Lost *spoilers*

icemastertron said:
It's TV shows, not movies.... :?

It was entertainers of the year, in whatever medium, I believe. Lost, Virgin, and Kong rounded out the top three.

That's probably about the only comic reference you'll find, too. I haven't been able to pick up on any after that, either. I do like the fact that Boone was portrayed as a Jack II for a while... I thought his death was more meaningful after I picked that up.
Oh, Walt. Let me know if he's grown all that much... I hear that's why they haven't had him on the show that much.
This is the first episode in a while that made me reflect and think about what happened between flashbacks and the island. Mr. Eko has been fleshed out very well now, and as in the "lost" fashion, we know can understand him better and feel for him.

Mr. Eko and his Jesus Stick Versus The Monster (a.k.a. a cross between Ghostwriter and that thing from The Abyss) was interesting. Obviously, the smoke saw that Eko was not worth eating, but why? Up at the TVGuide website, they thought they saw some of the guys from his flashbacks in the smoke upon further watching and pausing of the TiVo.

The "IM" messaging on the hatch computer is quite intriguing, and I look forward to more on Walt next week, I hope.

I liked that Jin and Sun gave Ana some food. Hopefully she'll soon move in with the castaways instead of punishing herself.

Plus, it looks like Hurley has a thing for Libby..... :wink:

Also, I quite enjoyed Revelations. Unlike the other recaps, it really helped.

Oh yeah, and Charlie's gonna start using again.

Welp, I'd like to hear your thoughts. Did you think that this was one of the better Season 2 ones? And how about that monster?

Note: If you missed last night's episode, and do not have any recording devices, it will be on next Wednesday at 8, followed by the all new episode. :D
I just read that the Lost creators plan on having the show last 5-7 seasons...wow. I thought I had previously read they only planned it for 2-3 seasons...looks like the ABC execs either extended that to keep the viewers watching, or it was false info. Wow...so another 3-5 years before we get all the answers...and even then we probably will be left with a lot of questions. Assuming it isn't canceled before then, but that seems unlikely, at least at this point.
I read somewhere that fans were discouraged by some of the more recent episodes of Lost (Notably the episode following the Tailies... Which I even didn't like. It was poorly placed in the season. Are you seriously going to do that right after you kill a character? That killed Shannon's significance). The creators of the show responded that, beginning with this issue, they were going to take it back to formula and really focus on the characters again.

Boy were they right.

Eko has been fleshed out to one of the coolest characters on the show. The whole thing about Eko that really intrigues me is his struggle between temptation and salvation. That, to me, is a struggle that everyone goes through - a Nigerian warlord or not. Also, it was great to see the plane explained more thoroughly.

Michael, surprisingly, is becoming a heavy hitter. He's driving the rest of the season, it seems. Locke has taken notice to his stubbornness (Which I think is entirely in his character... Remember his flashback where he and his wife went to court over Walt's custody. He couldn't support him, however he still tried to win) and Jack seems to be getting suspicious, too. I think we'll see a lot more of this next episode... Which looks great, by the way.

Perhaps the most interesting thing, though, was the revelation of the monster. Eko and Charlie, as well as the audience, finally got to see it in all of it's glory. One thing, though - what is it? When the camera delved into the entity, I did see figures dancing about in the black cloud, but couldn't identify them. I'm sure Eko has an understanding of what he saw, as well as Locke (Who stared the monster down in the first season)... Perhaps we'll learn more about this odd turn of events through the two characters that know what it is. Since Charlie is probably going to be mouthy about it, the monster will probably become a larger part of the plot soon. It's certainly welcome to become a bigger part of the show, too.

Also, if last night was any indication, it seems the creators are trying to wrap up the loose ends from the last season so they can begin with new ones for this season. I really like that idea, too. There is a lot on our plates at the moment and certain things need to be explained soon... It's driving me insane how the show keeps moving in circles. Next week should be interesting; perhaps we'll get to see more of the Others... And Walt! ;)

So, how do I feel about the show? I love it... I thought it was in a slump for a while, but with Kate's flashback and this episode proved otherwise. I look forward to the rest of the season. I read that there will be a total of 24 hours of Lost this season, which is great. I'm not sure if that means 24 total episodes, or if some are longer than others, but at least we're getting a lot of Lost this time around.
Dammit, I can't wait for Season 2 to start here. I hope it does soon.

Hey DIB, and any others that download some of the episodes, which program do you use? I've tried Limewire, but I only want episode 1, and I don't want to use Bit Torrent.
Great episode last night. I officially love Eko just as much as everyone else.

