Lost *spoilers*

The parallels are from the way the characters are interacting... There's obviously friction, right? We are only equating it because to the Lord of the Flies is because the Lord of the Flies is supposed to be an accurate depiction of how people would act when they are on a deserted island. There are significant differences between Lost and Lord, but there are some similarities as well.
I love Lord of the Flies, but it is definitely not meant to be taken as how 14 year old boys would act on an island.

Its an analog to World War II, and how war in a foreign land can drive you crazy.
The Lord of the Flies is one of my favorite books. I'll put that out there so everyone can start spitting at me. Golding wrote the book as the other side to an argument as to how people would act on an island when they are marooned... The book that perpetuated the despute was called the Beach, by Nick Hornby, who wrote about boys that actually enjoyed their stay on an island after being cast there. The book may be about World War II in many respects, but I find it is mostly about human nature. If you watch Survivor, people habitually stab people in the back and all the while build relationships with them. It's instinct... It's the "only the strong survive" mentality that everyone has. Guess what? Survivor was inspired by Lord of the Flies. Both of those inspired Lost in a lot of ways, too.
We should be getting back to Lost now...

Aeroth and I were talking about Season 1 Vs. Season 2. I say that Season 2 has so far been better than Season 1 since they don't have to waste time setting stuff up and, if they did (Which they DID with the Tailies) it only took an episode. I do think either Season is great television, we just wanted to be even more picky.
I found this picture that should be the symbols from Lost when the countdown was over. I don't know if it's right but...

If it is then the first symbol means "saw" or the letter "i", the second means 100, the third one have I not found yet, the fourth means "father" or the letter "a" and the fifth is still unknown to me. I'm not an expert in hieroglyphs, I'm trying to find them online, so this may not be 100% accurate but I'm trying anyway.

So far from what I can tell we have "Saw 100 --- father ---" if you should go by logic. The first and fourth may just be letters thou.
Ultimate Warrior said:
I found this picture that should be the symbols from Lost when the countdown was over. I don't know if it's right but...

If it is then the first symbol means "saw" or the letter "i", the second means 100, the third one have I not found yet, the fourth means "father" or the letter "a" and the fifth is still unknown to me. I'm not an expert in hieroglyphs, I'm trying to find them online, so this may not be 100% accurate but I'm trying anyway.

So far from what I can tell we have "Saw 100 --- father ---" if you should go by logic. The first and fourth may just be letters thou.
Wow people really get into this. Making detectives of its viewers
TheManWithoutFear said:
Was the countdown over?

I believe there was one number left to click over, hence why there is only five symbols.
TheManWithoutFear said:
Was the countdown over?
The countdown with numbers, yes. After that a small rabling/countdown with hieroglyph's was shown instead of numbers and if I remember correctly all but one was stopped so that's why I don't know if the picture I posted was right.
Ultimate Houde said:
Whens the next new episode in the States?

Like Goodwill mentioned, "Maternity Leave" (2x15) airs on March 1, and then we have to wait over a month for another new episode. On April 5, a Jin/Sun centered episode called "The Whole Truth" (2x16) airs, and the following week on April 12 "Lockdown" (2x17) airs. I'm assuming the last six episodes after those will all run consecutively week to week with no repeats to finish the 24 episode season by the end of May. Here's how it'll break down otherwise:

"Maternity Leave" 2x15 - 03/01/06
"The Whole Truth" 2x16 - 04/05/06
"Lockdown" 2x17 - 04/12/06
2x18 - 04/19/06
2x19 - 04/26/06
2x20 - 05/03/06
2x21 - 05/10/06
2x22 - 05/17/06
2x23 - 05/24/06
2x24 - 05/31/06

ultimatedjf said:
I already said above that it's officially translated into "Cause to Die", as long as we assume what the fifth tile is turns out to be what it is.



And there you go. :D

Nice find. And so I think its safe to assume the hatch will be a cause for some death...I'm like ****ing Sherlock Holmes with that kind of reasoning!
It's weird that the next new episode is in March, yet the commercials for today said "All New episode of Lost Next" with it saying ALL NEW under the show title. :?
icemastertron said:
It's weird that the next new episode is in March, yet the commercials for today said "All New episode of Lost Next" with it saying ALL NEW under the show title. :?

Yeah, last week's preview also said ALL NEW NEXT WEEK...so I was a bit surprised to see the air date for "Maternity Leave" on the internet episode guides as March 1...but I figured it was just a mistake since the preview said it would air this week. Lo and behold, I turn on my TV at 9pm and I'm seeing the Lost Pilot...at least they're playing the whole Pilot (both parts)...but I'm still disappointed.

At least its only one week of repeats, instead of 4 weeks like after next week...I really would've tried to schedule these better. It seems like they air 5 or 6 new episodes, then have like a month or two long string of repeats...why not break it up a bit more, have like 2 or 3 new episodes, then one repeat, and so on, so we're not going a month and a half without a new episode.

Or I could just work on developing patience.
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No, I think we should complain a bit more. Obviously, we're making an impression on the people who schedule the show.

I'm going to admit - I'm a Lost junkie. I started looking at Lost forums around the internet to see what speculation was being kicked around certain hot water issues on the show. We've got the timer, Henry Gale, and the Others, among tons of other things. The most disputed topic, though, is in fact Henry Gale... While I found most are convinced he is an Other, they are trying to piece together why or how he is an Other. Personally, I'm not convinced he is an Other yet. I just wanted to see what all of you had to say about Mr. Gale, being that this is probably the most speculative topic since the Hatch last season... Pretty much everything else has been blown wide open.

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