Lost *spoilers*

Wow... That's really something. I did spot the Crucifix and the rest of the images reveals that the monster played back the flasback to Eko.
HOLY ****! I've just saw the first 2 pilot episodes. And I've been missing a ****ing amazing show. Im hooked (buying season1 tomorrow)

Im awestruck.
slimjim said:
HOLY ****! I've just saw the first 2 pilot episodes. And I've been missing a ****ing amazing show. Im hooked (buying season1 tomorrow)

Im awestruck.

See TGO? SEE?! GMaster and Slimjim hadn't seen it, and now they're hooked! HOOKED!
Goodwill said:
Where'd you hear that the show was going on for five to seven seasons?

Several message board posts...apparently it was just recently said by one of the creators/producers (not sure which one) in an interview (to promote the new episodes beginning to air again last week). The posts I read were quoted from an interview, but I'm not sure from what site specifically. He was asked how long viewers would have to wait to unravel the mysteries presented in the show, and he said they planned to carry the show on for 5-7 seasons, and that some of the questions would go unanswered until the end (obviously). Its just a surprise to me it was planned for that long. I thought I had earlier read they planned to do 3, maybe 4 seasons. Now that number seems to have doubled (no doubt in large part to the huge ratings the show brings in).
Yeah, the only reason why I asked was because I thought I heard Lost was only going to be 3 seasons. They've probably elongated the run time of the show largely because of the ratings, but probably because they write as they go along and don't have answers to all of the mysteries they've introduced. Now that it is going so long, though, I expect them to get back to the characters, like they have with Kate and Eko in the last two episodes.
I've just finished the episode about Claire. This show just keeps getting better. :D
It rocked :twisted:

Does the polar bears get explained anytime soon.

I just finished the second one about Sawyer and the boar. I looked through the disc five episode guide and one's named "dues ex machina". Intresting! 8)
Jack Vs. Ethan was nice, but I have to say that when Jack punched Locke I was pissing myself I was so entertained... That was great!

I've finished watching Exodus Part 1 and, let me tell you, there are a few things that I picked up from that show that are probably going to weigh on the rest of the second season.

1.) The French woman has been on the island for 16 years and her infant daughter was taken during the first month they were there. Rumors have been circulating that there has been a teenage actress added to the cast for the rest of season 2... Do you think this new actress will be portraying the French woman's daughter? Could be.

2.) The French woman referred to the monster as a security system because "it has something to protect". It's something to think about while we try to figure out the identity of the black cloud. Perhaps the monster is tied to the Others in some way and is only trying to protect them. It's entirely possible.

3.) There were countless references when the castaways saw the raft off about the afterlife and suffering. Jin mentions to Sun that he has been put on this island to suffer for the way he has treated her and, while Michael and Jack part, they bid each other ado and say I'll see you soon, perhaps foreshadowing each of their dangerous tasks.
I saw Season two now, the first 4 episodes. Man, when Jin comes runing out of the forest screaming his little funny Korean words, had me crapping myself. But I knew Mercutio would save the day. And he almost did.
Didn't the French woman have a son? I don't recall her talking about a daughter...

Last night's episode was a jem. More Jack development, which I always enjoy, a handful of my favorite characters going into the jungle after Michael, and a confrontation with the Others... I guess there isn't going to be anymore hesitation when it comes to the Others. As Dane Cook, the old woman, and that little Mexican baby would say - "It's on". ;)

Jack. I like how he's a complicated guy to figure out, however harmless he may seem on the exterior. Something drives him, although he does not believe in destiny, fate, or miracles. We find out that he always needs something to fix, whether he is responsible for breaking it apart or not. That's very relative to myself... I took it to heart, actually. I thought it was a very profound flashback.

The adventure was great. Jack, Sawyer, and Locke are three characters that aren't exactly friendly with each other, which made for great situations and conversations. I like the way Sawyer is so protective of Kate; I think this will eventually come to a head soon... Jack better check himself. Also, Locke continually pushes the envelope with, not only Jack, but Sawyer, calling him James, as he calls Hurley Hugo. I find this interesting. Needless to say, these characters are really becoming something on the show.

Speaking of characters, I really, really like where Jin is heading. He's got a good head about him. He was so quick to respond to Michael going to look for Walt, but remained loyal to his wife. Great. :)

The Others... What is there to say about the Others? Well, for one thing Aeroth revealed that "Zeke" (As Sawyerr affectionately called him) quoted one of the heads of the Hanso Foundation, the company that funded Dharma. The plot thickens...

Finally, "Zeke" beckons to Alex to bring Kate to him. Do you guys remember who Alex is? Frenchie's daughter, thank you! ;) Am I good?
So I'm sitting watching this and I'm not entertained. There they go into the jungle again and will probably come back with nothing. And look a flashback of Jack's which, I don't know why, I thought would reveal nothing to us.

Instead we get a very intriguing encounter with "The Others" and finally the status between Jack and his wife. I loved the tension caused by Kate too.

I loved this episode.

Kate is an idiot. I wish Jack and Sawyer would just buddy up and give her the shaft. Both of them. I'm not saying they need to pull a Brokeback Mountain, but they need to realize that Kate is just annoying and she needs to be locked away in the Hatch for the remaining four seasons.
Lost Season 2 starts soon for New Zealanders!
Wikipedia picked up on something odd... All of the characters have dysfunctional parents (Jack, Kate). If we don't know if they do or not, they're likely parents themselves (Claire, Michael). It's something that may explain why they're on the island. I actually added the part on Wiki where it said that Claire and Michael are parents themselves...

The only one that seems to be discluded from this is, oddly enough, Hurley.

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