And here's what I think about the monster: A year or two ago, I read the Michael Chricton book, "Prey" (which was one of the dullest books I've ever read, by the way...) and the main threat in that book is nanotechnology. The nanotechnology swarms together and when it does, its described as looking like a large black cloud that moves intelligently and stealthily. It can pick things up and pulverize things to dust. And I believe it made strange mechanical noises and occasionally displayed flashes of dancing light. Any of this sounding familiar? Yeah, I'm pretty confident that the "smoke" is really a cloud of nanoids or nanites or whatever you like to call them.
ProjectX2 said:
Hey DIB, and any others that download some of the episodes, which program do you use? I've tried Limewire, but I only want episode 1, and I don't want to use Bit Torrent.

I use Limewire and Bittorrent...be careful with the Limewire ones though, as usually the episodes are either mislabeled (I downloaded the Season 2 episode "The Other 48 Days"--which it was labeled as--and it ended up being Season 1's "The Moth"). And today I tried to DL last night's episodes, and ended up with an episode of Desperate Housewives...I hate mis-labelers. Bittorrent is more reliable overall, it just takes a bit longer. But you should be able to download single episodes through it, so if you can't find it on Limewire thats the only other thing I can suggest.
Bit torrents are slowly, probably more reliable, and are definitely a lot safer for your computer. It may take up a lot of your time, but it's worth the wait.

The monster may be a cloud of nanoids... In fact, it would go along with the scientific stuff going on on the island. I think that's the best theory I've heard yet... My friend was trying to say it was the evil in all of the cast members... He's reading too much into Lord of the Flies, you ask me. ;)
Goodwill said:
Bit torrents are slowly, probably more reliable, and are definitely a lot safer for your computer. It may take up a lot of your time, but it's worth the wait.

The monster may be a cloud of nanoids... In fact, it would go along with the scientific stuff going on on the island. I think that's the best theory I've heard yet... My friend was trying to say it was the evil in all of the cast members... He's reading too much into Lord of the Flies, you ask me. ;)

Personally, I'd kind of prefer it to be some manifestation of the dark sides of the crash survivors. I know its a bit mystical and mysterious, but I think that would fit Lost better than just a cloud of nanobots. Besides, unless the nanobots can read people's minds, how would they be able to mimic people from their pasts?
How do we know that was a person from Eko's past? That's just what the internet is saying... That should be reason enough not to believe it. ;) Perhaps it tells something about the island and the people that once inhabited it - or - it could be flashing pictures of its victims. There are a bunch of different things that person in the cloud could represent.
Finally saw the episode.

Great as always. Loved that we got Ecko "out of the way". That sounds bad but not what I mean.

I kept looking to see what the figure in the monster was that came up when he was looking. It looked like a black woman from the past... I mean pioneer days. I looked at it a few times but that's what I've come up with.

Not happy with Kate and Sawyer...

Why won't Michael tell them about the computer messaging. I mean the place didn't blow up.

Limited Michelle Rodriguez... that's good for me.

Goodwill said:
How do we know that was a person from Eko's past? That's just what the internet is saying... That should be reason enough not to believe it. ;) Perhaps it tells something about the island and the people that once inhabited it - or - it could be flashing pictures of its victims. There are a bunch of different things that person in the cloud could represent.

Could be. But I suspect its tied to the black horse Kate saw in the jungle. Its possible the horse was actually there, but its just as possible it wasn't really there. Of course, in the case of the cloud, both Eko and Charlie saw it, and it did some physical damage to the jungle (knocking over trees way back in the first episode and blowing up the ground in this one). A lot of the stuff we're seeing is sort of metaphysical and symbolic, you know? Thats what the show is really about, these people's (dark) pasts, their journey on the island, and hopefully their salvation through and from it. We'll learn more as the show goes along, but I really doubt its nanobots. I mean that does fit in with the whole secret experiment by Dharma thing going on, but at the same time definitly does not fit the tone of the show by any means.

And I'm a bit disheartened by the news of the show being planned for 5-7 years, as I think that means more questions and very little answers for them until awhile away yet. In other words, a "rut". We kind of got into that in the beginning of this season, but the past couple episodes have improved on that quite a bit. I'm looking forward to next week's.
I'm not reading the erst of this, cos I downlaoded Lost, and I've watched about the first 15 I think. The last one was when Ethan got shot, which was a pretty good episode. I'd say the one with Walt and Michael, err, Special? I think thats what its called, thats, my fav ep. Its pretty cool series.

(And by the way I have heard of the whole exchanging money for goods, thing, just never tried it yet. I'll let you know how it goes when I eventually get round to it)

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