I read somewhere that fans were discouraged by some of the more recent episodes of Lost (Notably the episode following the Tailies... Which I even didn't like. It was poorly placed in the season. Are you seriously going to do that right after you kill a character? That killed Shannon's significance). The creators of the show responded that, beginning with this issue, they were going to take it back to formula and really focus on the characters again.
Boy were they right.
Eko has been fleshed out to one of the coolest characters on the show. The whole thing about Eko that really intrigues me is his struggle between temptation and salvation. That, to me, is a struggle that everyone goes through - a Nigerian warlord or not. Also, it was great to see the plane explained more thoroughly.
Michael, surprisingly, is becoming a heavy hitter. He's driving the rest of the season, it seems. Locke has taken notice to his stubbornness (Which I think is entirely in his character... Remember his flashback where he and his wife went to court over Walt's custody. He couldn't support him, however he still tried to win) and Jack seems to be getting suspicious, too. I think we'll see a lot more of this next episode... Which looks great, by the way.
Perhaps the most interesting thing, though, was the revelation of the monster. Eko and Charlie, as well as the audience, finally got to see it in all of it's glory. One thing, though - what is it? When the camera delved into the entity, I did see figures dancing about in the black cloud, but couldn't identify them. I'm sure Eko has an understanding of what he saw, as well as Locke (Who stared the monster down in the first season)... Perhaps we'll learn more about this odd turn of events through the two characters that know what it is. Since Charlie is probably going to be mouthy about it, the monster will probably become a larger part of the plot soon. It's certainly welcome to become a bigger part of the show, too.
Also, if last night was any indication, it seems the creators are trying to wrap up the loose ends from the last season so they can begin with new ones for this season. I really like that idea, too. There is a lot on our plates at the moment and certain things need to be explained soon... It's driving me insane how the show keeps moving in circles. Next week should be interesting; perhaps we'll get to see more of the Others... And Walt!
So, how do I feel about the show? I love it... I thought it was in a slump for a while, but with Kate's flashback and this episode proved otherwise. I look forward to the rest of the season. I read that there will be a total of 24 hours of Lost this season, which is great. I'm not sure if that means 24 total episodes, or if some are longer than others, but at least we're getting a lot of Lost this time around.