Lost *spoilers*

I just watched the first episode....

This so rocks on so many levels. I don't know what I been missing...I have to catch up soon.

*Goes to watch episode 2*.
I'm just glad we're getting more new Lost episodes. Last week's episodes I liked, especially the run-in with the Others and the small revelations we got from their conversation, even though it just raised more questions and felt anti-climactic...but this isn't the climax of the show so I guess we'll be left hanging further, which is ok. Anyway, I liked the episode, wasn't too big on the Jack flashbacks, as they got a bit melodramatic in terms of his separation from his wife, but did answer that lingering question and solidified Jack's character more, especially in relation to his possible romantic links with Kate and Ana-Lucia (in other words he's going to nail one of them eventually, I just can't decide which...). I did like the way it ended the most, with Jack asking Ana about building and training an army. I think he finally came to the realization of what they're up against and what it'll take to win out and survive. Good stuff.
I actually didn't like the fact that Jack wants to raise an army. This show may be about survival, but also hope of getting off the island, right? We haven't had any of that since that raft... Perhaps Jack should just focus on leaving.

Nex episode should be interesting, it'll get Charlie more involved, which I liked last season. We'll see what happens with Libby... I still think she's an Other.
Goodwill said:
I actually didn't like the fact that Jack wants to raise an army. This show may be about survival, but also hope of getting off the island, right? We haven't had any of that since that raft... Perhaps Jack should just focus on leaving.

I think after the failed attempt with Michael's raft he realizes the only way they're leaving is on an actual boat capable of traversing relatively long distances. Its been 50 days or so on the island, I think he and everyone else realizes if a rescue was coming it'd have happened by now. So since leaving the island on their own isn't an option right now, securing it for themselves is. But first they need to take on the Others, and possibly take them out. And to do so, apparently Jack believes they'll need a small army. Makes sense to me. Can't forget the details, Goody.
So, does anyone recommend the Lost novel/s?
I downloaded half of season 2; and just finished the one where Michelle Rodriguez (the definition of butch) shoots shannon. I :heart: this show
slimjim said:
I downloaded half of season 2; and just finished the one where Michelle Rodriguez (the definition of butch) shoots shannon. I :heart: this show

Bit Torrent or Limewire?
ProjectX2 said:
Bit Torrent or Limewire?
Gathered up the $25 and went on itunes ya cheap bastards :p

Actually it wasn't my money.............:twisted:
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I'm Limewiring the second season after having finished the first.

I <3 this show x10000

Has anyone ever pointed out that Jack was also the name one of the main characters, and leaders, of "The Lord of the Flies"... you know, a story about a boat full of young british schoolboys crashed on an island where they have to survive...

Except Jack was the one who wanted to go militant, and pretty much didn't care about getting rescued.

Lost's Jack fills the role of Ralph in the story...
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I liked last night's episode

The island is finally getting to Charlie, as he begins to sleepwalk, and experience halicinations.

I like how the piano, theoritically, saved his family at the end. It at least saved his brother.

These types of stories are what drives me to watch Lost, the characters, not the overall big story itself. The week's before, with the hunter's, I felt was stupid. The backstory didn't tie into the main story at all, this one though, this one was good, the backstory tied into the actual story on the island.
I thought last night's episode was extremely poor. Not only am I beginning to resent Charlie, but Locke, too. This does not bode well, seeing as how these guys were two of my favorite characters in the first season. I do think this episode was only a means to set up things to come, but as an episode standing on its own it was terrible.

I thought the flashback was irrelevant, Charlie and Locke were acting out of character... The only saving grace was Eko, who I think is the best thing the second season has offered so far.
Everyone has said they really enjoyed the episode... I don't get it. The flashbacks were irrelevant and really had no direction and Charlie lost himself in the island - again. I mean, there was no focus.
Goodwill said:
Everyone has said they really enjoyed the episode... I don't get it. The flashbacks were irrelevant and really had no direction and Charlie lost himself in the island - again. I mean, there was no focus.

I just didn't like it because of the way Locke acted. Oh, and I also believe that Charlie hadn't been using (6 statues 2 episodes ago vs. 6 statues last Wednesday), but he will find a way into the storage room eventually (maybe during the Claire flashback).

Anyways, just as a heads up, Wednesday will be a repeat (Numbers), but the following week will be all new, with
flashbacks. :D
Like I (might have) said - the episode only set things up amongst the characters... I thought it was a good way to show that Charlie was being excluded from the larger group and his self-destruction. I hope that will play into the rest of the season...

Does anyone remember how Locke said "trust is a difficult thing to earn back" but he was the one who lied about Boone's demise/ the hatch? Who gave him that right? Seriously, whoever wrote the episode needs to go.
I just saw my first episode of Season 2, episode 10.

It was good. Still don't know WTF is going on with the monster.
I'm a little miffed that there is a repeat this week, but I'm seriously looking forward to more Sawyer. He's one of those characters that you can't stand but enjoy being involved with...
I like how Hurley is more of a main character in Season 2, due to the numbers. It's great fun. :D

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