Wow, what a good episode...
This one followed Claire. This season, I really wondered why the kept her around rather than kill her off and keep Shannon. I saw more potential in Shannon's character, seeing as how she was developing a relationship with Sayid and she was incredibly manipulative, which could have been interesting on the island... After this episode I'm convinced Claire is a better character by far than Shannon.
Claire's baby comes down with a fever. She wants to run to Jack to get help, but Locke offers to go for her, because he doesn't want her in the Hatch with Henry around. Before Jack shows up, Danielle approaches Claire and Claire begins to defend her baby and yell for help... Kate comes along. Eventually, Danielle leaves, asking, "you don't remember, do you?"
Jack reaches Claire and tells her Aaron is fine, that she should wait until the fever breaks. Claire, beginning to remember some of the things that happened when she is kidnapped, is prompted to talk to Libby, a shrink, who will help her remember what happened when Ethan kidnapped her. After the meeting with Libby, Claire wants to find out where the Others took her so that she may find a cure for her baby's illness and to find Danielle, who she thinks can show her where the place is. Kate accompanies her.
Kate and Claire run into Danielle and Claire is informed of how Danielle's research team crashed on the island and died... By a disease. Even more convinced to find the place, Clair stoles off into the woods with Danielle and Kate well behind her. Claire comes across another door embedded in the ground, that leads into what appears to be an abandoned medical facility. She looks throughout the place and does not find the medicine...
The episode was a really good one last. Throughout the episode, the flashbacks followed Claire when she was in the Others' captivity... Really odd stuff was revealed about the group, like Kate found costumes and you actually got to see Zeke with a clean shaven face and grey hair... Also, last night tied the Others to the Dharma initiative, so the plot really thickens...
What I liked best about the episode, though, was the moment between Eko and Henry. Eko is mad cool.