Lost *spoilers*

I'm sure the motivations for Claire leaving Aaron with the other survivors (or leaving him for them to find anyway) will be explained somehow next season. Lost is really good at fleshing out motivations for the characters and usually turning on its head whatever preconceived notions you had about them and their situations. I'm not sure it'll make sense by the end of Season 5, but certainly by the end of the show in Season 6.
Oh I'm sure, but its still just so out of left field and contradicts the perdiction.

I think of it as Desmond lied to get the people rescued... He's Hume-an.

I'm thinking either that or Christian's interaction changed the future.

Still the problem feels like they had aaron with Kate and forgot to think of a reason why claire isn't there and threw something together without thinking it initially through
I guess, when it comes down to it, that it was only a vision. We already know from Desmond saving Charlie countless times that they can be altered to the point of them being avoidable entirely. I know a lot of people were upset about this and I really do encourage anyone who's going to Comic Con to ask Cuse and Lindelof what happened with that. I am not trying to sound rude or whatever, but I hope that fans are rightly critical about how Season 4 ended up. Where were answers? Where was anything worth speculating on? The show has become so far out that it will be difficult to make perfect sense of it. I mean, a lot of the stuff with time travel and what not is most likely going over a lot of the casual viewers' heads.
Sounds interesting... I'm not totally sure that I like what's going on with Jack's dad, but it could possibly turn out to be interesting if it plays out anything like that guy was saying.
Comic Con is in a week or so... Can't wait to see what goes down there at the Lost panel. I hope plenty of questions are asked.
Comic Con is in a week or so... Can't wait to see what goes down there at the Lost panel. I hope plenty of questions are asked.

Agreed. Wonder if we'll get any more webisode type extra material this season. Those shortened seasons need some extra padding for the DVD sets, if you know what I mean.

:roll: And then never get straight answered

Where's the fun in a straight answer?
Straight answers would be nice now, especially when I don't think season four answered anything, really. That and the fact we have to wait so long for them to put out a season.
Straight answers would be nice now, especially when I don't think season four answered anything, really. That and the fact we have to wait so long for them to put out a season.

Well Season four was a setup for the end game, where the story really digs into the mysteries. Before it was just castaways on a weird, now the show is taking a whole new direction and needs the proper setup. Season 4 was the stand by, season five will be the "now batting" and season 6 will be the grand slam home run
I guess I can see your point.

Where the characters just wanted off the island, now they want to know what they have to do with the island. Is that what you mean? If I look at it like that, I guess it makes sense... But the shift I think was sort of jived by the Writer's Strike. The rushed feeling I got at the end of the season didn't make any of what happened sit all that well.
Do you have a link? I'd like to read the rest...or watch the rest...or wherever it is.

Excerpts from Michael Ausiello's ABC Press Tour Diary/Blog/Thingy (source: EW.com) :

2:08 pm: Damon Lindelof has bad news for the crowd: There will be no Lost spoilers handed out today.

2:26 pm: No spoilers my arse! Cuse hints that "the journey about how those six return to the island" will be a major thrust of Season 5. Adds Lindelof: "You have to break your characters up to create conflict... but you can't play that too long because the audience will get frustrated.... And we have that intensely in mind as we proceed."

2:37 pm: Cuse teases we'll see more of
Daniel Dae Kim "in some form" this season despite Jin's apparent death.

Thankfully, by next Saturday, we'll have a full hour's-worth of Comic-Con's LOST teasers/spoilers... approved by the producers, of course. (You guys all know how much I hate those other kinds of spoilers.)
They're still spoilers either way. I don't get why one's somehow less ruining of the thing it tells you that the characters don't know yet than another.

Not that it means anything anyway. A couple years ago people were bonkers from being told that the foot statue would play an integral part in Season 3. Sayid hasn't even told anybody about it since then.
They're still spoilers either way. I don't get why one's somehow less ruining of the thing it tells you that the characters don't know yet than another.

Not that it means anything anyway. A couple years ago people were bonkers from being told that the foot statue would play an integral part in Season 3. Sayid hasn't even told anybody about it since then.

Completely agree. DJF, you're logic is illogical. ;)
Completely agree. DJF, you're logic is illogical. ;)

I dis agree, they're on two levels, its one thing to announce that an actor is returning, "in some form" but another to say something like "It was Locke in the coffin". The former gets you thinking "I can't wait to see how or why" as a teaser should, but the latter just flats out ruin it.
I dis agree, they're on two levels, its one thing to announce that an actor is returning, "in some form" but another to say something like "It was Locke in the coffin". The former gets you thinking "I can't wait to see how or why" as a teaser should, but the latter just flats out ruin it.

They're still both spoiling an aspect of the show to some degree. If you don't like spoilers than you don't like spoilers of any degree. If you like spoilers coming from Lindelof and Cuse, you just like official spoilers.

As far as I'm concerned, there's really no difference that should matter.