A very interesting episode, but one that I thought may've been too bizarre.
I don't know, but the flashes last night were beginning to confuse me, maybe because I was beginning to think there was more to them. For instance, when Jin told Danielle not to go down there because of the baby... That altered history, yet we know from Faraday that that isn't possible... Then, since it happened and it was possible, the island shifted Jin right back to his group. It self corrected itself. That's what I got, anyway. I don't know if I'm thinking too much or what.
Also, I really like having Jin back. It added drama to the O6 coming back. I didn't think there'd be a connection between the O6 and the left-behinders if it weren't for him... But although the cast is seperated, I like how they still impact each others fates.
I thought the stuff with Danielle was good, but there was too much missing still, I thought. Hopefully, there'll be more of her before Locke goes and corrects the shifting.
And, finally. Charlotte. Forgive me for not caring that she's dead. She didn't really impact the show enough for me to think about it. There were too many characters on the show last season, what's one less this season? I don't care... Hopefully, it only makes Faraday more interesting, because right now he's the break out character for this episode. And his mother is Hawking... You guys called it.