Lost *spoilers*

alright... my mom just had a baby and it was screaming its head off during Kate's little monologue in the beginning... what did she say?
alright... my mom just had a baby and it was screaming its head off during Kate's little monologue in the beginning... what did she say?

Basically, that Jack was crazy and so was this Jeremy Bentham guy. And she told Jack to leave her and Aaron alone.

What the hell did Michael's sacrifice mean? It didn't save ANYONE. The entire season would've been just as meaningful if he hadn't SHOWN UP AT ALL.
What a waste of time.

Jin? Yeah, if Jin's dead, I'll be pissed. But I'm betting next season begins with the rafters (Daniel/Redshirts) picking up Jin's unconscious body.

I don't know how I feel about Locke being in the coffin- I'm rather apathetic towards it. There's no way he'll stay dead.
'Very bad things' happen? We had 'very bad things' this season, and I can't imagine much worse. What, dinosaurs?

This was my least favorite season finale, and dragged the season down as a whole.
Not even Penny and Desmond could save it.
I loved every minute of it.

So much I don't even know where to start.

I teared up at Desmond and Penny. It was so great.

I knew Desmond gets off the island. I knew it.

This is so awesome.

But more questions, what is up with Claire, what happened to Locke, why does Sun want to work with Whitmore, what happens to Dan's crew?

I am still in shock and awe. I can't wait to get Season 4 on Blu-Ray.

What is even more awesome is that everyone on the island thinks they are dead.

Poor Jin and Michael. Seriously. And Clarie never got on that copper yet. Stupid Desmond and Charlie.

My theory is for season 5, is that it will never show the Oceanic Six (or maybe barely). I think it will be what happens on the island in the 3 years they are gone. And season 6 will be them getting back.

There was a rumor that Matthew Fox was not in season 5.
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Matthew Shepard is the gay kid who was beat to death in Laramie Wyoming about 10 years back, so I hope he's not in season five.

I think S5 will be the lost time on the island, with flashforwards to the characters off island getting back. The finale will be their return to the island.

They need all of S6 to deal with answering what the deal with the island is, which I think they can only do when they return.

All in all, good episode, not the best season finale, but hey, Lost is great at season finales.
The rumor was that someone from the first season that had been in the seasons following that as a main character wouldn't show up in the fifth season, but would return in the sixth. That person is Emilie de Ravin. Claire.

And, as for my opinion of the finale. Despite the spoilers being for the most part accurate, I don't think it spoiled much. Whoever wrote the finale spoilers kind of wrote it negatively... I think the execution of all the parts he had a problem with were done in typical Lost style. There's mythology that'll probably be explored next season, what with the frozen wheel, the four-toed statue etc. That's the stuff that he had a problem with... But I didn't find it difficult to swallow at all. I thought it was all very cool.

The only thing I'm skeptical about is Locke being in the coffin. He can't stay dead, as someone else pointed out that's not permanent. That's the biggest problem I have with the cliffhanger. Ugghh. What a lousy idea... And he dies right after he takes up responsibility of the Others? That was a very cool part of the episode - ruined because of something that was written purely for hype for season 5. I'll be there in February for it and all, but I'm scared to see what Locke being dead means.

Three years have passed since they left and now. It'll be cool to see where the show focuses on from here on. Is it going to follow the O6 AND those people on the island, or is it going to follow one or the other? Only time will tell, I guess.

All in all, a cool finale, but by no means better than the last. I don't think they'll be able to top that twist of it being a flashforward all along.

Also, Jin better be alive.
Keep in mind, due to the timeline of the show, Locke being dead still means we get him for all of next season, since he's the one running around when the bad things start happening... So if he is somehow permanent dead, I think we'll get the proper send-off over the next season.
Definitely the worst finale, but also borderline pointless as an episode. The point of the finales up to this point is that they answer huge, series-hinging key questions we've been dying to know while also asking mind-blowing new ones.

In the first finale we met our first group of Others, went to the BlackRock and actually saw the Monster, finishing with a glimpse of the Hatch's depth.

In the second one we saw the Leg statue, found out Ben was the leader of the Others, found out the button-pushing was real and what happened when you didn't do it, found out about the arctic station and Penelope's search, saw Desmond's life and found out what crashed the plane.

Last year we had them make contact with the frieghter, see the first flashforward, and kill most of the Others, which isn't as much as before but the previous episode features Ben's back story, the Richard Alpert mystery and introduced us to Jacob.

What did this one answer? The person in the coffin, which all the characters already knew and had been hidden from us alone through camera angles. Shocking. The island moves, Jin dies, etc..... they told us this stuff was going to happen already. The only thing resembling a question is "what's the deal with the frozen room".... THAT'S IT?

