.html
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Hmm... Looks like we're in for some pretty interesting stuff to end out this season. I'm really looking forward to this! :)
Goodwill said:
The theory had me until they said that the characters were all born on the island and there purpose was all for the benefit of Dharma. Absolutely not. :)

The episodes coming up sound really interesting, especially because we're going to be treated to another Locke flashback. I can't wait to see what Henry Gale is about and if Sun is really pregnant.

Sun pregnant? Man where did you see that? I'm assuming in the previews for "The Whole Truth"...course, assuming she is pregnant, and given the pace time is passing currently in the show (its been two months since they crashed on the island), we won't see her have the kid for another four seasons or so...whew, talk about a drawn-out plotline.

EDIT: Nevermind, saw the preview for the next new episode on the internet, now I know what you're talking about. I still hold to my statement that we won't see the kid born for at least 4 more seasons...
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