Lost *spoilers*

It was a very big deal the first episode, too. The sound of the "monster" actually warned the castaways that there was something peculiar with the island and, for as long as possible, really kept characters from going too far into the jungle.
Goodwill said:
It was a very big deal the first episode, too. The sound of the "monster" actually warned the castaways that there was something peculiar with the island and, for as long as possible, really kept characters from going too far into the jungle.

Yup, and really hasn't been touched on since, as far as I can remember.
If I get some vouchers for Christmas, I shall use them to purchase this box set.
ProjectX2 said:
If I get some vouchers for Christmas, I shall use them to purchase this box set.

I told my mom I was going to get it for her for Christmas, as she's been catching up on some of the Season 2 episodes she missed (they played 2 in a row tonight over here) and is now addicted to the show, without even having seen any of Season 1.
She'll probably die of a Lost overdoes, Irish. Sure you want to get your mom the DVD set? There's a lot of great extra features on the show, includng the actual episodes, so... Yeah, she might die.
Goodwill said:
She'll probably die of a Lost overdoes, Irish. Sure you want to get your mom the DVD set? There's a lot of great extra features on the show, includng the actual episodes, so... Yeah, she might die.

Well she does have quite a hefty life-insurance policy, which would go to my dad...but he's probably only got a few years left at best also, so then it goes to me. :evil:
Promise to share?

Also, I hear that Mr. Eko is somehow tied to the island already... Weird, huh? While it's only speculation, I would guess he's somehow related to the plane that crashed with all the drugs in it. I do remember hearing something like that a while ago.
Goodwill said:
Promise to share?

Also, I hear that Mr. Eko is somehow tied to the island already... Weird, huh? While it's only speculation, I would guess he's somehow related to the plane that crashed with all the drugs in it. I do remember hearing something like that a while ago.

That very well could be. Interesting.
I think that would be a really cool twist and a great way to tie a loose end up. Even though I'm already spoiled, I would still really like to see that happen.
Entertainment Weekly named LOST as their #3 favorite show of the year (after Arrested Development and BBC America's Bodies), along with naming the entire cast their #1 (of a total of 15) favorite Entertainer(s) of 2005.
The list is not credible. Who'd they have for #2? The 40-year-old Virgin? Nope. :) As much as I think Lost deserves this kind of recognition, the critics are whacked on this.
Okay, I'm trying hard not to read the spoilers in this thread - I just started watching the DVDs of the first season, and so far my impressions are "cautiously positive but mixed." I got up to episode 1.8, after the cave-in on St. Jack and the torturing of Sawyer for the non-existant asthma medicine. Here are my general impression:

The good:
1. I like ensemble casts and complicated running story lines. (You know, soap operas that aren't actually CALLED soap operas.)
2. It's Hawaii - pretty, pretty, pretty.
3. It's big dumb fun.
4. I love that they are still confused about the polar bear. Because it's confusion-worthy. Especially the part where it made distinctly mechanical noises whilst stalking them.

The whines (because it's WAY more fun to whine):
1. I know this is TV, willing suspension of disbelief, yada yada (hell, I read comic books) but would it have killed them to fact check a few things and run them by a human being anchored in reality?
2. The flashbacks are getting annoying. It's cheating to just show the character's backstory rather than actually, ya know, working for it in present plot and dialog. We've been working our way down the major cast list - Kate (whoa, that story made NO sense), Jack, Locke, Sawyer, the hobbit, the Koreans. Soon there will be no first-bill stars left and what ever shall we do? We still have Sayid, Hurley (oh, god, please, NOOOOO), the Angry Black Guy and his son, the Bobsey Twins (actually, I'd rather hear Hurley's story than theirs) and the Actress Who Will Sue Her Agent For Getting Her the Part on the Big TV Show Where She Has to Wear a Huge Fake Belly and Play Pregnant - it's okay, it keeps her from having make-out scenes with the Hobbit.
3. If there are 46 people still living on the island (and that's the number by the end of 1.8, don't give me hints about the rest), how come I only ever see about 10 or 12? What are we saving the rest for? Food for when we run out and turn cannibal, so we're not giving them names so we don't get too attached? I vote we start with Bobsey Twin Shannon before the asthma and the eucalyptus (on a TROPICAL island? Uh-huh) make her taste bad. And then her brother next because he's just as annoying.
4. The monsters seem to appear and disappear at seriously fortuitous times.
5. Haven't ANY of these people ever watched horror movies? "I think I'll wander off alone into the deep jungle for a casual stroll, even though several people have been eaten by unknown monsters lately...."
6. Soon they will be calling for Jack to be sainted as he is so incredibly perfect. Can't we give him a couple sins? Genital warts, maybe, which he passes around freely.
7. Why haven't they gone off to look for the tail section? Statistically, that's the most likely pace for survivors in a crash. Was that supposed to be the tail section in the water cave? Speaking of the water cave, making your camp right at the only known source of fresh water on the island when you know there are big scary animals out there is not particularly bright. Nor is bathing and washing clothes in your only water supply.
You need to check out the X-Men fic I'm writing, man... You're gonna go ape! It's an ensemble cast AND there are random polar bear appearances throughout the first couple of arcs. Big dumb fun, right? ;)

Yeah, I seriously think that the Dharma Initiative included testing on sharks and polar bears. It makes the most sense, too. Dharma was testing to see how a polar bear would react after moving from one climate to another... Like they are doing with survivors of a plane crash. Weird, huh?
Goodwill said:
The list is not credible. Who'd they have for #2? The 40-year-old Virgin? Nope. :) As much as I think Lost deserves this kind of recognition, the critics are whacked on this.

Hey, it's more credible than any list in Premiere. :)
I don't know if any of you watched any of the reruns last night (I kept switching between that and South Park), but they showed a commercial that said when LOST returns on January 11th, there will be another one of those recap shows at 8pm.

Also, there's this really fun LOST toon that uses Weird Al's Bohemian Polka (which is just Bohemian Raphsody on crack) up on Albino Black Sheep, but the easiest way to get to it is just to click on the link that's on www.weirdal.com. (You just scroll down an inch and it's there.)
I bought the boxset today. Pretty flash looking. I've watched the first four episodes already. I'm trying to catch comic references. So far, Shannon has called Boone: "Captain America."

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