Last night's episode was a jem. More Jack development, which I always enjoy, a handful of my favorite characters going into the jungle after Michael, and a confrontation with the Others... I guess there isn't going to be anymore hesitation when it comes to the Others. As Dane Cook, the old woman, and that little Mexican baby would say - "It's on".
Jack. I like how he's a complicated guy to figure out, however harmless he may seem on the exterior. Something drives him, although he does not believe in destiny, fate, or miracles. We find out that he always needs something to fix, whether he is responsible for breaking it apart or not. That's very relative to myself... I took it to heart, actually. I thought it was a very profound flashback.
The adventure was great. Jack, Sawyer, and Locke are three characters that aren't exactly friendly with each other, which made for great situations and conversations. I like the way Sawyer is so protective of Kate; I think this will eventually come to a head soon... Jack better check himself. Also, Locke continually pushes the envelope with, not only Jack, but Sawyer, calling him James, as he calls Hurley Hugo. I find this interesting. Needless to say, these characters are really becoming something on the show.
Speaking of characters, I really, really like where Jin is heading. He's got a good head about him. He was so quick to respond to Michael going to look for Walt, but remained loyal to his wife. Great.
The Others... What is there to say about the Others? Well, for one thing Aeroth revealed that "Zeke" (As Sawyerr affectionately called him) quoted one of the heads of the Hanso Foundation, the company that funded Dharma. The plot thickens...
Finally, "Zeke" beckons to Alex to bring Kate to him. Do you guys remember who Alex is? Frenchie's daughter, thank you!

Am I good?