Lost *spoilers*

EDIT: Season 5 is about why they have to go back. I presume it will focus mainly on the island and what the people are doing there. Season 6 is about how they get back.

I'm pretty sure I've heard that Season 5 is how they get back and Season 6 is what happens when they get back.

Entirely. Michael's subplot has dragged my opinion of this season way, way down.
So much...wasted. And in the end, utterly worthless. If Jacob didn't want the O6 off the island, why did he order Ben to give Michael a dummy bomb in the first place?

Super plot hole there.

The Michael thing just pissed me off. There was no reason to bring him back JUST for that. It was stupid.

I thought the rest of the finale, though, and indeed the season, were quite awesome. Much better than Season 3, which I hated save the last few episodes.
I just read an interview with the actor who plays Michael and he says he's disappointed he was brought back just to be beaten up a couple of times and then die. I agree with him. If they were going to bring him back, they could have made him a lot more relevant.
All I want to say about the end of season 4 is this.

What happened to the Hurley Bird? In the final for 1 and 2, but dropped for 3 and 4?

I want more Hurley Bird.
I reckon Season 4 should have started like this:

We open on that small village on that random island. People are beginning to work. A fisherman prepares his boat. His child, waiting patiently, looks out into the ocean. He spots something. He points and yells.

The fisherman turns around. He attracts attention and then runs to the ocean. A bunch of guys run to help him pull a raft in. There are six people on board.

Jack, Kate, Sayid, Hurley, Sun, Aaron. These are the Oceanic Six.

And then we flash back to the island.
Meh, the season finale was alright. Nothing special.

I did love that Desmond and Penny found each other. It was nice. I have grown to really like Ben as a character, at least more than before. The part where Locke goes, "You just killed everyone on that boat!" and Ben goes ".....so?" was priceless and awesome.
Who is Jeremy Bentham?!

That's what I want to know. Everyone seems to know who he is, except us.

I'm guessing it's a pseudonym.

Jeremy Bentham is Locke. Its the psuedonym Locke uses when he returns to the real world, trying to convince the Oceanic 6 to return to the island because "very bad things" happened after they left. This will all be covered in Season 5. Locke won't appear on island in Season 5, I don't think. Thinking he might only appear in the flash forwards in the real world, trying to convice the Oceanic 6 to return.


What the hell did Michael's sacrifice mean? It didn't save ANYONE. The entire season would've been just as meaningful if he hadn't SHOWN UP AT ALL.
What a waste of time.

Jin? Yeah, if Jin's dead, I'll be pissed. But I'm betting next season begins with the rafters (Daniel/Redshirts) picking up Jin's unconscious body.

I don't know how I feel about Locke being in the coffin- I'm rather apathetic towards it. There's no way he'll stay dead.
'Very bad things' happen? We had 'very bad things' this season, and I can't imagine much worse. What, dinosaurs?

This was my least favorite season finale, and dragged the season down as a whole.
Not even Penny and Desmond could save it.

Pretty much sums up my feelings on it.

Also, Ben is now the best and most interesting character on this show.

I hope Ben gets his own show. They can call it "The Ben Show" and just be about how much of a ****ing manipulative, pscho-genius badass he is.

Ben could kick even Dr. Doom's ***, methinks.
Ben would show up in your bedroom in the middle of the night while you're asleep if you didn't. And unlike what he did with Widmore, he'd kill your neck & head-scarred ***.

I'd deserve it for passing on the most badass crossover anywhere.
Hey, guys. Lostpedia scored an interview with Michael Emerson. I managed to submit a question (well, two), asking him 1.) what he thought of the new direction now that season 4 was over and 2.) in a perfect world, what would be the best ending for his character?
The extended version of the first part of the finale had Jack revealing that the other three survivors of the crash that died on the island were Boone, Libby and Charlie.

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Still nothing about Libby's last name.

Yeah. Though I am hoping now that they've mentioned the certain three, they'll be brought back somehow. Perhaps the families will show up? Libby is probably connected to Widmore somehow.
Well, they should already know her last name from the manifest... So if they are at all surprised that her last name is Widmore or something like that then I'll be pissed. :p

She's most likely a Widmore spy though. No need to draw that out at all next season.
So I just finished watching the first two season online. It's weird because I knew the basic overall story but there was a bunch of stuff I never saw before. I had no idea Shannon ans Sayid were getting it on. That was really weird.

And I really like the finale though I felt too much was going on. Maybe if the season wasn't cut short 3 episodes it would have worked better. We would have gotten proper send off for Michael and the french chick. And I agree with Planet-man that the flash forwards did spoil a lot of things, but I guarantee if they didn't do flash forwards you'd be *****ing about pointless and stupid flash backs. Its a far trade off. My only problem was the way the flash backs were shown, they were shown in reverse order as if counting down to their rescue. This was good for two reasons, 1 you have the cleverness of going back to the converging point and 2 it allows for more controlled surprised. Who the Oceanic Six are, Aaron, Sayid working for Ben, etc. Instead of revealing it at once. But the problem is they revealed stuff that lessoned emotional impact. Most specifically Sayid finally finding Nadia. We learns she dies before we learned he found her which really screws things up.

I would of had each Oceanic 6 story start from the press conference. Only showing a little bit of one character to keep the surprise from being ruined, also revealing little tidbits about their escape.

I'm really looking forward to the next season and finding out hows things went bad on the island and setting up for the end game. Also I have an idea for a flash back episode that I really want to see in season 6, flashbacks from the monster's point of view.

Well there's my random jumble of comments for the day

I'm really looking forward to the next season and finding out hows things went bad on the island and setting up for the end game. Also I have an idea for a flash back episode that I really want to see in season 6, flashbacks from the monster's point of view.

Well there's my random jumble of comments for the day

Better: Christian Shepard flashbacks.
Come on- you KNOW you want some.
Better: Christian Shepard flashbacks.
Come on- you KNOW you want some.

Ah, the reminds me of the only thing from season four that boils my blood is what happens with Claire. It's so weird and stupid. I'm they completely contradict Desmond's vision when they didn't have to. They could have just had Claire go to the freighter with the rest of the six have some situation where she let someone else hold Aaron, like she had to save someone on the deck and couldn't get back in time for the copter but got on a raft with Daniel.
Ah, the reminds me of the only thing from season four that boils my blood is what happens with Claire. It's so weird and stupid. I'm they completely contradict Desmond's vision when they didn't have to. They could have just had Claire go to the freighter with the rest of the six have some situation where she let someone else hold Aaron, like she had to save someone on the deck and couldn't get back in time for the copter but got on a raft with Daniel.

I'm sure the motivations for Claire leaving Aaron with the other survivors (or leaving him for them to find anyway) will be explained somehow next season. Lost is really good at fleshing out motivations for the characters and usually turning on its head whatever preconceived notions you had about them and their situations. I'm not sure it'll make sense by the end of Season 5, but certainly by the end of the show in Season 6.