Lost *spoilers*

DIrishB said:
Just remember, according to the timeline of the Lost show, less than two weeks have passed since they found the hatch and learned about the code having to be entered. I'd say in terms of their own timeline, things are moving along pretty quickly, so to have him let it run down "a long time ago" would've basically been as soon as they found the damned thing. Besides, we'll see this week just what happens. I'm thinking thousands of Michael Jackson clones show up and steal the baby...since they already have Walt. Scary ****, man.
I say nothing happens and Charlie kicks Locke square in the nuts. :p
Is anyone else going to die this season? It's a shame Shannon's death hasn't meant as much as it should be... It was like Boone's death, which really set Jack and Locke at odds. I would have thought the Tailies would have been scorned.
The countdown sequence was the best scene this season! When the numbers started flipping around, at first I thought they were BioHazard symbols and the thing was going to vent toxic nuclear gas or something. But egyptian Hieroglyphics? Do you suppose it's some sort of code or something?

I have a theory. This is just total speculation but it could be true so *POSSIBLE Spoilers*:
Mabye it's some kind of Egyptian Disaster Curse that has something to do with Hurley's bad luck. Do you think they might add an actual supernatural element?
TheManWithoutFear said:
That was bull****!!! Damnit!! You can't push the code in after... YOU JUST CAN'T!!!

I think it doesn't matter. Whatever the countdown getting down to zero is supposed to do, it has begun with last night's episode, and now, there's no use for typing the numbers every 108 minutes. But that's just my theory.
ultimatedjf said:
I think it doesn't matter. Whatever the countdown getting down to zero is supposed to do, it has begun with last night's episode, and now, there's no use for typing the numbers every 108 minutes. But that's just my theory.

I don't think so, because not all of the symbols appeared. One or two were still shuffling when Locke hit the button.
Planet-man said:
I don't think so, because not all of the symbols appeared. One or two were still shuffling when Locke hit the button.

Good point. But I still think that maybe a little bit of what was going to happen has been set in place..... :shifty:
ultimatedjf said:
Good point. But I still think that maybe a little bit of what was going to happen has been set in place..... :shifty:

I agree, otherwise the entire countdown plot is completely pointless and we've been interested for no reason the past several months, at least in terms of that. It'll have caused something, though I think it'll be a gradual thing, or at least not be apparent right away.

Really liked last night's episode though, good stuff.
DIrishB said:
Really liked last night's episode though, good stuff.

Yeah. I honestly got the creeps when the hieroglyphics started flipping on the counter (in red and black, no less!) to really intense music, and then Sayid looks at Gale, who is sitting on the ground, shooting daggers at him with his eyes. Probably one of my favorite LOST moments. That and "Barbar".

So, assuming that the one missing symbol at the middle of the counter is a certain symbol, it roughly translates to "cause to die"...... Pretty freaky.

Oh and I wouldn't trust Henry for a minute. (Unless of course he's working with Danielle.) Dirty "Other-y" clothes, and a name (Henry Gale) and concept (balloon) lifted right out of Wizard of Oz. If he is indeed an Other, I think he accomplished what he wanted -- getting into the Hatch and getting closer to the survivors.

Repeats next week. Oh, well.
By the way, Sawyer is officially and a**hole now. I think Hurley's going to snap and beat the living sh** out of him. Maybe his mom "throwing out" the turtle had something to do with why Hurley was in the mental institution. Now what Sawyer did to the frog will make it happen all over again.:shock:
Hurley's awesome because he was going to sacrifice all his money just for a friend.
Like I've said, there is such a thing as too much Hurley. I don't think he's gotten all that much attention, or any more than he deserves, so I'm content. I do think the fact that he's keeping his own stash of food will make for some interesting tension between him and the survivors down the road...

Speaking of tension, this season is brimming with it. My friend described the show now as a "moral struggle, where the characters are becoming either savages or saints" (Yes, my friend's name is Socrates, by the way). This is obvious with a lot of characters... The savages? I would honestly say that Sawyer, Sayid, Jack, and Charlie are becoming the most primal in nature. On the other hand, you've got Locke, Eko, Claire, and Rose who represent the order and civilization on the island. I don't know if anyone else is picking this up, but it's definitely there.

Sayid's acceptance of his torturing is saddening. He just accepts the fact that he is a monster and can't take his actions back... All because of Kate's father. That, to me, was an interesting turn which I'm looking foward to seeing as Season 2 continues.

Henry Gale is a very interesting addition to the cast. Is he an Other or is he just an 'other'? As Locke points out, after all, he's an other in at least one respect... Personally, I don't really think that he's an Other, but we'll definitely see. If he is, this doesn't bode well for the 815 survivors. They have breached the agreement that Jack and Zeke reached. Hmmm...

The timer was interesting... Perhaps the Egyptian symbols were all of the symbols that are represented by the Dharma initiative... I didn't pay that close attention to the symbols other than they were there so I'm not really sure how much support there is for that theory... It's a possibility. I don't know what this means, really... I don't think anything is going to happen, I just thought it was a way to keep everyone guessing about the timer and what it might do when it finishes whatever it does when it hits 0. I believe we'll be left with the timer going off at the end of season 2. We'll see.

Now, next week should be interesting... From the schedule that I checked up on, there is a new episode next week, March 1st. It'll follow Claire. I can't wait. :)
And DSF saying that it was becoming more Lord of the Flies-like, you're absolutely correct. Matthew Fox even admitted it in an interview here. :D
I really enjoy that, too. Lord of the Flies is easily my favorite book. The fact that there are these tendencies in ourselves is sort of frightening, you know? That's what really interests me about the Lord of the Flies and, now, Lost in a lot of ways. Like, I find myself taking sides like I did in Lord of the Flies... In the book, I rooted for Ralph; in the show, I'm honestly leaning towards Locke's clique more than Jack's. Sue me. :)

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