Lost *spoilers*

Sawyer is an *******. But he's also awesome.

He's an awesome *******.
Notice how Charlie wore his hood for the entire episode. Because he's being "Eeeevil Charlie" now.

I love that he didn't take the statue from Sawyer, though. There's no evidence at all that he's back on the Horse.

Does anyone know who next week's episode will flashback on? We're in desperate need of another Locke or Hurley episode.

We've had like 6 Jack eps and only 2 freakin' Hurley ones:evil: !
Planet-man said:
Notice how Charlie wore his hood for the entire episode. Because he's being "Eeeevil Charlie" now.

I love that he didn't take the statue from Sawyer, though. There's no evidence at all that he's back on the Horse.

Does anyone know who next week's episode will flashback on? We're in desperate need of another Locke or Hurley episode.

We've had like 6 Jack eps and only 2 freakin' Hurley ones:evil: !

Next week's episodes centers on Sayid, so we'll be seeing more of his past.
Charlie is better as a villainous character. Aeroth and I both picked up on a hero complex in the most recent Charlie flashback... Charlie is unfortunately not a Jack or a Jin.
I just finished the season finale of season 1. This is my favorite show ever. I was on the edge off my seat. The guy blowing up made me laugh for 10 mins. The french ladie stealing the baby. The others talking Walt. it was so much. The black rock is a ship???

Did I see a black cloud thing? And did it make machine noises?.


This is better than almost any movie, comic, anime, or anything I ever laid eyes on. I have to buy the set.

And Hurley rocks.

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thee great one said:
I just finished the season finale of part 1. This is my favorite show ever. I was on the edge off my seat. The guy blowing up made me laugh for 10 mins. The french ladie stealing the baby. The others talking Walt. it was so much. The black rock is a ship???

Did I see a black cloud thing? And did it make machine noises?.


This is better than almost any movie, comic, anime, or anything I ever laid eyes on. I have to buy the set.

And Hurley rocks.


That's exactly what I said when I saw it for the first time. Buying the set is great, because in the earlier episodes you'll notice a ton of in-jokes and foreshadowing of stuff that happens later in the season.

I was sad when Arzt died, though.:cry:
thee great one said:
I just finished the season finale of part 1. This is my favorite show ever. I was on the edge off my seat. The guy blowing up made me laugh for 10 mins. The french ladie stealing the baby. The others talking Walt. it was so much. The black rock is a ship???

Did I see a black cloud thing? And did it make machine noises?.


This is better than almost any movie, comic, anime, or anything I ever laid eyes on. I have to buy the set.

And Hurley rocks.


Told you, biotch.
Season 1 is good, but it seems Season 2 has more tension and more characters at each other's throats... You ain't seen nothin' yet, TGO.
I can't stand locke now. And charlie and ecko are my favorite characters now.
I'm beginning to like Locke more, actually... I am really beginning to get annoyed at Jack, really. The relationship he shares with Ana Lucia has to go. Just as the relationship with Kate and Sawyer has to go.

Charlie is a good character, especially now, and Eko will always be a cool character.
slimjim said:
The whole taking shifts for the computer thing is retarded.

How so?

Also, if you think it's so messed up (Please, don't use "retarded") just wait until the next episode... Jack's gonna let the timer run down!
Goodwill said:
How so?

Also, if you think it's so messed up (Please, don't use "retarded") just wait until the next episode... Jack's gonna let the timer run down!
Yeah Jack should've done that a long time ago. Maybe I'm just like jack in thinking "lets just seewhat happens" instead of having the lives of everybody revolve putting a stupid code in a computer just in case.
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I'd LMAO if Jack let the timer run down while he was alone, and it set a bomb off, killing him, and destroying the hatch.

While we're talking about hatches, we know Jack's group has one, and the tail section were in one for a while. Remember the Frenchwoman's lair in the first season? Do you think that was a hatch?
The French woman's lair was not a hatch. It was a jungle bungalo, didn't you know? It was blown up anyhow... We won't be seeing anymore of that. I wonder where she's living now.

Also, the Tailies may have found something of a hatch, but it seemed more like a storage closet than a hatch, you dig? Somehow, I don't think that was a real hatch. If there are six hatches and six pieces of video footage, it's safe to assume each video is an explanation of each of the hatches... Why would the hatch that the Tailies found only have a snippet of the video from the hatch that we all know and love? Let's consider this as the show goes on...
Planet-man said:
Are you sure Danielle's lair was blown up, or was it just a booby trap to blow up things outside the lair?

Also, don't forget Desmond is still on the island somewhere.

Yeah, it exploded, because then Sayid and Jack were looking through all the wreckage.

And yes, I hope we see Desmond soon. I like him more than Danielle.
I was actually hoping Desmond would become a recurring character. I was just really infatuated with his character, really... I thought his maniacal presence was something the show needed. He was actually the chaose Walt had predicted. He's so awesome.
Goodwill said:
I was actually hoping Desmond would become a recurring character. I was just really infatuated with his character, really... I thought his maniacal presence was something the show needed. He was actually the chaose Walt had predicted. He's so awesome.

That's right, brother.
slimjim said:
Yeah Jack should of done that a long time ago. Maybe I'm just like jack in thinking "lets just seewhat happens" instead of having the lives of everybody revolve putting a stupid code in a computer just in case.

Just remember, according to the timeline of the Lost show, less than two weeks have passed since they found the hatch and learned about the code having to be entered. I'd say in terms of their own timeline, things are moving along pretty quickly, so to have him let it run down "a long time ago" would've basically been as soon as they found the damned thing. Besides, we'll see this week just what happens. I'm thinking thousands of Michael Jackson clones show up and steal the baby...since they already have Walt. Scary ****, man.

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