Volunteer Fire Detective
Well-Known Member
I like Juliet/Sawyer, even more so for the fact that they gave them three years to evolve their relationship to this point. What I really don't like is this ridiculous love quadrangle we have going on now. And you know why? Because Kate is at the center of it, and she's really, really just not worth it. If I were on that island, I'd stay the hell away from Kate, because frankly she is incapable of forming a real relationship and just ends up hurting everyone around her. Why the guys on the show haven't figured that out yet I don't know, but hopefully they do soon before it gets too soap-opera-y. Because that's all the quadrangle is -- useless soap opera that we really don't need right now as the series nears its conclusion. Have Kate pick a damn guy and then move on (or better yet, have Sawyere take the high (and logical) road and resist any more advances by her; he's had three years to form a real relationship with Juliet, certainly that trumps the occasional fling with and sidelong glance at on-again-off-again Kate. I'm not kidding, if Sawyer did that, I would respect this show even more than I already do).
Mini-rant aside, I thought it was one of the best shows this season. I love the creative use of flash-forward, flash-back this season, and have a feeling that the new method is going to be Jack/Locke in their respective different times. I don't know how long they can keep it up, though; eventually, everyone's going to be together in the same time, so what are they going to flash-back to? Here's hoping that in season six they ditch the formula altogether and tell a straight story to the end.
Also, I have to say it's nice to see Reiko Aylesworth in something good post-24. She was great.
Oh, I have to mention - I loved the "eyeliner" remark when Sawyer was talking about Alpert :lol: I know the issue was brought up at a Lost panel, so this must be a little allusion to the fan's misapprehension of what are apparently just really dark eyelashes. I wonder if they'll work it into the mythology?
Mini-rant aside, I thought it was one of the best shows this season. I love the creative use of flash-forward, flash-back this season, and have a feeling that the new method is going to be Jack/Locke in their respective different times. I don't know how long they can keep it up, though; eventually, everyone's going to be together in the same time, so what are they going to flash-back to? Here's hoping that in season six they ditch the formula altogether and tell a straight story to the end.
Also, I have to say it's nice to see Reiko Aylesworth in something good post-24. She was great.
Oh, I have to mention - I loved the "eyeliner" remark when Sawyer was talking about Alpert :lol: I know the issue was brought up at a Lost panel, so this must be a little allusion to the fan's misapprehension of what are apparently just really dark eyelashes. I wonder if they'll work it into the mythology?
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