This wasn't a LOST finale. This was a regular cliffhanger, same as every episode, in fact, less than most. I want a LOST finale. I want LOST back.
I agree that it should have had more of an oomph to it, but it was still quality stuff...

I think the show has been climbing uphill since the season 2 lows, consistently too. Not every episode is great, but I think Season 3 and 4 have been much better than 1 and 2.

Maybe describe what you mean by wanting lost back a bit better?
At least Season 3's wasn't packed with stock tension and filler. The Whispers? Again? With no explanation or effect on the plot? Seriously?

It worked great in Kate's scene, but in the jungle it was just like come on....

I think Season 3 and 4 have been much better than 1 and 2.

I have no response to this. Maybe Proj will.

Maybe describe what you mean by wanting lost back a bit better?

Well first of all I think the flash-forwards have gone a long way towards ruining the show by telling us ahead of time who survives, what they remember and that they'd already accomplished the incredible things we've longed to see them do for years(Sayid and Nadia.... I want to punch the writers for spoiling that for me)completely detracting from the previously staggering catharical impacts which used to make the show what it was.

I want the mood and quality of the show to be back how it was in the first two seasons. I miss the mystery. I miss the character's being relatable because they were lost too, not in on huge chunks of post-island life we know nothing about. I miss not having to cope with amaturish-seeming time travel stuff.

What I really miss, though, is every single episode being a carefully crafted piece in the puzzle of the season and series, without stupid, manipulitave filler like Jack's appendix and Jin's flashforward secretly being a flashback(wow, you control a perspective and thus can pull fast ones. Congratulations, former writers of the best drama on television). It's second-rate stuff that LOST never should have sunk to.
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I should correct my statement to say much better than the second season, a little better than the first. Some things I liked about the first season, but they started to wear on me.... Most of the second season still wears on me, although it gets better towards the end.
You have to keep in mind that this season was butchered by the writer's strike. There was a lot that was probably cut out or condensed in these last few episodes that would've been elaborated on given more episodes.

That being said, though, I can see good points on both sides of the argument. I thought the flash forwards continued the development of the show, not allowing it to get stale due to the flashbacks reiterating what we've already seen and heard about the characters already. The flash forwards did, however, lost emotional impact and deliverance of shocking points because the way that writers prioritized certain things revolved around who survived, who got off the island. The people who got off the island shouldn't have been the nuclaeas, but it should've been this lie... And what terrible things happened as a result of them leaving?

Another thing - Charlotte. She was supposedly born on the island that doesn't allow pregnant women to survive once they are in their 3rd trimester or whatever. What does this mean for the mythology now?

Too much stuff has happened in this episode and the season in general and I don't have enough time to talk about it. I am ****ing confused and disappointed. I don't know. I'm not sure what I feel now. It's a completely different show now, and it shouldn't be.

Frozen wheel. WTF. I remember reading way back in the beginning of Season 4 when the writers mentioned their codeword for the big season finale twist was "frozen donkey wheel". I didn't think it would be so literal... it looked like something out of Golden Compass or Narnia. WTF.

Michael. So pointless. Jack could have at least meet up with him just so we could see his reaction.

Christian. Claire. What the ****. What is happening?

Keamy. I liked him. He was a great villain.

Locke. You stupid dick. Why are you in a ****ing coffin? Argh.

Desmond. At least he got a happy ending. Unless he gets killed off by Widmore for no reason.

Jin's dead. Lame. He'll probably be found by Faraday and those crappy background guys. I've got no idea where they're supposed to go though.

Sawyer and Juliet are going to be Ka-Zar and Shanna.

I can't remember what else happened. I didn't really like this season. Too much weird ****. Not enough episodes to explain whatever's happening.

This format doesn't fit Lost at all. I don't like it. I'm going to go watch Walkabout. That was what Lost should be.

EDIT: Season 5 is about why they have to go back. I presume it will focus mainly on the island and what the people are doing there. Season 6 is about how they get back.
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Michael. So pointless. Jack could have at least meet up with him just so we could see his reaction.

Entirely. Michael's subplot has dragged my opinion of this season way, way down.
So much...wasted. And in the end, utterly worthless. If Jacob didn't want the O6 off the island, why did he order Ben to give Michael a dummy bomb in the first place?

Super plot hole there.
Entirely. Michael's subplot has dragged my opinion of this season way, way down.
So much...wasted. And in the end, utterly worthless. If Jacob didn't want the O6 off the island, why did he order Ben to give Michael a dummy bomb in the first place?

Super plot hole there.

I stopped thinking about this show a long time ago. It just angers and confuses me now.
Good point S&P. Can you imagine them pulling **** like that back in the first two seasons? A character couldn't blink without it turning into a pivitoal, heart-wrenching, series-improving moment a month later.

Also, the original, unused teleplay for the first scene of the pilot of LOST. It's pretty interesting and not too long. Some of the changes are stunning.