thee great one
Master of TOG-fu.
**** yeah.
It looks really, really interesting. I realize this show can't be what it was in the first season where it only dwells on the characters, but damn - the progression and the new places they've put these characters in have me intrigued. Hurley with a gun, Ben and Jack spending quality time together on mutual terms, etc. All looks real good. I can't wait. Only thing this trailer is missing is the start date for the fifth season.
Last week of January/First week of February not good enough for ya?![]()
Is that fine for you?
Hmm. Interesting, to say the least.In guest star news,Mrs. Hawking, Desmond's time travel companion that warned him of the ramifications of trying to alter time, will be back this season. She'll have an important tie to a major character. My guess? Locke's sister.
So weird/cool how his character has taken off since then. He was obviously only supposed to be a minor character and now look at him. We couldn't do without him!
Actually they always intended Henry to be a major character, but were willing to write him off as a minor in case they didn't feel the actor was good enough
I recalled an interview that alluded to my point, but who caresYou are actually incorrect there, but I'm too lazy to find the link to prove otherwise. Henry/Emerson was basically the one aspect of the show that Damon and Carlton have openly admitted was not in their original, overarching plan for the series. However, after seeing how amazing his acting was, and that he brought Season 2 out of the muckety-muck (in most viewers' opinions, not mine), they made the changes that needed to be done in order to keep him on the show for as long as they wanted.
I recalled an interview that alluded to my point, but who cares
[/SPOILER]Episode 5.06 - The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham
I was surprised to see it so late
No, no, no. I think it's at the perfect part of the season. Realize we can't spend a lot of time wonderingwhy or how Locke ended up dead, just that he is. And that Ben wants Jack to take his corpse back to the island. I'm just saying I think there's bigger questions to ask other than why was Locke in the coffin.
Why are we spoilertexting things that happened in the last season finale?